Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Hi all. Hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

Hopeful- I'm gutted to hear your Dh is not giving you the love and support you deserve. Has it always been this way or do you feel like its a response to having 2 new little people in your lives? Is he open to counseling?? Many many :hugs:

Kat- yikes! That's horrible about your peel. I'm glad to hear the company was responsive though. Hope it clears up soon. YAY to 4 hours sleep!!! Eva's been improving too the last few days... I'm so afraid it won't last!

Davies- it sucks Lexi has been so unsettled. I hope things get easier on you both soon. LOVE the pics... She's such a stunner.

Hoping- sounds like a hellish car trip:( How's beautiful Penny doing?

Heart- I don't remember if the report included rice milk... Something to look into. I hope Delilah's feeling better.

Afm- dh's trip was postponed (he still had to go, but not for a week or so) so we went out Sat night- dinner and the theatre . Sooooo nice.
Eva has slept for 4.5 hour and 5 hour stretches the last 2 nights from about 8:30 to 1am. Then 2:30 to 5. Then 5:30 to 6:30 but in bed with me on the boob for this last stretch. It's a huge improvement and I'm terrified I'm jinxing it by even bringing it up. Everything crossed it sticks!
Hi ladies sorry I've not been posting either! Have been reading but getting disturbed by a little person when I go to post!!!

Kat - that sounds scary I'm glad it's getting better and yay to a bit of sleep!

Hopeful - hugs darling I hope things get better, we have been arguing TONS too but I'm hoping its just short fuses and nothing serious.

Hoping - I hope they match u soon you are doing such a wonderful thing!

Sara your weekend date sounds fab!!!

Davies - lexi is adorable!! I especially love that black and white picture of her!!! I hear you on being unsettled 2 nights ago I was up 6 times!! But last night thankfully he went from 7pm-7am with a little shout in the middle of the night which I ignored and a dummy at 6am. Hoping this was not a 1 off!!!!!
Afm- have had a couple of down days, arguing with the other half and just feeling low and no motivation, I'm wondering if its hormones. Anyway feeling a bit better today. Took Alfie swimming for first time Sunday and he loved it!!! He is enjoying his solids - pear, apple, mango, banana, sweet potato, potato, avocado, swede, parsnip, carrot, porridge and baby rice so far but he's really gone off his milk. As u know he's always been a fussy eater but sometimes he turns his head away and refuses a whole bottle! He will drink his milk when he's really hungry though! Anyone else that is weaning find this?
Good morning!!

Last week was amazing with Zoe's baptism and all the in-laws and friends over!!

Davies: Lexi is such a cutie. What a precious little baby:cloud9: She's growing up so fast!!!

Hope: So sorry to hear about you and your DH. men are so hard to understand at times. I really hope things will turn around and get better, and soon!! You're a great woman and a wonderful mom, you deserve better!!

Hoping: I would have loved to see Penny in the toilet:haha: I guess kids are always full of surprises.

KatM: love your new profile picture!! You look very happy :)

Mrskg and Fitzy: Welcome to MARL:happydance:

Zoe is doing great. I just discovered that slow flow nipples are too slow for her (just like breastfeeding). She now uses fast flow nipples and went from drinking 1oz to 2-3 oz every 2.5-3 hours (sometimes 4), even at night. Hoping this is a growth spurt; I'm confident she'll be able to sleep for 4 hours at night soon enough. Today is a 2nd wedding anniversary. My mom will keep Zoe for the night, so we'll have dinner and a full night of sleep!!
Kat- I will certainly make sure to spot test first. I’m glad your complaint was met with great customer service. Let’s hope those scabs fall away asap so you can get your glowing results! 4.5 hours is great improvement! Keep it up baby Grey:thumbup:

Davies- I hope the teething episode/cold goes away soon. Enjoy every minute of your last 5 weeks. Lexi is a doll! I just love her plump cheeks. Yeah at Penny’s 15 month check up I believe she was 20lb 1oz and 31 inches long. She has been around the 18-20lb mark since about 7/8 months. Once she started walking and crawling it got harder for her to pile on the pounds. She is definitely looking more like a little girl… I miss the chubby baby phase. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Sara- Yay for getting sleep as well! Hopefully it just gets better and better. Dinner and the theater sounds like just what you needed. Thanks for asking about Penny. We picked her up from her grandparents yesterday (she was there while I went to NM on business). I missed her so much and she was so excited to see me. She kept erupting in giggles and clapping. She sat in the back seat and kept saying “mom, mum,mom.”

Bumpy- I’m sorry you are feeling down. It could definitely be hormones. I’ve been feeling pretty low myself and am feeling less than adequate these days. DH is very encouraging which makes me feel even worse and sorry for him.

How fun! I loved seeing Penny’s face the 1st time she went swimming. Are you thinking of putting him in baby swim lessons?

Melfy- how wonderful to have all your family and friends together to celebrate your daughter. Enjoy your anniversary especially the full night of sleep!
Hi ladies, so much to remember and catch up on...

Hopeful, Im sorry to read that your husband isnt the best to you, you clearly deserve better. Its so hard though especially when children are involved, you need all of the help that you can get from him but at the same time you need him to be good to you aswell. I hope its just a hard patch that you's get through but if not so many people stay together for the children but Im not sure if thats always best. I know its the scariest thing though to imagine splitting up and being by yourself especially if you've been together for long and built up a life with someone.

Kat, thats really bad about the reaction to your peel, wow I guess that meant hiding indoors for a few days! Glad to hear that its getting better though. I've kind of experienced similar before where I exfoliated my face far too hard and trhen applied moisturiser and it stung like mad and made my skin all peel off and flakey..nice!
Sounds like Grey is definetely starting to get into better sleep routine, long may it continue!

Sara, your date night sounds great and definetely well deserved, you should try and do it more often if possible.

Bumpy, I think its completely normal to have down days, I know that I do and I blame it on hormones. Sometimes there is just no particular reason as to why you should feel down as you know everything in your life is good at that time but you still cant shake the feeling. I felt quite tearful on Sunday for some reason and when Emelia was unsettled and crying lots in teh evening I felt like I just wasnt coping with it and normally Im fine. Im sure it passes soon and we're coming into better Spring weather which will be good for getting out and about walking with prams etc. Swimming sounds like a good thing to get Alfie involved in

Hoping, how cute to hear Penny giggling non stop. It sounds like your surrogacy plan has came to a bit of a standstill right now, I hope you get more interest soon. It would be amazingf if you could do it for a BnB girl on here, there is so many people out there that are desperate.

Davies, Lexi is a stunner, Oh thats not so good that your back at work soon, I completely dread it!

Things have been pretty good for us, the Gaviscon started getting produced again and we got it on Saturday and Emelia is back to normal pretty much and so much happier.
I treated her to a new hat yesterday, I just love the big pom poms.

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Kat- sorry to hear about that peel! At least the company is being good about making it up to you. Yay for 4+ hour sleeping!!!

Sara- nice you get some extra time with DH before he leaves. Your date sounds heavenly! Yay for more sleep too! :)

Davies- Lexi is gorgeous! Love her juicy little lips! Hope she feels better soon!

Hopeful- sorry to hear your DH isn't treating you well. It can be hard after you've built a life with someone to imagine life without them in it but, as others have said, you do deserve better and life's too short to be with anyone that doesn't treat you with all the love and respect a partner should :hugs: My dad was an emotionally and verbally abusive alcoholic when he was with my mom and it took her 15 years to finally leave him. She said she was worried about us kids not having their parents together but we all tell her now she should've left sooner. I was also married before and he cheated on me and was very remorseful and wanted to work it out but I knew myself well enough to know I could never be with him after that betrayal so I divorced him and I've found greener pastures. It was very hard at the time to make that decision, but I never looked back and I know now it was the best decision for me.

Bumpy- I think we all have those down days :/ I blame the hormones too! Yay for swimming :) I cant wait to take B to the pool!

Hoping- sorry you had to drive through bad weather. It's so scary driving in blizzard conditions. So cute that Penny missed you so much :)

Melfy- your anniversary date sounds lovely. Enjoy yourselves!

Just- Emelia looks so cute! :) glad she got her gaviscon back too :thumbup:

DH got the job! I'm so happy for him but its bittersweet too. I've had him here at home helping me since B was born and now he's going to be out of town a lot and possibly even out of state for this new job. He started today and is working only about 2 hours away from here but the owner kept stressing that he'd have to be okay with being away from home for this job. It's not just the help I'll miss either. We've been spending so much time together, I'm going to miss the companionship too :( I just have to suck it up though and know this is a good thing for all of us. I hope I don't go too crazy being a sahm by myself! Bay has been fussy the last couple days and wanting to eat more than usual. She'll be 3 months in 2 days so I'm guessing this is the 12 week growth spurt :dohh: she has been sleeping pretty good though. Like Kat and Sara's LOs, she does 4-5 hour stretches. She even did a 4 hour in her very own bassinet the night before last :D she is still doing good at her day naps too. She takes about 2 naps that are 2-3 hours long. I try to get things done during her day naps & even get some time to myself too :) She is grabbing at our hands and her toys, holds both her hands together now, and gets all hyper when she's excited an kicks vigorously and squeals and talks a lot of baby gibberish :haha: she's getting cuter by the minute! She still dislikes tummy time and being burped but we make her do both anyways.
I noticed I had ewcm when I wiped yesterday. First time is seen that in awhile. Wonder if that means AF is coming soon?
Hi All,

Lexi is so cute. Glad there is another biggie on the board.

That sounds like a dreamy date night. We moved our sushi night up to Saturday night. What a mistake! Grey cried most of the time and then the entire 30 min drive home. I was crying and had a horrible time. Plus the sushi was expensive and was horrible. This is a place I have been going for a decade and know the chef.

Yay for Eva sleeping better. Let's hope our 2 keep it up.

So sorry things at hone are rough with DH. It's a lot to adjust to having a LO in the house. Let's hope it is a rough patch. Are you two communicating?
I did not know Alfie hated milk so much. Yay for him eating food so well.

Have a wonderful anniversary!

What a cute hat. Great news on the Gavicson. I went out with the scabs on my face. Had dr's appt for Grey and was stir crazy on Sat.

Yay for DH!!! BUT I totally understand how scary it must be for DH to not be there all the time anymore. I am afraid of DH not working from home.

Baby Grey slept 5 hours in a row in his swing!!! Then 2. Then 1.
My face looks much better. Thanks for the support surrounding this.
Kat- yay for 5 hours! That's great :) sorry about the less than ideal sushi date :/ it is hit and miss with B when we try lunch or dinner out. It is very frustrating when they're fussing real bad in public :hugs:
How has it been on your own today? Grey loves holding his own hand too. How long would DH be gone on projects for? I know you will manage.
Kat- it has gone pretty good so far. I fed Bay off and on all morning. Had to do laundry because she had a blowout and her diaper leaked onto our bed sheets :dohh: went on a stroll since its nice out today and she's been napping on the dryer ever since. I do miss my OH though :( Not sure about how long, maybe just the week days on some weeks, but could be a month or longer depending on where they send him. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to get a shower when it's just me and the babe. Any ideas???
While she is napping might be the only time. Or if you put her on the floor with her favorite toys and take the quickest shower ever. Grey will sit in his bouncer chair for a few minutes with no fussing, sometimes longer. Does Bay have one?

Yikes, a month would be so hard! I know you two are very close.

My dad was verbally and physically abusive, and I wish my mom would have divorced him long ago. I still have to see him since they are still married. I second your staying together for the kids is not always the best choice.
She has a bouncer and loves to sit in it on vibrate for about 20-30 mins. I thought about putting her in that in the bathroom and just make sure the shower isn't too steamy I guess. I'm just afraid of showering during her naps and having her wake up screaming and me not know. Sorry your dad was a jerk too :/ mine had gotten better in his old age but there's still some resentment and tension there. Probably always will be. I hope your dad isn't still being abusive to your mom :(
Definitely take the bouncer into the bathroom and leave the door open, so the steam escapes. She will be fine. My dad was never abusive towards my mom. Just my sister and me.
Mine is better in his old age too, but I will never like or respect him. I can't even imagine beating Grey. I'll have to watch my verbage though because I have been guilty of calling DH names and do NOT want to lose my temper and ever do that to Grey (or DH) when he is older. I've called DH idiot, stupid, and asshole. Something I need to eliminate. It isn't often, but I don't want this behavior affecting the baby.
thanks girls.

kat - i like your bluntnes. that is crazy about your dh and grey having a radiator - glad he snapped out of it.

tuckie - i had no clue you were divorced, what a bunch of sh.t to go through. happy you found a good guy now

Sara- glad ur dh gets to stay home for now.
Love the pics just and Davies. Reading and wish I could do a proper reply to everyone.
Bumpy- mine still drink their formula. Around 30 oz a day. I want to try making some baby food though, just giving them gerber second foods now
Sorry u and dh have been arguing too. It is so draining.

It has been this way before kids but not nearly as much as now. He likes to control things I think because he thinks if he doesn't then bad things would happen (which nothing would) but he needs to stop it because its too much to handle. And he thinks he is perfect and nobody else does things better so he criticizes and blames.
Bluntness is a main trait of mine. DH likes it too because he always knows where I stand and I do not play games.

I'm guessing the extra stress from having the twins is exasperating your DH's already controlling ways. I hope it isn't too extreme. He sound very fear driven and is afraid if it is not his way then everything will go to hell. I have this in me too, but it is not easy to live with. I hope he can see how hurtful this is and work on it, but he will only do so if he chooses to. You deserve to be happy. I don't know what your current situation is really like, but you deserve to be happy and feel cherished and safe.
Bumpy- Hope your mood picks up and the bickering with dh fades. its wonderul that Alfie slept rom 7 to 7... You're giving me hope for the future! Sounds like you had a great swim day!! I can't wait to take Eva swimming... the baby swim group at my gym is from 6 months.

Melfy- Happy anniversary! Hurray for a full nights sleep!

Hoping- Aww... It must be amazing to see Panny be so excited and affectionate when you got home

Just- Glad you got the Gaviscon back. Emelia looks adorable in her new hat!

Tuckie- Congratulations on Dh's new job. The time apart will be rough though... my dh travels for work a lot and I can sympathize. I shower when Eva's playing in her bouncer. I put it just outside the bathroom door, so I can see and hear her but she's doesn't get steamy. You can also take a bath during nap time and bring the monitor. You'll hear her if she starts to wake up. Bay sounds like she's really thriving! Wonderful that she takes long naps!

Kat- Uggg- So sorry your sushi date didn't go well:(

afm- Eva did not have a great night and we've been up since 4:30. Ugggg
Hi ladies, sorry I haven't been around much, Levi has been desperately trying to crawl already and its driving us all crazy! He is so determined but just too little to get it together at the moment.

Davies - Loved the pics of Lexi, such a sweetheart!

Jodi - Glad you are getting support on here. Sounds like you are in a good mind set to make the best decisions day to day about what is best. I hope that you can work something out. I honestly cant imagine the stress you must be under.

Kat - glad you are healing up, what a horrible thing to go through with that dodgy peel. Glad they made it right. And great news bout Grey sleeping so much better at night! There is light at the end of the tunnel.

Tuckie - Good news about the job but sorry that you are going to be missing him. I am sure it will take some getting used to but I know you will do great. I brought the bouncer into the bathroom for Levi when he was little and he was fine. Before he was rolling and moving, I also brought the activity mat/gym in. He loved that thing and would play for ages happily so that gave me time to shower and get ready.

Hi to the rest of you, sorry if I missed you!

afm - Levi had the bad reaction to his flu shot and has been teething so much even though there are no teeth on the horizon. I just posed a new blog with recent pics of my bubs here is the link
The truth about marriage:
Hi all. Just a quick hello to let you all know I am reading and keeping up with you all.

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