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Hey Mismig- I'd been wondering where you were. How are Louis and Edie doing? Are you getting any sleep? Did you find a new house yet?
Hi ladies, hope all is well...

Tuckie, it will be a shock to the system Im sure when your hubby is at work now but you'll soon get into your new routine. I'd also recommend taking Bay into the bathroom in her bouncy chair or car seat I have done that too or else shower whilst she naps.

I love how we can be so honest on here aswell. Kat and Tuckie teh way you guys mentioned about your dads. My dad is great overall with us (his children) but I have so many memories of how badly he would speak to my mum and then give her days on end of silent treatment which is mental abuse! It then came out that he'd been having an affair a few years back which had been going on for a while. When the reality of it came that they were going to split up it was scary as I felt that it takes away any security that I had with my mum and dad being together. In the end they stayed together and my dad is actually a changed man towards my mum and us as he realised what he nearly lost. But it will always still be there the resentment towards him for it!

I just had the health visitor in there to assess Emelia. She got weighed and is now 13lbs 7oz. She has only gained 2 lbs in 6 weeks and has dropped a per centile on the charts! She was in teh 75th per centile and now only 50th per centile. They reckon its with the amount of diarrhoea that she had last week but want to monitor it and I've to take her weekly to get weighed now. She is definetely alert etc. and well but I wish she'd put on more weight. At my baby sensory class the boys are overtaking her and one lady in particular keeps making comment about how petite Emelia is but Im starting to worry about it. She is obviously missing out on few feeds now that she is sleeping from 11pm until 8am through the night.
I wouldn't worry too much just, they will start to put on weight a lot slower now than when they were a newborn.
Alfie is only @15lb and the health visitors aren't worried at all they think he looks healthy. She looks healthy and happy to me - I love the recent pics x
Thanks Bumpy, that is reassuring. I can see why initially you would think that Alfie is quite light aswell in comparison to other babies,but I now realise just how the weight gain slows right down and that 15lbs is normal, your absolutely right in that aslong as they are still healthy and taking feeds overall.
It really is the worst thing to make comparisons between babies weights/gains. Even when I was telling my sister today she said that my niece (who is now 4) never got weighed at this age and also they didnt use the percentile charts for her, the only thing that she was concerned about is that a baby looks well and healthy in themselves.

I was thinking to myself aswell how Emelia is constantly punching and kicking out her arms and legs getting excited and thats obviously burning energy aswell instead of just being a newborn sleeping constantly!
Hi All.

Isn't it exciting that we both never can predict how much sleep we will get? Hahaha. That sucks about Eva not sleeping well. I used to literally feel sick in my stomach at night because of the unpredictable night ahead. Things have been better lately, though my longest stretch last night was 3 hours and I slept 1.5 of those hours. It's gotten better for both of us, so I am going to focus on that.

I see that Levi really is almost crawling. He is even on all fours. What a cutie muffin.
Thanks for letting us know about the flu shot. I was not planning on giving it, but after Levi had a reaction I googled it and it seems to be common. Apparently there is a single dose flu shot that you can ask for that is better than the bulk doses that drs will give otherwise if you choose to give it again in the future.

It was probably the poopy issues that E has been having. I know when I have that issue, I dont feel like eating. 2lbs in 6 weeks is not bad though. Excuse my ignorance, but can't you just give her more formula or is she refusing it?

Grey's longest stretch was 3 hours last night and I slept half of that.

He has suddenly stopped rolling over from his tummy to back. He will just stay on his tummy and cry for me to turn him over. is this normal? anyone else have this?

He is as active as ever... loves sitting up like a big boy by holding onto my thumbs. He does baby crunches to sit himself up. He has amazing neck control and also, like Emilia, kicks and punches all day long, esp. while breast feeding.
Kat- Eva and Grey do seem to be following very similar patterns... she stopped rolling over a few weeks ago. I honestly think it has to do with how much weight she's gained. she was a skinny baby when she started rolling at 6 weeks (3rd percentile) now she's quite a bit chunkier (50th percentile). Whatever the reason, I mentioned it to my pediatrician and he was wholly unconcerned.
Last night she slept in her basket 8-11:30 (I slept at 9:30), 12:30-2:45, 3:30-5 then 5:30-6:30 in bed with me on the boob.

Just- I wouldn't worry about Emelia's weight too much (easier said than done!). It's really normal for them to slow down and she gained VERY quickly in the beginning! Eva's just over 12 pounds now and very active and healthy.

Croy- Hope Levi's flu shot reaction wears off quickly. Boo to teething but no teeth:(
Thanks ladies for the reassurance. What we have started doing since last night is giving Emelia an extra scoop of formula in her bottle to bulk up the calories as we read online that you can do that. The problem is she is not wanting to finish a whole bottle these days.
She is too nosey when the TV is on or people talking she just keeps turning her head, also punching and kicking her legs and pushing the bottle out of her mouth.
This morning for example she has only taken 2oz from her bottle then refusing it, and she must be starving as she's slept from 11pm until 7am.

I think its this whole per centile thing that is confusing really. Sara you've mentioned Eva being about 12lbs and in the 50th per centile and so is Emelia in the 50th at 13lbs 7oz.
50th per centile is obviously right in the middle and average so not a concern at all surely! The nurse just said that they need to monitor why she's went from the 75th per centile to the 50th.

Sara and Kat, you's definetely had early rollers. Emelia only done it for the first time two nights ago. I left her on the bathroom floor on top of towels and quickly nipped to get something, when I got back she had rolled right on her side almost her front. I put her back onto her back and watched her for a while and there was no stopping her she kept rolling onto her tummy. It was funny to watch her as it was the first time and I think it was because she was stripped down to her nappy and light, I think clothes def. restrict them at times.

We had a good evening with Emelia last night with no crying or upset and I put this down to taking her a walk between 5-6pm. I really think fresh air does wonders. She was so contented the whole evening and smiling away, the night before was terrible again for crying.

Sara, Eva is clearly sleeping quite a bit through the night now all be it with lots of interruptions inbetween where she is waking but it sounds like she will start to sleep through soon.

The point of my health visitor coming out yesterday was actually to discuss weaning, Im looking forward to it now.
Wow ladies busy busy on here, lexi indeed is big I think she's 73cm (28 1/2 inches!) so she's going to be tall!!

Sara yay for 5 hour sleep must feel so good.... Xx

Bump sounds like Alfie's doing well, I have two nephews called Alfie, my sister has an Alfie an my sil has an Alfie they are both good eaters an want food!!!! Complete opposite to lexi!!sayinb that she's taken to baby led weaning! She's had avocado toast with dairy free butter, nectarine, pepper, banana an cod an so far done very well but is more experimenting than eating!! X

Melfy pleased Zoe's doing well, lexi was much better with fast flow nipples to, my hv recommended them early as she got frustrated x

Just if u get stuck ever I think I have some gaviscon somewhere, I'm not sure how quickly it goes out of date but I can check, love emelias Pom Pom hat, gorgeous an so is she xx

Mrs mig hope ur ok x

Croy lexi is desperate to crawl to she does huge press ups she wriggles backwards, pulls. Her knees up but just can't coordinate it all!! It's hard work an teeth!! Lexi hasn't got any still!! X

Tuckie I always took lexi in the bathroom with me! She would sit in her vibrating chair an sleep or watch the water, the steam is good to clear there nose if its blocked to. X

Afm all good weights coming off slowly, lexi has a good night then a bad night! My brother in law is in a coma, as we speak we don't no why, he basically thought he had flu his breathing was bad he was taken to hospital with suspected pneumonia then they thought it maybe legionnaires disease, yesterday about 5am my sister got a call to say you need to come back to the hospital he's not good! He slipped into a coma an is on a ventilator, really not good, he's a fireman doesn't smoke rarely drinks an goes to the gym very active!! The nhs have actually been fab an he's on high dependancy so he has a doctor an a nurse with him 24/7 which is brilliant! There doing major tests this morning so hoping to no more later!! Doesn't rain it pours!! Xx
Oh god Davies that sounds awful, thinking of u and your family.

Just - Alfie does that with his milk and its hot worse since he's on solids, its like he's bored of it and has no interest! The only time I can get him to have a decent amount is his first one of the day when he will take 6-7 oz. he only has 4 bottles a day now as he has 3 solid meals and sleeps from 7pm-7am so no night feeds but the other 3 bottles he will have a little and then turn his head away or pull or push the bottle out or play with the teat but not drink it! Some bottles he will only have 2-3oz! I have to mix it with his food like mashed potato or porridge to try and get more milk down him!!!!

Anyone tried the 30 day shred?i bought the DVD and started it yesterday so I'm on day 2 - I'm enjoying it but hurting already lol!!!
Melfy, sorry I also meant to reply about the teats. My health visitor told me to move onto level 2 teats when Emelia was 2 weeks old, she said that the slower teats cause lots of wind because they have to work extra hard to get milk out.

Davies, that is really awful about your brother in law, very frightening how that can just happen to someone, I hope he pulls through it. It will be such a tough time for the family.
It sounds like Lexi is having quite a variety of food which is a good thing, trial and error I can imagine.
I have a chart in Emelia's personal health record folder which actually gives you an estimation of how tall your child is going to be, its when they are between the ages of 2-4 you measure them and then it gives an estimation, quite interesting.

Bumpy, that is exactly what Emelia does what you describe! So far today she has only consumed 8oz!!
Im actually writing it down today for the first time as I want to monitor this.
at 7.30am - 4oz
10.30am 1oz!!
1.30 - 3oz
As you say its seems like its complete boredom with the milk now but she's not crying hungry or anything.

I have a very happy girl today, she's sitting in her bouncy chair as I type and everytime I make eye contact with her she is staring at me and giving me big smiles haha, also doing lots of giggling now when I speak right in front of her.
Tuckie- Congrats to your DH for landing the job. I hope it doesn’t take him away from you too much. like some of the other girls mentioned I also brought Penny into the bathroom with me while I showered. I would just put her in her bouncer. Now I just do it when Tim is home or she is sleeping because she gets into everything and loves to throw towels, toilet paper or whatever she can find into the tub. She even climbed in once with all of her clothes still on :dohh:

Croy- sorry your little guy had a bad reaction to the flu shot. I’ll go check out your blog:thumbup:

Kat- I’m sure Grey not wanting to roll is normal. He is still so young and rolled quite early. I think Penny was like 4 months before she rolled. He seems very active and I love the image of him doing baby crunches.

Just- I agree with the other girls. As long as she seems happy and healthy I would say it is normal. I’m sure she will have another leap in weight when she hits the next growth spurt. Love the Pom Pom picture!

Davies- avocado toast was also a staple in Penny’s weaning menu. She loved it! I am so sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. It must be so hard especially since no one saw it coming. HUGE :hugs: to you and your family

Bumpy- it sounds like you have a good little sleeper and eater. 4 bottles seems sufficient and plus you are sneaking some into his food too. Good luck with the 30 day shred.

Hi to everyone I missed! I hope you are all doing well with your gorgeous babies.

AFM- Some how I got a stomach bug the other day. Penny was so good to me when I got home. She could tell I was not feeling well so was nice enough to lay in bed with me and watch cartoons. Every so often she would look at me and stroke my face or pat my back. She even threw in a few hugs and kisses. She tried making me laugh a few times and it worked like a charm. She would softly bonk her head on the wall and say “ouch” and at one point she got on all fours and would back her little booty into my head and do it over and over while she cracked up :haha:. She was a gem during dinner and even helped make it (she put pasta in the water one by one). I was too weak/tired to carry her around so I would just tell her to grab her bottle and meet me down stairs or when it was time for her bath she knew what to do and met me in the bathroom and practically undressed her self. I just love that little girl to pieces:cloud9:.

This weekend we are going to a mustache and bow tie 1st birthday party. Lucky for me Tim has plenty of bow ties to choose from. I have to go buy Penny one and get some thing to paint a mustache on her. Saturday is also Dr. Seuss’ birthday. Last year was green eggs and ham in a box so this year is green eggs and ham with a fox. I plan to make green eggs and ham breakfast burritos and take Penny to the zoo to eat by the fox exhibit:thumbup:.

The 26th was also our BFP anniversary! Its crazy that just two years ago Penny was a just a tiny ball of cells and now is a tiny ball of energy and full on little person with her own ideas and personality. she is amazing:cloud9:
Davies- so so sorry about you bil. Praying the doctors find out what's wrong and cab help him. What a stressful time. Sounds like Levi and lexi are in very similar stage, no teeth and trying to figure out crawling. At first I wanted to discourage him midi g so soon but now I am realising that he will probably be frustrated and unsettled until he has it figured out so I'm doing what I van to help him. I can see him on the video moitor every time he wakes up he pops right up and starts practising! It leads to crappy naps or at least it takes a long time for him to settle. Does lexi have a hard time settling now she's wanting to be mobile?

Bumpy- I have the 30 day shred DVD. I have never managed to actually do it for 30 days but I have done or for s couple of weeks a few times and it seemed to get some lbs shifted. I am a work out wuss however. I have about 15lbs that I just can't seem to shift post baby. I have an elliptical that I try and do 30 mins on as much as I can but its tough to find time in the day and by the time hubby is home I have no energy or motivation left. I am slightly more motivate now though with our barbasdos vacation booked for this summer and I know I will be in a swim suit! I started signing on to which helps me keep track of what I'm eating. I always eat more than my allotted calories because I'm nursing but recording things helps me be more disciplined.

Hoping - sorry you have been sick,so glad penny was ssuch a sweetheart. She sounds Luke such great company. Hope you are fully recovered now.

Have to go help Levi Falk asleep now....
Croy- just had a peek at your blog. Levi is so adorable and your post had me in tears! I loved it
Davies- I'm so sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. It's incredibly scary that something like that can happen out of the blue. I hope his recovery is equally sudden. :hugs:

Hoping- I got sentimental and weepy just reading about Penny being so thoughtful and affectionate while you were sick. I especially loved her antics to keep make you laugh. I can't wait for Eva to reach that stage and yet I can't bear for her to grow up at all.
Hi All.

Many prayers for your BIL. How scary. Hope you all get answers soon.

Thanks hon for the reassurance about the rolling. I "forced" him to do it today. I propped him up in baby push ups and gently pushed him over and applauded. The positive reinforcement did not make him do it on his own. It is reassuring to hear that your Dr was unconcerned. Yay for good sleep last night. Grey slept for 4.5 hours in stretch 1 (our best nightly) and I slept 3 of them! It was downhill from there.

Hopefully the double formula will do the trick.

He is just so eager to grow up and do all grown up things like eat. I never heard of 30 day shred, but googled it after you mentioned it.

I think you use bum genius as well. What do you do overnight?

Feel better soon hon. Penny is so sweet. You obviously taught her how to be sensitive and compassionate. I like the image of her pushing her bum back into your face.

I prop Grey on the Boppie and he will literally crunch himself to sitting by holding onto my thumbs. I don't even have to move anymore.

Nothing to report. My face is pretty much healed and the flesh bumps are fading. I have been using breast milk, LOL, all over my face. It is supposed to heal everything. Oh, and my hair started falling out everywhere.
Kat - We used Earth's Best disposables overnight at first but when he started sleeping longer stretches and I didn't want to change him with every wake up either, he would end up wet. We tried out huggies nighttime diapers and they work great. I keep meaning to look into cloth overnights and padding them more but I haven't had time. I am also not willing to give up sleeping time to change lots of diapers/PJ's through the night if they leak :)
I hope when he is feeding and waking less at night we will know what we are dealing with pee wise. He is a much heavier wetter and needs to be changed if he is up more. which makes sense but the other night he did a 7.5 hours stretch and then was up every 2 hours and his overnight was hardly wet at all for being in it for about 10 hours!!!

Sara - I keep forgetting to mention it but I love your profile picture. Such a sweetie and a great smile!!!

Levi finally went down but I think he needs to poop so we might be in for lots of grunting until he is able to go!! ha ha. He has started doing the full grunt, red face, watering eyes when he poops its so funny! :)
Just: Not a problem, gotta say I have a hard time keeping up with all those posts, and baby brain doesn't help lol. She is drinking more; she had 4 oz last night at 2:30 am and then slept until 7 this morning, drank another 3.5 oz and went back to sleep until 8:30 (and needless to say I did too:happydance:).

But poor thing is soooo gassy. Her face becomes red and she cries a little. She is not constipated at all. In fact, even with the formula her poop still looks like EBF poop, but I don't know what to do. She has gas even when there's only breastmilk in the bottle. I don't think it's the formula because she's been on it for a while and barely had any gas, so I'm thinking maybe she swallows too much air? I've heard good things about Dr Brown bottles for gassy babies, even though they're a pain to clean. Maybe I should try one and see if she likes it?

Hoping: Penny is so adorable. What a lovely child:cloud9:
Diaper Rash Question:

How do you keep your baby from getting diaper rash when they sleep the night? Do they stop pooping at night?

Last night was our first poop free night, but we still upset Grey by changing him 2 additional times more than necessary because we did not know. We heard gas and assumed he needed to poop. He screams his head off when we change him at night. Happy as can be during the day. We have to change him right away when he poops since he has sensitive skin. He has had 2 minor rashes even though we always use zinc and change him immediately. I'm afraid of him sitting in poop over night.
kat - mine didn't get diaper rash, we just changed them every time they ate (so every 2.5-3 hours) but disposbles though, not sure if that makes a difference?

croy - loved your blog post, had me in tears too

need to read back to see what happened to davies bro-in-law
KatM: i usually don't change her at night, she just wakes up too much and gets fussy. Only she has her typical explosive diaper, but she usually gets them during the day...good thing because it gets really messy:haha:

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