Tuckie- Congrats to your DH for landing the job. I hope it doesnt take him away from you too much. like some of the other girls mentioned I also brought Penny into the bathroom with me while I showered. I would just put her in her bouncer. Now I just do it when Tim is home or she is sleeping because she gets into everything and loves to throw towels, toilet paper or whatever she can find into the tub. She even climbed in once with all of her clothes still on
Croy- sorry your little guy had a bad reaction to the flu shot. Ill go check out your blog
Kat- Im sure Grey not wanting to roll is normal. He is still so young and rolled quite early. I think Penny was like 4 months before she rolled. He seems very active and I love the image of him doing baby crunches.
Just- I agree with the other girls. As long as she seems happy and healthy I would say it is normal. Im sure she will have another leap in weight when she hits the next growth spurt. Love the Pom Pom picture!
Davies- avocado toast was also a staple in Pennys weaning menu. She loved it! I am so sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. It must be so hard especially since no one saw it coming. HUGE

to you and your family
Bumpy- it sounds like you have a good little sleeper and eater. 4 bottles seems sufficient and plus you are sneaking some into his food too. Good luck with the 30 day shred.
Hi to everyone I missed! I hope you are all doing well with your gorgeous babies.
AFM- Some how I got a stomach bug the other day. Penny was so good to me when I got home. She could tell I was not feeling well so was nice enough to lay in bed with me and watch cartoons. Every so often she would look at me and stroke my face or pat my back. She even threw in a few hugs and kisses. She tried making me laugh a few times and it worked like a charm. She would softly bonk her head on the wall and say ouch and at one point she got on all fours and would back her little booty into my head and do it over and over while she cracked up

. She was a gem during dinner and even helped make it (she put pasta in the water one by one). I was too weak/tired to carry her around so I would just tell her to grab her bottle and meet me down stairs or when it was time for her bath she knew what to do and met me in the bathroom and practically undressed her self. I just love that little girl to pieces

This weekend we are going to a mustache and bow tie 1st birthday party. Lucky for me Tim has plenty of bow ties to choose from. I have to go buy Penny one and get some thing to paint a mustache on her. Saturday is also Dr. Seuss birthday. Last year was green eggs and ham in a box so this year is green eggs and ham with a fox. I plan to make green eggs and ham breakfast burritos and take Penny to the zoo to eat by the fox exhibit

The 26th was also our BFP anniversary! Its crazy that just two years ago Penny was a just a tiny ball of cells and now is a tiny ball of energy and full on little person with her own ideas and personality. she is amazing