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we do use pampers swaddlers sensitive and pampers sensitive wipes which probably helped too. we always changed them before they ate. we are venturing out and not doing sensitive diapers anymore though as they are more expensive

hi melfy!
Hope: hello:flower: How are things going with your DH? better I hope:hugs:
Hoping, how cute the image of Penny being so caring and rubbing your back and face, aww I cant wait for that, she sounds like such an adoreable little girl I have to say. Hope you feel better soon, thats not so good about your stomach bug.

Kat, I've been noticing that Emelia's nappies are absolutely saturated in the morning because she sleeps all night now, thinks its wose to try bed-time nappies .What people recommend doing in applying lots of barrier cream or even just vaseline to babies bottoms just before bedtime. Hopefully Grey will be fine even when he has sensitive skin. Emelia still has traces of a rash since last week the increase in diarrhoea defo. caused it. But normally she has been fine as we change her before every feed (need to do it before and not afterwards as we cant lie her down so quick or else she is sick).
Good news that your face is healed, got to love using the breastmilk on it haha, never realised it was such a good healer.

Croy, just read your journal and feel very emotional now!

Melfy, we also use the Dr. Brown bottles and I would recommend them, to be honest I dont find them a bother to clean Im so used to it now. They were so big though the bottles so at first I used normal avent bottles and they def. caused more wind.
We used level 2 teats for both Avent and Dr. Brown bottles.
Emelia is a very gassy baby aswell I have to say but you should try the Dr. Browns! Also if you find that infacol dosent help her to break wind then try colief. Its about £11 for the tiniest bottle but you can get it on prescription. Just some suggestions if Zoe wind is causing her a lot of grief.
Sounds like she is a good sleeper, you've landed lucky there and quite right to go back to sleep yourself! I used to always do that too. Nowadays I just get up at 7am when Emelia wakes, I used to always sleep until 10am.
Also Melfy, just read that you said Zoe poop is like EBF babies well so is
I actually googled images of different poop and whats normal or not and when I seen the image of breastfed poo that is exactly what Emelia's is like.

Emelia also was having the explosive nappies where it was coming out of the nappy and upto her shoulders, we had to throw out several baby vests and grows that were unsalvagable! It could just be the way their bowels are with the gas and all.

I used to dread it happening when out somewhere and would try and wait until she had a dirty nappy before taking her out for the day! We spoke to the doctor about it and actually handed in a poo sample but they didnt find anything wrong.
Sorry to hear about bro in law Davies, prayers r with him

I did p90 x some before and want to start again but too tired all the time
It's been better with dh yesterday so we will see...
Just: Sounds like Emelia and Zoe have a lot in common! I will def get one dr brown's bottle today! As for her poo, I'm not concerned. I guess it's normal for her: it has the right color, texture and smell, it's just very explosive:blush: It can go up to her belly-button, and when I try to change her, her cute little feet will obviously get dirty and sometimes, she'll poop again:haha:
Sara-yes she is very thoughtful and surprises me when I least expect her to be. I’m the same way… I can’t wait for Penny to reach other milestones but know I will be so sad at the same time. They grow so fast! It doesn’t seem that long ago she was a tiny little new born sleeping on my chest and keeping me up all hours of the night

Kat- I read that breast milk heals everything too. When Penny had an eye infection we were told to squirt some in her eye. It is a miracle worker! I hated when my hair started to fall out. It was highly annoying and didn’t stop for me until around the time Penny turned one. I have tons of little baby hair trying to catch up now.

Diaper rash- Penny never poops at night and hasn’t since she was in the new born stage. When she was super little and up during the night we would change her but mostly it was wet diapers so we would leave it unless it was soaking wet. Penny will sometimes stay dry all night long now and if she does happen to pee we leave it and change her first thing when she wakes up

Melfy- Zoe is sleeping pretty good for only being a month old:thumbup:. I hope your guys figure out what is causing her the gas discomfort. Yeah, she is a lovely child but also has her mini monster moments too. I think she just likes to keep us on our toes.
Thanks everyone. I was hoping they just stop pooping at night and that seems to be the case. We have been using 3 layers of zinc oxide and a fleece liner to wick away moisture into the cloth diaper.

We use the same sensitive skin wet wipes too.
i was in the best shape when I did P90X with DH, so was he. He had even better results with P90X2. I did not. Sadly, we don't have an hour or more for both of us at the same time anymore. I just try to squeeze in a quick workout daily.

Yikes, I did not realize the hair loss kept up for so long.

Grey is EBF and very gassy too. What I do is take my fingers on both sides of his belly and rub down 3 times. Then feet to head/chest and hold. Repeat. I do this till he stops farting. Make it into a game. Hope this helps.
Melfy I will second that dr browns bottles work well - defo give them a try!

Kat - Alfie doesn't poo at night either he only did that when newborn so yeah it might be just something they grow out of. I put on a superdry nappy at 7 and it stays on till 7 the next day with no leakages ever. He will wee a lot in the night but I just use lots of cream and it mostly gets absorbed as I use a nighttime nappy.

Just I hope this is not a sign of things to come with Emilia and she picks up with her bottles again. We have struggled with feeding with Alfie for months - colic, silent reflux, screaming fits for no reason, general disinterest in the bottle - it's not fun and can be quite stressful! Sometimes I have to distract him by putting him on his vibrating chair with kids tv on and he will suddenly start drinking - not ideal but it works!! He has defo started taking less milk since he has started solids though but I've heard that's normal.

Hoping - your little girl sounds wonderful - what a great kid. I love reading all your stories!

Hi croy! Hi Sara!

Hopeful - I'm glad u had a better day with DH

AFM - we are SOOO close to sitting unaided. He has been trying to do it for ages but had no balance, now he can manage it for a few seconds!
Davies- so sorry to hear about your BIL. How awful :hugs:

Melfy- maybe try some gripe water? We use dr browns bottles and they are a pain to clean but we rarely have gas/tummy problems so I think it's worth the extra time & you get used to it after washing them all the time.

Hoping- have fun at the party! Sorry you were sick but how cute that penny was being sweet for you :) my bfp anniversary is march 10th!

Croy- I will have to go check out your blog when I have time later. Lol @ red face & watery eyes when pooping. Bay gets them too :haha:

Kat- bay has a mild diaper rash from time to time. I always use desitin at night before we put her down for a stretch & it seems to work well as a barrier. We also use pampers sensitive wipes but regular swaddlers for diapers since the sensitive diapers are expensive. She just stopped popping at night a few days ago! I thought it was weird and then noticed every morning she'd have big pee diapers but no poop. I guess it's normal then. My hair has started to fall out now too :/

Just- I've had weight gain woes from the get go so I feel your pain! I have heard they go through phases of gaining less though. I'm sure she's perfectly healthy.

Can't believe all you that are able to make dieting and exercise a priority! I take B on strolls and we have hills but that's all I have time for! Good for you all that are able to work on getting back into shape though! :)

I'm sure I've forgotten things/people! Sorry!

Bay had an appt today and she's still only 9lb 5oz but pediatrician wasnt too concerned. He said she's always gaining, just a little slower, as she has been since birth (4.5-6oz/week). I was glad he wasnt too worried because im sick to death of being stressed over her weight! She is long & lean like her daddy. She loves to eat, is happy all day, hits all her milestones early or on time so im done with the weight-related anxiety. Told me to start giving her some vitamin drops so I picked some up at cvs. He said 1ml/day is good. Last night was terrible sleep for me :( B wanted to play and was fussy and bored most of the night. I don't know why she didn't want to sleep but she kept punching me and kicking me and whining. Needless to say, I slept pretty shitty and then she wanted a nap shortly after I finally got up and had coffee already :dohh: OH is out of town all week. He hopes to be home for the weekend. I miss him terribly. I did the bouncer in the bathroom while I showered and it worked out great :) thanks for the tips girls! :thumbup:
Just got a set of dr brown bottles, will try them tonight! I managed to get a set for 30$ CAN. 2-4oz bottles, 3-8oz bottles, caps, level 1 and 2 nipples. Since I only had 2 bottles anyway (she doesn't like the NUK one) and the AVENT I have just leaks, at least I'll have more bottles.

Tuckie: As long as she's gaining weight I'm sure everything's fine. Every baby is different, and genetic has a lot to do with it. Zoe is also skinny but long. I'm short and skinny, DH is tall and average weight. Hope you'll get more sleep:hugs:
Yay for Alfie sitting up on his own!
What night time nappie do you use? I might switch to a disposable night one when Grey actually sleeps through the night.

Boo for the hair falling out.
I think your attitude is healthy towards Bay's weight gain. The Dr is not worried and she eats like a champ. She most likely takes after your DH like you said. At least you don't have to clean all 3 of her chins like I currently do, LOL.

Happy 3 months!!! Can you believe it? Has your worrying completely gone away from pregnancy or is it carrying over into mommy hood? Mine is better, but has still carried over.

I feel for you Hon with your DH being away. I hope he can make it back for the weekend. It sounds like you have been managing, except last night was rough. You are doing a great job.
Hiya ladies its with amazement that I'm eventually joint u all here x Kody is perfect :cloud9: shes more amazing than I could have imagined x def def def worth the wait and all the heartache x


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Bumpy- I think you'll like the dr browns bottles. We've had no issues with them. She gets my expressed milk in them & 2oz formula most evenings in the dr browns too and she rarely gets gassy.

MrsK- congrats and welcome!!! She's adorable! :happydance: Kody is a very cute name too :)

Kat- thanks for your reassuring words :) I did forget to mention in my pp that B is 3 months old today! I can't believe it. It's surreal sometimes! Bay has 2 chins now lol she's getting there :thumbup: in regards to disposable diapers, we had better luck with pampers than huggies. She had more blowouts in the huggies but it could have just been that her legs were too skinny because the blowouts were always out the legs. I have a ton of size 1 huggies that I want her to use so I will give them another try with her somehwhat chunkier legs :haha: have you decided when you will wean Grey. The ped asked me today how long I planned to bf and I said at least 6 months. I am currently giving her 2oz of formula to top off my milk once in the evening on most nights (maybe 5nights/week). I'm wondering if I should increase it to 4oz formula/night now that she's older. The 2oz hasn't affected my supply because she still BFs all night anyways.

I have B the vitamin drops after I bf'd her tonight and she made a funny face like it was awful lol I think next time I'll mix it in a bottle instead.
Welcome. Yay for Kody.

My pediatrician gave me those vi sol vitamins and I think they must taste awful. I switched to 1 drops that you put on your nipple. It's Vit D right? Try the Baby d drops. Super easy and none of the artificial yuck in the one you have to give a whole ml of. Grey hates those and I read the ingredients and was like what is this shit. It had artificial color and flavor for my newborn. If you went to CVS you can return them.

I plan of BF for at least a year, but will introduce food after 6 months maybe 7.
MrsKG: She is adorable!!:cloud9: Massive congrats!!

So I tried dr brown bottle, and Zoe gladly drank a good 3 1/2 oz, which is very good!! The nipple is exactly the same one as the medela one, so she really likes it. Of course I'll have to try it a couple of times to make sure it really is working, but so far, no fussiness after her feeding:happydance: No red face, no painful look, no crying. Just one good little burp! She still has gas, but she's always had some gas, as long as they're not painful, I don't mind the smell. And the level 2 nipples are perfect for her:thumbup: I really hope this works!
Welcome mrskg! Kody is Gorgeous !

Tip on washing dr browns bottles (I roll through 21 a day) - update that this is because they eat 10-11 and then i make another 10-11 for daycare the next day

I threw that little disk in them, I thought it was part of the packaging but then read somewhere that they are optional to use
Here's the tip, hopefully u have a dishwasher...

Tuckie - sounds like Bay is doing great! Those drops suck, we used to do tri vi sol with iron
I forgot to update that my Godzilla baby weighs in at 14lbs 12 oz. DH wants me to stop being paranoid that he isn't eating enough breast milk, LOL.
That's brill Kat he weighs more than Alfie and he'll be 6 months next week!! Haha!

I like the pampers night time nappies although I have used Huggies too with no probs. they have stopped making Huggies in the uk now though so I guess I'll stick with pampers moving forward.

Tuckie congrats on DH job and happy 3 months to bay!

Welcome mrskg kody is gorgeous!!

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