Davies- so sorry to hear about your BIL. How awful
Melfy- maybe try some gripe water? We use dr browns bottles and they are a pain to clean but we rarely have gas/tummy problems so I think it's worth the extra time & you get used to it after washing them all the time.
Hoping- have fun at the party! Sorry you were sick but how cute that penny was being sweet for you

my bfp anniversary is march 10th!
Croy- I will have to go check out your blog when I have time later. Lol @ red face & watery eyes when pooping. Bay gets them too
Kat- bay has a mild diaper rash from time to time. I always use desitin at night before we put her down for a stretch & it seems to work well as a barrier. We also use pampers sensitive wipes but regular swaddlers for diapers since the sensitive diapers are expensive. She just stopped popping at night a few days ago! I thought it was weird and then noticed every morning she'd have big pee diapers but no poop. I guess it's normal then. My hair has started to fall out now too :/
Just- I've had weight gain woes from the get go so I feel your pain! I have heard they go through phases of gaining less though. I'm sure she's perfectly healthy.
Can't believe all you that are able to make dieting and exercise a priority! I take B on strolls and we have hills but that's all I have time for! Good for you all that are able to work on getting back into shape though!
I'm sure I've forgotten things/people! Sorry!
Bay had an appt today and she's still only 9lb 5oz but pediatrician wasnt too concerned. He said she's always gaining, just a little slower, as she has been since birth (4.5-6oz/week). I was glad he wasnt too worried because im sick to death of being stressed over her weight! She is long & lean like her daddy. She loves to eat, is happy all day, hits all her milestones early or on time so im done with the weight-related anxiety. Told me to start giving her some vitamin drops so I picked some up at cvs. He said 1ml/day is good. Last night was terrible sleep for me

B wanted to play and was fussy and bored most of the night. I don't know why she didn't want to sleep but she kept punching me and kicking me and whining. Needless to say, I slept pretty shitty and then she wanted a nap shortly after I finally got up and had coffee already

OH is out of town all week. He hopes to be home for the weekend. I miss him terribly. I did the bouncer in the bathroom while I showered and it worked out great

thanks for the tips girls!