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MrsKg thats fantastic news, congratulations and welcome to MARL. Kody is soo beautiful x
:yipee: Congratulations Mrskg! Welcome to the world Kody :yipee:

Bumpy- It's wonderful that Alfie's sitting up on his own... bet you're a proud mama:) You should post a pic!

Tuckie- Happy 3 months Bay! I think you've got a very healthy attitude about her weight! It can be so easy to obsess over everything, but in reality you can tell that your LO is healthy and you'd know if something was wrong.

Kat- Wow, that's a big healthy boy you've got there. AMazing weight, especially for an ebf baby. As Grey likes sitting up so much I was wondering if you have a Bumbo seat? Eva LOVES hers!

Afm- 5 hours of continuous sleep last night (4 for me) but then she was up form 2am to 4am ... Uggg. I feel like it's 1 step forward 3/4 of a step back.
Dh leaves tomorrow for 2 weeks in China and Japan, which means he'll miss both my birthday and our anniversary, so we're planning on celebrating tonight with some friends. I'm looking forward to it, though I expect I'll be a puddle of sleep deprivation tomorrow.

Happy weekend to all!
Hi All.

The funny thing is that Grey always act unsatisfied during his cluster feeds at night, like he is still super hungry. He will slurp on and off the boob and complain till I switch boobs a total of 5 times on most nights. Obviously with his amt of chub, he is eating more than enough. I am going to stop having anxiety that he is still hungry at night. I know it must seem ridiculous that I would have this anxiety, but if you saw how he wants to eat you would understand.

Can you send me a link to the Bumbo that Eva likes. I have never heard of it. I looked at it on Amazon, but there seems to be a lot of choices. Thanks for mentioning it. I would like to know about any other "winners".

Yay for 4 hours of sleep in a row for you. That is awful about DH being away. I hope you can still plan something special for yourself.

Grey had his best sleep night ever. He went almost 5 hours, 2.5 and then 2. I slept about 3.5, 2, 2 and feel great.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Kat- wow! G is huge! Bay wants me to switch boobs all night too :dohh: it's exhausting!

Hopeful- I use the dishwasher basket that is made for the parts of 3 dr brown bottles, but I like the idea of putting the straws in the bottles upside down in there :thumbup:

Sara- I'm also interested in a bumbo for B! My BDay is next week too and my OH will be likely be gone so we have to celebrate this weekend or next. Not sure yet. I hope you have a blast with your friends tonight and happy BDay! :)

I think B usually does the same as Eva and Grey; she'll sleep about 4 hours or so and then 1-2 hour chunks after that. She was difficult last night again though and kept waking me up whining and kicking me. I hope this is part of the 3 month spurt.
mrsk -welcome, and welcome to the world sweet Kody!! She is gorgeous!

Kat - Grey is a great size. Levi was a pretty big bub too. I think it might be why he was wanting to eat solids as soon as he did. I planned to wait until 6 months but at 5 he was grabbing at our and watching us eat like a hawk - he was ready and has not looked back! He is still bfeeding a lot though. His solids are more about new taste and textures his calories still come predominantly from nursing.

Melfy - you should check out the 'windie' we used them all the time with Levi it worked so great. They say they are one time use, but they are just plastic so we just washed them really really well and reused. We didn't have any issues. It relieves them of gas, and for Levi we did it at night and after a good fart session he would be out for the count. You can see the/order them at amazon.

Sara - Hope you have a lovely time of celebration. What a time for hubs to be gone. I hope you get a sparkly prezzie to make up for him being gone and missing such special occasions!! Thinking of you while he is gone too, hope we can help keep you sane
while you are solo parenting. My dh goes away for work but I think 4 nights is the longest so far and I was exhausted so you are my hero!

afm -still teething away over here and still frustrated that we can't crawl! He came into bed with us at 6am and then went back o sleep until after 8. as did I. This week I have been trying to get him up at 7 and get in a good routine but i was so tired i missed the start time today :) Now we are both a bit off kilter, i just rocked him to sleep for a nap. Hope he takes a good one. Later I think I will take a walk to Target or something to get out of the house, its a bit rainy but I need to stretch my legs!

Ok, I should probably get dressed before its not worth it :)
Hi Tuckie. Have fun with DH this weekend. Yes, you are due for your 3 month growth spurt. Yikes!

Have fun at Target. Sorry Levi is still fussing. I imagine that Grey will want to eat ASAP. He will most likely follow in Levi's foot steps. Grey also wants to crawl on his play mat and makes the movement with his feet, but of course goes nowhere.

I am using my BG overnight now. Here is how:
I am putting in an organic, hemp fleece doubler and then topping it with a stay dry fleece liner by BG. Just in case you want to switch.
Alfie loves his bumbo too! He likes to have his toys on the tray and reach and play with them!

Croy - we do the 7am start every day. We have done it for months and now I think both mine and Alfie's body clocks are set for @7am as we never need an alarm clock! The routine works well for us and means we can fit in good naps and all his feeds by 7pm which is his bedtime.

Sara tuckie I feel for you both having hubbies away. Parenting is hard work but single parenting sounds much harder. I know u will both do great though! Both of u enjoy your birthday celebrations!

So I'm on day 3 of the 30 day shred. My muscles hurt but I'm determined to continue!!! What I love about it is its only 22mins each day so I can fit it in when Alfie takes his morning nap. I'm hoping I will be able to keep this up every day for 30 days and I'm really hoping to see a difference!
Kat - Thanks for the night time tips - where did you get the extra inserts? I heard microfiber inserts were good for keeping moisture away from their skin over night too. I don't think BG make them but you can add them into the BG diaper. I haven't tried them but thought I would mention it.

Levi hasn't really ever had issues with diaper rash. I put it down to the cloth diapers because I change them pretty frequently. I know when he has been in disposables I assume he is staying drier and don't change him as diligently. I used to put him in a disposable with a ton of cream if I saw any redness. Then at the next change I would put him back in cloth. I haven't yet had to ind a diaper cream to use with the cloth ones. What do you use Kat? I know you mentioned Grey had had a little nappy rash, which cream do you use with your cloth. I know you can't use a lot of them without ruining the diapers.
Kat - Thanks for the night time tips - where did you get the extra inserts? I heard microfiber inserts were good for keeping moisture away from their skin over night too. I don't think BG make them but you can add them into the BG diaper. I haven't tried them but thought I would mention it.

Levi hasn't really ever had issues with diaper rash. I put it down to the cloth diapers because I change them pretty frequently. I know when he has been in disposables I assume he is staying drier and don't change him as diligently. I used to put him in a disposable with a ton of cream if I saw any redness. Then at the next change I would put him back in cloth. I haven't yet had to ind a diaper cream to use with the cloth ones. What do you use Kat? I know you mentioned Grey had had a little nappy rash, which cream do you use with your cloth. I know you can't use a lot of them without ruining the diapers.
Microfiber is too drying and can irritate the skin. The microfiber fleece is supposed to be better. I chose the hemp inserts because they absorb more.

Grey has never had a full diaper rash. He just gets irritated around his anus, most likely from sharts.

I use Avalon Organics Zinc diaper cream. You are NOT supposed to use zinc with the cloth, but I do with a liner. I just read that bG recommends you use their fleece liners and wash them separately if you use butt cream.

We change Grey's diapers every 3 hours and if we hear poop, but he has still gotten redness.
Kat - Thanks!! I will be getting some of the things you have suggested to try it. I really would like him not to be in disposables at all if possible but its more important that he is dry. Levi also hates his night time changes so I avoid it if possible so its important to get overnight options that last a long time. How often do you change Grey at night?

My poor mumming was in full force this morning when I realised that because Levi and I both slept in he had been in his overnight for 14 hours! ha ha! opps. He hadn't leaked and wasn't red but I di give him some naked butt time this morning. He sure loves to be naked. Since he has started clapping, he likes to roll away (when I am changing him on the floor) and then lay on his back and clap and say "yay" its the funniest thing. So cute.

Sounds like Grey will be an early mover too. I am going to get hubby to lower our crib this weekend because now he is doing laps in there I am nervous he will all of a sudden figure out how to sit up by himslef or pull up on the bars and I ddon't want to know he learned that by hearing the bang when he manages to flip himself out of the crib! These babies certainly keep us on our toes with all the new skills!
I just ordered the extra liners - I's excited to try them, I'll let you know how it goes!
Used to be three times nightly, but have dropped it to 1 using the fleece liner.

Smart dropping the crib. I have heard stories of babies suddenly learning to stand and falling head first out of their cribs.
Here's the link for the bumbo seat. We have the play tray as well.
Morning, just thought I would do a quick update my bil has been diagnosed with pneumococcal pneumonia, he yesterday was in an out if coma all day, but come the evening was getting bad again, there trying to drain his lungs as there's so much blood on them!! His mum was in a very bad way an couldn't be in the room in the as he was so bad she just couldn't take it! They have told my sister that one in ten die from this an all they can do is there best!! X
Makes my moaning for being up 4 times last night irrelevant!! X
But my wgat I would do to have a nights sleep.... X

Mrskg congrats Hun hope all is well. Xxx

Hope everyone else is well xx
Oh god Sarah I'm so sorry that's heartbreaking, praying he makes a full recovery.

Someone has swooped my excellent sleeper for a devil child. Up 4 times as well for the last 2 nights! He's turned into a massive wriggler and flips or turns all round his cot all night long despite having rolled towels to try and keep him in one place!
Davies- I'm so sorry to about your bil. That's very very scary. You'll be in our thoughts :hugs:

Bumpy- boo to poor sleeping! has he been unsettled? Is he teething? I hope it was just a fluke.
I've tried the 30 day shred but only did about a week and then I fell pregnant, miscarried and forgot about it. You've motivated me to try again starting tomorrow. Hopefully I can find the time with Dh gone:)
Sarah so sorry hun that sounds devastating :-( :hug:

Bumps I lost loads doing the shred! It's hard though, I've shredded 1.5 stone so far just walking and not having so much time to snack! Haha you've got a wriggle bum now :)

Lexi is keeping me very busy but loving every minute!
Oh Sarah, I'm so sorry! Praying for a full recovery!

Bumps, Delilah rolls around constantly. I don't even try to contain her with towels.

I'm with you and Sarah. Lots of waking. I think it's a phase, but man, it's a long phase. It's been over a month now. I haven't slept more than 4 hours at once in months and months, and usually I only get a 2-3 hour stretch at a time. I miss sleep.

Fili, these little ones are time consuming aren't they? Are you still planning to ttc #2? I can't imagine doing that.

I finished my two online classes. Now I just need to submit my paperwork to get approved to take 2 huge exams in order to get my license to provide therapy. I'm waiting to get my transcripts from my graduate school before I can submit my paperwork. Then it takes them about 6 months to approve it! In the meantime I need to study.

Tim is taking care of Delilah this morning, so I think I might try to go on a hike for the first time in over a year. Not sure my knees will like it though. All of my ligaments are still super loose from pregnancy and childbirth. Anyone else?

Still no AF for me. It's so weird. I'm starting to get used to it now.

Will try to be better about keeping up now. xo
Hi All.

Thanks Sara for the link. I'm going to order one.
BTW- DH ran into Jennifer Garner and told her it was b1g1 sundae day at baskin Robbins. It made me think of the link you posted from Ben Affleck. Marriage is work. Anyone who differs is single.

How was your early bday/anniversary celebration?

I'm hopeful that he is one of the 90% that makes it. My prayers for him and your family.

Hopefully he will switch back to sleeping great soon.

So happy for you that you are done. It's rough becoming a therapist.
Did you hike? Sounds lovely. My ligaments never became noticeably looser. I felt stiffer during pregnancy.

Happy early BDay. Is DH home?

Our first real outing. We went to the 3rd street promenade in Santa Monica. We shopped and ate lunch. Grey was happy some of the time and crying the rest of the time. Car ride was super stressful both ways. I'm going to try sitting in the back with him again next time. I BF in nordstrom's mothers lounge and DH joined me. It felt good to be normal and go out, but my happy at home baby doesn't seem to like outings except he loved nordstroms, LOL.
Ohhhh sleep...I guess we all miss you!!:haha:

Kat; it is really nice to go out and just do things you'd normally do :)

Davies: so sorry about your bil being sick. Praying for a fast and complete recovery!

Here are some pictures of Zoe, we love her so much!!!


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