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Hoping- great mustache pics! You both look very cute, as always :thumbup:

Croy- I don't know how you and Heart are doing school and raising babies at the same time. I always struggled with algebra until I had to teach it lol Then I had to figure it out for my job. For some reason, my brain understood it better after teaching it. I still dread math/statistics classes because its my weakness so I feel your pain there. Good luck on the rest of your quarter!

Kat- is G still on a rolling hiatus? B is rolling from back to side but not all the way over to tummy yet and she is scooching by pushing off on her legs. I put her on her activity mat and came back a minute later and she was almost off the edge of the mat!

Melfy- I know babies are supposed to take in less air BFing than bottle feeding. Do you have gripe water? We've given it to B a few times when she seemed to be having tummy troubles. It worked pretty well. The kind we have is called Mommy's Bliss.

Afm, B slept better last night. We got a 5.5 hour stretch and then a 2 hour! She had a blowout this morning so I had to give her a bath first thing while I was still groggy. She loves baths now though. She hated them the first 6 weeks or so. It's OHs last night at home then he leaves for another 5 days out of town :( we are going to stroll along a local bike/jogging trail and visit with family and I'll make another home cooked meal tonight. I miss him already!
Tuckie: Since this morning she's only had breastmilk from a bottle (I pump 3 times a day and for now I get enough milk (15-20oz a day) to feed her. And I have a decent amount in the freezer as well. And so far, everything's good. Evenings are usually more tricky, so we shall see how it goes, and if there's an improvement, we'll know it's the formula. I've heard good things about Enfamil gentle...anyone tried it? There's so many out there:wacko:
Have fun with OH! The new schedule must be so hard on all of you =(. Does he like his new job? Feel good about working?

Grey only rolls when I 'make' him. He likes tummy time and can stay there for a long time. He also like lying on his back and playing with his ring toys. He can scooch. It's more of a side wiggle. He has been doing it since the beginning to get closer to the boob.
BF Ladies:
Does anyone else still have engorged/painful boobs? My right boob is still hurting me a lot. I cannot hug DH straight on or hold Grey on the right side. It is also at least a whole cup size bigger than the left. I feed evenly since I time my feeds because Grey would stay latched on and eating forever. Is this normal? I was worried I had a clogged duct because I was in a LOT of pain the other night, but now it is the normal amount of pain. My left boob does not hurt at all.

Also, do your LOs start to go longer between feeds? I am still waking Grey up during the day if it's been over 3-3.5 hours between feeds. Should I stop doing this since he is so big? I am afraid he will get up more at night if I don't wake him during the day. Of course he is up enough anyways. I am also only allowing him to stay on my boobs for 20 min each now, since I know he is eating enough and will eat to overfilled and then spit it all up.
Jodi, I hope you are ok. Thinking of you.

Croy, what's Levi's eat and sleep schedule? I want to compare. Delilah naps at 9am for 1.5 hours and then at 1pm for 1.5 hours. I've started skipping her 3rd nap since she's lengthened her first two naps, but I think I need to add it back in. She's too tired by bedtime at 7pm. I'm nursing her every 3 hours or so and then feeding her solids after nursing. I feel like I'm constantly feeding her or putting her down for a nap. It's so hard to leave the house!

Melfy that's awesome that your DH took the entire night shift. It could definitely be the formula. She might have a milk protein intolerance. You can get formula especially for that. When we give her formula, it's Similac Alimentum. Also, if you are consuming dairy, she would ingest the protein from your breast milk as well. The only way to tell is if you eliminate dairy for 2-3 weeks. It takes that long to leave your system and hers. I had to do it. I've been off dairy for 6 months now. It was hard at first, but has gotten easier.

Amber, Penny is so beautiful. Loving the mustaches! What a fun theme for a party!

Tuckie, way to go on the 5.5 stretch of sleep! Isn't bath time fun? Delilah could be in her bath all day if I let her! Sorry your hubby is leaving again. That must be so hard. Oh and I finished school years ago. I got my Master's in Counseling Psychology and graduated in 2007. I've been working and logging the 3,000 clinical hours I needed before I could take the exams to become a licensed therapist. I had 2 classes that I couldn't fit into my graduate program that I had to take before I could submit all my paperwork to take the exams. I just did them online and they were super easy. I can't imagine being in school like Croy is right now!

Kat, I was such a fat baby, I was convinced I would have one too. I'm not at all concerned about Delilah's weight (though I used to be a nervous wreck about it.) She takes after her daddy, long and lean. She literally doesn't stop moving unless she's sleeping. She burns so many calories! I'm impressed Grey is rolling already! He's going to be an active boy I bet! The only time I've ever had pain was when my milk first came in, when I had mastitis and when my ducts have been clogged. You would definitely know if you had mastitis. You feel like you have the worst flu of your life. When my ducts get clogged I can also tell. It's super hard in one spot and painful. I make Delilah nurse on that side until she sucks it out. I can actually feel it unclog and it feels amazing. I'm not sure any of this applies to you though. I wouldn't wake him to feed. You might find that he sleeps better at night if he gets his naps in the day without being woken. I think it's worth experimenting. If he is getting up more at night then you can switch back to waking him. Delilah can go about 4 hours between feeds in the day and longer at night, but she's much older. He still needs to eat more frequently, but at the same time, he's a very efficient baby. He knows how to get what he needs.

Hey to everyone else! Not much to report on my end. Just being a full time mommy.
I think I had a clogged duct from sleeping on my belly. It was a hard, painful mass that has now gone away. But while feeling the duct, I found a strange lump. It feels nothing like a small rock/pebble, but my dr wants me to ultrasound it just in case since it is different than the rest of my breasts. I'm trying not to put too much energy into it, but am a bit worried.

When you say 4 hours between feeds, do you mean end to start? I'm still counting start to start, so he only gets 2-2.5 hours of play/rest. Usually 2 since he wakes naturally wanting to eat then the majority of the time.
Heart: She did spit up breastmilk yesterday while feeding, so I have a feeling she might just be eating a little too fast sometimes. She's still gassy but a little less fussy. She pooped 4 times last night!! I bought a can of Parent's choice gentle. I've heard nothing but good things about it, and it's a lot cheaper than the other formulas, but just as good. I think she really like the stuff!! She drank 3oz of it, which is a lot for her! I tasted it (yes I taste the formulas:haha:) and I like it better than the good start. Less bitter, sweeter and creamier than the good start. It's also the same color as breastmilk. it has less lactose than the regular stuff. As far as dairy goes, I don't really eat a lot. I have about half cup of milk a day with my latte and a little bit of cheese or yogourt. For the amount of breastmilk she gets, I don't think that's the issue. We shall see how if it works.

kat: I would let him sleep, and use the extra free time:winkwink: Since he's gaining well, I'm pretty sure it's ok to let him sleep. I've be letting DD sleep as long as she wants since she was back on her birthweight.Sorry about your sore boobs, hope it gets better.
Kat, I'm really paranoid about sleeping on my belly for that very reason. I have had clogged ducts 3 times and mastitis once. That was enough for me. I'm so sorry you found something else in your breast. I don't blame you for feeling a bit worried. I imagine it has to do with breastfeeding, but it's good to get checked anyway. Please keep us posted. When I say 4 hours between feeds, I mean from start to start. She's super fast now. She used to nurse for 20 min per side, now it's about 5 - 10 min per side. Grey will get more efficient too.

Melfy, I hope the new formula works. I've tasted everything that I put into Delilah's mouth including her vitamins and breastmilk. If Zoe is still fussy, gassy and is spitting up, I would seriously consider eliminating the dairy you consume. Do it for 2 weeks and then eat it again to see if you notice a difference. I didn't think it made a difference until I ate some dairy (it was less than a slice of cheese) and Delilah got very gassy and fussy. But I wouldn't eliminate it until you've exhausted all other options.

Kat, I think I read you talking about the Vitamin D that they tell you to give babies. I was appalled when I looked at the ingredients in it! They were giving her that stuff in the NICU and I had no idea. When I got her home and picked up her prescription for it, I couldn't believe it. It was cherry flavored. The over the counter stuff was just as bad. I got the natural drops that are in olive oil. I seriously can't believe they make the stuff with artificial flavors, dyes and chemicals. Yuk!
I give Grey the one in coconut oil. It's disgusting that they would produce that shit for babies. Also, why a whole ml when 1 drop is all my Vit D takes? The rest of it is the nasty flavor and color. Grey hated it anyways, so it obviously tastes bad. I can't believe they give it to the babies in NICU!

Called the nurse at the drs office. She asked another dr in the practice and she said to continue waking Grey up for feeds during the day to extend his sleep at night. I'll try for another week.
When I bought the drops I was mad because there were only 15mls in the bottle. I thought I had to give her a full ml still! LOL! Luckily I read the directions first. I couldn't believe a drop is all it took.

Sorry you have to keep waking him. That seems counterproductive to me, but I'm new at this too!
Kat, have you tried not waking him for a day or two and seeing what his natural routine is? I'm not advocating you leave him for ages and I know it's taken you a long time to establish a routine so I don't blame you for not doing, I would just be curious. I have always tended to not wake them unless its been ages. I would just be interested to see what he does as they tend to settle into their own little pattern in my very limited experience.
Heart, tell me about not being able to leave the house. My problem isn't Louis yet but Edie! At 3 she still needs around 3 hours nap in the afternoon, and to be in bed for 7pm. There aren't enough hours in the day. I never have time to bath her every night, we can't plan afternoon activities, it was sunny the other day and my friends all had a play date at someone's house but I couldn't let her miss her nap. She has a full day at Playgroup on a Tuesday and it wipes her out. I've decided to keep her off Playgroup this morning. I'm exhausted, it's a 25 minute walk there. I have to get up at 7 to get both children ready and it's always chaos. I woke up shattered this morning and tore myself out of bed and got showered, then realised both my children were still asleep and thought this is crazy. So I gave them an extra half an hour in bed and we are going to a toddler group round the corner instead. Routine is fantastic but sometimes it's good to have a break from it.
Amanda have you tried putting her to bed slightly earlier rather than reintroducing a nap? Or would that mean Tim wouldn't get to see her? I can't remember what age Edie dropped from 3 naps to 2 but she was like Delilah, only still when she was asleep. She still is.
Hi everyone else, sorry I haven't been posting much. I read when I can and I'm keeping up with you all.
My big news is we are moving house at the end of the month. I'm so excited, this house has been getting me down for ages. We are still renting but we are moving to a lovely country cottage, with loads more space. I can't wait, though moving is going to be hideous.
Kat, I hope that lump is just a blockage. Does it feel itchy? When I have blocked ducts it itches.
Hi ladies,

Kat, Im very sure that lump will be to do with aduct or breast feeding aswell like the others have said, I've heard several people metion about finding hard bits, but obviously wise to get it checked as your doing. Its only natural that you worry about these things.
Just read you mention that you've been advised to still wake Grey foor feeds, I was just about to suggest that you dont wake him as you will then see that he sleeps much longer to allow you to get things done but you'll find that out in time anyway that he will get into his own routine. I just let Emelia sleep and she normally does wake /expect feeds every 3 hours still but if she sleeps longer thats fine by me. I used to wake her though if she was sleeping too much to ensure that she took feeds. I find that even though Emelia sleeps lots during the day she still sleeps well at night. She now goes down at 8pm until midnight when we wake her for a feed and then back to sleep until 7am..its fantastic, we can get a bit more time to ourselves in the evening now.

MrsM, nice to hear from you. I too get up at 7am now as its the only way for me to get everything done in the day I feel, so I imagine your even worse with the two kids. Thats brilliant news about your new home, so exciting for you guys, it sounds lovely a country cottage.

I'm just back from the health centre with Emelia, she got her final set of injections today..3 jags in total and it was the worst yet, she was hysterical and her leg kept bleeding through the plaster so they kept an eye on it until it stopped, she has slept ever since and her little cheeks are flushed looking.
Emelia is doing great this week as I mentioned with her sleeping etc. but Im worried sick about my dog, she has taken another seizure on Sunday there. That was two weeks ago when teh last one happened. Its been 3 in total now that we have witnessed, its horrendous to watch.
We took her to the vets on Monday and they took blood and it came back with nothing so they think that its epilepsy. We have pet insurance so the vet said that we can be put forward for the animal hospital for them to do an MRI to rule out anything such as brain tumours etc but the high chance is that its epilepsy. Again if so this can be managed with medication as each time she has a seizure it is really bad for her and there is always a chance that she will not come out of the seizure. For any of you ladies out there with dogs/animals you'll imagine how upsetting this is, they really are family members and so loving and loyal, its so hard to imagine anything happening to them. She is only 3 in April so a lively and should be healthy dog.
Im going to contact the breeder to advise as apparently epilepsy is hereditary and they should no longer be breeding with the parent dogs.

You ladies in America will think that Im crazy, they have just opened the first Kripsy Kreme doughnuts in Scotland and everyone is going crazy for it. We went last night and you should have seen the drive-thru queue so we went in and queued for an hour , ended up buying 24 doughnuts. They have only been opened for two weeks and have now got a 24 hour license to stay open all night as they are making millions!
Loving all your pics ladies I can't believe how fast all your rainbows are growing x

Davies hope your bil is getting better x

Hopeful :hugs: as scary as being a single parent is I want to reassure you, you will be fine I've done it twice an it's much better than being in an abusive relationship an the kids will thank you for it in the long run x

:wave: everyone x

Things great here just soaking up every moment with my gorgeous rainbow x she's had bad wind yest an today so gave her infacol,before last feed an she's much more settled an seems to be pumping a lot so must be helping x must go buy gripe water totally forgot about that x
Just was it the one at hermiston gate? I'm dying to try them but steering well clear till it calms down a bit can't believe they are going tom open 24 hours....madness lol x
Just: I'm not a doughnut fan, but I remember my first Krispy Kreme doughnut...and I think I ended up going for a 2 hour walk after to spend all those calories:haha: But in canada they didn't last very long, at least where I live.
Hi MrsKg, glad things are going well for you. Hopefully you will find the infacol good but if not Id recommend trying colief, its the tiniest little bottle and costs £11 but you can get it on prescription. We also tried gripe water too.

Yes its the Krispy Kreme at Hermiston Gate, we gave it a few weeks until we thought it would have died down so when we went last night we thouught it would be quiet on a Tuesday night but nope it was soo busy. the good thing is though you can actually walk straight in and buy a box of 12 ready made up but the queues are to pick your own for your box. We spent £25 in total its madness really.

I had one last night a chocolate millionaires short bread and felt a sugar rush afterward but my hubby actually ate 5!!

Today at lunchtime I confess I had two though and feel rather guilty now! Yeah Melfy as you say I think I'd need to go out walking for hours to burn them off!
I just remember in America seeing them about the place but over here its a novelty!

Melfy, I see that initially you thought Zoe was getting better with her wind whilst breastfeeding alone but now your not so sure, I genuinely think some babies are just more troubled with wind in general than others.

Davies, sorry I forgot to mention about your brother in law aswell, I really hope things are improving for him
Hi Ladies,
Thanks for the support surrounding my lump. When my boobs are full, I found 2 more similar, so this makes me feel it has to do with BF, but I will still get it checked.
I am listening to all your advice and am going to let Grey sleep as he pleases during the day for a bit, since our longest night stretch was 3 hours yesterday. Hardly anything to celebrate.

Good to hear from you and find out all is well. Smart not to strain today.

Awful about the jabs and her bleeding. Is she well now?
So sorry about your puppy. I lost mine in a horrible attack and am still mourning 2 years later. She was my baby girl. Big hugs.

HaHaHa. Thank goodness you read the directions before giving an overdose.
Kat hope your mummas are ok!
Just sorry to hear about your dog :0(
Hi mrsm - yay you got a house awesome SOOO happy for you!
Happy birthday tuckie! Hope u are being spoilt xx
Hi everyone else, just a quickie will most more when I have time x
Kat, its defo sounding even more like its to do with your milk and ducts etc.
Emelia is fine now thanks for asking, she has slept a bit more than normal today but did that the last time after her injections. The bleeding stopped after a short while of applying pressiure.
I took her back to the clinic in the afternoon to the drop in where they get weighed. So last week she was 13lbs 7oz and today was 14lbs 1/2 oz. So Im happy with that, it has increased overall. I've to take her in 3-4 weeks time and they will weigh her again.

Tuckie, sorry I didnt know it was your birthday, must have overlooked that.

Hi Bumpy, hope you and Alfie are well!
Just: she was fussy even with just BM, but not as bad. She's fussy today, don't know if it's the formula. I got a bottle of Biogaia, it's a really good brand of probiotics that we have in canada and works well with babies. can't her to try. but like you said, she's probably one of those babies. Don't feel bad about the doughnuts.As long as you don't go there too often you'll be fine. But 5 for you DH!! yikes, just tell him there's around 300 (or more) calories per doughnut:haha:

AFM, I think my period will come soon enough, I've been spotting on and off for a few days, and my milk supply dropped...

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