Tuckie, I get the pains you describe when my milk supply is replenishing, I think it's probably down to the fenugreek and the fact that your supply has changed slightly. If I were you I'd put her on the boob or pump as often as you can to get that supply back up again.
Heart, I loved your post. Everyone tells you it gets easier but it's so great when it finally does isn't it. I totally understand how you feel about accepting that Delilah is the only one for you. I'd love to have another but apart from the fact that Mark is adamant about not wanting any more, I feel so blessed to have my perfect little family, I'm 40 in July and actually I probably couldn't cope with 3. It makes me sad that I will never be pregnant again, never give birth again, and never have a newborn again but it's not something you can keep doing for that reason. Also Tuckie you are spot on when you say you need to be strong enough for Bay to cope with more losses. I hope to God that nobody on this thread suffers another loss. Edie was 17 months and 22 months when I had my losses and I know that through that and the year I spent ttc I was distracted from her a bit. I'm not saying I wasn't still a good mum to her, but I certainly spent time grieving that I should have been spending enjoying her. That said, we cope with what we have to and I'm in no doubt that if anybody can handle it it's ladies who have already suffered RPL. But that's not going to happen here I'm sure. I will be very excited to read of your continuing journeys into motherhood and becoming mummies of 2. It's wonderful.
Just, so so sorry to hear about the dogs.
Hoping, I loved the bow tie story. I hope you get the surrogacy sorted soon.
Hopeful, so sorry to hear the twins are ill, and also of your recent struggles. You are amazingly strong.
Melfy, Zoe must be so strong! You are doing well pumping so much. I think I would have given up and given her formula by now if I wasn't breast feeding, I HATED pumping.
Lee, can't wait for you to join us over here.
Hi to everyone else. I'm writing this on virtually no sleep. I'm staying at my mums this week with the children. Edie is in my mums room with her (some of you may remember the last time we came here when I was about 8 months pregnant she refused to share a room with me because of my snoring and banished me to the sofa) and I am in the spare room with Louis. He slept in the pack and play fine from 7 until I came to bed, then mum having a bath in the room next door woke him and I have hardly been able to settle him after that. I brought him into bed with me to feed him and its so cold in this room he didn't want to go back in the cold hard pack and play after that and I don't blame him. He has been feeding such a lot tonight as well. He didnt feed much yesterday or the day before, I think he is still settling from having his injections last week. So I can't even get comfy in bed because I don't do the co sleeping thing, I just sleep sitting up with him on me at home if i sleep when he feeds. It's too cold to do that here and I haven't got enough pillows. I'm miserable. I would have preferred to leave the visit until he was a little older, and in a better night time routine but as usual I try to please everyone. Sorry for the moany post.
Btw, after having Edie AF came when she was weaned at 6 months, almost exactly at the time I was no longer just breast feeding. I imagine I will have to wean Louis slightly earlier. He is a much hungrier baby.