Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Heart- so glad her sleeping and your outings are getting easier! What a cute pic of Tim feeding her :) Boardwalk Empire is one of our fav shows! Yay for wine, good food, and dtd too! Glad I'm not the only one to get AF quickly while BFing! I have never experienced passive Bay Area drivers lol I'm always panicking and overwhelmed and everyone is driving super fast and cutting me off and switching lanes without signaling! It gives me major anxiety to drive in the city. I've never driven in the East Coast area though so I can't compare the two. Maybe I'm just a really nervous driver :haha:
Tuckie, alas, I haven't gotten AF yet (starting to feel like a bit of a freak to be honest). But I know there are other ladies on this thread who got it earlier. I've done a bit of research and found that it's all normal. Whether you get it right away, or a year later. Weird, isn't it?

East Coast driving is crazier in my opinion. That's why I've learned to be assertive, not aggressive, but very assertive. It serves me well out here. Oh and not signaling is one of my biggest pet peeves!
Heart- I looked it up too and it does seem to vary a lot but I feel like a freak because so many people I know BFing didn't get AF for a year or more! I think you're more in the norm than I am.
I don't think either of us is a freak. Maybe it's nature's way of telling you to ttc #2 immediately!

I just put 2 and 2 together. Is your screen name Tuckie because you are from Kentucky?
LOL! Yes, my nickname for my hubby is Duckie so he started calling me Tuckie since I'm from Kentucky :haha: We shorten to Duck and Tuck sometimes :D I gathered yours is because of your last name? I wonder about the stories behind some of the less obvious names here, like Croy & Fili, etc

I can't even think about ttc #2 yet! For one thing I had a csection so I have to wait but also I'm scared of mc still and I worry how that might affect Bay and my being present and happy for her.
Sara- good luck with number 2 as well:thumbup:. DH is nuts thinking about 4 already. I hope the 2.5 hours increases soon for your sake.

Melfy- the 1st stroller ride is amazing. I remember being so happy to be out of the house and enjoying the sunshine.

Tuckie- yay for spending time with DH but that sucks about getting your period. The 1st one was brutal for me. I was about 3 months as well and was breast feeding but also supplementing formula. Happy belated BFP anniversary! It is so surreal isn’t it?

I love your nicknames for each other. I wish I had come up with more of an original name rather than hoping but its too late and now I am stuck with it. I wasn’t planning to stick around on BNB and now almost 4 years later I’m still here! My DH calls me Brownie.

Amanda- yay for feeling human again! Your day sounds fantastic. That picture of Delilah and her daddy is completely adorable. I love how her little head barely goes over the table. She is such a cutie pie.

Happy belated mother's day to all the UK mommies:flower:

AFM- arrived home from NM at 3am. it was exhausting but worth it. Penny is getting her 8th tooth and has learned to point to her eyes, ears, and nose when asked. She then immediatly breaks into applause. She also developed her own "sexy dance" and dramatically sways her head from side to side during her favorite songs:haha:
Heart: this is amazing!!! Great news:happydance: Enjoy all this energy :) You deserve it!

Sara: Good luck with ttc#2 :)

Hoping: I love walking, I cannot wait until spring really gets here. It's supposed to get cold again, but I'll probably end up going shopping with my mom and Zoe in a massive indoor shopping center. It's not nearly as nice as being outside, but I still get to walk and spend time with my mom. She lives 15 minutes from our place, it's so nice having her around!!

Tuckie: Love the nicknames :) I am still waiting for AF, and I'm not breastfeeding, and dropped to pumping once a day. I'm just so fed up, and because my milk supply dropped, I lost all my motivation. I have a decent amount in the freezer so I should be able to give her some BM until she's 2 1/2-3 months. I'm spotting and have some AF cramps, so I'm hoping it will come back soon (Women would think I'm nuts from wanting it back:haha:), but we want TTC again soon. I took her out today to see how she's gaining: she's 7 lbs 7oz. So she gained 1.3 oz a day on average, so totally ok. The nurse told me she wasn't gaining enough but I did the math when I got back and realized she was wrong!
Tuckie those are super cute names. Yup, mine is for my last name. I know Croy is originally from Croydon which is where her name comes from. Not sure about Fili. I know what you mean about being scared of having a mc and what it will do to the baby. I really don't want Delilah to live through my grief if I have any more mcs. I feel like the universe is trying to tell me not to have another. I lost a tube, I'm 38, I had a preemie. I also got the girl I wanted. I feel like the universe is saying, hey, we kept you pregnant with your girl until she was in the safe zone, but don't play with fire. We can't keep giving you what you want. Isn't one enough? My answer back is, yes. One is plenty. And thank you for helping me have her.

Amber, not planning to stick around B&B? :rofl: You didn't do a very good job at that did you? I want to see a video of said "sexy dance." How cute!

Melfy, getting out of the house in any form is amazing after you've had a baby. It must be wonderful to have your mom so close by. Zoe sounds like she's gaining perfectly!

Just got back from Delilah's 9 month appointment (even though she's not quite 9 months yet). She weighs a whopping 16 pounds! She's in the 18th percentile for weight but 65th percentile for height. The doctor was very happy with her growth. She's meeting all of her developmental milestones despite being a preemie. The doctor said we can feed her anything we want now. I'm excited to start experimenting with foods. She loves everything we give her, so I think she'll love trying new things. We're also going to start introducing a sippy cup. I can't believe how big my baby is getting! <3
Hi All-

FXed that your surrogacy match arrives soon.

Wow! I am jealous of your sleep hon. You deserve it.
Love the pic of D in a big girl chair. It gave DH hopes for getting Grey out of the Ergo in the future.
Yay for an excellent check up!

Speedy recovery to your darlings. The last thing you need right now is two sick babies.

I cannot believe you are getting AF already. Yay for all the rolling.

It sounds like you have adjusted so well to being a SAHM without DH. It sounds like your in-laws are not so bad. It's good that DH recognizes his mom's issue, so you don't have to be the one to not want her to babysit.
I am surprised you got AF already too. I guess DH was right to insist on condoms!

Tuckie and Heart,
More Cali Girl: I am a yoga teaching, hemp wearing, Prius driving, organic, cloth diapering, smoothie making, beach loving, passive-driving and fitness loving Cali Girl.
East Coasters are the most aggressive drivers. I am originally from Chicago, and lost all my assertiveness. I am now the slow-driving, Asian lady in her Prius.
I read the avg time for AF if EBF is 14 months. I hope I follow in Tuckie's footsteps so I can have my kids close together.

Hon, how are you functioning? I sincerely hope Eva sleeps a very, long stretch so that you can keep your sanity. When is DH returning? I feel for you hon.
Hoping- thanks for sharing that you got your AF back early as well. This does seem like a bad period too! I'm super crampy, tired and the flow is heavy :/ like heart, I'd love to see a video of this dance :haha:

Heart- Croydon :dohh: yay for D's weight gain! :) Thanks for sharing your worries about ttc and miscarriage. It seems this rpl mentality & anxiety follows us in life. I know what you mean about just being grateful for the one! I feel somewhat lucky being 29 about my future ttc efforts but I will always be scared if I get pregnant again.

Melfy- If you want to keep bfing her I would say to keep trying to pump everyday and see what you can get and let the baby nurse when you're real tired at night. At least that way you won't dry up completely. I've been giving B a little formula at night before bed to help her gain and also sleep longer. Don't go too crazy worrying about weight gain like I did. B is petite and she's always low on the charts & gains 4.5-6oz/week instead of the 7oz/week+ that they want to see. Every baby is different and I'm sure shell grow and thrive whether you're BFing or FFing her. As long as she's gaining and hitting her milestones, I'm not worrying about Bs weight anymore because I'm certain she's thriving & healthy.
Baby Grey is 3 months old today!!!
Baby Grey weighs in at 15lbs 10oz today. He is a big boy!
He had his best night sleep ever last night with 5 hours-feed-3 hours-feed-3hours all in his swing.
He still will not nap out of his Ergo carrier… Our backs hurt.
Grey is enjoying outings more and more. I sit in the back seat with him to entertain him during car rides, so he doesn't cry the entire time. We have had a couple of tear free trips to the Promenade and our local Farmer's market.
He is, of course, our pride and joy!

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Kat: Happy 3 months Grey!! He's adorable. I don't think my spotting is AF yet...still waiting

Tuckie: I'm also not worried about her weight gain. She's gaining 7oz a week, I'm happy :) Every baby is different. Also, I'm not breastfeeding anymore, I just pump. Zoe much prefers the bottle, and so do I. Last week I felt too lazy to fetch a bottle so I gave her the breast...boy she got sooo upset...guess the flow wasn't fast enough:haha: I always try to have a couple of bottles in the fridge during the days, and ALWAYS make enough bottles for the night so I just have to heat it up...mixing formula at 2am would not end well; I'd probably end up mixing some pancake batter instead of formula:haha: I'm gonna keep pumping once a day at night and see how it goes.
3 more... It is hard to capture Grey smiling. He stops as soon as he sees the camera.:haha:

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Kat- happy 3 months to your sweet boy! He is sooo cute!!! I want to get at those cheeks! I have an obsession with babies' cheeks & my mom loves baby feet so we maul babies from both ends LOL! I love his smile! :D

Melfy- I have the same problem with Bay :dohh: now that she gets expressed milk and formula bottles, she gets really impatient at my boob and screams! It's frustrating. 7oz/week is fine! :thumbup:
We posted at the same time during my long reply. I think you missed it, so this is what I wrote to you:

It sounds like you have adjusted so well to being a SAHM without DH. It sounds like your in-laws are not so bad. It's good that DH recognizes his mom's issue, so you don't have to be the one to not want her to babysit.
I am surprised you got AF already too. I guess DH was right to insist on condoms!

Tuckie and Heart,
More Cali Girl: I am a yoga teaching, hemp wearing, Prius driving, organic, cloth diapering, smoothie making, beach loving, passive-driving and fitness loving Cali Girl.
East Coasters are the most aggressive drivers. I am originally from Chicago, and lost all my assertiveness. I am now the slow-driving, Asian lady in her Prius.

I read the avg time for AF if EBF is 14 months. I hope I follow in Tuckie's footsteps, so I can have my kids close together.
Kat- I did miss that. Thanks hun. The inlaws aren't too bad. They are nice people with good intentions overall. Every family has their flaws, but I'm grateful because I did not like my ex's parents at all and I get along with DHs parents pretty well. Speaking of which, are things okay between you guys and your DHs parents now? I remember you being pretty angry with them during your pregnancy. You've got a long list of Californian traits there! :) I didn't know you were from Chicago. I figured you for a CA native.

BFing ladies- today I have noticed a couple of things I wanted to run by you: For one, I don't think my supply is as good as usual. I'm sure this is because I'm on my period :/ I'm going to load up on fenugreek and mothers milk tea tonight. The second thing is what worries me a bit (and I'm not sure if it relates to my supply being lower/menstruating or not): I have been getting these sharp, stinging pains in my breasts off and on all day. It happened toward the end of a feeding this afternoon but came off and on the rest of the day even when I wasn't feeding her :shrug: I wondered if it was thrush but I have no other symptoms and B had no signs of it. Anyone experienced this or have any idea what's causing them to sting all of the sudden?
Tuckie, I get the pains you describe when my milk supply is replenishing, I think it's probably down to the fenugreek and the fact that your supply has changed slightly. If I were you I'd put her on the boob or pump as often as you can to get that supply back up again.
Heart, I loved your post. Everyone tells you it gets easier but it's so great when it finally does isn't it. I totally understand how you feel about accepting that Delilah is the only one for you. I'd love to have another but apart from the fact that Mark is adamant about not wanting any more, I feel so blessed to have my perfect little family, I'm 40 in July and actually I probably couldn't cope with 3. It makes me sad that I will never be pregnant again, never give birth again, and never have a newborn again but it's not something you can keep doing for that reason. Also Tuckie you are spot on when you say you need to be strong enough for Bay to cope with more losses. I hope to God that nobody on this thread suffers another loss. Edie was 17 months and 22 months when I had my losses and I know that through that and the year I spent ttc I was distracted from her a bit. I'm not saying I wasn't still a good mum to her, but I certainly spent time grieving that I should have been spending enjoying her. That said, we cope with what we have to and I'm in no doubt that if anybody can handle it it's ladies who have already suffered RPL. But that's not going to happen here I'm sure. I will be very excited to read of your continuing journeys into motherhood and becoming mummies of 2. It's wonderful.
Just, so so sorry to hear about the dogs.
Hoping, I loved the bow tie story. I hope you get the surrogacy sorted soon.
Hopeful, so sorry to hear the twins are ill, and also of your recent struggles. You are amazingly strong.
Melfy, Zoe must be so strong! You are doing well pumping so much. I think I would have given up and given her formula by now if I wasn't breast feeding, I HATED pumping.
Lee, can't wait for you to join us over here.
Hi to everyone else. I'm writing this on virtually no sleep. I'm staying at my mums this week with the children. Edie is in my mums room with her (some of you may remember the last time we came here when I was about 8 months pregnant she refused to share a room with me because of my snoring and banished me to the sofa) and I am in the spare room with Louis. He slept in the pack and play fine from 7 until I came to bed, then mum having a bath in the room next door woke him and I have hardly been able to settle him after that. I brought him into bed with me to feed him and its so cold in this room he didn't want to go back in the cold hard pack and play after that and I don't blame him. He has been feeding such a lot tonight as well. He didnt feed much yesterday or the day before, I think he is still settling from having his injections last week. So I can't even get comfy in bed because I don't do the co sleeping thing, I just sleep sitting up with him on me at home if i sleep when he feeds. It's too cold to do that here and I haven't got enough pillows. I'm miserable. I would have preferred to leave the visit until he was a little older, and in a better night time routine but as usual I try to please everyone. Sorry for the moany post.
Btw, after having Edie AF came when she was weaned at 6 months, almost exactly at the time I was no longer just breast feeding. I imagine I will have to wean Louis slightly earlier. He is a much hungrier baby.
Hi ladies, Ive not been on for a few days so lots to read up on there.

I hoe all of you UK ladies had a lovely Mothers day on Sunday, it felt a bit surreal to me. Last year on Mothers day I remember feeling a bit upset and thinking I would never be a mum.

Kat, so glad that you got the all clear and you can stop worrying about those lumps. Gorgeous pics of Grey, now that I see your husband in that picture I definetely think that Grey is a mixture of both of you's. Wow..he really is a big healthy boy at that weight, thats a good thing though.
Good news that he seems to be sleeping more aswell.

Heart, Delilah is so cute in that picture, great news for you aswell that she seems to be sleeping more and your getting your feeling so good again.
Thanks for telling me about your sister's dog that suffers epilepsy, I always find it reassuring to know that there are plenty of dogs out there that seem to manage fine with it under control!

Tuckie, I didnt realise that you guys were staying with your inlaws, definetely a good thing that you get on with them, it makes such a difference and still sounds like you's have your own space. Your right aswell that every family has their problems!
Sounds like you had a lovely birthday aswell.

Bumpy, those pictures of Alfie are great, he's such a handsome boy and I love the one with you and him.

Melfy, your right not to worry about Zoe's weight gain, I've came to realise that babies really do gain differently. I always felt very confident that Emelia was gaining brilliantly as she was putting on just under a lb a week at the beginning but then it slowed down and she has dropped from the 75th percentile to teh 50th per centile. The nurse spoke like it was a bad thing as it was a drop but its still absolutely average/normal. The main thing is whether they are meeting their milestones and alert etc.
Thats good that your getting out and about with Zoe now, its good for both of you especially when you can get out in the fresh air.

Things are good for us just now, Emelia is great and we definetely have it good it the sleeping department she now goes down at 8pm every night and we wake her up at midnight for a feed, then back to sleep until 7am so 11 hours in total now and I feel human again.
Speaking of ttc#2, I actually was starting to think I may have been pregnant last week as my period was late so I did a pregnancy test which was negative, my period then came yesterday.
I had mixed feelings over it and was a bit terrified. I definetely want another baby aswell but i think for me it would have been a bit early to be pregnant again. I would like to be pregnant for Emelia's first birthday and for going back to work. I just feel like she needs me 100% for her first year without me being an anxious wreck and worrying all the time about miscarrying and bleeding scares etc. Even my family were so worried about me everyday whilst pregnant. I hope I still have time on my side as Im 30, but I only have one tube aswell connected to my "good" womb so I am aware of that.
Whilst pregnant I didnt think that I was enjoying it as I was so worried but now I cant believe how much I miss being pregnant and feeling the movement and bonding etc. but if Emelia is teh only baby that we have then Im still so grateful of that.
Like MrsMigg, I get that stinging when my boobs refill.

Sorry you are so miserable. I remember the last time you were there being the same. Good your DS started eating more again. Hang in there hon. You have the perfect family.

Wow, she sleeps so good! You have plenty of time for #2. I understand the constant worry. I didn't like being pregnant. It was stressful. I hope the 2nd time will be better since I have DS.

BF mommies-
Grey is slurping on and off, biting, hitting, punching and crying on the boob lately. It's like he is starving. I have to change boobs repeatedly. He wants the fast flow. He has been hitting and kicking the entire time, but now he is stronger. Help!

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