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Happy BDay Hon!!!

Good to hear that she is doing well and resting.
I forgot about your donut excursion. I honesty don't care that much for them, but maybe because I have so much access to them. Don't get me wrong, I will eat one now and then. I craved a donut my entire pregnancy and never got around to eating one. Don't worry hon, they only have 200 calories. I just googled it. I remember thinking it was low a very long time ago, but I eat a lot.

Those probiotics are very good. Pricey, but good. That is what my pediatrician recommends for formula fed babies. I give Grey a tiny bit of my whole food probiotic on my nipple each day. My dr says this is not necessary since BM has probiotics, but said it won't hurt.

Hi Bumpy, heart, Sara, croy, Davies, hopeful, hoping and everyone else.

I am happy to report 2 successful car trips with Baby G! Both were to our local downtown called the "village". On Sunday we went to the farmer's market. Today we looked at all the multi-million $ houses. Not a tear!!! It is less than 10 min each way, but it is a start. I stayed in the back with him and put up a mirror and held his hands and sang really horribly. I don't know what I will do when I drive with him alone, but one step at a time.
Kat - Levi had a stage for about 2 months where he HATED the car seat and would scream and scream. Made us not want to go anywhere! Thankfully in the last couple of months he has realky got better. I think it helps now he can hold toys or a cracker and can watch the world. We also took out the newborn insert which I think we kept in way too long...I don't know if you still have yours in, but I think because Levi was pretty big it was uncomfortable for him.

Heart- Levi has a very loose schedule but here it is
6.45/7am - up for the day (I wake him at 7 if he hasnn't woken up, but its not usually an issue. If he wakes up before 6.30 I put him back in his crib and try to convince him to go back to sleep. It usually works, hes pretty sleepy in the morning)

7.30 - First feed (again this is a little flexible. Usually he has been up in the night to nurse around 4 or 5, but if he has slept through longer then I feed him right when he wakes up)

8-8.15 - Solids 2tbsp.

8.45-9am - Nap #1 (He usually naps about 1hr15minutes. )

10ish - wake up

10.30am - Feed

12.30 - 1pm -Feed/Nap #2 (again usually just over an hour)

2pm ish - wake up

3.30-4pm - Feed and solids (2tbsp)

4.30pm - nap #3 (sometimes an hour, sometimes 30-40 minutes)

Between 6 and 7pm feed and down for the night.

When he refuses naps here and just scoots around the crib I give him 30 minutes when hes not crying and then get him up and just put him down for the next one. He can be a little turd sometimes:)

So that's our days but nights can be good, just one wake up around 2 and then one at 5...or they can be totally and he'll be up every couple of hours. That is unusual, its is somewhere in the middle often. We are trying to stop feeding him at night time. I need to be better at just rocking him and not just feeding because it is quicker. He also sleeps better in his crib than in our bed but its just easier at 3 to bring him in and be able to sleep/nurse if he fusses after that..that's my bad habit!

Tuckie- Happy Birthday lady!!!

Hello to all you other lovelies too!

afm - I have been so busy. It is almost the end of the quarter so I am swamped with final papers and exams. I am also throwing my good friend a baby shower this weekend for her twins. These are babies 3&4 (in 2.5 years!) so we are not doing the traditional shower but playing Bunco and having desserts and cocktails/mocktails! So I am busy making chocolate owl Popsicles and making decorations. And to top it off, Hubs has been gone the past couple of days for work. He gets back tonight and I am so happy!! I have a couple of projects to do while I watch some housewives on Bravo - totally my guilty pleasure and then off for an early night of school reading in bed waiting for hubs to get home. Levi was up at 5 today so I might not stay awake to welcome him home, but I will try :)
Hi ladies,
Croy love that video of Levi on fb he's practically crawling what a clever boy!!!
Kat - yay to another successful trip out!
Just - that's good weight gain!
Hi melfy! And everyone else!
Sara I'm sure it's your bday this week too but can't remember what day? Sorry if I've missed it Hun.
Heart - this is my schedule as its good to compare I think.
@7am - he gets up. Like croy if he sleeps past 7 (rare) I wake him and if he wakes earlier than 6.30 I put a dummy in and he goes back to sleep.
7.15am - bottle feed
8.00am - solids. Usually porridge and puréed fruit
9-10am - nap
11.30 - bottle followed by solids. Usually something like broccoli and cauliflower cheese or toast with Philadelphia or some puréed veg followed by some fruit or a frontage frais
12.15 - nap for @1hour
2.30pm - bottle
4pm nap for 45m-1hr
5pm - tea. Usually puréed veg with sweet potato or mashed potato. Followed by fruit or custard or rice pudding or a yogurt or a rusk
5.45 - bath or wash down and into pyjamas
6.30 - bottle
7pm bed
He usually sleeps through until 7am but if he doesn't I just soothe him to sleep I don't feed him in the night anymore.
So my little boy is 6 months old today!!
Good luck with finals.

He is adorable.

Happy early bday and anniversary.

Hi everyone else.

Boob ultrasound on Fri.
Kat- I’m glad your fears have been calmed regarding the lump. It’s a good idea to get it checked but I’m sure you are right about it being BF related. Like the other girls mentioned, I also let Penny sleep instead of waking her to eat in the early days. I hope it works out for you.

It sounds like you are taking a few steps forward with the car situation. I had to giggle a little thinking about you singing horribly while holding his hands and a mirror. What ever works, right?:haha:

Just- I’m sorry about your dog. We had a Cocker spaniel growing up and he also had epilepsy. It was so awful to see him like that. Its good to hear Emelia is rebounding after her shots.

Krispy Kreme sure does cause a lot of commotion. I remember when they first came to Colorado. People went nuts over them too. They are pretty delicious but I rarely get one anymore. They are awesome fresh off the donut conveyer belt:thumbup:.

Mrsm- Congrats on the new house and much needed space

Tuckie- happy belated birthday!!!:cake:

Melfy- I hope the probiotics work. We use whole food probiotics as well and I think they work great. I spotted on and off before I actually got my first period. It was highly annoying especially since I would get awful cramps but no full AF until about 3 months.

Croy- you sound super busy but it is so nice you are putting all of this together for your friend. It sounds like a lot of fun.

Bumpy- Love the pictures! Your little guy is so handsome and you are very beautiful yourself.

AFM- Today is Tim’s official first day as a SAHD! I know Penny is going to just love having him to herself for a good portion of the day.

Penny sprouted a new tooth and is still teething which is causing her to wake once in the middle of the night and then she cries to sleep with us. Of course we let her but man were we tired… well mostly Tim. She LOVES sleeping on her daddy. I woke up a few times from her kicking me and each time she was in a different position but still sleeping on her daddy. When I finally got up to get ready for work she was sound asleep and laying directly across Tim’s neck. He calls this the bow tie sleep position:haha: . The other night she took up half the bed with her tiny body so poor Tim was hanging off the other side of the bed. Luckily she slept in her own room last night so we got some decent sleep.

In the last week she has learned to blow bubbles and will point to her nose when we ask her to show us her nose. It’s pretty darn cute. I’m trying to teach her how to blow bubbles in the bath but she just sticks her little face in the water and takes a big gulp and then erupts into applause:haha:.
KatM: let us know how your U/S goes. I'm pretty sure it's BF related. Yay on the car ride:happydance: Has he always hated the car, or is it a new thing?

Bumpy: He's so precious!! Very nice pics:thumbup:

Tuckie: It's a little late, but happy birthday :) Hope you had an amazing day!

Hope: how are you doing? Thinking of you and your little ones :hugs:

Hoping: It's been only 2 days, but I think those probiotics are helping! She still has gas, but they don't seem to bother her as much. And I think her face going red is just because she's pushing, and it's just a normal part of digestion. But def. less crying, so I'm happy!!

How tall were your LO's at 5-6 weeks? She was born 20.1'' and is now 22''. Seems like quite a gain. But we're finally starting to see what looks loke fat around her arms and legs! Skinny and long :haha: She really is a perfect mix of DH and me.

Zoe doesn't really have a regular schedule yet, although it's slowly getting there. Last night she was fed at 10 pm (we went to bed after), then 1:30 am, 5:30 (that 4 hour stretch was amazing) and 8 am. I also upgraded her nipples to level 3 nipples. Because the flow is faster, she has to stay awake. This way it's easier to get her to drink more than 1 1/2-2oz, which really isn't a lot for a 5 week old baby. But my mom said I was the EXACT same:haha: (I was also bottle-fed)

And last night, DH and I were sitting on the couch and we put Zoe on the couch with us, on her stomach because she was wide awake and wanted to move....and she rolled over!!!! 3 times!!!! We were so excited:happydance:
Hi everyone,
Been reading but with dh away I'm feeling a bit swamped and overwhelmed.
Happy birthday Tuckie!
Kat-Glad everything's ok and it's just your milk building up
Bumpy, Melfy, Heart, Hoping- LOVE the pictures
Croy-read your schedule and almost fainted from nap envy :haha:
I'll update properly if she ever takes a nap.
Thanks for the bday wishes. Anniversary's the 14th but it doesnt look like dh will be back by then :(
Sara, you'll get there. Eva is still so young. Delilah didn't start her scheduled naps until much later. It's so hard without help, isn't it? Sorry your DH won't be back by your anniversary.

Kat, is your ultrasound today? Did I miss some good news about it?

Tuckie, happy belated birthday!

Melfy, Zoe is way to young to have a schedule yet. Sounds like you had some good stretches of sleep though! Makes all the difference. Wow to her rolling over already!

Amber, I love the image of Penny sleeping bowtie on Tim! Exhausting as it may be.

Bumpy, Alfie is so amazingly cute! I'm impressed with what he's eating. So far Delilah is only eating pureed or mashed food. Thanks for posting your schedule! I'll post mine below.

Croy, you are so busy! How do you do it all? I can only get things done when Delilah is napping. During her awake time, she won't play by herself. I have to be fully engaged with her. Does Levi play on his own? Thanks for your schedule. It's similar to mine.

Delilah is becoming a champion sleeper these days. She is taking 3 naps a day and they are at least an hour each. She is waking only once at night for a quick feed and then up at 7 for the day. I feel refreshed. She actually loves going to sleep. The second I turn off the light and turn on her sound machine, she immediately puts her head on my shoulder. It reminds me of Pavlov's dog! :haha:

For anyone who is interested, this is our loose schedule:

7am - wake and nurse. (If I nursed her around 5 or 6, I don't nurse her right away. Tim will get up with her and let me sleep until 8 or so and then I'll nurse her).

8:30ish - solids of oatmeal and fruit (2 tbs)

9:15ish - 1st nap about an hour to 1.5 hour

11:00ish - nurse

11:30 - 12:00 - solids of 2 kinds of veggies (2 tbs)

between 12:00 - 12:30 - Nap #2 for 1 - 1.5 hours

between 2:30 - 3 - nurse

around 4:00 - Nap #3 for 30 min - 1 hour

5:30ish - nurse then solids of veggie and fruit (2 tbs)

6pm - bath

7pm - bed

up anywhere between 1:30 and 3:30 lately to nurse and then right back down again until morning. She used to wake up at 1:30 and 4 am to nurse, but the past several nights she has been sleeping right through. I think it has to do with the longer naps and increased food.

We were having some issues with 30 minute naps. I did some reading and learned that babies have 30 minute sleep cycles in the day. They come out of their deep sleep around then. You can train them to go back to sleep with persistence. I watch her on the monitor. The second she stirs, I go in and pat her bum for 10-20 minutes. I did that for several weeks. It was worth it as she continued sleeping and wasn't fussy during the day. Now she's doing much better sleeping right through the 30 minute mark without me patting her bum.

That being said, she just took a 40 min morning nap. Oh well, they can't all be perfect!
MrsM- good see you stopped in :wave: congrats on the new place. A country cottage sounds lovely :)

Just- sorry to hear about your dog :hugs: and sorry Emelia's shots didn't go well. Yay for donuts though! Can't believe your OH ate 5! Lol I first had Krispy Kreme in Kentucky as a kid. Mmm!

Croy- you sound super busy between party planning, school, & Levi keeping you busy too of course! Good luck with finals!

Kat- I had a benign lump in my breast a few years ago. I am sure it is nothing but I'm glad you're getting it checked. It's always scary to find them. Keep us posted. Yay for successful car trips with baby G! OH is still adjusting to the new job. I think he's still in that awkward position of being the 'new guy'. However, it sounds like the boss likes him because he reserved the master suite for my hubby. He got the biggest bed, his own tv and own bathroom. The other guys shared a common living room and bathroom but had their own bedrooms. The boss also had my hubby drive his personal vehicle around the town they're staying in so I think he trusts him too.

Melfy- hope the probiotics help hun! Wow, she's an early roller! Good job Zoe!

Heart- I think it's great you are getting your license! I'd love to go back and get my MA but I don't see how that's possible right now with my hands so full with B. I totally relate to feeling like your whole day revolves around feedings and naps. Leaving the house is a mission these days.

Bumpy- great photos! He's so cute! B has the same little bear snow suits in white & pink :)

Hoping- sorry to hear penny is teething :( that's so cute that she gulps water and applauds! She sounds like my 2 year old niece! I accepted your FB request. Didn't know who you were at first but I recognized penny lol Any news on the surrogacy? Is Tim being a SAHD permanent or temporary?

Sara- happy BDay!! I feel your pain with DH gone and feeling overwhelmed! We only have one car too and DH has to take it with him so I'm stuck being a SAHM with no car! Luckily DHs parents are old and never go anywhere and they have 2 vehicles which I can borrow. I used their minivan for her Drs appt and when I had to go to the store or bank. I just don't want to ask to use their van all the time so I try to only borrow when I have to and I usually run errands for them while I'm out because they're hermits :haha: So sorry your hubby will be gone for your anniversary :( maybe you can Skype or something?

Thanks for all the BDay wishes! I had a fab BDay! DH even surprised me and came home for the night and B slept good so all 3 of us got good sleep- what better bday present than having both my babies sleeping soundly at home? :D B has been very vocal lately. It's so cute! I am more & more in love with her everyday <3 I think she had her first REAL laugh yesterday too! It was soo sweet but I was sad because DH wasn't there for it and he'd been here for all her other 'firsts' :( here's some latest pics of her and a video of her hiccuping and talking to me at bedtime. She's finally sleeping in her bassinet again. Thank goodness! Yesterday I had no laundry left so I couldn't put her on the machines and it was cold and rainy so I couldn't stroll her to sleep either.

Heart- we cross-posted! Glad she's getting better at napping longer than 30 mins (except today :haha:) here's a loose version of our schedule, which is subject to change with her moods!

7-8am: she wakes me up and then we lay in bed for 30-45 mins nursing and playing

9-10am: she plays in her bouncy and/or on her activity mat until she gets fussy

10-11am: she eats until she gets sleepy

11am-1pm: she naps. She usually gives me 2 hours!

1-5pm: eating, playing, eating, usually we go on an afternoon stroll too & sometimes she takes a short nap in this time period

5pm: her early evening nap. She usually gives me 2-3 hours :D

8pm- eating and playing until bedtime around 10pm. I give her 3oz of formula before bed. It makes her sleep longer :)

She wakes up in the middle of the night for a change & goes back on the boob. We have some nights where she is fussy and wakes me a lot but lately she's only been up once in the night :happydance:
Hi Ladies.
I got the all clear with my boobs. Thanks for the support.

I didn't know Tim is now a SAHD. I thought you two owned a business. Love the Penny bowtie.

Yay for rolling. Grey did it tummy to back early and then stopped and now is doing back to side. It's so exciting when they learn new things.

I hope you are managing well. Hope DH makes it home for your anniversary.

You didn't miss news. Sara jumped the gun.
BTW-we sounded like 2 Cali health nuts the other day. I'm proud to resemble that cliche. I eat too much ice cream to truly do so,but I do have a green shake daily and buy organic produce from the farmers market.

Yay for DH surprising you. Wow, that was fast for DH to befriend the boss so quickly. Must be hard for him to miss out on Bay's first. Bay is adorable as usual. How is living with your in-laws. Obviously pretty okay, I hope. Don't they want to babysit?

Double up on the BG liners. One is too thin. 2 works so much better.

I pumped the first time in 6 weeks and was surprised to find that my smaller boob produced slightly more milk. Also, I easily pumped more than 4oz in 10 min AFTER feeding Grey for 20/20. Is this normal? Or do I have over supply? I was engorged from missing a feed.

On a different note, I made an appt to get a copper IUD. This made us change our minds and are now wanting #2 as soon as I start ovulating again. I know I have lost my mind. We are just having so much fun with Grey and don't feel our family is complete. We want our kids close together. It helps that Grey is FINALLY sleeping off of me and in his swing with 3 night feeds.

I also listened to all your advice and let Grey sleep as long as he wanted for the last couple of days. Unfortunately with his new 20/20 "diet" he never made it more than 3 hours between feeds. I'm going back to 25/25. He is either the slowest or biggest eater ever.
Happy Bday tuckie and Sara!
Need to catch up sometime; both babies tested positive for RSV this morning and D had 102 temp and A was 99. He also had a double ear infection.
Got about 3 hours of sleep not in a row.
Glad u r ok kat with the lump, I had one when I stopped pumping and it went away
Melfy- I’m glad you are already seeing some improvement. Oh gosh, I can’t remember how tall Penny was at 5-6 weeks. I have it written down in my journal but I’m pretty sure she was right around where your LO is. Wow! You have an early roller. That is pretty impressive:thumbup:.

Sara- Happy birthday!!! Too bad DH won’t be home for your anniversary but I’m sure he will make it up to you

Amanda- So sweet she lays her head on your shoulder when the lights go out. I’m glad she finally got the hang of this sleep thing.

Tuckie- thanks! Same here. Lol. I recognized Bay right away. Tim is a permanent SAHD and he is very excited about it. I’m a little jealous but hopefully in a year I can also stay at home and run our business full time.

Such cute pictures! She is a dainty little thing and just adorable. I’m happy to hear you had an awesome birthday and that DH was able to surprise you.

Kat- awesome update about the boobs. You are rocking it with that breast pump! I had such a hard time when I was pumping. You are brave going after #2 but you will adjust… everyone always does. Good luck! I’m excited to hear your BFP news sometime soon!

Yes, we do own our own business and Tim will run that full time from home but we still classify him as a SAHD. Before we were both working AND running the business.

Hopeful- your poor babies. I hope they feel better soon!

Afm- I just hear from my surrogate coordinator and they are still hopeful that they will find the perfect couple for us. I guess they are swamped so things have been delayed.

If anyone else is on FB you can find me on Tuckie or Amanda's FB:thumbup:
I realized I didn&#8217;t read back far enough.

MrsM, thanks for the nap advice. I tried putting her down earlier for bed, but she was starving as she didn&#8217;t get enough feeds during the day. We&#8217;re back to 3 naps and it is working wonderfully. I love the sound of a country cottage. Good luck with the move. It can&#8217;t be easy to pack and unpack with two children to care for.

Just, so sorry to hear about your dog. My sister&#8217;s dog has epilepsy. It was very scary for them to watch her have a seizure. She&#8217;s ok, but still has them from time to time. I hope your dog is ok. I&#8217;m not a donut lover. I&#8217;ve had one Krispy Kreme in my entire life and I didn&#8217;t think it was any better than any other donut I&#8217;ve had in my life. I&#8217;ll eat one now and again, but I prefer salty things over sweet. That being said, savor it!

Mrskg, I though gripe water worked well for us. I&#8217;m glad you are enjoying your sweet little rainbow.

Kat, YAY for healthy boobs!!! It sounds like it is possible you have an oversupply. I really don&#8217;t know as I&#8217;m the opposite. If you are concerned, maybe you could contact a lactation consultant. Though it doesn&#8217;t sound like it&#8217;s an issue unless your boob pain is bothering you. LOL at being Cali girls. It&#8217;s true. I fit the stereotype very well. I don&#8217;t mind though. I love the mindset here. I&#8217;m an organic, tree hugging, non-meat eating, peace loving, Cali wine drinking lady. But I still have my New England roots too. I&#8217;m an assertive driver and can be sarcastic. I like to think I&#8217;m well rounded. :rofl:

Jodi, your poor babes! RSV is going around right now. You must be exhausted! I wish I lived closer to help you.

Amber, makes me sad that the surrogate agency is so swamped. I wish every woman could bear her own child if she wanted to. But I&#8217;m glad there are people like you willing to help.
Dropping in to wish you all a Happy Mothers Day.
Not long until I become a permanent member of this thread. Can't wait x.
Kat- we're also going for #2 straight away... It's going to be madness I know but it feels right. The other day Dh announce he wanted 4! :shock: 4!!!!!!! I told him he'd lost his mind!
Yay to improved sleep!

Hopeful- so sorry to hear Ava and Dylan are ill. Poor guys:( hope you're doing ok.

Heart - I love that your New England characteristics are assertive driving and sarcasm - 2 thjngs which have served me well. LOL

Hoping- I hope your surrogacy comes together soon. I love being a sahm and I think I'd die of jealousy if the roles were reversed.

Lee- great to see you!

Afm- Eva's hasn't had a sleep longer than 2.5 hours in 3 days. I'm completely frazzled:(
LeeC: just a few more weeks and you'll be here with us:happydance: Can you believe it?! Time really flies!

Just: I'm sorry about your dogs :( We had to put down our 5 months old Teckel because of severe heart failure, and it wasn't easy. we really get attached to our pets.

I took Zoe out in her stroller for the first time, the weather was warm enough, and we both enjoyed it :). Also, I put her on the floor, on a blanket so she could play and stretch a little, and she rolled from her back onto her stomach!!! But poor thing fell off the blanket and landed on the wood floor; she was not impressed :( So I will make sure to give her more room and get a bigger blanket!!
Kat- yay for the all clear on your boobs! :) I can't belive you're going to ttc #2 right away! I wonder which marl will get preg first. It'll be fun having more babies on our thread! :) I definitely want Bay to have at least one sibling but we have to get out of here and in a better place financially before I'd even think about #2! Living with the inlaws is okay. They're older and live a quiet life which is nice. They do not offer to babysit and I wouldn't even ask! My MIL suffers from depression and is a heavy drinker so OH worries she is too unstable. My FIL is the one that asks to hold her a lot and seems more hands-on in wanting to play with her, etc but they both would just let her cry it out and neither seem to be real soothing, nurturing types so I wouldn't want them watching her this young. My BIL has Aspergers and he has a lot of 'quirks' so we won't be asking him either lol

Heart- gotta love Cali girls! I can't say i fit all the stereotypes. I'm originally from Kentucky and have been living in the foothills ever since so I'm a 'mountain mama' :) we do try to eat healthy, love being outdoors, farmers markets, and we are both tree lovers and big conservationists...however, I love country music, fried foods, & I'm not a 'material girl' like a lot of Californians and OH loves hunting and fishing so we're not entirely stereotypical Californians! I liked your comment about getting your sarcasm and assertive driving from living back East...but the Bay Area has some of the most aggressive drivers I've ever seen, so maybe you got a little of that out here too? :haha:

Sara- sorry Eva is on a sleeping strike :/ any better last night?

Hopeful- sorry to hear the twins are sick :hugs: my friend doing clinical for her RN in Oregon just told me last week about all the babies that have been in with RSV. Must be going around all over :(

Hoping- sounds like your DH will be a great sahd since penny is such a daddy's girl and they seem very close :) hope the surrogacy process picks back up again soon. It's such an amazing thing you're doing so it seems like such a shame to waste precious time.

Lee- we will see you soon! :)

Melfy- yay for strolling and rolling! :)

Been spending time with DH on his days off. He might be working closer to home this week so he could be coming home at night, which would be great! B is still only waking once per night! Woo hoo! She had a super fussy day on sat at a family BBQ. There were tons of kids running around and new faces and voices so maybe that had something to do with it. I got AF yesterday! I wasn't totally shocked since I saw ewcm a couple weeks ago but I'm still surprised it came already since I'm BFing and B is only 3 1/2 months old :shrug: it's a heavy flow today but started with brown spotting at first. I guess my body thinks we're ready to ttc #2 too :p
Yesterday was my 1 year BFP anniversary! Crazy to think she's really here now :)
You girls who are trying for #2 straight away amaze me. I can't even imagine doing that. But all the power to you!

Sara Eva will get the hang of things in the sleep department sooner or later. It's so hard only having short stretches of sleep though.

Melfy, isn't it nice when you can take the baby out for a walk? I love doing that! I can't believe she is rolling over already. How wonderful!

Tuckie, I think Bay Area drivers are extremely passive and don't pay attention! It horrifies me. For example, I see people constantly drifting into another lane on the highway without even looking. They just assume no one is right next to them. My favorite saying about driving out her compared to the East Coast is if people in Cali come to a 4 way stop at the same time, everyone will wait for the other person to go. On the East Coast, every one will go at the same time. The driving out here "drives" me crazy! LOL! Wow that you got AF already! You aren't the only BF'ing mom to get it so soon. Happy BFP anniversary. It's amazing that she's here now!

Delilah has been on an amazing sleeping trend. We've been putting her to bed earlier and she sleeps for 9 - 10 hours, wakes for a feed then back down for 3 more hours. May it continue. I haven't felt this good in months. Yesterday I was fully rested, went to the gym for an hour, played outside with her, drank white wine with Tim, had sex, grilled a fantastic meal, watched an episode of Boardwalk Empire and even had time to read before going to bed. It was the best day I've had since she's been born. I felt lke a human being again. On Saturday we went to a restaurant and she sat in a high chair for the first time. I brought some pears for her to eat. I got to eat and Tim and I took turns feeding her. She looked like such a big girl! Normally when we go to a restaurant, I have to keep her in the Ergo and it isn't much fun for me. I love that she's getting more independent. Life has gotten a tiny bit easier lately.


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