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Melfy- so will you guys try as soon as you get your period back?

Amanda- what you said about having number 2 is kind of how I feel too. We got the little girl we wanted and I feel like asking for #2 would be asking for too much plus I feel torn between not giving Penny a sibling and feeling guilty thinking about having to divide my time if I did. Our little threesome feels like the perfect balance. If I had another I would worry I couldn’t give Penny the same attention I used to or give the new baby the kind of attention I gave Penny. Very confusing but I hope that makes sense. I know this sounds silly but part of the reason I want to be a surrogate is because I feel like I owe the universe for my healthy baby. Now it is my turn to help someone and I will gladly do it and am really excited for when it finally happens. Maybe then I will consider another baby but only if I can be a SAHM.

I know, right?! How could I stay away from BNB? Once I found the Disco thread I was hooked. I'm still jealous about the London meet up! I will be in LA in June... how far away is SF? I will try to get a video and post it on FB. I tried while in NM but the lighting was bad and ipads take horrible video/pictures in low light.

Delilah sounds like Penny… petite but tall. She is doing amazing especially being a preemie! Have fun introducing new foods. I love that Penny can eat whatever we do. It makes it so much easier now that I don’t have to make baby food plus our food.

Kat- love the Cali girl thing:thumbup:. Like Tuckie, I am more of a mountain momma so similar to you Cali girls. My bachelors is in nutrition and it has served me well in my family life. We eat all organic, make our own cleaning supplies, drive environmentally efficient cars, lean towards homeopathic care, and just overall strive to fuel our bodies and minds with the best possible ingredients.

Grey is totally adorable! Happy 3 months to you and your little man. You have a beautiful family.

Tuckie- I read that your supply can drop during your period but should correct itself after AF is gone. Not sure what the stinging sensation is.

MrsMiggs- I liked your take on becoming a mommy of 2. Sorry to hear about your rough night. I hope the rest of your trip improves day by day.

Just- 11 hours is brilliant! I know pregnancy scares all too well since being on BCPs and having crazy cyles. I’m glad the scare helped put into prospective the decision to have #2. I hope you are able to give Emelia a baby brother or sister when the time is right for your family.

AFM- not much going on today. I’m at work and Tim is at home with Penny getting her ready for toddler group. He is always the only dad and feels a little out of place so he is planning to create his own play group very soon. Another thing on his to do list- learn to do Penny’s hair. The poor guy is hopeless when it comes to styling a little girl’s hair but I’m guessing most men are. When I get home I always have to giggle about how her daddy has dressed her. She usually has wild hair (he says he likes it best this way but I know its because he has failed miserably at trying to tame it:haha:) and is wearing all sorts of patterns and colors. The other day I came home and she was wearing her jeans backwards:dohh:. He lets her pick out her own clothes which I think is cute and gives her a little independence and he tells me it is character building.
MrsM- so sorry you're having sleep troubles :( I can't imagine trying to juggle an infant with an older kid at the same time. At least Edie is at a somewhat independent age so you can get her to entertain herself while you are caring for Louis. I think yours are spaced out pretty well. If I ttc #2 I would want B to be starting potty training before #2 came because I think that would be loads easier. Thanks for sharing your experience with ttc #2 & mcs while having Edie. Did you make the move yet?

Hoping- lol @ your DH trying to do hair! My mom was in the hospital with my little sister after she was born and my dad had to do my hair before school. I was 7 years old and it was picture day. Needless to say that photo never made it onto the family mantle :haha: it was a messy side pony, falling out and frizzy!

Just- yay for such great sleeping! What a good girl! :) I understand your worries about ttc after rpl. You have the added worry of your lost tube and double womb, which I'm sure makes you even more concerned...having said that, you already made one perfectly healthy LO so I'm sure you'll do it again when you're ready :)

Kat- I have the same exact problem with B. The last few weeks she started getting pissed off at the boob. Pulling off, screaming, kicking, and punching me. I think it's impatience because she got bottles and she doesn't have to wait for the letdown with those. It's very frustrating. I just try to squeeze and massage my boobs to get the letdown faster but it's difficult to get it going when she keeps pulling off and throwing fits :( I tell her 'If you'd quit this, you'd be drinking milk by now!'

Tracie- yay for going in the potty! Great news :)

Regarding the stinging pain, it's not the refill pain. I'm familiar with that & this was worse & too frequent to be from that. However, I didn't experience it in the middle of the night or this morning yet so I'm hoping it just goes away.
Tuckie- I remember the boob punches:haha: it is amazing how strong they are!
Hoping, I had to laugh at that the thought of your hubby dressing Penny and doing her hair, I know wjhat you mean about the mismatching of clothes etc. My brother in law has had to get my niece dressed on several occasions and we always laugh as the clothes never match and she just looks wild haha, they obviously try their best. Im sure my hubby will be the same, it makes me smile the thought of my hubby down the line dealing with a girl!
At the baby sensory class that I go to it is mostly all woman but there is occasionally some dads there too which on occasion look as though they feel out of place, but its a good thing that they get involved. That sounds a good idea for your husband to try and set up his own group!

Kat, I dont envy you with those punches and kicks especially whilst breast feeding, I know just how strong these babies are getting. Emelia is a nightmare at times taking her bottle and she fights it and goes rigid etc. We have to now put the TV off and cant speak because she is so easily distracted and turning her head all directions.

Dont know what was wrong with Emelia earlier as she just cried all morning/afternoon and nothing would settle her until she cried herself to sleep in my arms, only then could I put her down for a sleep and then took her out a walk in the fresh air. She's in much better form just now though and sitting in her bouncy chair and shouting and babbling at her toys that dangle on the bar across her. Its so funny now watching her reach out and grab them, it keeps her entertained for ages.

I was just thinking to myself that Emelia still seems satisfied with her milk just now and not showing signs of being really hungry and needing solids yet, many people that I have spoken to have said that about 16 weeks was when they noticed their babies being really hungry.
Cute about Tim not knowing how to do hair.

It's not at let down for me. My let down is really fast. He starts swallowing immediately. It's been more about 8 min in. I think my milk slows. Also he will fuss if he wants the other boob. He shows preference for which one he wants first and it changes which one he picks.

I had not heard that babies get hungrier and 16 weeks. I hope not! Sorry you had a rough day.
Just, Edie was still fine with milk at 16 weeks too. I introduced solids at 5 months and it was the perfect time.
Hoping, my sympathies with the hair and the clothes with daddy daycare. Mark has got slightly better at pigtails but is still atrocious and has put Edie in some horrific outfits over the years. The fact that he is horribly colour blind doesn't help. I now also have the problem of her insisting on choosing her own clothes. She also goes berserk if I make her wear sleeves, even if it is -3 outside. We compromise by putting a long sleeved top under the top she wants to wear. I am looking forward to dressing a son who will hopefully be less fussy.
Tuckie, I would like to say yes she entertains herself but she still isn't great at doing that. She is incredibly clingy and follows me all around the house.
Thanks for your sympathy about my horrible night. Tonight we have the heating on and I have a new v shaped pillow so at least if I'm awake all night I will be warm and comfortable.
Tracie, awesome news on the potty. Edie is only just out of nappies at 3 and is still in them at night.
Kat, I get attacked after several minutes feeding as well. Awesome isn't it. :nope:
Here is one of Edie's choices of outfits last week, including crazy hair.
Hi girls, I have two more weeks of school and its going to be busy, so I will try and keep reading but I might not be posting much. However, I wanted to share this link to my blog post with Levi's 7 month pictures - Where does the time go?

Kat - Grey is just getting cuter and cuter time is flying!

Amanda - I love the pic of D at the restaurant. We just started putting LLevi in the highchair and feeding him bites of our food and it makes it so much easier to feel like going out doesn't take so much effort. Levi has also had 2 nights of great sleep - he cut his first ttoth Sunday (Yay!!) and then slept 8 hours, fed and slept 3 more, and last nigth he slept 6, fed and did 6.5 more! I love it. He started sleeping much better when we put him down earlier - his bedtime is between 6 and 7.

Tuckie - My supply always goes down a few days before and during my period. I find that mothers milk tea really helps. I have to supplement from milk I have pumped especially for night time feeds.

Sara - Yay for ttc #2!! I read 4 pregnancy announcements on FB in the past 5 days...I am ready to be adding my own but we have to wait a couple more months to try because of the c-section...but I admit sleeping better the past few days has made me think it could be possible to cope with 2!! Even though I am scared about what it might mean if we were to miscarry again. Praying that we would be blessed again.

Hoping - Hoping you get matched soon. I am sure its hard to feel ready but having to wait. You will be connected with the right couple soon.

Hi to you other ladies - looking froward to Spring Break! I'll touch base again when I can :)
She looks cute and funky. I hope you get a good night's rest and stay both warm and comfy.

Good luck with finals hon. Yay for 7 months!

Grey had perfect nursing etiquette today. I should complain to you ladies more often, so he proves me wrong. It might have been a mini growth spurt as he fed so much last night. I'm exhausted. He is still hiting and kicking, but no crying and smacking on and off.
Happy 3 months grey! He is big! Good job Kat!

I can't keep up anymore but wanted to thank everyone for their advice and kind words awhile back.

Glad to see you mrsmig! Edie is so cute

Traci- that's great!

Hoping- I love the pics of penny

Tuckie- my supply went down before AF too. Super cute pics too! Bay is georgeous

Sara- have fun ttc! I think it's so much fun being pregs.

Croy- good luck with finals! Gonna read ur blog

Amanda- love the pic! She looks adorable. Glad u got some sleep and sex too. Lol

Hi to everyone- hopefully will catch up some time. I got sick too and barely have a voice. Babies are better but will be home all week. What I wouldn't give to be a sahm

Anyone else addicted to their pregnancy pillow? I can't give it up.
Just- I hadn't heard about 16 week hunger increase. I'll keep that in mind. Bay entertains herself with those dangly toys on the bouncer and playmat. I like them because you don't have to go pick up the toy after they drop it 100 times in a row :dohh:

MrsM- Edie's clinging might have something to do with not being the only kid in the house now. Hopefully she will grow out of that soon. That's funny that she hates sleeves :p I love the pic of her in her colorful outfit. Cute shirt!

Kat- I just switch B to the other boob too if she gets fussy in the middle of a feeding. Sometimes I have to switch her several times! I don't know what that's all about :shrug: Glad he nursed better for you tonight.

Hopeful- feel better hun :hugs: I use my prego pillow as a barrier to the edge of the bed in case B rolled that way (she hasn't yet).

Croy- read your blog and loved the pics! He has the cutest mop of blonde hair! :D

Bay is talking up a storm in the other room. DH should be coming home every night this week. It's great having him home! :) thanks for sharing about supply dips and AF. Croy/Hopeful- either of you get your AF back as soon as I did?
Speaking of AF today for the first time I noticed a return of cm. I hope this doesn't mean AF is coming soon.
Another unsettled night. Louis is asleep on me, I know if I put him back in the pack and play he will start moaning in half an hour.
Pleased your OH is home every night this week Tuckie. It makes such a difference having another pair of hands doesn't it.
MrsM- sorry its another bad night :( been there, done that and it blows. I hope the V pillow enables you to get some rest. I saw ewcm for the first time a couple weeks before my AF made her appearance. Maybe different for you. I was hoping mine would take longer to come back too. Like Kat said, good thing my DH insisted on the rubbers! :haha: Having another pair of hands around to help is a godsend indeed!
Hi ladies
So much to read back on!
Heart and Kat love your recent pics! I'm sure I'm biased but I swear MARLS have the cutest babies!!!!
Mrs m - edie is so cute she looks so much like you!
Hoping - that's funny about hubby dressing and doing penny's hair!!
Just - we started weaning at 5 months also but just started with small tastes for the first few weeks. He loves solids but really isn't interested in milk I can only get him to have 3-5 oz a feed so try and put his milk into porridge and things like mashed potato!
Good luck to the girls ttc again! I am another that will probably not have any more babies. There is a chance my uterus can rupture again which has massive risks so after 4mc and an emergency c sec at 34 weeks which could have put both of our lives at risk I am so grateful for my perfect little boy that I would be too worried again! Plus I have an 11 year old step daughter who stays with us every other weekend. Excited to follow u ladies as u fall pregnant again - until it all went wrong I loved being pregnant and I will miss not having a bump again!
Hopeful glad the kids are better but sorry to hear u are sick. Alfie and I have had colds too but we seem to be on the mend. For the last 2 nights he has gone back to 7pm-7am I feel very spoilt!
Hi to everyone I have missed x
Omg I need to read back who is ttc? Sorry been missing.... Bil is home an not 100% but he's home nevertheless, thank you for all ur well wishes.
Lexi is well 20lb 8oz now!!! Porker! Teething still up once a night an will only do blw.... X

Going to read back now an find out what's been going on, hope your all ok xxx
Just- it is very sweet and I am sure you already adore watching your DH with your daughter. It was around 5 months when I noticed Penny paying more attention to food. She would intently watch us as we ate. We didn’t start weaning until a little before 6 months.

MrsMigg- at least he can manage to put her hair in pigtails. Tim has difficulty even doing one little pony tail:dohh:. What age did Edie start insisting she dress her self? Penny can be very sassy even at this age so I can’t imagine the clothing battle up ahead of us. Edie is too cute! Love the picture and her outfit choice. Its funny that they already have their own fashion choices at this young age.

Croy- Yay for his 1st tooth! Good luck with your last few weeks of school. I will go check out Levi’s pictures… I’m sure they are adorable.

Hopeful- Feel better soon!

Tuckie- enjoy having DH at home this week.

Kat- I thought it was cute how you mentioned Grey's perfect nursing etiquette. I'm glad he was being well mannered for you

Bumpy- Wow. A uterine rupture and emergency c-section sounds horrific. I’m glad you and Alfie are both healthy and well after all of that.

Davies- It is good to see you. I hope your hubby feels better.

AFM- I got home yesterday and was pretty impressed with how Tim styled Penny’s hair and dressed her. Her hair was still wild but he managed to tame it and keep the hair out of her face with a pretty blue bow. She also had on a matching sweater with blue scull and bones and jeans. Penny and I both clapped for him to show we appreciated his efforts.
Hoping: yes, we want start TTC again as soon as I get AF back.

Hope: Sorry to hear you're sick; take care of yourself:hugs: Eat plenty of chicken noodle soup and porridge.

Tuckie: Great news about you DH:thumbup:

Well my milk supply massively dropped, and pretty sure I have a plugged duct in my left boob. It's sooo painful are sore. I was shivering so bad because of the fever last night. Advil and Tylenol are my best friends for the time being lol. But I went shopping with my mom and Zoe; we had an amazing day :)
Selfish Post:

I have mastitis. I have a 102.4 fever and have been crying all day. I'm so sad I have to take antibiotics again. I don't want it to affect the baby.
So sorry to hear that Kat. I hope you feel better. I had so many antibiotics while I was pregnant and another 2 courses while breast feeding and Louis was ok, hopefully Grey will be too. I haven't had mastitis though so can't understand how horrible it must be for you. It sounds dreadful, hope you feel better soon.
Hoping, Edie started being demanding about her clothes from about 2 and it just got worse and worse. Even her pyjamas have to be correct or we have a huge drama. It's funny.
Kat- :( oh no!!! :hugs: could this have anything to do with the lump? Get well hun!

Melfy- sounds like you may have mastitis as well :( I feel your pain regarding low supply. Mine is too with AF in town. Get better soon!

Davies- glad your BIL is home now! Great news :)

Sorry to hear so many of you marls are unwell. I will look into any preventative measures I can take to avoid mastitis. I remember when heart had it and described the flu like symptoms and fever, etc. sounds awful :(

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