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Kat I'm so sorry- I have heard that once you start the antibiotics it can help you feel better pretty quickly, I hope that's the case. Poor thing. I felt bad about taking meds for pain after my c-section because i was scared it would hurt Levi, but sometimes we have to do things to make us healthy and trust that our babies will not suffer anything. I am sure Grey will not be affected at all. I hope you can get some rest, poor thing.

Levi was up all night. Almost literally. He is teething and despite being awake for hours last night he has taken 2 naps today totaling about 44 minutes. We are both exhausted but I am really hoping that he has a better night tonight. I am waiting fro hubs to come home and give me a break so I can make dinner - a nice change to do something productive!

I am also making a pe for Pi day tomorrow 3.14 - my friend is having a pie party. I'm excited even if i am up a bunch, tomorrow I will have pie :)
Kat- heart had mastitis too and I think was on antibiotics. Hope you feel better soon and it's ok to take them!

Tuckie- I think I got AF around 5 months after they were born? Hard to remember now. Glad to hear your dh will be home more.

Croy- haven't heard of pi day before. That's funny. Hope u get more sleep. Have u tried Tylenol? We do that when they can't sleep here. Ava has her two bottom teeth and the two top ones are about to poke through so she doesn't like eating.

If anyone has diaper rash trouble (kat- is grey better?) got a good remedy. It's 4 things and equal parts of each. Along with her RSV, double ear infection, teething and fever, miss Ava got the poops from the antibiotic and I didn't catch it until after her nap and she got bad diaper rash.
The mix is: diaper rash barrier cream where the active ingredient is petrolatum (we had this as its what they used in the nicu and we have target pharmacy order it) and neosporon cream, lamisil (yeah- like for athletes foot) and cortaid (hydrocortisone). Makes a thick paste and you just put it on as thick as you can and leave it on. It keeps coming off but it's working good. The ped said to try it.
Mrsm- wonder why he's so unsettled? Growth spurt? Hope he sleeps tonight.
Davies- she is huge! That's great. Been wondering about you.

Dylan is around 16.5 and Ava is right around 16 so they are tiny!
Dylan started army crawling. Yep, into everything and Ava rarely rolls even once.
Dh was watching him and left the room for a tiny bit. He came back to find Dylan who had crawled to the remote control and turned the tv to Sesame Street! We don't have the tv on much and he just had to hit the button for channel up but still, hilarious.

So dh and I are trying to work it out so we will see. We are both going to individual counseling and will also go to couples but had to keep rescheduling that one.
Baylyn has been screaming for an hour and a half. I'm in tears. My MIL just offered to give me a break and rock her which was nice. I've tried everything. She looks so so tired but won't sleep. I bf'd her, topped her with bottle w/ gripe water in it, burped her, changed her, gave her tummy massages, etc. she won't stop screaming :cry: sorry for selfish post. I'm just at my wits end right now :(
I was in the middle of a meltdown when I wrote that pp! We finally got her to sleep. Poor DH came home after working a 10.5 hour day with only a protein bar for lunch & he scarfed down leftovers for dinnef and we took her on a drive within 15 mins of him getting home. I also gave her some more gripe water straight from the dropper a few mins before we left so idk what did the trick but he is sleeping on the dryer now thank goodness!!!

Croy- I didn't know there was a Pi day. I assume you mean the mathematical Pi because you wrote 3.14. My grandpa is infamous for his corny old man jokes and he always says he didn't do well in math because the teacher told him 'Pi r squared' (sorry, I don't know how to do an exponent on my iPhone!) and he says he replied 'Pie are round!' We all give him the courtesy laugh on most his of his jokes. Some are actually funny, but after you hear it 100 times... Haha, he's a typical grandpa! Full of Vietnam stories too! anyways, just reminded me of him so ill have to call him tomorrow and tell him it's Pi day :D

Hopeful- glad to hear you and DH are getting counseling. I hope it all works out for the best for you hun :)
Oh tuckie hope u sorted it Hun, I think sometimes its a tummy ache colic heartburn a sniffle or just general can't get to sleep, I think some babies do just sometimes like a good scream, my lexi did, she still does but it's not as frequent an u can normally distract her now, but at night she still does it occasionally I think that's more teething though!! X

Kat sounds painful chick I hope your getting better now x

Hopeful good for you doing counselling, you will gain either way, you will either end up in a loving relationship you want to be in or you will realise its not meant to be but you have tried all you can. Have you got any recent pics would love to see the twins xx

Hoping ah cute love a little bow I can't wait for lexi to have some proper hair!! My hubby is a bit useless when it comes to fashion I tend to hang clothes together in outfits so he gets the idea bless xx

Melfy hope you feel better to Hun, all these sore (•)(•) not good! To be fair mine are more like (.)(.) lol!! Xx

Mis mig hi xx

Croy so jealous Levi has a tooth none for Lexi still!! I saw he's crawling bless him lexi is close but just rocking!! How much does Levi weigh? Pie sounds good xx

Me an lexi off shopping an lunching with friends today at bluewater, I'm back to work in 2 weeks, ahhhhhh scary don't want to leave my bubs xx
My wedding anniversary is Pi day! I LOVE IT. I'm definitely going to pick up apple pie fixings at the store.!

Kat- I'm so sorry you're suffering with mastitis. I know how you feel about medication/antibiotic but hopefully you'll recover quickly and I'm sure Grey will be just fine. Rest up and take care of yourself.
Love the 3 month pics!

Melfy- It does sound like you might have mastitis as well. I hope not. Take care of yourself and get lots of rest. It's amazing Zoe is rolling both ways so young!

Tuckie- Sorry to hear Bay had such an unsettled night. I'm glad you were finally able to get her to sleep. Yay for dh being home!

Mismig- I hope you're back home in more comfortable conditions. It seems hard enough with a newborn but a chilly room with no good pillows is just plain unfair. Hope youve both managed to get some rest. I love the pic of Edie- style guru.

Hoping- It must be a laugh watching your dh navigate the vagaries of female toddlerdom... It sounds like he's making fashion progress though. I'm quite sure Alex will be pigtail inept.

Croy- You and Levi must both be exhausted! boo to teething:( Yay for pie:)

Hopeful- I'm glad to see you honey, I've been worried about you. Poor Ava sounds like she's had a rough time of it. Unfortunately I can offer no advice on the diaper rash front.
I'm really very pleased you and dh are getting counseling. Just the willingness to seek help is a huge step in the right direction.

Davies- great news about your bil! still so scary though.

afm- two nights ago I was sitting in Eva's room at 2am- exhausted, feeding and rocking her as usual, trying to get her back to sleep, when suddenly dh is standing in the doorway. I almost jumped out of my skin!! He managed to finish in China early and came home to surprise me. Sneaky little devil even called me from the Dubai airport to say 'goodnight from Shanghai' Anyway, I'm over the moon as today's our wedding anniversary. Just to really top things off he presented me with a GORGEOUS watch this morning. I, of course, didn't have a gift planned out, besides the little surprises I'd hidden in his suitcase, and since I can't really think to compete I'm just going to wear something pretty, make a memorable meal and stay awake long enough so we can have a nice evening together.
On the baby front, unfortunately Eva's sleep is not much improved and I've had to fully embrace co-sleeping with her on the boob which I HATE. She turned 4 months yesterday, and besides the broken up sleep really seems to be thriving... cooing and giggling up a storm, sucking her thumb, playing in her bumbo and generally winning awards for all-around cuteness.
Shots tomorrow though, poor thing.
Tuckie: i really hope tonight will be better for everyone:hugs: Lack of sleep can be really hard at times.

Kat: sorry about your mastitis; I'm sure Grey will be fine. They will give you antibiotics compatible with BF'ing so don't worry. But I agree, the pain is horrible!!

Davies: I'm sure your boobs are just fine, we're just too hard on ourselves. I need to get myself some C cup size. Gotta say I'm quite happy about it, so is DH:haha:

MissMig: cold room with no pillow?! That's just wrong. You need good sleep!

I think you girls are right; I probably have mastitis. The fever's gone but left boob is still really sore, hard, swollen and red. Should I call my doc? I don't BF and pretty much done pumping so as much as the pain sucks, Zoe is not affected.

Have you heard of a growth spurt around 6 weeks? For the past 2 nights, Zoe's been waking up every 2 hours, sometimes 1 1/2. She'll drink her usual 2-3 oz. But this morning, she gave me her first smile:happydance: Needless to say she has a beautiful smile:cloud9:

Pie day? Love the idea!! I have an amazing maple syrup pie recipe...just looking at the pie will make you fat:haha: I also make a pretty good lemon pie. Not as bad for the hips and still really yummy:blush:
Melfy- that is very exciting. Good luck! I hope the 2nd time around is easy, breezy:thumbup:. I would call your doctor just to be on the safe side. Those pies sound delish!

Kat- oh no! I’m so sorry you have to deal with this:nope: Feel better soon!

MrsMiggs- hopefully I will have a few more good months being pajama drama free! She is definitely showing her true girly side already being obsessed with clothes.

Croy- I hope the teething episode passes soon. The 1st few teeth are the worst! After Penny’s 1st couple of teeth it wasn’t nearly as bad. Enjoy pie on Pi day tomorrow! What kind of pie are you making? From your blog you seem very creative in the kitchen. I took a look at Levi’s pictures. He is such a happy baby and I love his curls and beautiful eyes.

Hopeful- Poor Ava:nope:. All of those things on top of teething sounds like a nightmare. I hope she recovers very soon. Too cute that Dylan is army crawling and even managed to make it to the TV and watch a bit of Sesame Street:haha:. Going to counseling is a step in the right direction. I hope you are able to work it out. I like what Davies said about counseling being a gain either way.

Tuckie- I’m glad Bay is better now! We all have moments like these. Endless crying really fries your nerves. I am usually very patient but I can remember a few times in the early months Tim found both me and Penny on the nursery floor bawling our eyes out.

Your grandfather sounds like my Baba always telling the same jokes and stories. I get a kick out of it.

Davies- they make bows now with Velcro so they don’t need much hair to wear those:thumbup:. Penny was a late bloomer in the teeth department as well. She got her 1st two when she was 8 months and then didn’t get any more until well after she turned a year old. What do you do for work? I remember being so sad when I had to go back to work… Penny was only 2 ½ months. US maternity leave sucks big time! The only nice thing about being a working mommy is that you actually get to converse with adults, get dressed up and go to the bathroom by yourself. Being away from Penny does make me really appreciate the time that I do get with her. With all that being said I would so much rather be a SAHM.

Sara- happy early anniversary! Your DH is so amazing for coming home early to be with you on your special day and as an added bonus you have a flashy new watch. I laughed reading about him standing in the door way and freaking you out. That is totally something my DH has done before. I always tell him I am one of those people who could possibly die of fright so he better cool it. I like your plan for your gift to him… what more can you ask from a new mommy? Eva sounds adorable besides not letting her mommy get some much needed sleep.

Isn’t it funny how your boobs become their own kind of entity after the baby is born and you are breast feeding? Before they were something sexual and after they are nothing more than feeding devices that the baby controls. Never before Penny did I just leave my boobs out for convenience (well besides a few drunken nights:haha:) or talk about them like they were their own person. Before having Penny I also never had whole conversations with my DH regarding poo and its texture, color, consistency or frequency. Its funny the things that change after you have a baby.
Hoping: I called my doctor, I have an app tuesday (good thing it`s not an emergency lol). But I'm pretty sure I unplugged the duct after a painful massage and squeezing left boob like crazy:haha: Milk texture was weird, so I'm assuming it came from the plugged duct, because nothing would come out of the breast before that. It's still tender, but doesn't feel heavy, and swelling is gone.
Going to catch up in a minute, but Kat, I had mastitis while Delilah was in the NICU. I was on a heavy dose of antibiotics. They didn't affect her at all. However, it did a number to my milk supply. I got it 10 days after she was born and because she was in the hospital and was learning how to latch and suck due to her prematurity, I had to pump constantly to keep my supply up. I doubt you'll have an issue with your supply like I did. The flulike feeling went away about 24 hours after I started the antibiotics. But I felt really drained and tired for a good week until the infection cleared. But I'm sure that also had to do with the fact that I had to commute an hour each way to the hospital and was there 12 hours a day, every day. I never got to rest properly.

Melfy, that sounds exactly like a plugged duct. I've had them more than once and that's exactly what happens.

Ok, going to read back now.
Jodi, I'm so glad you are both doing individual counseling as well as couples. I couldn't have said it better than Davies..either way, it will be a gain. Good for you and your husband for making that commitment. Delilah is 16 pounds too! She rolls around everywhere but isn't crawling yet. Sounds like our babes are developing in similar ways.

Davies, so good to see you! Sorry you have to go back to work. Will there be times when you'll have to be away for several days at a time? That would be hard. How is Lexi sleeping these days? I can't believe how big she is!

Sara, happy anniversary and what a lovely surprise! Eva will start getting better with her sleep soon. She's finally at the age when she'll start to sleep longer stretches. Promise. That being said, there are always the really hard nights.

Tuckie, poor Bay. Poor you! Poor Dh. Those crying fits are terrible. It's so hard to figure out what's wrong sometimes. I hate that. I wish they could just tell us!

Amber, so true! My boobs are feeding factories and that's it. I hate it when Tim grabs them now. And he wants to because they are so much bigger. And we have daily conversations about poo! One of our favorite topics in this house.

Croy, sorry sleep is evading you and Levi. We're having similar issues in our house. Teething is awful.

I realized yesterday that Delilah cut her first tooth. I saw a little abrasion on her gum the other day but couldn't feel anything. Yesterday I felt a sharp little point. We gave her ibuprofen before bed last night but she just screamed and screamed. Usually she falls asleep within 15 min. After 25 min of screaming I couldn't take it and tried to soothe her. She wouldn't soothe. So I had to let her keep crying. I cried too. She finally fell asleep 15 minutes after my soothing attempt. It was awful. She slept fine until 3:30 but by then the ibuprofen wore off and she could only sleep an hour before crying. We took her into bed with us and she fell asleep. We both slept in until 8am. Unfortunately I had trouble sleeping so I was up from 3:30 until 6:30am! Luckily she's napping well so I'm able to get some decent downtime today.

Sorry if I forgot anyone. A bit sleep deprived at the moment. I know you all understand!
Hope: I just saw your post about counseling. It can't hurt, but I really hope it helps all of you. Is Ava doing better? Poor thing :(

Kat: How are you feeling?

Tuckie: How was Bay last night? Did you figure out why she was so upset? Did you get some sleep?

I'm pretty sure my mastitis is over, milk is flowing from my left boob and its not really sore anymore. So hopefully in a few days it will be painless.

Zoe just started to drink 3-4 oz at a time:happydance: She sleeps 3.5-4 hours every time, although this morning she woke up at 5 (less than 2 hours after a feed) because she was cold (stupid winter is back :( ) and had a really dirty diaper. It's the first time she actually woke up for another reason than wanting to be fed!
Hope everyone is having a nice weekend :)

For those using formula, have you noticed that you use more when you use the plastic spoon in the container instead of a scale? My formula says 1 scoop is 8.7 g. Well after make 8 oz of the stuff, I realized I had almost 2 scoops more in terms of weight...and my scoops were leveled. So I'm now using a scale to prepare her formula a) it's better for Zoe because I'm sure it's the right powder/water ratio and b) I save money!!

I think she also has her very first cold :( Making cute little piggy noise:haha:
Heart I can't believe Delilah has cut her first tooth already - time flies!!

Just popping on to say hi to you all - I did write a long post a week ago and I was feeding Lexi and it all got deleted somehow frustrating!! We have just moved house and it's been tough with a baby but we're getting there.

Sorry you got mastitis Kat :-( I've heard that's painful.

I am a little worried at the moment about not having my period return after 10 weeks (I stopped bf-ing at 3.5 weeks). Sigh here we go again on the ttc bandwagon. I must be mad but we are going to try again in another month or so. I've lost 2.5 stone since birth so more steroids will mean that will all be undone in a week but hey ho.... Kat are you still ttc again (I read you wanted another when I was writing that long post - when will you try? I am petrified but trying to be hopeful!

Love to all and sorry for rambling post - just going to read back now
Melfy I thought Lexi had a cold but doc said it was normal and they're clearing mucus from their lungs. Lexi always sounds like a little piggy lol!

Here's my Facebook link - I always post on FB as it's so easy to upload pics from my phone. if anyone wants to be friends.
Fili: you're right about the mucus. Turns out she just had stuff in her nose; I was able to get it out with saline and nasal aspirator:thumbup: No more piggy nose lol

I'm also waiting for AF to return. I'm not pumping anymore and barely have milk, and we want to TTC soon. I had what I thought was AF, but after2-3 days of spotting nothing...WTF? Same thing a week later. I don't get it:shrug: I added you on Facebook
Melfy- I've never weighed formula! Would be interesting though to see. I make 85 oz a day so it's a mad rush to make it all (make it ahead night before)

Hi fili! Will get u on fb unless I already have u on there? I'm rarely on it though and don't post pics.
Hi ladies
Just a quick one - fili I wouldn't worry too much about not having AF yet (apart from you want to ttc again of course!!) I didn't BF and hasn't got it back after 12 weeks but then I went back on the pill so I don't know how much longer it would have been. I think every woman is different some it can take 2-3 months others it can take a year.
Hope the house move went well.
Hope everyone else is good x
hope: I make about 32 oz a day, so that`s 105g of powder. I just get the right amount, put it in a plastic container and just put it in the jar with water when I have to make formula. I keep 2-3 container in case.

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