Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Hi everyone. Kat, I hope you are feeling better.
Bumpy, Hope, Heart good to see you.
Fili I think AF can take a couple of months. I'm sure you will soon be pregnant again though, I've never known anyone get pregnant as easily as you!
Melfy, Louis had the same thing with the mucus.
Finally got round to finishing my birth story in my parenting journal if anyone is interested, I know it's old news now but I never get time to put the computer on. The link is in my sig.
Been having some disturbed nights lately. Louis settles to sleep well but after waking for his first feed of the night is waking again every hour or so. I had stopped swaddling him but I have decided to start doing it again see if it helps. I'm in agony today from sleeping sat up.
Melfy, it never occurred to me to weigh formula. Glad it's working out!

Fili, so good to see you. I already look at all of your pics on FB. Lexi is such a doll. I hope AF comes for you soon.

So funny how some of you want AF. I still haven't gotten her. Yesterday I thought she might be on her way, but today I have no signs of her whatsoever.

Claire, you must be exhausted. I can't imagine having 2. I can completely empathize with sleeping sitting up. It's so hard. It's no way to sleep. I hope rest finds it's way to you.

I bought the 30 day shred based on reviews from Bumps, Em and Sara. I didn't even know about it until you all started talking about it. Did the first day today. I love it. I'm going to the gym once a week now, but I need more exercise in my day. I did it during Delilah's first nap and even had time to shower after. I've felt great all day. I'm not doing it for weight loss. I was lucky to lose all of my baby weight easily. But after being on bedrest and then having Delilah, I'm out of shape. I love that I am starting to get fit again.
Amanda- we do the same thing, again ;) I just did p90x tonight, first time in 1.5 years I've worked out! Let me know how 30 day shred goes, fun to try something new.
Funny that Delilah and Ava weigh the same too! They get weighed again tomorrow so we will see it they gained at all and then 9 month checkup is week from thurs as the ped was booked.
I weigh the same now since getting preg but so out of shape. Last time did p90x I had no problem with ab ripper and now can just do 1/2 of the reps.

Hi bumpy!

Claire- hope u get some sleep too :hugs: sleep deprivation is the toughest thing about babies I think

Fili - I got AF when I was still pumping.
AF sucks now! It's worse than before pregs. No cramps so that is nice I guess.
Worst part about stopping pumping - your boobs are not the same.
Hopefully it doesn't happen to you girls but I guess they almost look the same, little less perky. It's strange, like they feel empty. Small price to pay though.
Glad u like the shred heart I love it too!!!! I love the fact that its quick so I can do it during Alfie's morning nap too!!! I'm on day 19 now! I haven't really lost any weight but feel stronger fitter and more toned! Level 2 is so much harder than level 1 I had quite a shock! I do each level for 10 days!
I got Alfie weighed on fri and he's 14lb 9 still a little squirt lol!!!
Hi everyone else - mrsm you are moving soon right? Hope it goes well. Loved reading your birth story!
Thanks Bumpy! Yes, we move next week. Not looking forward to the hassle of moving or the disruption for the children but can't wait to be settled in!
Just had Louis weighed, he is 10 weeks and 5 days and weighs 12lb 12oz, and still following the 50th centile.
Sorry for the selfish post and rant but...We're having a freaking snowstorm!!!!!:growlmad: Hello!! Spring's in 2 days!!! I wanna take Zoe out in her stroller wearing my shoes, not high boots. And use her stroller, not a sleigh!! Ouuuuhhh I'm soooooo pissed right now!!! I hate winter. Hate it hate it hate it!!! And the best part is: it lasts 6 months!!! I wish we had palm trees instead of pine trees:dohh:

Ahhh feeling much better now!! :blush:

And how is everyone else doing? That DVD sounds interesting. I could use it. I've lost all my pregnancy weight, but still need to work on those muscles.:haha:
Heart- sorry D is cutting teeth and you're not getting much sleep :hugs:

Hoping- I think we all can relate to our boobs being feeding machines now and seeming non-sexual! Although my DH doesn't seem to feel the same lol he's just as interested as ever...fondling around my nursing pads and everything! :haha: I tease him and say 'Sexy, right?' :p

Kat- I hope you're feeling better hun :hugs:

Melfy- I've never weighed formula either. I always give her heaping scoops because she's so little and I hope to fatten her up! Yay for 4 hour chunks sleeping! :) Sorry about the bad weather. I get bummed too when it rains/snows and I can't stroll B around.

Fili- hey hun! I added you on FB. My initials are M.S. and my profile pic is a black and white photo of B sleeping :)

Hopeful- I imagine nothing about our bodies will be exactly the same as pre pregnancy...unfortunately. Good you ladies are working out. I lack the motivation right now :/

Bumpy- I am guessing since you're on the pill you aren't going to ttc#2 anytime soon?

MrsM- good luck with the move! :thumbup: I will go back and read your birth story :)

Ladies losing posts- just an FYI if you're on the iPhone, I recently discovered that you can shake your iPhone and it will let you undo copy or undo paste. Since this is how I usually lose posts, it's a lifesaver! So shake it to undo like an etch-a-sketch!

Afm, B is teething!!! I wasn't expecting it this early. She had several fussy days in a row and trouble sleeping & then my mom noticed when we were shopping that she would spit her paci out and opt to chew on her blanket instead every time. She loves her pacis so that was a clue. I also noticed she's been drooling a lot the last couple weeks too. Then the other day when she was super fussy and we couldn't figure out why, I looked at her gums and saw the bits of white! I can totally see her two bottom center teeth! I have been giving her some homeopathic teething drops and they seem to help. She's been eating her hands for a couple weeks now too and now she's sticking every toy we give her straight into her mouth. Poor thing. On a brighter note, she's also found her feet and grabs them all the time & babbles & squeals non stop! :) Very cute!
hi tuckie teething wow, so painful for them hope you didnt have a night like heart :hugs:
heart i did the shred before preg with lexi it's fab but hard!
mel lol i love cold and the snow! but totally understand you want to get out :hugs:
thanks bumps :hugs: love your family pics on fb :cloud9:
Melfy- snowed here too and about record cold I think, 9 deg Fahrenheit this morning and cold all week. I don't like it either!!!!! Too much snow and will be end of April before its gone I think.

Tuckie- that is early! Hope it happens quick
Wow- they r 9 months old today. He decided to chew her hair while she chewed a sock. Typical Saturday. :) :cloud9:


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Hi Ladies,
Thank you for all the well wishes. I feel better now. I removed the plug the same day I started taking antibiotics, but DH would not let me stop. I was put on bed rest and essentially spent 4 days crying on and off. I FINALLY got it together and realized what is done is done and increased Grey's and my probiotic intake and started the anti-yeast diet to reduce our risk of thrush because of the antibiotics.
On the plus side, my right boob is finally clogged-duct free. I have had clogged ducts the entire time I have been breast feeding and thought they were normal until Heart said her boobs do not hurt. I can finally hug DH and hold Grey on my right side. My boob had become "caked" where about a third of it was solid and painful. I know most of you will not understand why I was so upset about being on antibiotics... but thanks for supporting me anyways.

Someone asked about the situation with my in-laws. DH has worked out a repayment plan and they are paying us back monthly for the next 4 years. I am happy for him because that situation was really hurting DH. It does not change what they did, but at least now there is restitution. This occurred ONLY because DH told them they were not invited to partake in our lives if they did not right the wrong (the gist of a very long letter). They realized that the whole thing was NOT going to blow over when they were not invited to see Grey. They are now coming late next month and I am good with it. I want DH to have his parents in his life.

I read, but was half delirious, so here is what I remember:

Yay for your new place!

So sorry you had to go through that with Bay. Good to know the reason now. All the symptoms you listed, Grey is doing as well. (eating hands, chewing blanket, drool, etc...) I do not see a tooth coming out though. That was nice of your MIL. It does not sound like it has repeated. Thank goodness for you.

So sorry that you also had a rough time with D teething. I always cry when Grey is really sobbing (like in past car rides). Hope things are better now.

How is Tim enjoying being a SAHD? I hope things look good as far as your surrogate match is concerned soon. It is an amazing gift you are going to give someone.

Yay for DH making it home for your anniversary. I would love to see your pretty watch. Snap a pic of Eva and one of your watch please.

How are finals going?

Hi. I know you wrote, but I cannot remember anything except for Shred and being on BCP.

I am EBF, so I highly doubt I will be getting AF anytime soon, though it happened to Tuckie. I read on Kelly's mom the average is 14months if you are EBF. I won't be doing it that long. You will be TTC long before me, since you stopped BF. FXed for you hon. I am honestly too sleep deprived right now to handle pregnancy.

So happy your duct issue resolved itself. It is so painful, but the infected ones are the worst. I started taking lecithin. It is supposed to make our milk less thick and fatty. I am also eating a raw garlic clove daily and going to start taking raw, apple cider vinegar once I am done with the anti-yeast diet. Both are supposed to help prevent mastitis and I never want it again.
Yikes, your weather sucks! I live in SoCal with the palm trees you dream about. Come join me. My close gf lives in Montreal. She loves it, but says winters are a nightmare.

Good for you both that you are in counseling and working on yourselves. I truly believe in therapy. I hope it helps. It's a good sign that your DH is willing to work on things. It doesn't guarantee anything, but is loads more promising that in he were not.

Boob Comment Girls,
I am with you all. I am now a sow. I feel nothing is sexual about my boobs anymore. DH loves how big and jiggly they are, but I have to stop myself from swatting his hands away. Most of the time I fail. I feel bad for him since he is a boob man and I now have these huge knockers. Now they are source of anxiety, since I never want mastitis or a clogged duct ever again.
Kat, I totally agree. I can't bear the thought of Mark touching my boobs, in fact it makes me feel a bit sick. I still haven't dtd since having Louis. I may do soon, but don't want him touching my boobs. I will keep my bra on like Sarah Jessica Parker.
I'm pleased you are feeling better now.
Hopeful your twins are adorable. Wow 9 months!
Tuckie, hope Bay doesn't suffer too much with the teeth. My BF's daughter got teeth at 4 months, her health visitor said it may mean she hits puberty earlier as well. I don't know how true that is though.
Hopeful- love the pic! I hope the teething passes quickly but I'm not getting my hopes up. I read that they can have symptoms for a couple months before the tooth even fully emerges from the gums :dohh:

Sara- I second Kat! I want an Eva pic & watch pic too! :)

Kat- Love your new main pic of Grey! He's so cute! Sorry you had several rough, bedridden days but I'm glad you're doing better now :thumbup: Watch out for fits in the next couple weeks since Grey is showing signs of early teething as well. B did the chewing hands and drooling bit for weeks & seemed fine before she had these recent fits. She's had 3 or 4 major fits in the last week or so. The first was at a family BBQ and then the night I cried and posted here about. The last couple screaming episodes we were able to control better because we know its her teeth now and not gas as we had originally thought. The homeopathic drops seem to help her and I have baby Motrin drops on hand if it gets too bad or she see develops a fever from it. I've also read diarrhea can accompany teething but so far so good on the poop front :) glad to hear DHs parents have set up a repayment plan. I don't blame him for giving them an ultimatum. How's Grey's sleeping going? Is your DH still having to wear him and bounce him to sleep? B was doing great & only waking once per night and barely fussing. Now that she's teething she does a good 4-5 hours and then after that she's up a couple more times and screaming.
MrsM- lol @ wearing a bra like SJP! :haha: B may hit puberty early. It makes sense...although I'd like her to be a baby as long as possible! My mom said I got teeth early and I got my period at 11 years old, which is somewhat early.
Haven't properly caught up, but will tomorrow.

Kat, I'm glad you are feeling better. I know what that hardness feels like. It's soooo painful!

Jodi, LOVE the pics! Happy 9 months! Delilah is 9 months on Sunday.

My baby cut her first tooth this week AND crawled today for the first time! It was a rudimentary crawl, but she got from point A to point B without rolling. She did it several times. Here's a little video.

My voice is kind of like "oh shit, it's your first crawl. I'm in trouble now!" :rofl:

Thanks for the heads up on buying some teething stuff. What are you using?
Also good to know about the fits. I am NOT looking forward to it. Our sleep is the same. He does about 2-3 hour stretches after a long 4 hour stretch at 7:30ish. Nothing fantastic. It sounds like Bay is doing better. I had to take him to bed with me two nights ago as he would not settle in his swing during his usual long stretch. He did sleep in it for the next two stretches. Life with him is so good except for the super shitty sleep. Yes, DH is still wearing him in the Ergo if we want a decent nap from him. We successfully have gotten him to sleep in his swing for short naps 3 times last weekend while I was on bed rest. By we, I mean DH:haha:.

How are things with DH's job? Are you used to doing it all by yourself now?
DH is going to have to go back to the office very soon. I have been sooooo lucky to have him home and doing half of everything. I would have for sure had PPD if he was not here. I almost had a breakdown during week 2. I feel more sure of myself now and it helps that Grey no longer needs to be bounced 24/7 to not be screaming. Now he is happy sitting, doing tummy time, being walked around. I even put him in a stroller for the first time and he seemed curious. It was for 5 min.

I forgot to answer your question about the lump. The clogged duct was not near the suspicious lump.
Hahaha, that will give him the message. Where a sexy bra at least. DH went for my nipples and I was like, 'No'.

Loved the video. D is dressed so nice with her tights covered tushie. It is also nice hearing your voice. I finally started Grey in proper clothes for outings. Before that he was in pjs, like DH and me, for the first couple of months.

The caked part of my boob was not where my infection was, ironically. Now it is all soft again. I knew something was wrong when you told me your boobs did not hurt. I even asked my Dr and he said it was normal for boobs to hurt the entire time you are BF. I am so much happier now that the caked part is gone.

This will make you laugh or cringe. When my duct was plugged and infected, I was so desperate for it to unclog that I made DH try to suck it out twice after Grey failed to.:haha: He had to keep swallowing BM and had a sore jaw for days afterwards. He found it strangely erotic. aaargh.
Kat: Glad you're feeling better :) I would LOVE to live somewhere warm all year round. I live in Montreal, and we got a decent amount of snow today. Quite depressing, but I was able to get a lot of laundry done. My MIL is coming thursday. Looking forward to it:happydance:

Hope: Love the picture of your little ones. They grow up so fast!!

Tuckie: She's teething already?! I'll make sure I get some teething stuff!!

Well I am now officially done expressing. I have BM in the freezer so I should be able to give her some BM until she's 3 months or so. I know it's early but I'm ok with it. I did what I could and I swear she likes the formula better than my BM:haha:

Heart: I'll mute the video:winkwink:
Melfy, you don't need to mute! I didn't actually swear! All I say is "first crawl, first crawl" but the way I'm saying it I'm implying "holy shit, this is going to change my life!"

Congrats on storing up so much BM. It must be nice to say goodbye to the pump. I pump every 3 nights or so because I like to mix BM into her oatmeal. But other than that, I never pump anymore and I don't miss it.

Kat, when you say caked part of your boob, do you mean a really hard spot that was flat like a pancake? I had that too. It was as big as my palm. That's when I had the plugged duct (it happened twice to me). When I had mastitis, I didn't have the same duct plugged. LOL at your DH! Tim offered to suck it out, but I declined. Amazing that Grey could do it, but your husband couldn't.

We had Delilah in pjs all the time too. I like changing her into day clothes now. We have so many of them, it would be a shame not to use them. Also, I'm obsessed with tights on cool days here. Socks never stay on, as she's always pulling them off and eating Ava! So I put tights on. I even put them on under her pants if it is cold enough here.

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