Hopeful- Happy 9 months to your gorgeous babies! The picture of them is so sweet
makes me almost want to give Penny a brother or sister!
Kat- Grey is adorable in your avatar. The mastitis sounds like a nightmare! Im so happy you are on the mend and totally get your frustration having to go on antibiotics. I laughed at DH being turned on by trying to help you out with the clog. When I was breast feeding I hated DH trying to touch them
it just felt so wrong to me. He is also a boob guy so we were both very happy when I stopped BFing.
MrsMigg- too funny about your SJP comment

. Im sure DH wont mind. He will just be happy to DTD again . Interesting about hitting puberty early if you get teeth early. Penny was 8 months so maybe she will be a late bloomer and stay my baby longer!
Tuckie- teething sucks big time! I feel so bad for Penny and she turns into a little monster so everything is more difficult. I think she has 2 more teeth coming through on the top. This means more toddler meltdowns. We also do the homeopathic teething gel/tablets and on really bad days she will give baby motrin. Penny never got diarrhea either but will occasionally get diaper rash. This time it was projectile vomit which I guess can happen with excess saliva

How weird about the guy having a BM fetish! I just read the article and it is even more disturbing than I imagined. And I dont see why the couple had to broadcast their private business for the world to see.
Amanda- yay! Lots of firsts

. Delilah will be a crawling pro in no time and into everything. I loved this stage with all the exploring. Right after Penny learned to crawl climbing the stairs became her new obsession and has stayed her favorite hobby. I am a huge fan of tights as well! Penny has at least 15 different pairs in all sorts of colors and patterns(the cotton ones are my favorite). I love putting them under onsies too. She also has a couple pair of leggings that give her that jazzercising look

Melfy- I stopped BFing at 3 months as well. I thought I would be upset about it but was totally fine and loved having my body back all to myself (and Tim).
Fili-adorable picture! I think I saw that one on FB
thanks for accepting my friend request! Isnt it so much fun dressing up a little girl?! Penny loves clothes and shoes. I often find her trying on things in her room and she loves helping me get her dressed and undressed.
Just- it could also be the 4 month sleep regression. Penny was an awesome sleeper until she hit 4 months and then woke once or twice until 10 months.
AFM- sadly no update on the surrogacy. They assured me that they will find a good match but it will take some time. I am trying to be patient and know that it will happen when it is meant to happen. I do have a surrogacy meeting on April 14th so hopefully by then everything will be in motion.
Tim is thriving being a SAHD. He is so much better at the housework stuff than I am and he and Penny just adore each other but as soon as I come home I am happy she is all about mommy

. He did have a bit of a rough day yesterday. He woke up to our cat puking everywhere and then next Penny. He had just cleaned the couches when Penny decided to projectile vomit. By the time I got home from work they were both still in their PJs (a huge change since he is normally in a tie and vest) and he was doing heaps of laundry but still managed to have dinner ready and make special alone time for the two of us. He is pretty amazing!