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Heart- loved the video! Yay to D for crawling :) You're in trouble now! :haha: I can't wait to Bay in tights! So cute.

Kat- I am getting in the swing of things being a sahm now. I too feel very fortunate that I had him here for the first 3 months. It has been an adjustment but I think I'm doing pretty damn good! :)

OMG LOL @ your hubby BFing!!! My sister showed us a program (on A&E I think) about people with various sexual fetishes and there was a guy with a BM fetish. He would nurse on one side and the baby on the other lol & said he liked it in his cereal too! His wife said he can't get an erection without involving BM! So watch out for DH! He might start to want some in his cereal too! :haha:

Melfy- that's great you were able to stockpile so much BM! :thumbup:
It was TLC, not A&E. I found an article about the episode I was talking about and there's a 2 minute clip of the couple featured in it. Very bizarre!
For some reason I don't see the video clip. And I'm kinda glad. I read the first few sentences of the article and needed a break. To each their own with the fetishes. It's just not one I'll be indulging anyone in!
Ewwwww I feel a bit ill :nope:
Heart I used to love dressing Edie in dresses and tights. I used to put frilly knickers over the tights. So damned cute.
Hahaha! Funny you say torture because my sister loves to show us these weird programs she records & when we visit her, this is the kind of stuff she wants us to see lol I really do feel like its to torture us sometimes! I think maybe its a mobile link? C'mon Heart, you're a psych can handle it! :haha:
I dress Lexi in tights all the time :)


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Hi ladies, not been on in a while, sounds like everyone is doing well...

Tuckie, just read that article, eww yuck theres all sorts in this world!
Emelia is also showing all of the signs of teething but still no sign of actual teeth yet, I like to keep checking with my finger. She chews on her fingers constantly now and always drooling, she even makes herself sick as she puts her whole hand in her mouth! Glad to hear Bay is doing well.

Heart, thats so cute that video of Delilah, she's like a wriggling worm determined to get there. Yeah a cute outfit, I also wear tights under Emelias trousers aswell as dresses as socks just wont stay on. I laughed the other day as my MIL said that she used to put tights on my husband and his brother as socks wouldnt stay on, I never realised that people do that to boys but I guess they are more practical.

Kat, Grey it sounds like you've had a time of it with mastisis, glad that its cleared now. Grey really is such a big boy isnt he, I love your new avatar picture, I cant believe how other babies can almost do press ups whilst on tummy time, honestly Emelia is terrible at it and still can barely lift her own head let alone push up on her arms, she's much better at lying across my knee face down and lifting her head that way.

MrsM, thats exciting about your moving house so soon, hope it goes as stress free as possible for you guys.

Hopeful, lovely pics of Ava and Dylan, such cute babies. I also hope teh counselling goes well.

sorry to anyone I've missed, so much to read back on.

AFM, well as I've said Emelia has been sleeping through the night since 11 weeks old, goingf down at 8pm then wakened for a midnight feed and then back to sleep until 7am.....well...this week she has decided to start wakening at 4am again for feeds, its hard when we're not used to it. My hubby said can you go on your forum and ask for advice, I said to him that we're one of the lucky few that have had a baby sleep through the night haha, I know many of you havent had it as easy! Im hoping its just a temporary thing. Tonight Im going to try giving her a bath and feed her more milk, normally I give her a bath in the mornings.
This might be controversial Just as I know it goes against modern advice but it would make me think perhaps she is ready for weaning? Have you noticed her paying attention to you while you eat or perhaps mimicking your chewing notion? Some babies are ready at 4 months and if the milk she is having is suddenly not satisfying her, in your shoes I would perhaps just try her with a bit of baby rice.
Hopeful- Happy 9 months to your gorgeous babies! The picture of them is so sweet… makes me almost want to give Penny a brother or sister!

Kat- Grey is adorable in your avatar. The mastitis sounds like a nightmare! I’m so happy you are on the mend and totally get your frustration having to go on antibiotics. I laughed at DH being turned on by trying to help you out with the clog. When I was breast feeding I hated DH trying to touch them… it just felt so wrong to me. He is also a boob guy so we were both very happy when I stopped BFing.

MrsMigg- too funny about your SJP comment:haha:. I’m sure DH won’t mind. He will just be happy to DTD again . Interesting about hitting puberty early if you get teeth early. Penny was 8 months so maybe she will be a late bloomer and stay my baby longer!

Tuckie- teething sucks big time! I feel so bad for Penny and she turns into a little monster so everything is more difficult. I think she has 2 more teeth coming through on the top. This means more toddler meltdowns. We also do the homeopathic teething gel/tablets and on really bad days she will give baby motrin. Penny never got diarrhea either but will occasionally get diaper rash. This time it was projectile vomit which I guess can happen with excess saliva:shrug:.

How weird about the guy having a BM fetish! I just read the article and it is even more disturbing than I imagined. And I don’t see why the couple had to broadcast their private business for the world to see.

Amanda- yay! Lots of firsts:happydance:. Delilah will be a crawling pro in no time and into everything. I loved this stage with all the exploring. Right after Penny learned to crawl climbing the stairs became her new obsession and has stayed her favorite hobby. I am a huge fan of tights as well! Penny has at least 15 different pairs in all sorts of colors and patterns(the cotton ones are my favorite). I love putting them under onsies too. She also has a couple pair of leggings that give her that jazzercising look:haha:.

Melfy- I stopped BFing at 3 months as well. I thought I would be upset about it but was totally fine and loved having my body back all to myself (and Tim).

Fili-adorable picture! I think I saw that one on FB… thanks for accepting my friend request! Isn’t it so much fun dressing up a little girl?! Penny loves clothes and shoes. I often find her trying on things in her room and she loves helping me get her dressed and undressed.

Just- it could also be the 4 month sleep regression. Penny was an awesome sleeper until she hit 4 months and then woke once or twice until 10 months.

AFM- sadly no update on the surrogacy. They assured me that they will find a good match but it will take some time. I am trying to be patient and know that it will happen when it is meant to happen. I do have a surrogacy meeting on April 14th so hopefully by then everything will be in motion.

Tim is thriving being a SAHD. He is so much better at the housework stuff than I am and he and Penny just adore each other but as soon as I come home I am happy she is all about mommy:cloud9:. He did have a bit of a rough day yesterday. He woke up to our cat puking everywhere and then next Penny. He had just cleaned the couches when Penny decided to projectile vomit. By the time I got home from work they were both still in their PJs (a huge change since he is normally in a tie and vest) and he was doing heaps of laundry but still managed to have dinner ready and make special alone time for the two of us. He is pretty amazing!
Hi just- I would say more milk too! Does she have some left in the bottle after she is done and full?

Kat- glad to hear u r getting better and love the new pic too! Lol on DH. I had to milk myself sometimes but i used to milk cows so no biggie ;)

Amanda- love the video! Cute clothes. She is so tall!

I am going to the moms of multiples sale on Saturday so hopefully can get some clothes for them. Clothes are way too expensive!

Sara - been meaning to say that is so sweet of your dh! What a nice gift.
Thanks ladies for advice, Emelia is being really fussy with her milk and never really finishing a bottle these days, thats why I was thinking to myself that she's not really screaming hungry all the time after feeds and therefore I didnt think she was ready for solids. But Im now thinking it may actually be boredom with just milk and baby rice may be worth trying. I'll discuss this with hubby and see what he thinks. I think she is consuming about 20-25 ounces of milk a day. I have just looked at the side of the forumla aptamil milk and it says for her age she shoiuld he taking 5 feeds a day at 7oz so 35 oz in total.

Hoping, sorry aboiut the surrogacy front being so slow. Thats great that your hubby is so good at being a SAHD and good at housework. My house would be a s**t holde if it were left to my husband to do haha, he clearly dosent have the same standards as me. Sounds a nightmare day with the cat and Penny being sick!
Hi Everyone.
I am so open-minded that the fetish article did not bother me in the least. I have no fetish that I am aware of, but to each their own. I also would not care if DH wanted to drink BM in his cereal or coffee, but I am too lazy to pump. I would not want him to drink it fresh off the boob though. A lot of people are anti-dairy (not me) and think drinking cows milk is unnatural. It's good enough for Grey, it's good enough for DH. (He does not drink my BM for the record. Just those two times he was trying to remove the plugged duct.)

Yes, hard, flat and a third of my boob. Grey did NOT suck the plug out. After he fed, DH tried, pumping, I finally found a bleb on my nipple in the shower. I scraped it off. Squeezed out spaghetti like milk and then sprang a huge fountain.

That is reassuring that you have adjusted so well to being a SAHM. We are so lucky our DHs could be home with us at first.

Tell your DH that I was up to feed at 11:30pm, 2:30am, 5:30am, and 6:50am and that this is perfectly normal for an EBF baby. IT does however suck.

Happy hunting.

Wow, Tim does a way better job than me. I told DH my job is BF, the rest we split:haha:. It must feel good to be so wanted by Penny after a day away. I hope you get good news soon from your surrogacy agency.

All my fears of my milk supply dropping due to the mastitis was unfounded.

Grey weighs 16lbs 6.5oz. He is now sitting up like a big boy in his infant play chair. He is also rolling again.
Just- sorry E isn't sttn anymore :/ I've heard about 4 month sleep regression & I'm not looking forward to B waking more often than she already does. I hope this is temporary for you hun. I've read babies may eat less when teething too so that's something to consider since they can have symptoms long before the teeth come through. Maybe MrsM is onto something with the baby rice idea. I don't know for sure because B isn't there yet. She does watch me eat but she watches pretty much everything I do with utter fascination so hard to say.

Kat- I forgot to answer your question about what we're using for teething. They're called Camilia & the company is Boiron. I believe there are tablets also but I have the box with 15 individual single-use liquid doses. Grey is such a big boy! :) he looks so big in his play chair! I too don't get too freaked out by the fetishes. I think it's very strange & gross, but it takes a lot for me to be truly shocked or disgusted. After all my profs stories in abnormal psych, it takes a lot. The only thing that really disgusts me is child or animal abuse stories. I say if there are consenting adults involved & no one is being hurt by it, whatever. To each their own, as you said. The first few days being a SAHM on your own are crazy but you will get into a routine and it'll just become second nature. You'll do great, don't worry. Glad your supply hasn't suffered from the mastitis :thumbup:

Hoping- poor tim with all that barfing going on! Sounds like he is doing a fab job as a sahd! I'm impressed that he is normally wearing a vest & tie when you get home. I stay in yoga pants 24/7 around the house unless we go out anywhere :haha:

Hopeful- the moms of multiples sale sounds awesome! Hope you pick up some good finds :)

I'm thinking of starting a parenting journal because I want to keep updates of Baylyn somewhere but I should probably move out of the pregnancy journal now. I'm wondering if someone can tell me how to link the journal in your siggy as a title. I noticed MrsM and Hoping have done it that way & I just have the long ass link in mine....?

Pics of B this morning when DHs dad was holding her:

She did a full roll this morning. From back to belly and then over to her back again :D
Very quick post girls for just.

I'm loving reading everything girls and sorry I'm not responding but I am taking it all in. Maybe tomorrow I'll have time for a proper post!

Just do you remember I always moaned about Alfie's disinterest in milk! Sometimes he would only take 1-2 oz in a go. He also has reflux (well had, he's much better now seemed to grow out of it @5 months so we stopped the gaviscon) I used to stress out SOOO much and hated taking him out when he was due a feed as he was so fussy! We had to experiment with different feeding positions, distractions and even tried different milks. We found he preferred cow and gate to aptamil - wish we realised that earlier as its cheaper!!!! In the end we found he always took more milk if we fed him from his bouncy chair! If she is only having a few oz at a time that is prob the reason she is waking at night again - she won't be filling her belly enough in the day. Could You maybe try fitting in an extra daytime feed to try and give her more? We weaned Alfie at 5 months instead of 6 months because he wasn't taking enough milk. And he LOVES his solids - will eat anything I give him!! The funny thing is in the last couple of weeks he has started enjoying his milk again so for the first time feeding has become enjoyable for us both!!!! He sometimes wakes in the night @4am ish but I can usually settle him without a feed thankfully.

Oh and Alfie displayed signs of teething @4months especially the red cheeks but still nothing has appeared!

Heart yay to D rolling

Kat glad you are better

Love the pics girls!

More tomorrow hopefully!
That wasn't really a quick post was it haha!!!!

Wow Kat grey has over taken Alfie massively!!!! He was 14lb 9oz last Friday!! Yay to rolling!
Thanks Bumpy, I thought we were onto something as last night we moved to the level 3 teats for Dr.Brown bottles and Emelia guzzled her milk down. She took 7oz at 9pm and another 7oz at midnight...needless to say that she still woke at 5am for another 4oz. This morning I filled the bottle with 7oz and she guzzled down 4 and then has stopped and is just not interested.
I think some feeds she is really hungry for it and otrhers not.
Im thinking that we will introduce the baby rice at 5 months and then take it from there. I think Id prefer not to change from aptamil right now but will consider it down the line if she is still fussing, thanks for that suggestion!

I wish we had switched to the level 3 teats earlier though as I timed her feeds last night...6 minutes in total to finish 7oz and winding etc.

I have to take Emelia next week to get weighed again as that will be 3 weeks by then since last weigh in.

Kat, Im loving the rolls on Grey's arms haha, he's definetely well at himself sitting up in his play seat.

Tuckie, Bay is such a doll, lovely pictures of her, Im jealous about the rolling, I think Emelia is just quite lazy, Im making a point of spending time with her now to encourage rolling and tummy time.
Kat: Yay on getting that duct unplugged. I'm sure you're much more comfortable now!! I also remember the milk flowing out of mine when I unplugged the duct. I was also starting to have one in my right breast, but put an end to it before it was too late!! Now my boobs are pretty much back to their original size (yay I fit in my bras again!!!) but still slightly bigger and firm, so I'm happy, so is DH:haha: And glad to know the antibiotics didn't affect your supply:thumbup: Grey is such a big little boy, he's adorable:cloud9:

Tuckie: B is sooo cute:cloud9: Yay for rolling!! A sleep regression at 4 months? Doh!! hadn't heard of it. Bah I'll ask DH to do one feed during the night:blush: For teething, have you tried those little plastic toy things they can chew on that you put in the fridge? Apparently they're quite good.

Just: I am also debating switching Zoe to level 3 teats, because she gets tired after 3oz or so of milk, and gets hungry again shortly after. She slept from 9pm 'til 2:30 am, but then asked for a bottle at 4:30 and 6:30, when she usually wakes up around 1:30 and then 4-5 am. I will try some level 3 teats today and see how she does. My MIL is staying with us, and pretty sure she'll be more than happy to do the night feeds:happydance:
Melfy, lucky you having your MIL to do night time feeds. I'd definetely recommend the level 3 teats as they finish the bottle so much quicker and take in less air as not having to work as hard for it.

That 9.30pm-2.30am sleep that Zoe does is great, pity she then wakes for another 2 during the night, Im sure she will start going longer soon. Emelia was 11 weeks on the dot when she started going through the night until 7am, just hope it goes back to that.

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