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Amanda - Levi has started having separation anxiety this week. Hubs was a way for 4 days and that seemed to make it worse. He screams if hubs goes in at night now but it didn't used to bother him, and if he is holding him and we are all walking somewhere he fusses and reaches for me. Even though I am right there. He never used to mind if we left him, but i wonder if he will fuss to go tot he nursery at church in the future? It's pretty much the only time we leave him and so far he hasn't minded at all.

Levi has had a crazy week - first he crawling which he now doe everywhere. No belly time now, he's up on all fours. Then today he crawled right over to our ottoman and pulled himself up like it was no big deal. We couldn't believe it! We lowered the crib tonight in case he starts standing in there!

I am not sure if he has a bug or if he had a reaction to something he ate - even though I have no idea what that would be because he hasn't eaten anything new. He just has a little rash on his belly too. But hes had the runs for the last 2 days. Poor kid. I have had him in disposables so I can slather his bum with diaper cream but he still has such a sore bum :(

I guess it could be a teething reaction, his gums are definitely bothering him, but he has never had that reaction with teeth before.

He isn't acting sick really just a little fussier but nothing major. I just hate when he is not quite right. I get nervous something is really wrong and I wouldn't know.

I am checking for wet diapers and he had a few so he was peeing so I know he isn't too dehydrated. Worried mama over here.

Sorry for the selfish post, just worrying.

Here is a little video of my little guy standing - Hope I can post one and that it will be the right one :
Croy that video is awesome! What a big boy! Delilah is doing exactly what you describe. If I am anywhere near her, she wants me to hold her. Tim isn't good enough for her right now, unless I'm not around. Then they have a fabulous time together.

She hasn't had a reaction to teething, but what you describe definitely sounds like teething. The runs are the worst. We had them for 15 days straight back in November. It was horrible. I hope it stops soon.

Jodi, I think twins have to find ways to cope that singletons don't. My friend has twins and she said something similar to what you said. You can't always give each one your undivided attention, so they learn from the beginning that they have to wait. It's a fair trade given you are already taking care of two babies. You need some breaks somewhere.

Remind me to never say never again. The other day I was commenting that Delilah has never pooped in the tub. Guess what she did tonight? And Tim wasn't around. Lovely! LOL!
oh no poopy tub! We have yet to experience that joy. Although I was giving Levi some naked time to try and get some air to his sore bum and of course when he crawled away I saw a pee puddle and then noticed a trickle of nasty poop all down his leg. Poor baby I didn't even hear him go :(

Was D sick with any other symptoms with the runs?

He has been up three times since he went down just over 2 hours ago and had to be changed once already. Poor kid, his belly is so bubbly.
She was at first. She caught a cold that I had. She got diarrhea during that time, but then it lingered after the cold was gone. I changed 10 - 12 poops a day. She pooped every time I fed her and she was nursing more at night back then. It was exhausting for both of us. The doctor said it was a virus and she had seen other kids go as long as 2 weeks with it.

Poor little guy. It's no fun. Are you trying solids like bananas, applesauce and rice? We have the opposite problem. Solids are making her so constipated! I have to feed her pears and prunes every day. Obviously I gave her enough of them today, hence the poopy tub.
yes, today all i fed him was some toast a little apple sauce and a bite of rice. But he was also pooping after every feed. During sometimes. He would just fart and there was follow through. It was bright yellow this morning, then bright green always a surprise. But this is the first time he has had diaper rash and its super sore, he scream at every change :(
That sounds like when Delilah had it. She wasn't on solids back then, so I didn't have the chance to try the BRAT diet. But hers were mostly green. The doctor said not to worry, it was just bile. Oh, ok, "just bile?" That freaked me out. But their systems are working overdrive and there isn't enough food matter to poop out. Does he have wet diapers? I'm guessing it's teething or a virus. As long as he's hydrated, there isn't much you can do but ride it out. I used Desitin when she had it like that. She didn't get a rash, but her bottom was raw.
Yes, its all coloured mucus essentially. He has had one solely wet one today. The others have been wet and poopy, but then he peed a whole bunch on the floor when he was having his naked time. I am trying to nurse as much as he wants.
My friend who is a nurse said to try just nursing and no solids at all tomorrow and see if it helps.

I hope he gets over it soon, its stressful worrying over them, isn't it?
Hi everyone,

Croy, that video of Levi is impressive to watch him crawl and then stand up like that, I had to look at his age again and thats great for 7 months old. Friends of ours have a little boy who is 11 months old and only started crawling last week. Each in their own time I guess.
Also I can sympathise with the diarrhoea situation and resulting napppy rash. Emelia had diarrhoea for about 8 days solid, I had to change her approx every 20 mins as I would hear her fart and squelch, her bottom was red raw it was such ashame. When the redness cleared up it left a couple of rash/spotty bits and the nurse said it looked like a teething rash. Her diarrhoea was very runny yellow and also mucousy/jelly like at times.
I dont know if they sell it over where you are but Sudocream and Bepanthen cream worked brilliantly to clear it up, I also bought a nappy rash spray with zinc and castor oil in it, also good old vaseline aswell I was putting on everything I could think of and like you say trying to give her fresh air with her nappy off to clear it up.
Sounds like good advice that your friend has given to stop the solids for a day or so and only give milk and that way you know he's getting plenty of fluids aswell to keep him hydrated. When Emelia had it I would say that she was still acting completely normal and alert etc. I think you only need to worry if your child is quite lifeless and showing signs of dehydration.

Heart, my Bumbo chair is also a hand me down from my sister and it dosent have straps either, I must investigate and see if I can buy them along with the play tray, although Emelia hates the bumbo chair anyway and cries after 5 mins, she really loves her bouncy chair and sits there for hours.
Yuck to the poop in the bath haha, Im always watching out for that happening aswell as its bound to one of these days.
Emelia is back to sleeping good at night, goes down at 8pm until midnight and we give her a feed and then back to sleep until 7am.
Im loving my excericising too, sometimes its hard to motivate yourself to do it but you feel so much better afterwards. Im going a biut crazy at it and walking for hours a day with the pram and then going on my cross trainer at night to burn 500 calories and then taking the dog a 50 min. walk.

Needless to say though that I jumped on the scales yesterday and felt very disheartened as I havent even lost a pound this week and I've been soo good.
Im still 10 1/2 stones now and I want to get back to pre-pregnancy 9 stone. I do feel myself getting quite down about my weight at times and really wish I hadnt over eaten during pregnancy to put on 4 stone!! But I need to keep reminding myself that I have a beautiful baby out of it.
Last night we were invited to a house warming and I didnt go, I let my hubby go and I stayed in with Emelia for numerous reasons...hard to get a baby sitter overnight, didnt want to be hungover today and I felt fat compared to all of the girls that I knew would be there. Only I can work on this weight loss and no matter how much reassurance I get from people that I look fine, I wont be completely happy until I lose some more so summer is my target.
Croy it's always one thing or another to worry about! No matter what age, I think we'll always worry.

Just, there was a recall on Bumbos because babies were escaping them like Emelia and Delilah. So you can just go to their website and get the straps for free, at least in the US you can. But Delilah is the same, she never liked it very much. I think it's because her bum was lower than her legs and that irritated her reflux. She was always arching in it, trying to straighten her body. I'm getting rid of it. I have such a small house and all of this baby stuff really clutters the house.

Regarding your weight, try to remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. It took some time for you to gain the weight and it will take some time to lose it. Try to use your clothes as a measure of your success rather than stepping on a scale and feeling defeated. You'll eventually start to notice that your clothes are looser. Whereas the scale can be misleading. Muscle weighs more than fat. Also, don't forget, you JUST had a baby 4 months ago. I didn't fit into any of my pre-pregnancy pants after 4 months. I also didn't gain as much because I had Delilah so early. And I was breastfeeding. I guess what I'm saying is that I had a few advantages over you and I wasn't fitting into my pants. It's no surprise you haven't dropped all the weight. Unless you are a celebrity, and have tons of money to throw at babysitters, chefs and personal trainers, it isn't possible to drop the baby weight that quickly. But I assure you, with your efforts, you will see a difference. You are doing great. Every day that you make the decision to exercise and eat healthy is one day closer to your goal. All of the effort you make matters. Just because the scale isn't cooperating doesn't mean your efforts are in vain. They matter. They are the building blocks.

I've always found when I want to lose weight that I need a target to work towards. Summer is an excellent target. It gives you a few solid months to really work towards your goal. It's a realistic expectation. Whenever you feel down, just keep reminding yourself that Rome wasn't built in a day and that you are doing what you can to get back into shape.

Are you eating nutritious, healthy meals? One of my favorite apps is My Fitness Pal. You can log all of the calories you consume and all of the calories you expend through exercise in a day. It really helps to understand how many calories certain foods have, even healthy ones like a banana. But you also want to make sure to eat foods that have lots of fiber and keep you full. Also, lots of water. Water is so filling. Except for a little wine here and there, I only drink water. I love sparkling water. I bought a machine that makes regular water bubbly. It feels sinful, but isn't! Sorry if you know all of this. I'm really passionate about healthy living. I can be your cheerleader!
I hope Levi's poopy situation is better =(. Wow! Look at him go. What a big boy.

Thanks for the kind words about thrush. You are being too hard on yourself regards to weight. Grey ate all my pregnancy weight and made me bounce it off. It will come off in time. They even tell EBF moms not to diet at all until 6 months. Please don't skip going out because of unfounded weight concerns. You just had a baby and your weight is not high. I only weigh 12lbs less and am not trying to lose any.

I am PMing you.
Croy- sounds like Ava has the same poops and rash going on, she is getting at least 2 top teeth and I hope it's because of that. It's so worrisome! Doesn't want to eat. He stands so well!

I'm in my home town for the funeral and dh has the kids at home because its so much work to haul them and esp with her pooping all the time. We are all coming back down for Easter this weekend. Still in the 30s and some snow today. Sucks!!!

Just- after only 4 months after Emelia u r doing great! Hearts advice is again, awesome. It will come off, just takes time. Don't worry what those other girls look like, u have a gorgeous baby! Yeah!
Hey ladies how are you all?

I have a small secret.... Can you all keep it?
Thanks ladies, I know I shouldnt let my weight bother me so much, I know that I am doing good with the loss as I've already lost over 2 stone but I just feel like all of a sudden its slowed down and not fast enough.

Heart, I appreciate your long reply. Im trying to eat healthily and low fat with lots of homemade soups etc. Im trying not to limit my calories too much so that I still have energy to excercise. I also love water, thats all I drink aswell and sometimes with some fruit squash added but always the no added sugar ones. I know how hard weight loss can be and I know it did take time to put it all on. My friend is pregnant just now and only put on 2 stone but was heavier to begin with, she was telling me that often the lighter you are the more you can gain during pregnancy.
In my case I normally always calorie count but during pregnancy I knew I couldnt do this and also Im vegetarian so I wanted to make sure that I was eating cheese etc. for protein (to me cheese is very fattening) and also I knew the risks of me having a premature baby so again I wanted to try and make sure the baby was big enough if born early.

Also Im going to go on teh Bumbo's website to see about those straps, Emelia also has reflux so I wonder if thats why she hates the chair so much aswell.
Tracie are you expecting? :winkwink:

I love reading you even though I don't get time to post yet. Zeynab keeps me busy when she's awake and when she isn't I try to do all those things that need to be done around the flat. Very busy life when you have 3 children!

justkeep you need to give yourself time regarding the weight loss. Your body has gone through a lot so it's changed and it may take a bit of time but I'm sure you'll get there because it sounds as if you're doing all the right things. Keep it up! :thumbup:
Tracie is it a poppy seed size secret? Eeeks!

Hopeful- sorry about all the snow. I hope the funeral went ok and that it was good to be with family even of you did t get to bring the babies. Glad they will meet everyone soon. Stay safe driving in all that snow!

Justkeep- thank you so much for sharing your experience. Sounds like the same thing. Did she have the poops with other teeth? I had thought it could be that but he cut his first tooth last month and didn't have this symptom. I guess it could be a new one. They seem to like to change it up.
Also, I amstill in pants 2 sizes bigger than before pregnancy. I am trying to be good about eating ans trying to move to shed weight but some of it is my hips are just wider. Even I'd I got back to the weight I might not get in my old clothes. I use it helps me watch what I eat. Sometimes I just can't be bothered to put it in the system so I don't eat it :) you just had a baby and your priority is your sweet baby. The weight will come off but I'm sorry that you are feeling bad. I can relate. Let me know of you want to join mfp ans if you want to conect with me on there. It would be a good motivator for me to have someone else on there.

Hoping to get in to see a doctor today. These through the night poops are killing me...levis not mine! I just want to know I'm doing all I can to help him and she k he isn't getting dehydrated. Happy spring break to me :)

Hope the rest of your ladies are keeping warm too much cold and snow going in for my liking. Ok gotto go and get mmy sweet boy he's awake!
Amanda- I hope the retaliation against naps phase is over soon. We went through that at about 10 months when separation anxiety hit an all time high. I’m dealing with this again... Penny used to take 2 1.5-2 hour naps a day but recently has been refusing her last nap. I guess is normal to go down to 1 nap the closer they get to 2years. I love that your sing Supermom instead of Superman in the REM song! Your work out routine sounds like it is really paying off… I may have to get my hands on a copy of the 30 day shred. Like you, I had no trouble dropping my baby weight in a matter of weeks but now I am out of shape and tired.

Welcome to the poopy bath club!:haha: I never thought it would happen to me either and then it happened twice in the last couple months.

Enjoy the Hunger Games! I love those books and couldn’t put them down. I’m not sure if it is in the 1st book but the song Katniss sings to Rue is the one I sing to Penny every night before bed.

Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow
Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes
And when you awake, the sun will rise.

Here it's safe, here it's warm
Here the owls guard you from harm
Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you.

Just- we are all our own worst critics. I totally understand… there is a huge difference between looking and feeling great. At the rate you are going you will be in the best shape of your life in no time but like all good things it does take some time. I like what Amanda said about using your clothes as a measure of your success rather than a scale. On the scale I am right at where I was before I got pregnant but my clothes do not fit quite like they used to. I also NEED to get back into shape!

Kat- I hope Grey settles into a routine soon and gives you the opportunity to sleep for more than an hour or two. That is rough! Anyone would be weepy having to do that night after night.

Hopeful- I hope Ava pops some teeth soon. Teething really sucks! I hope the funeral is beautiful and you enjoy seeing your family even though it is a sad occassion.

Croy- you definitely have a very mobile baby now. I loved the video of him standing. I hope the poor little guy feels better soon

Tracie- my guess is that you are expecting as well:thumbup:

Madrid- enjoy that sweet little baby of yours… they sure keep us busy!
Tracie that's awesome! Details???

Croy- Ava has stomach flu! Hope Levi doesn't have it. Dr said you can tell by the distinctively stinky poops. She is getting better though.
I took Levi to the Dr this morning an he said he thought it was a virus, and his rash is excema. He said that the squirts can go on for a week but if they last longer than 10 days they will do a culture. He also said not to stop feeding him normally that he will recover better if he is getting the nutrients from food and not just eating the Bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. So I fed him today - but he is still pooping a lot. Poor kid.

Hoping and praying it gets better soon. The doc suggested that I could try to give him some probiotics to help. I need to find some that would work.

Hoping for a better night tonight, last night was rough, he was up and poopy every time and just screamed when I changed him. His poor bum. I am trying to give him some naked time but its a bit dangerous! haha!

Jodi - Sorry that Ava is sick, I hope that the rest of you stay healthy :(

Tracie - You are killing us over here...deets please!!!!
Hello everyone. I think it's about time I started lurking in here in preparation. Looking forward to reading back through the thread and seeing all the gorgeous pics/vids.

Congrats Tracie.

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