Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Hi everyone...

Croy, thanks for the encouragement regarding weight loss. I will need to look into that Myfitnesspal app and if I do it that sounds a great idea to connect with people for moral support!
Poor Levi, it sounds like his bottom is raw and sore if he is screaming getting changed, its awful. If its a stomach virus then hopefully its on its way out of his system and he will be on the mend soon.

Lee, its nice to see you pop pver here, wow I cant believe how close you are now, so exciting, I hope you have your hospotal bag packed as so many of us went early.

Tracie, your causing a lot of excitement over haha, need to put people out of suspense as to whether your pregnant, great news if you are.
Just. I can't wait to get over here with you all. My mum was lecturing me about my bag last night on the phone, haven't got a clue what to pack but really should get on to it as my own sister went several weeks early!

How are you. We really need to meet up soon x.
Just. I can't wait to get over here with you all. My mum was lecturing me about my bag last night on the phone, haven't got a clue what to pack but really should get on to it as my own sister went several weeks early!

How are you. We really need to meet up soon x.

I think I had my hospital bag packed at 30 weeks I was so excited. My advice to you for your bag is vaseline or lip salve is a must for your bag, I remember constantly asking my husband to hand me my vaseline whilst I was in labour as my lips were unbelievably dry haha, I just gave my best friend the same advice for her bag that she is packing now.

Thats right, your own sister went early I remember you saying! I went at 37 weeks and many on here at 34 weeks.
You must be getting really excited now and probably a bit anxious aswell which is also normal.

Im doing great thanks with Emelia, I honestly feel that she gets better every day. I feel quite sad at times that I've lost my new born baby as they honestly grow soo quick but I've now got a beautiful little girl who smiles and giggles all of the time, it really is amazing, cant wait for you to experience it.
Looking back now I feel that the early weeks/months are a bit of a blur but now that Emelia is in such a good routine with sleep etc. Im feeling great in myself and really enjoying each day with her getting out and about excericising with the pram etc.

I'd be more than happy to meet up with you at some point Lee, would be good mind you once you have your little baby aswell and I'll bring Emelia along, will be lovely to see you and the baby in the flesh x
Lee: Only a couple of weeks left 'til you join us :)

Just: Keep up the good work!! Weight loss is never an easy thing! I'm lucky because I have a high metabolism, but even with that, I still need to do lots of abs to get rid of that little annoying ''pooch''. But hey, we gave birth to a baby!! Men get the belly too, but it's a beer belly. We're so much cooler than they are!!!:haha:

Kat: I really hope you're feeling better with your mastits. I agree: being sleep deprived sucks and sure has a lot to do with your anxiety. At least you know what's going on, and, slowly but surely, it'll get better:hugs:

We had a very nice weekend with my MIL! I also saw my OB this afternoon, and everything's perfect down there. He gave us the ok to have as much sex as we want:happydance:
Lee- Can't wait for you to be here with us too :) You have been waiting so long, I am just so excited for you. I can't believe that you are so close.

Just- I used a lot of vaseline too - dry lips were terrible during labor.

Melfy - Congrats n the all clear to dtd :) It was a bit uncomfortable the first few times post-baby for us, I hope it's not that way for you but just to give you a heads up.

My little guy decided that he wanted to perfect his standing skills. He is crawling everywhere and was waiting proudly for me in his crib when he should have been napping. I put a video link on the blog. I can't believe how fast he is growing up. I'm not ready
Hey girls, just popping in to say hello :wave: I've been reading but haven't found time to post yet! I will try to post soon :)
Croy: we dtd once one month post-partum and it was painful. My OB told me it's normal, especially because I was still pumping at that time, and oestrogen levels being lower, so it doesn't stretch as much ''down there''. Now that I'm not breastfeeding and pumping anymore, chances are it won't hurt as much.

Zoe slept a 6 1/2 hour stretch last night!!:happydance: From 10pm 'til 4:30am!! And then 4:45am-7:30am. I hope she keeps doing it!!!!
melfy - that's a long sleep for such a young one, that's awesome. have fun dtd

croy - he is so big! what a cutie

nice to see you lee!

anyone get their babies dolls yet and stuffed animals? i feel like i'm supposed to get ava a doll? is it too early? remember, i've never cared for babies or kids before! not sure she would even be interested in one yet

daycare lady (easter bunny at daycare) made them some cute easter baskets with a couple of little soft stuffed bunnies, rattle teethers and other things in them, super cute.
ava finally got to go back to daycare and now dh has the stomach flu.
hopeful - I would say its still a bit early, and she will start "playing baby" with something else when she is ready even if she doesn't have a doll. Its that same weird thing like with boys and cars, they just seem to know how to play with the even if you have never shown them. I imagine if they have things like baby dolls at daycare, you can ask them when she really starts playing with it and then you can decide if you want to get one.

Levi still isn't really playing with toys - I mean he chews on everything and bangs things together but hes not playing with anything how its made to be played with really - except balls, he throws balls, but then he throws everything so I think that is more luck than anything else!
Hi everyone!

Hopeful- Penny had stuffed animals since she was little but really didn't start playing until she was give her stuffed dog, Violet (leapfrog brand). Just before her 1st birthday she was treating it like her baby and on Christmas she got her first dollie. Its a cabbage patch doll that Tim named Margarita:dohh: I think the name it came with is Marina. Any way... she loves her dollies and Violet and pushes them in a stroller and brings them to us to baby sit. She also LOVES playing with cars. I wouldn't worry about it too much since your babies have the best play mate, each other!

When you shop do you ever take Ava down the toy isle? The way I knew Penny was ready to play with dolls was when she would hyperventilate with excitement in the doll isle at about 10/11 months:thumbup: It was the most adorable thing ever.
My kids have been to Costco once, quickly in and out, and to brunch at a restaurant right when it opens 3 times and through the mall once. I'm looking for a used single stroller to take one at a time and we will get out to stores more.
I can't wait to take them places :)
I've been thinking about getting violet, I have the other dog one that is about the same.
Very good advice hoping:! I fully agree with you!

Melfy I wish I could say the same but Z hasn't had a "normal" night since birth. She's always awake for at least 3 hours during the night. I'm looking forward to feeding-sleeping every 3 hours but I guess I have to wait.

I can't remember what I've read now! That's the proof if how tired I'm.
Hi everyone
I've been keeping up but haven't had a chance to post. Little mis is keeping me on my toes:)

Kat- I'm sorry to hear you've been having a rough time of things. I agree with the other ladies- sleep deprivation is murder and will certainly aggravate any anxiety you may have. Its good that Grey's naps in the swing are staring to improve. hopefully its the beginning of improved sleep in general. Take care of yourself :hugs:

Just- sounds like Emelia's really thriving!

Croy- love the video! What a little man!! I bet he'll be walking super young!

Hopeful- I'm glad Ava's feeling better. I bet they're adorable with their little Easter baskets (pic please)
I was sorry to hear about your grandmother.

Lee- get that bag packed!!

Hoping- I love the picture of Penny vibrating with excitement in the toy aisle!

Afm- things here are good. We made the switch from basket to crib this past week- she was just too big for it and I was ready to have her in her own room. There were some tears involved as we decided to stop letting Eva sleep in bed with me on the boob all night- I just couldn't take it anymore. Now she sleeps in her crib till 5 am when I bring her in bed with us (otherwise she's up and ready to play). She still wakes up to eat every 2.5 hours but I'm counting on that getting better once we start her on solids in 6 weeks. Now I just need to get her to start napping for more than 30 minutes:)
Hi ladies...

Sara, good to hear that Eva has successfully made the transition from basket to her own room. We still have Emelia in the basket in our room and she is too big but Im still anxious about her going to her own room, I am so used to her being in with us now but I know that she has to do it in a couple of weeks.
I hope Eva starts to sleep right through the night soon for you.

Hopeful, Im sorry I meant to say sorry about your gran passing aswell, its always a sad time.

I took Emelia to get weighed yesterday and she now weighs 15lbs 2oz so Im happy that she is doing well. I had to speak to teh nurse about her refusing bottles though. We fill the bottle with 6oz of milk and she stops after about 2 or 3 and point blank refuses it. My husband kept telling me to persevere with it until he seen for himself how she goes rigid and into a tantrum about it and he agreed that we cant force her. What I was doing was letting her take what she wanted and then every half hour after I was offering her more which she was refusing. The nurse has told me not to do this but just make her then wait for 3 hours until her next feeding time so that she is hungry so Im trying that today.

I also tried baby rice yesterday and today and its messy business haha, I thought going onto solids would be fun but now Im not so sure, Im reckoning bottles are easier. Emelia just kept puching the rice back out and blowing raspberries with it and we were both covered in it! I think she's still too young to understand what it is but I'll keep trying it once a day to get her used to solids. I wouldnt even consider giving her anything else yet though as I think she is still too young, the nurse even reminded me yesterday that it should be 24 weeks before even baby rice but definetely not younger than 17 weeks she told me so I thought I'd gibve it a go seeing as Emelia is almost 20 weeks.
Hey ladies :wave: I'll try to respond to everyone, but I'm sure I'll forget some so forgive me.

Croy- super cute video of Levi. What a big boy! Hope the rash & diarrhea go away. Poor baby. I don't know about naked time with the squirts...Could be dangerous for your rugs!

Just- Glad Emelia is sleeping well again. I share your post-baby body blues :( my stomach is a sight! It's all flabby and gross with stretch marks. I hate it and do not feel the least bit sexy naked anymore. Having said that, I just remind myself that there are so many women out there ttc without luck that wish they had my stretchies and LO of their own.

Heart- thanks for the info about the bumbo straps. I want to get B one now that she sits with assistance :thumbup: sorry about the separation anxiety starting. Hope it's short-lived. I read all the hunger games books years ago. They're really good but I think the first 2 are better than the 3rd.

Hoping- love that you sing penny Rue's song! Did you make up your own melody or is it a real song too? :) I sing 'Safe and Sound' to her from the movie soundtrack :) lol @ penny hyperventilating in the toy aisle! So cute!

Tracie- congrats!

Kat- sorry about the PPA. I can relate. I've had some PPA and PPD symptoms lately too. I think sleep definitely plays a role in how well we manage mentally & emotionally. Try to take good care of yourself right now hun :hugs:

Lee- excited for you to join us soon!

Melfy- yay for dtd! We waited the full 6 (or was it 8?) weeks, like recommended. The first time we dtd was quite enjoyable :thumbup: yay for long sleep!

Hopeful- I don't think it's ever too early for little girls to have dolls :) as long as they meet the age requirement on the package...B has a little stuffed piggy that makes rattle noises inside and she loves it already.

Madrid- good to see you here! :) hang in there, the first few months are rough!

Sara- I bet there were tears involved! It's great that she's transitioning though. B is too long for her bassinet now but we're not quite ready to put her in a crib yet. I know I'll cry too the first time she sleeps in a big girl crib! :cry: it's a necessary transition though & at some point you've got to do it. It's good you will get early morning cuddles though. Those are my favorite <3

Bay is doing well in regards to her growth. She gained 2lbs 1oz this month! She's now 11lb 6oz which might seem small compared to some of the others here but this was her best weight gain since she's been born. She was 9lb 5oz at her appt last month so that was huge for her! She got her 2nd round of shots yesterday though and it hasn't gone as smoothly as the first round (all she did was sleep a lot) this time she's in pain :( waking up from her naps screaming in pain. She felt quite warm so I've got her on baby Motrin now and that has helped calm her down a lot. My poor baby! :( she just bf'd to sleep so that's good. Glad I had the Motrin on hand!
Hi Ladies,
I am officially a SAHM on my own at home. It's been challenging, but I think I am okay. Everything is great except for those damn, dreaded naps. Grey will sleep for 30min (instead of his former 1 hour on DH) after I vigorously, manually rock him down. My arms are buff. Also, he complains for at least 5-10 min for every nap whether in the swing or on DH. I cannot bounce my 17lb butterball for 3.5 hours a day like DH did.

I am happy to report that Grey is FINALLY sleeping 7pm-7am with only 2 feedings!!! DH worked all week to get Grey to stay asleep while I slept on the couch. One night DH took one of the feedings. He tried to last night, but apparently a 4oz bottle is an appetizer. G was still famished. I woke up, took over and he gulped down milk for 30 + min. No wonder he is so huge. Unfortunately he likes when my boobs are engorged and like a soda fountain. He was annoyed having to work for milk today.

All my PPA symptoms have diminished now that I am getting sleep. No tears all week!!! I even cleaned, cooked and baked. I felt great all week!

I must admit that I think I am comfort eating a bit today with DH being gone. My tummy hurts from eating so many PB chocolate chip cookies. I also tried to eat some Ben and Jerry's but the brownies had gone stale. It's challenging being a SAHM to a high energy guy. I'm finding my groove.

Hope you are getting better sleep hon.

Yay for Bay's weight gain. You are doing so great. What is going on with you? Make sure you get lots of rest. I am concerned when you mention symptoms of PPD/PPA because I know your DH isn't home as much anymore to help you out. Take care of yourself. I know for me, sleep meant all the difference. I was on the couch with earplugs all week.

I'm scared of vaccine round 2. He was screaming bloody murder in round 1, but it only lasted one night.
I heard it gets progressively worse.

Yay for moving Eva into her crib. I don't know how you are still standing with that feed schedule. I pray for you that it gets way better once she starts solids. How was your anniversary. Where is that pic of your watch?

How are the solids going? Is E still night waking.

How cute. I love that she was shaking from excitement.

How is Levi's little bum? I assume the poopy issues have passed.

Hi hon.

Melfy and Fili,
Hi lovelies.

I know you are a busy mom of two. Hope things are smooth.

See you here soon if you are reading.

Did you get anything good in the swap? Good luck with taking the twins out on more outings? How are things at home? Better I hope.

Hello to anyone else I missed.
Loving your positive update Kat! My lovely Z is constantly fussy & I was thinking today about giving her a bottle to supplement at night time.
Please post a pic of Z. I can't visualize her and would like too. Also, it's time to update your status. You graduated. You are no longer PAL!!! Grey was constantly fussy at that age too. Don't know why formula would help unless you are having supply issues, but could be worth a try.
Kat- so glad to hear you're doing so much better! Lol @ comfort eating with DH gone! that was really nice of him to work so hard on Gs sleeping before he went back. I'm enjoying being a stay at home mom & I love my baby, but I think some of the ppd has to do with being home a lot. For years I was working and going to school full time & I think I function better with having a job & daily socializing, etc. also I think my pp body image has been affected too & hat has me a bit down. Im not too concerned about those things, but the one really weird thing I've been dealing with since I had B is death anxiety. It has gotten better, but when she was a few weeks old I was having overwhelming sense of anxiety thinking about my own inevitable death (almost like panic attacks) I think it has to do with her birth. If you remember from my birth story, I thought I was dying or that bay had died. I had a vision before I went under that I was going to be meeting her in the afterlife. I know that sounds crazy but I think that's why I've had this anxiety...or it has triggered something in me. I worry that if I die I won't be here to take care of her & watch her grow. This probably sounds nutty but its been truly strange battling these feelings. Talking to DH has helped some but I haven't really talked to anyone else about it.

Madrid- I give B a bottle of formula at night before bed. She nurses away all night so it hasn't seemed to effect my supply. It makes her sleep longer because they digest the formula more slowly than BM :thumbup:
Tuckie- I feel exactly the same way about being a sahm- I love it but I have to be careful not to get into an emotional rut because I'm home so much. I'm used to a busy social lifestyle. The death anxiety sounds horrible! I can somewhat relate as I keep imaging horrible gruesome things happening to Eva- like we'll be standing on the balcony and I'll imagine she falls off and lands in the trees. It's horrible! I have to concentrate on not freaking out and bring myself back to reality.
I hope Bay recovers quickly from her shots- poor baby, they really can be brutal. Yay for weight gain sounds to me like she just likes to eat at her own pace!

Kat- Wow! 7-7 is awesome! Are you still co-sleeping? It sounds like you're adjusting to sahm life beautifully. And don't worry about the cookies:) you're entitled!

Madrid- I also supplement with one bottle at bedtime and its been just fine

Afm- Eva had her best night ever last night: 7-6 with 2 feeds!! She woke up at 4:45 but I ignored it and she fussed for 5 minutes and then went back to sleep :happydance:

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