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Hi ladies soooo much to catchup on!!!
Tracie r u preggers??? How exciting if you are x

Heart lexi is doing the same as d I have to rub her back as she's also a stomach sleeper an sge goes off!!! Hard work an I agree no time in day. X

Hopeful sorry Ava is poorly its hard work!! X

Kat congrats on doing it all ur self Hun, it's hard when ur first left on ur own, I remember crying my eyes out thinking I wouldn't cope, but we do! Pleased your (•)(•) are better xx

Hoping ah can't wait to take my girl dolly shopping, she does already have a Lamaze dolly think its called my first doll, lexi is more interested in biting her hand lol! X

Croy wow Levi is advanced no lazy boy for you, lexi goes on all fours ab is very close to crawling but not quite done it yet, sge rocks back n fourth, her first tooth is still coming to as not popped through the gum yet!

Just bump melfy Sara madrid tuckie, hello I hope your all well an everyone else I have forgotten !! X

Afm Bil out of hospital recovering well just having to see a urologist as there was problems with him peeing etc! Since this my nephew fell off his bunk bed ladder an hit his head long story short split his head open had to have it glued, he had concussion was sent home, 3 days later dizzy headaches etc took him back they said he had had a bleed on the brain, another 3 days go back another hospital confirmed it was in fact bruising an he just needs to take if easy.... Scary stuff!

Lexi has been throwing up, child vomit (no longer baby sick!) since Wednesday evening, projectile vomit followed by diarreah, I took her to gp thur who gave me diarolyte to rehydrate her an said stsy off solids for few days, I did try toast yesterday but she didn't want it, she's been sleeping for England, but is awake 2 a night as everytime she has a milk she gets diarreah after. An it goes through to her clothes everytime! She has 4 sleeping bags an they have all been washed twice some three times now!!!!
I go back to work Monday am don't want to leave my bubba, especially now she's poorly!! So hard!!!
I miss u girls sorry I hardly post but my life's been soooo busy lately, I should be revising but I just don't get a chance, I changed lexi at 4am fed her 420 patted her back till 445 I'm still awake at 6am!!! Y???? Catch up soon girlys xxx
Thanks for your comments. Last night I bf her at 20:45 & she was half sleep in my arms. Dh decided to take over & eventually I had to feed her again at 23:00 when I decided to take her to bed (she's sleeping with me at the moment). S she doesn't fall asleep in the breast I had to rock her to sleep & around 23:30 we were both :sleep: Nnext feed was at 4:45, then 6:50, and just now at 9:30. Does it sound ok to you?

I completely forgot to update the status bit.

This is Zeynab. :cloud9:


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Madrid: What a cutie:cloud9: This feeding schedule sounds really good for such a young baby. At her age, Zoe was pretty much the same, and she was bottle-fed (formula and BM).:thumbup:

Davies: Sorry to hear you LO is sick. Hope she gets better soon!!

Kat: Glad to hear you're doing better:thumbup: But too bad for his naps though. i really hope he's just going through a phase and that it won't last too long:hugs: 17 lbs!! Wow, that is impressive. He's such a boy, and a really cute one!!!!:cloud9:

Zoe got her 2 months shots thursday. She didn't like it, but no soreness or fever. She just slept a lot!! Like from 8 pm 'til 4 am. She's now 8 1/2 pounds:happydance: She's in the 12th percentile for weight now (she was in the 5th 6 weeks ago), so her ped is quite happy:happydance: She's in the 50th percentile for length, so she looks even more tiny lol
DH took those yesterday. I am so proud of her double chin:haha:

She still has blue eyes and they have gotten lighter since birth, so we are hoping she'll keep them


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Hi ladies, it sounds like everyone is doing well, lots to catch up on...

Kat, thanks for your PM about Emelia possibly getting fed up with her milk and maybe having to change it. I had her to get weighed on Wednesday and she now weighs 15lbs 2 oz and I spoke with the health visitor who aid no such thing as a baby getting fed up with milk as its all they know..Im not so sure but hey ho. Anyway I've been feeding her and when she stops I make her wait 3 hours until her next feed and then she does seem hungry for it and is now taking 4oz at a time which is less than she was taking but still better than recently.
She is sleeping through the night again from 8pm -midnight and then we feed her and then back to sleep until 7am.
A few nights ago she woke at 4am crying and I rocked her back to sleep in her basket and then again at 6am crying and I rocked her to sleep without lifting her..well at 7am when I lifted her out I felt absolutely terrible as she was heavily soiled and saturated with pee. She has never had a dirty nappy through the night before so that was obviously why she was crying and I will know to always check her for this now.

Kat, I cant believe that Grey is 17lbs, big and healthy and as people say you are grateful for it if they ever become ill as they can end up losing a lot of weight. Great news that your feeling better after getting much more sleep and you def. do get into your own routine when your partner goes back to work, I think so anyway.

Tuckie, great news that Bay is putting on more weightv now, 12lbs is good. Emelia seemed to stay at that for over a month and now gaining again.
As for your being anxious and being consumed by thought sof death etc. I think everyone has their own thing that they probably over think too much and normal to an extent to be anxious at times. I know I've been that way where I over think things and I think if you dont get out and about it can be worse, I hate any more than one day being stuck in the house as I think anyone can go crazy with their own thoughts at times.

Davies, good news that your BIL is doing well and thats scary about your nephew but glas alls ok in the end. Oh I cant believe its came round so quick that your going back to work on Monday, its bound to be tough for you. Right now I am dreading going back but people say to me that once you are back its not that bad and good to have money again and adulyt company etc., I hope its not too bad for you.

Lovely pics of Zeynab and Zoe, I love to put faces to the names aswell.

AFM, Emelia is doing great right , she is getting great and reaching out and grasping now, its funny the past couple of weeks she's not so much a little baby anymore but became a little girl really interacting with me now.
Just it comes round too quickly doesn't it! An there not tiny for long, but when u have screaming new born it feels like forever right? X

Melfy gorgeous pics Hun little stunner, lexi has blue eyes to I hope they stay, she's 8 months on Monday so fxd x

Madrid zeynab is a little cutie, bless her, ur feeding sounds good to me Hun but I did just go with it in early days to b honest x
Thanks! She's been much better today so maybe it was just one if those faces they go through.

Davies I don't even want to think about going back to work. November is when my mat leave ends & it's not that far away!!
Madrid, Melfy- beautiful girls you've got there! They're both gorgeous.

Davies- sorry to hear Lexi is feeling poorly- I hope she recovers quick. It must be strange going back work after all this time at home with your LO. I don't envy you. :(
Davies, you mentioned Lexi's eyes still being blue and her being 8 months old. From peoples experience when do you know for sure if your babies eyes are going to stay blue and not change?

Emelia still has bright blue eyes and several people have made comment that it looks like they are going to stay blue..I really hope so as I have brown eyes and my husband has green so I like blue eyes.

My niece has brown eyes and my sister said that her eyes were never as blue as what Emelia's are and also that you could also see flecks of brown coming through my nieces eyes from a young age.

It really dosent matter though does it, probably such a trivial thing to wonder about.

My maternity leave also runs out in November as Im entitled to 12 months off but then Im hoping to use my annual leave from last year that I didnt use and this year so fingers crossed tight that I can afford to be off until next January.

Emelia was up and wide awake at 3am this morning until 4.30am, this is hard going when your not used to it haha, but I know that we are lucky because my husband met a couple that he knows yesterday and their baby is 7 months old and apparently just does not sleep..ever..not during the day or night but just screams. Apparently they have had him to doctors and paedatricians and also behavioural specialists to see if maybe something is wrong or if they are doing something wrong. But they have been told that it looks like its just a genetic thing that is outwith their control. I think they are really struggling due to the severe sleep deprivation and its seriously affecting them which is completely understandable.
When I hear stories like that I am so grateful and can handle the odd night of Emelia waking.
I have no chance of remembering what I have read or doing individual replies :wacko:

I don't get on here as much these days but think of you and your rainbows often :flower:

Love to you all

Just Zeynab has also grey eyes and her brother had them too the first few months after birth. I can't remember for how long but I'd say if Emelia has blue eyes at this stage she's most probably going to keep that colour or they'll go green like her dad's.
As I said ds had them dark grey & then they change into brown but like a honey colour. I wonder how Zeynab's will be in the end. Hers are a bit lighter than her brothers.

How was your weekend? We've been at home as usual lately and enjoying all the kids films on tv. On Tuesday I have my blood clotting post pregnancy check up. I wonder what they'll say.

Hope you're all well!!
Eye colour changes between 6/12 months some can b older, if there brown they won't lighten but blue can go darker or green hazel etc, so we may have different colours!
Hi never xx

Happy Easter x
My girls slowly getting better I hope! X
eye's color is exciting, there's so many possibilities. I have brown (my mom has brown but my dad has grey/blue) and DH has deep blue, so it's 50/50 for Zoe. My mom said my eyes were already dark brown by the time I was 2 months old. I'd say Lexi's eyes will stay blue:winkwink:
2 more pics:blush:


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Melfy, Lexi is adoreable.

Madrid, I was on clexane throughout my pregnancy as I have an elevated clotting level. I remember my post check up to be a waste of time. They just said watch out when flying as you have a higher chance of blood clots! I travelled alll the way to my clinic for them to say that, they could have told me that over the phone, they didnt do any other checks or anything.

I have had a stressful weekend ladies. We moved into our new build property aboit 18 months ago and my MIL said that when we had money to buy our bathroom tiles then she would pay for her family tiler to do it all, floor to ceiling tiled. Well we saved really hard and bought natural travertine stone tiles.
Well...this recommended tiler refused to use the adhesive that was supplied and insisted that he likes to use his stuff that he is used to! We ran out and I had to pick up more, when I asked for it in the tile shop they nearly died and said that this cannot be used for stone tiles and the likelihood was that the tiles would fall off the wall. Me and hubby felt sick at the thought of having Emelia in teh bath with this risk so he had to come back and take them all off the walls, also he ruined almost half of our tiles using a wrong cutter and also ripped our plasterboard off with tiles.
Also because he was a so called family friend and trustworthy he asked for £240 upfront and I stupidly gave him it. Well it has been an expensive mistake, that money and teh fact that I've had to buy many more tiles, we're so angry. But had a tiler out this morning that is going to get it sorted, he just couldnt believe how badly the job was done! Its like something off the TV that cowboy builders programme!
love the pics madrid and melfy!

davies - glad you bil is doing better. who is going to watch lexi when you go back to work? are you going to go on flights again?

kat - how is sahm going? hope he's letting you get some break time! he's such a big guy!! bigger than ava! is he tall too?

dylan got a cold and had fever on saturday so we didn't make it to my parents. had 9 month appt on thurs:
dylan: 17lb 9 oz and 28 1/4 in
ava : 16 lb 9 oz and 27 3/4 in

for their actual age, they are pretty low in weight % and not bad for height compared to a full term baby

if you compare them to adjusted age (8 month olds), they are tall
(75% for one of them ? can't remember).

was looking at old pics of them from NICU and ava's forearm was the size of my thumb...

easter pics: dylan sick and cuddling on me with his bunny and ava in her dress that we took off right away because it's still cold here! was in the 50s on sat though, felt like a heat wave.


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Hi Ladies-

It seems perfectly normal to me given your birthing experience that you would have some PTS. I have it in regards to my puppy being attacked and killed in front of me. When I am on the trails, I still envision it and fear that I will be attacked and killed. May I suggest you do some healing work surrounding this issue.. There is a self-hypnosis CD by Bellaruth for PTS that I think is pretty okay and at $17 on Amazon a steal compared to therapy.

It is 7-7 with two night feeds. We are waking G up for the feeds. I do mine at 11pm (so hopefully DH and I can have a life together again once we aren't exhausted and sleeping before this) and DH's is currently at 4:15 and steadily moving back in the hopes of eliminating it. We have found when we wake him, he sleeps completely steadily besides (at least for the last 2 nights). When we were waiting for him to wake he was waking 3-4 times for feeds and an additional up to 12 times to be rocked down by DH. He sleeps in his swing. We have not co-slept in months. I can't sleep like that.

Great news on Eva sleeping much better as well. You deserve it. Maybe our two sleep rebels have finally calmed down. Is Eva difficult to socialize with? I understand you missing it. When we have tried to socialize, G has a meltdown. I think it is getting better, but it keeps me from going out alone with him.

So sorry Lexi was poorly. Hope she feels much better. Terrible accident with the ladder. Thank goodness all is well.

Aaaargh. Construction is so awful. It is so sad that your MIL's "trusted" guy turned out to be such a shit! What a waste of money for you all. Beautiful stone you picked and very expensive. What a shame. What should have been a source of delight is now stressful and I am guessing your MIL feels bad. What an asshole! He clearly doesn't know what he is doing. I'm guessing you won't ever take your MIL recommendations again.

What a beauty.

Yay for a double chin on your cutie muffin.

Hi everyone else.

As I wrote Sara, DH and I have gotten Grey down to 2 feeds a night for the last entire week!!! I am doing the "dream" feed at 11pm and DH is at 4:15 and steadily pushing back so that we can eliminate it. Hopefully when DH and I are not so tired, we can have couple time from 7-11 again. Right now, we are crashing at about 8pm, LOL.

On a different note: Make sure that you appreciate your DH's if they are good hubbies and dads. My DH shared that he was very hurt that I called Grey the love of my life in front of him AND did not include him in this (as a love of my life) AND did not notice when he cleaned the house, cooked and spent the entire week getting G to NOT wake up more than twice. I felt horrible and gave him a long, loving massage. He was afraid that he was going to be one of those hubbies whose wife forgets all about. I never want this to be the case because I just adore DH and think he is amazing. I actually cannot wait till my in-laws come in 1 month and 2 days so that we can go on dates. Don't make the same mistake I made.
Just- that is terrible! Glad u got someone in to fix the mess. We have a show here like that where they fix people's mistakes, can't remember the name of it, it shows re runs.

Kat- that's good and when that 4 am feeding stops u can celebrate. It's the worst time to he up I think.
Hope Dylan feels better. It must be so hard with two. You are super mom. The kids look adorable. How's P90x going?

DH is doing the 4am feed. I am moving my dream feed to 10:30 so we can get more sleep. He is settling better now.

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