Sara- thanks for your post. It nice to know there are other sahms struggling with being home a lot. I do miss my social life but Bay needs me and she's top priority now. I'm glad Eva is sleeping better

Had DH been home more? Did you end up getting a nanny? I think it was you that talked about getting hired help...?
Davies- so sorry Lexi was vomiting

poor baby! Hope she's better now. Glad to hear your Bil is doing well.
Just- I think you're right about being home and getting stuck in my own head. No good for anyone! Isn't it so fun when they become more interactive? Bay loves when I read and sing to her & now she grabs my face if I get too close lol What a shame about the tiler

I hope you can get it sorted out alright. Very cute pics of E! Love the one with the milk all over her face
Melfy/Madrid- your girls are both beautiful!
Hopeful- lovely photos. Ava looks like such a big girl in her pretty dress!
Kat- thanks for your post. It sounds like you can relate because of the trauma of seeing your poor dog killed

thanks for the cd recommendation also. I will check that out

yay for G only waking 2x per night! It's good to hear that he is sleeping better for you. Glad you were able to reassure your DH that he's also the love of your life. I think my DH probably feels pushed to the 'back burner' since we've had B also. I make sure to tell him I love him & appreciate him all the time but he says he misses how we used to cuddle more. I'm trying to make time to cuddle when he's home. I have the tendency to start immediately doing chores as soon as B goes down for a nap, so now I'm trying to give DH some attention first.
Croy- yay for cruising! I dread the day we'll have to do CIO. Sounds tougher on moms than the LOs! I hope things get better.
Hoping- sorry about your mother

I am so close to my own mom so i cant imagine how incredibly difficult that must have been for you. I am the same way with wanting to make sure B knows how much I love her. I am taking her baby book so seriously and not wanting to leave anything out. Thanks for telling me it gets better with time...i hope you're right. Cute that you sub owls for daisies in the song! I love owls. Always have. Now they're a really popular theme for nurseries and such so I can easily find owl stuff for B. Saw your Easter photos on FB, very cute!
Heart- good luck with your writing gig
We're doing pretty good. Still feeling pretty cut off from the rest of the world but I'm going to see a friend tomorrow. Bay is doing well. She's a great napper. She naps for 2-3 hours 2x/day (one late morning and one early evening) and sometimes takes a quick nap between those for about 30 mins. I'm getting about 7 hours of sleep each night and she usually only wakes once. There are random nights where she wakes more and a couple of times she even sttn a couple nights too!!! I hope she can do that in her own crib eventually. We are still bed sharing, but its going fine. I love her cuddles and seeing her sweet, smiling face first thing each morning
The only new things going on with her are driving me a bit crazy: For one thing, she has learned to scream

she does it all the time when she's playing. It's not an angry scream, more like she has learned she has volume control and enjoys screaming! It's piercing and annoying lol She also bit down on my nipple twice last night and it hurt like hell!! Idk what to do about it because she's teething so can I teach a 4 month old 'no'? She has been playing with her feet a lot too which is really cute, but she's now learned to pull her socks off and eats them! I have to put new socks on her all the time! We celebrated Easter the day before and went to the zoo with my mom, sister, & niece. My niece is just over 2 now and she loved it. It was really cute watching her excitement

She kept telling everyone 'Look!' And would point to the animals. She kept saying to my DH: 'Look, Uncle! Wow!' So sweet! I look forward to B being at that age. Here's some photos of B in her Easter dress. She looked sooo adorable! She kept trying to eat her dress, but we got some great shots!