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I haven't done p90 x since that 1 time! Lol. Too tired and when the kids r sick they stir throughout the night so I don't get good sleep. Ava was up at midnight so gave her Tylenol (teething) and a few ounces formula and she had a slumber party in the pack n play in our room. D stirred all night with his cold. Then was up at 5am...
Hopeful, adoreable pic of Ava is her gorgeous dress and poor Dylan being not well, not a fun Easter for him then. Hope he's better soon. It must be strange for you to look back at pictures of how small they were in NICU now.

Kat, it seems that Grey is really making improvements in his sleep pattern and do you know we actually appreciate it more getting our evenings back again to watch TV or a movie etc. I had to feed Emelia at 3am again , thats two nights in a row that she has woke again argh..not the end of the world though.
What you said about your husband being a bit hurt about your comment, I better start considering that as I keep telling Emelia that I love her more than anything in the world in front of my husband, he's never mentioned anything but he may start to take a bit of offense. My husband is also really good I have to say Im lucky aswell.
You inspired me to do P90x with DH this weekend since we now have Grey napping in his swing. I only used 10lb weights though. I'm starting back slow.

Most men would not mention they are hurt. DH and I have semi nightly couples dialogues. Just make sure you tell your DH that you love him more than anything too.
Kat - I totally agree about making sure we are telling our other halves how much we appreciate them I am glad that your DH came to you so that you could make it right. I think its a great idea to have set times to talk like you do. My dh is pretty introverted and wouldn't ever say that I hurt his feelings unless really prompted but I try my best to affirm him and all he does.
Great news about Grey's sleep too!!

Just - So sorry about the tiler - what a shame. It is alwayS awkward when its a family friend and something goes wrong. I would have had him replace the tiles too though, not worth the risk they would fall off.

Davies - So glad that Lexi if feeling better.

Jodi- I loved the pictures of Ava and Dylan, so sweet. Even though D was poorly, I am glad you had a good weekend.

afm - I hosted Easter and had a fun time getting things pretty - I blogged about it because I was so happy about how it turned out. Here is the link There are also pics of Levi and I on Easter Sunday, He wore bunny ears all day, he just didn't seem to care that they were on! I was sure he would pull them off, but nope :) I made a lamb roast which turned out great. Tonight we used the extra lamb in pitas with some tzactiki sauce and cucumbers. Tasty.

Spring Quarter started today and I am taking an English class. This is (hopefully) my third to last class.

Levi's nights have got really unpredictable and even his naps have become difficult now so we decided to do cry it out again. He had got out of the habit because he had been sick and teething so we had been helping him and rocking him. But it can't go on. He can put himself to sleep he just forgets :) Tonight it took 35 minutes. I hated it but he went down and he has already woken and put himself back in less than a minutes time so I am hopeful it will help us all. He is too busy walking around the crib now he figured out he can. He is officially "cruising" around our furniture now. No stopping this boy. I am one busy mama!
Levi is so cute in those ears chrissie!! Love the blog post and Martha Stewart is what I thought too. What a gorgeous setting
Girls I'm not able to catch up right now. I took another writing gig from my old employer and am on a strict deadline. I can only write during naps so I have no free time right now. Will catch up when I'm done with this project. I'm writing about the benefits of nutrition and physical health for family members who are caring for their relatives who are returning injured Vets. Sadly, I'm unable to practice what I'm writing about. I have to put my exercise to the side right now. Sigh.

Hope all is well.
Croy, I enjoyed reading your blog and check done so well with your home cooking and table setting, everything looks so lovely at the table. Really cute pictures of Levi with his bunny ears. Glad everything went so well.

We had another night of Emelia being wide awake from 3-4am so instead of me lifting her out this time my husband put her dummy in and swaddled her and she actually went back to sleep. I think it works by swaddling her and keeping her arms tucked in because once she is awake she starts to put her fingers in her mouth and shouts and giggles all sorts of noises.
Hopeful-I love taking Penny places. One of our favorite things to do is go window shopping. She loves to people watch and explore the stores. I hope you can find a single stroller soon so you can go out and about with the babies.

I hope Dylan is feeling better. They are both adorable in their pictures

Sara- it was hard for me to transition to having Penny in her crib as well but having the bed to ourselves is heavenly.

Just- starting solids is definitely messy but she will get the hang of it soon. Pureed foods were not my favorite part of weaning but I did love the finger food stage. Enjoy the new interaction. I believe I read that eyes can change up to a year but it sounds like Emelia will keep her blue eyes. Penny’s eyes were dark brown (nearly black) since the day she was born.

Ugh. Sorry about the tile work. That is so frustrating especially since you took time to save and get the tile you really wanted.

Tuckie- I made up my own melody and since Penny’s room is decorated with owls I substituted owls for daisies in the song. I love the ‘safe and sound’ song! It sounds like Bay is starting to chunk up a bit but is still a dainty little thing. She is adorable in your avatar picture.

I am there with you regarding the death anxiety but let me tell you it does get better as time passes. I still worry but not as much and I am always doing things like making her over the top photo books and telling Tim to make sure she gets them and to print out my journal etc… incase something happens to me. I just want her to know how much I love her and how much she means to me if anything ever happened to me. This got a little worse around the time my own mother passed- she died last June when Penny was 8 months old.

Kat- Geez… with all that bouncing I’m not surprised you have buff arms. Grey is definitely your work out! 7-7 is brilliant! Hopefully in no time you will feel like your old self.

I like what you said about making your hubby feel appreciated. I always try but even then I get caught up with life and Penny and have to remind myself to do special things just for him. It seems that father’s with sons feel more afraid they will be overshadowed or forgotten.

Davies- Penny did the rocking on all fours thing just before she started to crawl. You are going to be chasing her all over the place very soon! I’m glad your BIL is recovering but that is so scary about your nephew! I hope things start looking better for your family. Poor Lexi:nope:. I hope she gets over this bug soon. Good luck at your first day back to work. It will be hard but racing home to a beautiful smiley baby at the end of the day is so wonderful.

Madrid- Your daughter is precious! Enjoy being a new mommy.

Melfy- Yay for Zoe piling on the pounds. Penny is the same, petite and lanky. She is a beauty!

Croy- Your lamb roast is making me hungry! The pictures of Levi on your blog are adorable. Penny also kept bunny ears on all day which I was surprised about too. Your table settings were beautiful.

Amanda- I hope your finish the writing project asap so you can get back to taking care of your self and getting some ‘me’ time.

AFM- We got home late last night from our Easter holiday in New Mexico. It was so great to be home with my family and Penny just adored her cousins. She participated in her first egg hunt and even dyed eggs. Our first Easter celebration was held in the red mesas so my dad had all of us and the kids pile into the back of his pick up and we went off roading to the celebration site. Penny was so excited but stayed snuggled close to her daddy. Later that afternoon we got together with my mom’s family and set up an egg hunt and to put a spin on it we also hid silly hats, big glasses, mustaches, funny headbands and masks with the eggs. The rule was that if you found your egg with one of these items you had to wear it. Tim had on a puppy mask, Penny had bunny ears and of course I got stuck with a mustache:dohh:.

The day we left to go home Penny finally was comfortable enough to be her silly self with my family. She would march into the living room and start clapping her hands and walk up to everyone and make them participate. Next she had us all dancing and waiving our hands from side to side and doing her ducky lips and swaying our heads.





I heard you have to do CIO again after sickness/pain. 35 min really isn't bad. Grey has cried longer while being held and bounced. It's great he could self-soothe immediately after. You are a great mommy. No worries. Busy, busy bee over there.

Good luck with your paper hon. Good to hear you are getting some extra work, but too bad about it eating all your you time.

Pics are so adorable. What a beautiful family. Good to hear what a good time you had. Sorry to hear about your mom's recent passing.

We swaddle Grey with his hand out, so he can suck on it. He self-soothes this way. Sounds like E is having too much fun exploring her hands to do this currently. G feels this way about his big toe which he recently discovered. He likes to sit bent over on DH sucking it. If we straighten him, he cries until we let him put it back in his mouth. It is hilarious. How is your bathroom coming? Did you tell DH that you love him more than anything?

Are the kids both well yet? I hope so. You deserve a rest hon.

We stuck to our 2 feeds a night. Mine was at 10:45 (am moving it to to 10:30 tonight so we can go to sleep earlier) and DH's was moved up to 3:45. Grey woke up crying in between but DH did not want us to go to him. I was livid, but since DH is always the one to rock him down, I did not want to defy him. I thought he was hungry. All my mommy instincts were distraught and I wanted to say mean, awful things to DH.

He self-settled and when DH went to feed him, he barely ate 2oz and that lasted till morning. DH wants him to self-soothe now without being rocked down since he likes sucking on his hands. I never let Grey just cry before, but us rushing to him the second he whimpered never gave him a chance to self-soothe. He was down again in about 4 minutes of fussing the first time. Longer the 2nd... But he can self-soothe. Also, we have been leaving him to fuss for 10 min for naps in the swing, and he sucks his hand and falls asleep. I feel like we are going to have a life back again. I am beyond relieved that DH was right and Grey wasn't crying from hunger, but habit. It is still hard for me to let the baby cry even for 10 min or less...But I am relieved that I am letting go and allowing this to happen. I need to take care of myself so I don't feel like I am having PPD/PPA and mastitis again.
Kat I agree with you. It's so hard to let them cry and not to run to hold them. Dh keeps telling me to leave her for a couple of minutes until I go to her and I've done it only today but I feel she's still too young to realise. He also says not to hold her and rock her while she's in the bed instead but I don't see what's difference as she's been rocked anyway. I keep thinking she's still too young and she'll learn to sleep just like her brother did around 5 months old when I'll try to teach her but only time will tell.

just I have the same issue with Zeynab at night time but for her is the late evenings. She is awake between 9-11pm every night. I think since she was born only once she sleep during this time but then she woke up and stayed awake until 1am or later. I don't know why she does it but she just can't go back to sleep for some reason after being fed. That was why I was considering the night bottle but I haven't given one just yet.

hoping I love your pics! Your little one is so adorable!!

croy I hope Levi will go back to his sleeping routine soon. I guess is understandable if he's not feeling well to forget what he'd learned before but I'm sure he'll remember soon enough.

hopeful Ava looks so gorgeous!! What a big girl! and poor Dylan! Many cuddles to get well! :hugs:

heart good luck with the writing!

davies I wonder how was your first day at work. I'm sure you're too busy to tell us yet though :winkwink:

Afm, we went today to the blood clotting consultant appointment. I took my sharps box with me together with the injections I have left from all these months. They were lovely there and liked to meet Zeynab at last. I had blood tests and they'll check my levels once again in 3 months to see how the syndrome is now.

Zeynab was sooooo good during the journey and while we were there. I'm so proud of her!!! We woke up at 8:45 and the appt was at 11 so I thought we'll be late but I bf her and got her ready straight away and then called dd1 as she was coming with me. Zeynab was sleeping before leaving and I put her in the car seat and she didn't wake up. That was a first for us!! :happydance:
Once in the hospital we had to wait an hour to be seen and during that time she was awake and I had to bf her but she went back to sleep soon after for the return journey. I even had time to stop at Tesco's to buy the Tommee Tipee bottles they have on offer just in case I want to use them.

I was so tired that at 4pm I bf her lying down in bed and we both fell asleep. I woke up about an hour ago and she's still sleeping :thumbup: I'll try to feed her where she is and hope she'll continue like this for the night.[-o<
Kat: I am also not able to let Zoe cry, but she only cries when she's hungry, even at night.

Hoping: I'm sure your family enjoyed being entertained by Penny :)

Just: Hopefully she's just going through a phase and will soon be back to her normal schedule:winkwink:

I just found out that I have bursitis on my right foot. Woke up 3 days ago and it was just there:shrug: It really hurts when I walk, not cool!!
Feel better. Are you resting and icing it? You are lucky Z only cries when hungry. Grey cries the most when tired. You can tell my his sumo wrestler baby status that I never let him get hungry, LOL.

I don't know what age it is okay to let them start self-soothing. Grey is almost 4 months now. I did read that given them a couple of minutes is good to see if they really need you. You are a saint for being able to keep it all up for 5 months with your DS. We just can't anymore. He was getting too heavy at 17lbs and DH's back was starting to really hurt.
Good to hear all was well with your appt and that Z did so great.
You have a big boy there!! Ds was about the same weight I think but I used to rock him a bit, then leave him in the sofa or somewhere else until he'd fall asleep.

Zeynab was 4.650kg (10lbs 4oz) last Tuesday so she's getting heavy too.
Hi ladies
Will hopefully check in at weekend, gorgeous pics hoping an Croy xx

First day at work is hard I have had to leave lexi Monday - Friday! :( she's with my sister though so she's having a Greag time my sis has three boys an they all dote on lexi. She's much better touch wood! An is being good, first day was hard an it feels wierd to not have her with me but I have to admit freedom to eat dinner an get ready us nice even though the exams are hard!!
Must dash inflight medical exams tommorow! Night lsdiesxxx
Hi ladies,

Hoping, your Easter break sounds like you had a great time and your pics are lovely. That looks so nice where you guys were.

Kat, I have told my husband how much I love him and he knows he is appreciated. Thats a good thing that you's do by getting things out in teh open with daily discussions etc. Im a big advocate of getting whatevers bothering me off my chest, I would rather get it out there if something is bothering me and then forget about it instead of holding a grudge, me and my hubby always do that and I strongly believe in not going to sleep without settling an argument.

Davies, thats ideal that your sister is looking after Lexi and Im sure you'll get so used to being back at work before you know it.

I work shifts 4 on and 4 off, and its great that I will get to have 4 days off with Emelia but its actually more difficult to plan childcare because my days working will obviously chage each week. My mum had a heart attack scare just as I was having Emelia and she has never been the same since and had a stent put in but still chest pains quite often. She is planning to retire early this summer so I thought to myself thats great as she can watch Emelia but she has been honest with me and said that she is willing to watch her 2 days a week but dosent feel fit for anymore than that. Im also hoping my MIL helps out. I didnt think we would have to put Emelia into a nursery and save some money which is a bonus but now Im thinking that she will need to go in at least one day, probably not a bad thing though for socialisation, just soo expensive at £50 a day.

Im now giving Emelia baby rice mixed with her formula and also banana mushed in and she absolutely loves it, making all sorts of noises mmmm etc. and grumbling when Im not quick enough with the next spoonful haha

Just- cute pics!

Hoping- love ur pics too, do U have a really good camera? They look professoonal
Sorry for my short responses but usually typing on phone and not a good 3g signal at work
Sara- thanks for your post. It nice to know there are other sahms struggling with being home a lot. I do miss my social life but Bay needs me and she's top priority now. I'm glad Eva is sleeping better :) Had DH been home more? Did you end up getting a nanny? I think it was you that talked about getting hired help...?

Davies- so sorry Lexi was vomiting :( poor baby! Hope she's better now. Glad to hear your Bil is doing well.

Just- I think you're right about being home and getting stuck in my own head. No good for anyone! Isn't it so fun when they become more interactive? Bay loves when I read and sing to her & now she grabs my face if I get too close lol What a shame about the tiler :( I hope you can get it sorted out alright. Very cute pics of E! Love the one with the milk all over her face :haha:

Melfy/Madrid- your girls are both beautiful!

Hopeful- lovely photos. Ava looks like such a big girl in her pretty dress!

Kat- thanks for your post. It sounds like you can relate because of the trauma of seeing your poor dog killed :hugs: thanks for the cd recommendation also. I will check that out :thumbup: yay for G only waking 2x per night! It's good to hear that he is sleeping better for you. Glad you were able to reassure your DH that he's also the love of your life. I think my DH probably feels pushed to the 'back burner' since we've had B also. I make sure to tell him I love him & appreciate him all the time but he says he misses how we used to cuddle more. I'm trying to make time to cuddle when he's home. I have the tendency to start immediately doing chores as soon as B goes down for a nap, so now I'm trying to give DH some attention first.

Croy- yay for cruising! I dread the day we'll have to do CIO. Sounds tougher on moms than the LOs! I hope things get better.

Hoping- sorry about your mother :hugs: I am so close to my own mom so i cant imagine how incredibly difficult that must have been for you. I am the same way with wanting to make sure B knows how much I love her. I am taking her baby book so seriously and not wanting to leave anything out. Thanks for telling me it gets better with time...i hope you're right. Cute that you sub owls for daisies in the song! I love owls. Always have. Now they're a really popular theme for nurseries and such so I can easily find owl stuff for B. Saw your Easter photos on FB, very cute! :)

Heart- good luck with your writing gig :)

We're doing pretty good. Still feeling pretty cut off from the rest of the world but I'm going to see a friend tomorrow. Bay is doing well. She's a great napper. She naps for 2-3 hours 2x/day (one late morning and one early evening) and sometimes takes a quick nap between those for about 30 mins. I'm getting about 7 hours of sleep each night and she usually only wakes once. There are random nights where she wakes more and a couple of times she even sttn a couple nights too!!! I hope she can do that in her own crib eventually. We are still bed sharing, but its going fine. I love her cuddles and seeing her sweet, smiling face first thing each morning :)
The only new things going on with her are driving me a bit crazy: For one thing, she has learned to scream :dohh: she does it all the time when she's playing. It's not an angry scream, more like she has learned she has volume control and enjoys screaming! It's piercing and annoying lol She also bit down on my nipple twice last night and it hurt like hell!! Idk what to do about it because she's teething so can I teach a 4 month old 'no'? She has been playing with her feet a lot too which is really cute, but she's now learned to pull her socks off and eats them! I have to put new socks on her all the time! We celebrated Easter the day before and went to the zoo with my mom, sister, & niece. My niece is just over 2 now and she loved it. It was really cute watching her excitement :D She kept telling everyone 'Look!' And would point to the animals. She kept saying to my DH: 'Look, Uncle! Wow!' So sweet! I look forward to B being at that age. Here's some photos of B in her Easter dress. She looked sooo adorable! She kept trying to eat her dress, but we got some great shots!
Kat- I’m happy to hear Grey is starting to self settle… you are on your way to getting some well deserved me time and couple time with DH. I smile every time I see your chunky little guy in your profile picture.

Madrid-Congrats on a successful outing with Zeynab! You accomplished a lot with a newborn in tow:thumbup:.

Melfy- sorry about the buritis. What is it exactly?

Davies- the freedom to be your own person again is kinda awesome, right? When I am at home I can barely go to the bathroom by myself or cook dinner with out Penny wanting to be in the action so it is kinda nice to be able to do that stuff solo at work. With that being said it is so hard to be away from them but my favorite part of my day is when I get home and open the door yelling “princess Penny?” and then see that sweet little face running towards me:cloud9:.

Just- Your work schedule sounds awesome but I hear you on the day care issue. When Tim was working we were always scrambling to find a sitter since he had a similar schedule to you. I didn’t want her in day care while she was still little and plus it is super expensive. I hope you can find some arrangement that will work for your family.

Hopeful- surprisingly I just use the iphone or my ipad. If I want to get really fancy I use a free app called Snapseed:thumbup:.

Tuckie- could you and Bay enroll in some play groups to meet both of your socializing needs? I know you are in a more rural part of CA so I’m not sure how possible that is. It sounds like she is turning into a good little sleeper and I’m sure you both enjoy the bed sharing when DH is out of town. When Tim is away I love co-sleeping with Penny. Oh gosh. I totally remember when Penny found her voice and learned her high pitch scream. Now she loves to scare us with her scream or does it to make us laugh. Love the pictures! She looks like a little princess.

AFM- Penny joined us for yoga last night. Mostly she would poke us in our awkward poses but when ever I went into upward dog she would come and give me kisses. When everyone was done she came over to my mat and seriously looked like she was trying to copy. She went into child’s pose and then downward dog but once she realized everyone was watching she smiled and ran away.
Love Penny doing yoga. If she keeps it up she should retain her natural flexibility.

G just started screaming today. It's cute now, but I can see how it can be annoying after a while. It sounds like Bay is sleeping like a champ.
In regards to biting this is what I did and I think it helped: When she bites, say "nuh-uh, no thank you" as you unlatch her and roll her whole body away from you till she fusses for boob again. Her back will face you. I think G go that he didnt get boob for a bit when he did that. I have been bite free for a week or so. He has still been smacking on and off. He is used to my mega-engorged boobs in the morning that are like soda fountains.
Pics are so adorable. Gorgeous.

I LOL at pic #1. Hope she gets to keep her lovely eye color.

Poor hon.

Big girl.

Grey rolled from back to tummy!!!
Omg I can't believe it has taken me this long to find this thread!!! I am typing on my new POS phone so forgive any typos.

My name is Mistie. I have suffered multiple losses before finding my rainbow baby. Mr. Cole. He is my world. It was a rough delivery and a long stay in the hospital but we made it! He is now 9 months old and.crawling and just now starting to pull up and stand. NOOOOOO too soon ;)

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