Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Hoping- DH and I only have one car right now and he takes it out of town. I borrow one of my inlaws cars for her Dr appts, etc. but I try not to ask for it too much. We are buying a second car when we get our tax return in a couple weeks. I've been looking at cars online all week. Its just going to be a used, but reliable model with somewhat low mileage. I have seen some moms group in the local paper for our area so I hopefully wouldn't have to travel too far. Sounds like penny was a super cute yoga baby :) I like how she came and gave you kisses in upward dog. What a sweet girl!

Kat- I screamed and startled her and pulled her off the first time. I took a break from feeding her anyways since it hurt so bad! I will continue to do like you said and hopefully she'll stop biting me. It hurts so bad without teeth, I can't imagine how bad it'll hurt with teeth! I hope G doesn't like to scream as often as Bay lol Yay for rolling to tummy! B's rolling was backward from the norm, she rolled to her tummy first and then on her back. She's still better at going onto her tummy now. It takes several tries to get on her back. Does G kick the whole time you change him?? B does and shes always trying put her feet in her diapers. I have to be careful now that she's grabby too because she grabs her poopy diapers while im changing her :haha:

Bizzy- Welcome :) Just jump right in! We're a fairly chatty bunch & everyone here is really nice and supportive.
Hi ladies,

Welcome Bizzy, its a great part of the forum!

Tuckie, Bay is absolutely beatiful, such a pretty little girl in her dress. Love it as your new avatar. It sounds like Bay is a good sleeper, I can totally relate to how you say the minute they go down for a nap you start rushing around to do housework before round 2 starts all over again, thats what Im like.

Kat, that first picture was her first time eating the baby rice. Today I mashed in strawberry and banana and kept mushing it until it was smooth, she absolutely loooved it haha, her whole body was shaking with excitment as she seen the next spoonful coming towards her. Im only sticking to baby rice for a couple of weeks, I dont want to start introducing anymore solids until 23/24 weeks if possible.
I reckon if Grey's such a hungry boy he will be looking to try some quite soon.

Hoping, I love how you describe that little face coming running towards you when you get home from work, it just melts your heart everytime when they smile dosent it. I find that I can be doing random things and everytime that i look over at Emelia sitting in her bouncy chair etc. she is always just staring at me and does the biggest smile when I look over.

Emelia is much better at tummy time now and can hold herself up on her arms and aslong as I have toys moving along the floor to distract her she is fine for about 5-10 mins.
She's still not great at rolling like some of you describe, although when I take her nappy off she does it much more. I really think that clothes and nappies restrict them.
I've also not seen her grab her toes yet, jeez socks are hard enough to keep on right now without her finding her feet to pull them off.
There is a product that keeps socks on. Google it. I saw it at the baby boutique last week.

Yes, he has been kicking forever. We have to hold his feet together firmly with one hand while trying to not let his penis spray everywhere, including his face. Today he got both his hands in his poop before DH could stop him. At least his poop is finally slowing to 3 times a day and none at night. After anti-biotics it was 7 times a day and runny, but not diarrhea.

I know your pain. I have screamed and yelled. G doesn't even seem to notice. The only thing that seems to work is rolling him away from the boob until he is fussing.

I seriously believe that she was sick of the same formula. Now she gets to try all these new flavors. Of course it is just a theory. I am sure Grey will want to eat soon, but I am going to try and hold off till 6 months.

I have been living without a working washing machine for over 2 weeks!!! THe repairman came out and it is so broken the company is sending me a new one but it will take at least 2 more weeks. We are cloth diapering again now that G's yeastie is long gone. It is HELL!!! Also I had insomnia from 11:00-5:00am. I was crying. I could not get back to sleep after G's feed. I am not going to bed before his dream feed tonight. I think it is messing up my sleep.
Kat: I did ice it, now it`s better. It's just really weird; I've never had a bursitis before. In the summer it wouldn't be as bad because I could just wear flip-flops. Another reason why I love summer so much:haha:

Tuckie: B is super cute in her dress:cloud9:

Just: When did you start feeding cereal to Emelia? Thing is, my mom started me on cereal when I was 2 months old because I was not a big drinker and just would not be satisfied. Same with Zoe, she'll barely have 3-4 oz, sometimes 2 and will want to feed again 2 hours later. Last night I fed her at 10, she then woke up at 2:30, 4:30 and then 7:30. She had about 3oz each feed. I think they say around 4 months if baby is ready???

And I took a pregnancy test yesterday afternoon, just for fun, and got the worse evap line ever!!! The test didn't really work to begin with, the control line took forever to appear and I threw the test in the garbage before it was there, since no 2nd line was there. About 3 hours later, I looked at it again, it was still wet. The control line was finally there, and there it was, a faint but very obvious pink evap line. As the test dried it got more obvious. Still pink. I'm 99.99% sure I'm not pg (and i hope not, with the insane amount of coffee I'm having and the occasional glass of wine:haha:) because we only DTD once late february and didn't actually finished everything because it was kinda painful:blush: But I know it only takes one swimmer:haha: And then about 4-5 days later I had some spotting then it stopped. Then a weeks later same thing, and nothing but weird CM since:shrug: I want AF back lol!!! But such a line would be heartbreaking for someone actually TTC, because it looks like a BFP line:growlmad: My little rant of the day:blush:
Lol melfy I just went through the same thing! We are actually ttc now - I know it's soon but :shrug: I don't care! However this recent testing would have been an 'accident'!
Lol melfy I just went through the same thing! We are actually ttc now - I know it's soon but :shrug: I don't care! However this recent testing would have been an 'accident'!

Lol I'm happy to know I'm not the only one:blush: I took another test just to make sure, and it was negative! Of course I would have been over the moon to be preggo again, but at the same time another month or so would be totally ok too, hehe Come on AF for once I'd like to say your ugly face :haha:
Hi ladies
Not posted in ages but still reading!
Hope everyone's well!
Love all the latest pictures and glad to read everyone's bubbas are flourishing!
Just - glad she is starting to like the rice weaning is lots of fun! I have just started on eggs and chicken and spag Bol and it seems to be going well!
Good for you ladies TTC again - after the last few days I have had I couldn't imagine doing it myself but excited to follow your prego journeys with you!! Fili - are u ok to TTC straight away after a c sec? For some reason I thought you had to wait but I may be wrong.
Kat - sorry about the insomnia but great to hear Greys routine is getting better.
Melfy - test again to be sure?! Exciting!
Can't remember what else I read!
AFM - Alfie was 7 months yesterday and 15lb 5 as of Friday!!!! He has all the signs of teething but no sign of an actual tooth yet! He has been HARD work the last few days - wont let me put him down, crying, grizzlies, sleep strikes, hard to entertain it has not been fun but today he seems happy again!!! Off to find some pictures.....
Hi ladies,

Bumpy, those pictures are all lovely, Alfie is such a handsome boy! I think he looks much bigger than the weight you said. Its deceiving isnt it, cos Emelia was 15lbs 2oz a couple of weeks ago, but I'd say Alfie looks much bigger, especially because he's sitting up himself and much more hair etc, he just looks much bigger because he is older.
Oh I imagine spag bol to be fun haha, I'll look forward to trying out more things. I've decided to just stick to teh baby rice until 24 weeks if I can. Yesterday Emelia had a massive explosion out of her nappy because she hadnt went for two days, I've never seen anything like it, much thicker with dark chunks in it and was stinking. Its obviously the start of it when you introduce any type of solids! I had to bath her and throw out the vest and body suit. Because she didnt go for two days Im thinking that I should start ot offer her more drinks of water so she dosent become constipated. She actually seems to enjoy some cool water, it must be refreshing.

Melfy, I started the baby rice a couple of days before Emelia was 20 weeks old.

Good luck to you and Fili if your ttc again. We've had the discussion about it and my husband says next January at the earliest is what he's willing to try again. I kind of agree that Emelia needs me for her first year of life without me worrying. I was glad that he did say that he wouldnt object to a second one but just not now.
Hi just :hugs: for the sake of hugs!
Bumps he is a VERY handsome boy! I can see you in him too :)
Being on the ttc bandwagon again is exciting but scary too I am trying to think positively!
Thanks girls I love my little boy!!!!

Just - it's a good idea not to introduce too much to soon like you said. We started Alfie on rice with mashed banana or puréed apple or pear. Then slowly introduced diff veggies like carrot, parsnip, sweet potato, one at a time to make sure he had no reaction. Then we only started to introduce things like toast, cheese, yogurt, jelly, chicken, mince this last few weeks. Now I try and think of new tastes for him to try every week. It's fun but messy!! We are doing traditional weaning not baby led but I do like him to have finger foods as well to practise feeding himself.

Kat that must be horrendous without a washing machine - you poor thing!
Thanks Bumpy, everything you've mentioned is what Im planning to try aswell. Just this week I read about different weaning approaches and like You Im going to do the traditional approach aswell instead of baby led weaning and then I'll introduce finger foods too.
It must start to get tricky thinking of new things to try so that they dont get fed up with the same.

Im vegetarian so my husband had me warned that Emelia is not being vegetarian just because I am. I fully agree with this that I want her to try a bit of everything and then if she makes that decision when she is older to be vegetarian then Im fine with that. It was my personal choice that I made when I was about 10, I always hated meat , just everything about it, the taste, texture, the thought of it etc. and not really for moral reasons.
Just: I'm not a vegetarian, but I remember hating red meat as a child, mostly because my dad would make it, and his t-bones were wayyyyyy beyond well cooked...more like eating some cheap rubber shoe:haha:

I put Zoe in her high chair today, and she can totally sit by herself:happydance: The seat is obviously reclined a little but still!! Awesome!!
Hey ladies

Cole had his 9 month shots today. He is 16lbs5oz (5th%) and 28.3inches tall.(75th%) so basically tall and thin.
Found out he had Reactive Airway Disease. He needs breathing treatments when his allergies act up.but other than that he will most likely grow out of it. They said its from being born a month early.

He has 2 teeth and 2 more coming in. He's pulling up and attempting to walk along whatever he is leaning against. SCARY!!!!
He was playing with DHs lunchbox and saying Da Da over an over... cries... lol slow down buddy.
Kat I hope you got a washing machine!!! :shock:
Melfy wow that's brill about the highchair.

Lexi did a whole night sleep the night before last :shock: I raced to her in a panic when I saw it was 7.30am but there she was, snug as a bug!
Fili: Yay for the full night :yipee: I'm also looking forward to it (she still wakes up at 1 and 5 so it could take a while) but I know I will just be in total panic and run to her bedroom when it happens:blush:

Kat: I really hope you've got your washing machine back!!
Hi Ladies,
I am reading, but am having a tough time of it lately. G is 4 months today and has been extra fussy lately. I broke down and let him cry in his bouncy chair while I sobbed in the shower. It is hard not having DH home as much to give me more breaks. I am now thinking I don't want another. Hope everyone is well.
Hi ladies,

Kat, we've all been there. Your completely normal. I have days that are great and days that are mega stressful where Emelia just seems to cry for no apparent reason and it is tough when you dont have someone there to just take over and give you a break.
Are you managing to get out in the fresh air during the days and take Grey walks in his pram or pushchair? I find it works wonders at settling Emelia and she goes to sleep in teh fresh air and it makes me feel good aswell. Nothing worse than a day stuck in the house with a fussy baby.

Fili, thats great that Lexi went through the night. I know what you mean about you think that something is wrong at first, we were the same. Is Lexi in her own room yet?
We still havent made the transition but will do it shortly, Emelia still sleeps in her moses basket in our room and she is too big although our basket is a bit bigger thanb many others that I have seen so she has got good use out of it.

Melfy, I hadnt even considered trying Emelia in the high chair but I think I will now. I've just been feeding her baby rice in her bouncy chair.

Time is just going so quickly, thats Emelia 5 months old now, its unreal but at the same time she gets bettter every day and I love now how she actually interacts and responds back to me now. Looking back to those early weeks is quite a blur, I didnt feel baby blues really but when I think back I think hormones and everything must be everywhere cos I feel like only now am I really feeling like myself again and lost 2 stone aswell with another 1 to go. But feeling much better that clothes fit me again.
Kat: sorry about Grey being so fussy. Like the others say, a long walk in the stroller could do wonders to both of you. Zoe loves it; I just have to make sure she's well fed and she can sleep for one or 2 hours in there, and it's great exercise for me as well. It's totally ok to have a break down:hugs:

Just: I'm sure she'd love the high chair, mainly because she'd be able to see more. Mine has no legs, so you can put it on the floor, table, chair, etc. I love it and got it as a gift, so even better!:haha: I tried the level 3 teats again and wow, she is guzzling formula like crazy!! With the level 2 ones she would take forever to drink 2.5-3 oz max, now it's 4 oz easy!! But she still woke up 3 times last night lol. Growth spurt? And of course the cat puked and I just had to step right on it:dohh: Wet and cold lol!!:dohh: But knock on wood, she's super easy to put back to bed. I can change her diaper, talk to her, make her smile, and when I put her to bed, she won't fuss and fall asleep within 10-15 minutes!!Fingers crossed it will stay this way!

Little rant about the weather (again). I hate it!!! One day it's like warm and sunny with the little birds chipping, the next one (i.e today) it's a gross mixture of snow, freezing rain and other sh*t that should be forbidden!!! Seriously, here you can go through 4 seasons in one day!!! If university wasn't so expensive for hubby, we'd totally move to Australia (or California), I just want palm trees and beaches that have white sand because it's its natural color, not snow lol

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