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Wow I'm behind again. Sorry if I miss anyone!

Kat- I can be really tough being home alone and sometimes you just have to give yourself a minute and let them cry. My dh says it's like being on an airplane- you put your mask on first and then secure you're baby's. You have to be able to function in order to be there for your little one and sometimes that means putting yourself first. It does sound like Grey has learned how to self-soothe-that's really a wonderful milestone. It's so very hard to let them cry, even a little, but we've also come to the conclusion that it's for the best. We would never have been able to get Eva into her crib without some tears, but we did everything we could to limit them.
After reading your post I've been trying to wake Eva up for her night feeds as well- and it's amazing what a difference it makes. We're currently feeding at 11pm and 3:30 ( I don't think I'm going to be able to get rid of that feed till she starts solids).
You're spot on with that advice about not taking our hubbies for granted. It's so easy to get wrapped up with the baby- especailly after rpl- that we lose sight of the person who took that journey with us.
I really hope you've got your waching maching back!!!!

Croy- Sounds like you had a fabulous (and very Greek from the menu:) ) Easter. You seem like a real natural hostess. I also love to cook and entertain, but it's a whole different ball game with a baby in the mix. I hope Levi catches on quickly and you don't have too much CIO drama.

Hoping- Sounds like you had a wonderul Easter holiday as well. I LOVE the pictures! You all look fabulous! You've got to try to snap a shot of Penny doing her yoga poses... too cute!

Tuckie- Bay's Easter shots are absolutely adorable!! Sorry to hear she's teething though- that biting sounds awfully painful. Eva's a serious screamer as well. She gets herself so excited- it's cute but can be pretty annoying.
I don't have a nanny but I do have a girl who comes in twice a week to do the housework and she'll also watch Eva if I need to go out to run errands. Thankfully Eva adores her. She also doubles as our sitter for alternate Saturday nights which has given dh and I a chance to stay connected as a couple.
BTW- I have serious nap envy!

Davies- How are you doing being back at work?

Just- Sounds like Emelia is really improving with tummy time. I think they all just have their own timeline for these things. I bet you're really enjoying weening... it certainly sounds like Emelia likes her purees. I can't wait to see what Eva's tastes are when we start introducing at 6 months
I can't keep Eva's socks on either.

Bizzy- Welcome! Congrats on Cole's first word! you must be over the moon.

Fili- YAY for a full nights sleep!
We're going to start ttc just as soon as I start ovulating again- I'm going to start breastfeeding less once we introduce solids and 6 months and give Eva a few bottle instead. if I still haven't gotten af back by the time she's 8 months I'll stop bfing altogether.

Bumpy- Wow he's such a a little man!!! Heartbreaker!

Melfy- I giggled when I read about your bfp scare and the coffee. It's great the Zoe sits so well already in her high chiar. Sorry to hear the weather has been so lousy.

Phew... I hope I didn't miss anyone!!

afm- We've all been sick and are just now recovering. First Eva got her very first cold- sniffles and a cough, with a low grade fever. Dh and I had a stomach flu while she was sick and were struggling to take care of her while running back and forth from the loo. She got over her cold in about 3 days, but Alex and I caught it- and it was much harder for us to shake.
Anyway, we're otherwise fine. Eva's finally rolling a bit more and screaming and squeaking up a storm... She's going to be a total chatterbox- she talks nonstop. 5 months tomorrow- I really can't believe it!
Sara: sorry you've all been sick:hugs:

I was thinking trying something different for zoe's feeds. She gets one around 7, then she's good until 1-1:30, then 5ish and then 7-8. I tried a dream feed at 11 once and it worked. Hopefully I can feed her around 10h30 before going to bed and whenever she wakes up later in the night. What do you think?
Sorry about your weather. That is one thing I have no complaints about in L.A.

Happy 5 months.

Glad that my desperate attempt to control G's schedule at night has also helped yours. Who knows why our fussy babies have responded well to this. Sorry to hear that you were all sick, and then double sick... Good to hear all is well now.

I take Grey out for a walk every day at 10:30 AM. He is only okay in his stroller for very short periods of time, so I usually just wear him in the Ergo. He has been superbly fussy and crying a lot... Much more than ever before. I don't know if it is because he is teething, as I don't see anything. I cannot say I am happy at the moment. Plus DH and I are trying to buy a house in this superbly competitive market. Everything has multiple bids above list price. The house we just put a bid on 2 days ago, now has 4+ offers. The person purchased it in January. It is April. He asked for $50K above what he paid after just putting in new paint and carpet. He is going to make $100K+ in 4 months of ownership. (I wish that was us =() I am not willing to overpay, but we don't want to miss the upswing either.
afm...I think I'm finally getting AF back:happydance: Hopefully this time it's the real thing. I shall see in a few hours or tomorrow



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Sorry, haven't fully caught up. Just read this page so far.

Sara, I'm glad to hear Eva only got 3 days of the cold. When Delilah got it, it was for 7 days and then she had 15 days of diarrhea. Ugh. Glad you are all on the mend. I can't believe she's 5 months already! Wow!

Kat, good old California housing market, eh? It disgusts me how expensive everything is here and how competitive it is. I'm not sure we'll ever be able to buy. It sucks. Grey is so amazingly adorable! It could be teething. The thing I didn't realize about teething is that it can go on for months without a show of a tooth. Actually, Delilah was fussier a few months before the teeth ever popped out. She has 2 now. She also prefers the Ergo to the stroller for some reason. Have you tried any pain relief to see if that helps?

Melfy, awesome about AF! I'm dreading her arrival. It's been awesome not to have her for 17 months!

I don't have any advice about feeding at night. I just get up when Delilah wakes. I never tried scheduling her feeds. Maybe I should have. But now we've hit a groove of her sleeping until 5am at the earliest, except last night when she woke at 4am. But usually she's been sleeping right through the night like a champ. I nurse her in the early morning around 5 or 6 and then she sleeps until 7 or 8am. I can't begin to tell you how much better I feel. I really think it's a combination of a few things. She's eating solids and is fuller, she's older and can manage sleeping through without a feed, and we give her ibuprofen before bed for her teething.

Tim just put her down for the first time in a long time tonight. Normally I pat her until she falls asleep. Sometimes it takes me 20 minutes of just patting. Often I'm in her room for an hour feeding her, reading books and patting. Ugh. Tim just gave her a bottle, read her a book, patted her and then walked out. She cried for less than 5 minutes and fell asleep! Yahoo! I'm hoping this is how we are going to break her of the habit of me patting her down. I really want to avoid CIO. If she can associate Tim with being all business, maybe she'll be less likely to cry. We'll see.

We had an awesome date last Saturday. His cousin babysat after she went to bed and he and I went out for dinner and drinks. First real date since she's been born. And we DTD too. It was fun. I like my old life finding it's way back into my life. Sleep, dates, fun sex, cocktails, and sleeping in. She managed to sleep until 8:30am the next morning! It's like she knew we were on a date and gave us a night off.

Done with my writing project, so hopefully I'll be on here a bit more now.
Yay for a real date!!! Sounds heavenly and it is good to know that the merging of lives does happen eventually.

The housing market is crazy right now. There is no inventory, so it is just like it was during the crazy days. We are looking at another home tomorrow. At this point we will just take anything. Everything is getting multiple bids. Aaargh.

2 more:

Baby-Grey-4-Months1.jpg As you can see, he is getting huge.
Hi!! I'll try to read back later on today. No time now as we have to get ready for the man doing the tiles in our kitchen today. Dh said he'll be here around 9:30, that's on 45 mins & I'm in bed with Zeynab sleeping on top of me. Never mind!!!

Grey is so gorgeous Kat!!! Would you consider one of those amber necklace to help with teething? I've heard they're excellent! Try to google it & see!

Heart if he did it you can do it too I'm sure. Just use the same technique as your dh.
So nice you got a date!! I'm looking forward to have just a relaxing night with dh but I don't think it'll be happening any time soon as Zeynab is still taking ages to go to sleep at night so I end up going with her & even that doesn't seem to work!!

Melfy if you wanted af I hope this is it. Are you ttc?

Sara, she's 5 months already!! Colds are so bad for little babies. You feel awful for them as there's nothing you can do & even worse if you're sick too. At least it's all clear for you 3 now.
Hum...I don't think it's AF:dohh: It was some spotting, but it slowed down. Oh well...

Heart: glad you could have some good couple quality time!! :yipee: You deserve it :) Regarding Zoe's feeds, I guess at some point, probably when I start cereal, she'll likely just skip one feed. But 2 times a night isn't so bad, and she's easy to put back to sleep.

Kat: As usual, Grey is a very handsome young man :) And you look very good too, obviously :) I can imagine how hard this whole house quest is; here the market is fairly slow; who in their right mind would want to buy a house where winter lasts 6 months anyway :haha:. But we're far from having enough money to buy a house anyway. DH is still in school (he's younger than me, yep, I like younger men haha) and we decided that having kids is more important than buying a house.

Madrid: I bet this kitchen floor is gonna look really good when it's done!! As for TTC, we're basically just waiting for AF to return. Can't believe it's been a year since I've had AF!! Hopefully it won't take too long to conceive #2.

But lately we've been trying to put her to bed around 7h30-8, but she's fussy. At her age, when did your put your LO to bed?
DH is younger than me too =). I just happen to luck out with handsome, smart, sweet, handy, loyal, patient, etc...

Hi Madrid! Hope the kitchen turns out great.
melfy, where you asking me referring to dd1? When she was Zeynab's age I used to put her in bed maybe around 8-9pm. When she was born I was living in London but in Spanish time still so that was ok for us then. With ds it was different and he was in by 8pm the latest.

Wow Kat, now that I'm seeing your pics in my laptop you look like my friend Yuka.
Love the pics kat he is adorable and you look great! Is anyone ttc no 2 on here? I could do with some support / ttc buddy, I am desperate to be pregnant again! Just got my af. I want lexi to have a sister close in age, very close lol! Bumps how much coq10 did you take I just bought some...

Lexi is easy! She is in a eat, activity sleep regime and sleeping mostly through the night now! I am lucky!! She seems to be a chilled out bambino - just waiting for the teething to start to ruin it all lol! Still feel soooo lucky to have her. She is the best thing that ever happened to me and I don't think she'd be here if I'd never found this forum and you girls who know me well. Xxx
Hey girls, I dont have time to respond to everyone. OH is home for the weekend so I'll try to get caught up tomorrow. B has had erratic sleeping lately. She's still napping a lot but not for as long as usual. She's just been waking more at night :dohh: I don't know if its sleep regression or what. Just wanted to pop in quickly and say hello!
Fili: I think AF is back, but it's not heavy so I'll have to see, but if it is, then we're back at TTC again:winkwink:

Tuckie: I hope she goes back to a more normal sleep pattern:hugs:

We had a baptism this morning at our church. The little boy is 3 weeks younger than Zoe, so we've already arranged the marriage:haha: They're really nice people, and it will give me someone to go for long stroller rides:happydance:
Ohh great melfy! I have to wait til may now as hubs will be away during my ov time booooo!!
Nice that you will have someone to go for long stroller rides with :)
Fili: I *think* it was AF, but it was really light and lasted for 3 days. If that's my new AF I'm not gonna complain about it:haha: If my cycles are back on track I should ovulate in 10 days or so, we're going to my in-laws from the 24th 'til the 29th so won't DTD, but if we don't it before we leave we could still have a chance; for DD, we DTD 3 days before my ovulation.
Ohh that's good to know melfy. I will still dtd just before hubs goes! He doesn't do :sex: in the morning lol so it will have to be night before haha! I will have to help him pack to free up some time to seduce him :haha: good luck Hun hope you catch the egg! Do you want a girl or boy? I want another girly so lexi has a sister!!
Sounds like a good plan!! Let's catch that little eggy! Obviously we just want a healthy baby, but I'd love to have a boy, and I know DH would also really like to have a son. But having a little girl would also be amazing:cloud9:
you girls are getting me all excited about trying again soon. I had one period and then a 38 day cycle before he next and now it's been 60+ days and she hasn't shown up. I think its because Levi started really teething and needing to nurse through the night again and it throw my hormones off. I hope so. I know I am not pregnant - we took a test to confirm. So now I am waiting to get a feel for my new cycle. We are going on vacation in june so i don't want to be preggy until after that really.

Life is way too full to deal with morning sickness at the mo. I am gearing up to FINALLY take my driving test in the next few weeks. That will be a huge things crossed of the list if I can pass it. School is kicking my butt although hubs and I made a plan to help me out by him taking the baby a couple of evenings a week so I can study and not have to try to do it while Levi is awake. It was too much and I felt like i was frustrated when he wasnt napping and not being a good mummy when he was awake because i was distracted. So far its working much better and I am even getting things done much quicker because I am more focused.

This week Levi has started taking 2 hours naps in the morning. It has been wonderful. He napped like that in the swing for the first few months but since he has been i the crib he hasn't done longer than an hour and a half, but the usual is an hour and a quarter in the morning and maybe that or just a half hour nap in the afternoon. We have dropped the third nap now, it happened naturally a couple of week ago.

Levi is standing alone now. He can wave or clap without losing his balance and has figured out how to sit himself down by sticking his bum out and falling. Its saved him having some nasty falls I guess. He has also started spitting/violent bubble blowing especially when he is eating. I have to wear an apron so I don't get totally pebbledashed. Any of you ladies with old ones have this? Most of you have girls, I wonder if it is a boy thing. I am trying not to really respond. Just saying "no thank you" in a firm but regular voice and then moving on. Its hard though because sometimes it is SO FUNNY and he knows it too - stinker!

He just turned 8 months! CRAZY here is a link to the letter I wrote him for this milestone and a pick of what happened when he spat just as I put a spoon of food in his mouth! Silly boy.

Sorry I have not been around much recently, life is just busy! I still read when I can but hoping to post more when things even out soon.

I am going away for a women's retreat from my church this weekend its the first time I will haev left Levi over night - and its for 2 nights! I'm so excited for sleeping but I have lots to get ready for while I am gone to help the hubs out :)!!
Also, my dear, dear friend entered this competition and I am trying to rally vote for her. You can vote once every 24 hours and it times it from the first time you vote but if any of you would be willing to click this and vote for her to win I would be so grateful. She is such a great friend and so giving to everyone else, I want to try and help her win this so she has something nice for herself.

If you ave a phone or a tablet as well as computer you can vote on every device every day.

Thank you in advance! You don't have to sign up for anything, you just vote and then might have to enter in one of hte words to prove you are not a robot. A minute of your time at the most!! Thank you. YOu can vote any or every day until the 20th I think

Here is the link her name is Sarah Tien

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