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croydongirl: Wow time sure flies!! yay on the longer naps:happydance: It`s really funny how having a baby makes you more efficient in everything! People tell me: ''that`s great, you can take a nap too!!" Yeah right, are you kidding me?! I can do laundry, cooking, baking, have sex (oops, wasn't supposed to say that one out loud:haha:)

Fili: Yep, those little swimmers can easily survive 72 hours, and up to 5 days:winkwink:

Bumpy: I don't know if you're TTC'ing, but you were in my dream last night, with a blazing BFP on a FRER:haha:

Looks like spring is finally here:happydance: We're going to my in-laws next week. Looking forword to it, but it's a 6 hours drive, so I don't know how Zoe will handle this. We'll probably try to stop every 2 hours or so so she can get out of her car seat.
Hi ladies, hope your all well..

All this ttc talk makes me excited aswell. I've been warned by my husband that he dosent object to a second baby but is not willing to try until next january. We will see what happens...I would like to be pregnant for Emelia's first birthday and going back to work.
Although I keep on changing my opinion on teh matter, part of me really wants another quickly but the other part of me knows its scary being pregnant and that I just want to really enjoy Emelia's first year of life stress free and dedicate myself 100% to her.

Im currently getting screamed at right now, Emelia has sure found her voice, she always talks and shouts to herself but now she is soo loud and screaming haha.
Also she has two teeth coming in at the back left and right, they are molars!!
I googled it and at first people were saying that its impossible for back teeth before the front, but the more that I read people were saying that it happened to their babies.
I was feeling around her gums and felt the lumps so hard and then I looked in and they are pure white at both areas and def. teeth.
Has anyone else experienced this?

Tuckie, has any of Bay's teeth actually came in yet? I remember you mentioning teething.
Melfy- spring? We are expecting another snowstorm tonight. Snow has been on the ground since nov.
It's the longest winter I remember. That is a long drive! When my kids were 6 months we drove to my parents 3 hours

Have fun! Are you in ON? I sell software to manufacturers and Canada is part of my territory and I love my Canadian customers.

Just- isnt that funny how they scream like that? I had no clue. My cousin said her baby is getting her eye teeth first but that's all I've heard of it. Maybe they are just all forming? I hear the molars are really painful.

Amanda- had I dream I was going to meet you the other night and the babies woke me up. I can't remember what I read back but hope u are doing well.

Kat- how are u doing now with dh being at work? How is the house hunting? I can't believe how much houses there are and that anyone can afford them. When i lived in sherman oaks in 2002 just a run of the mill old house was 500K.

Hoping- u get matched yet? You would think there would be a huge demand for surrogates. I loved all the penny pics. She is gorgeous

Tuckie- how is bay? Does dh get more time at home?

Fili - glad to hear Lexi is such a good baby. Makes things much easier, but stil hard work.

Croy- loved the update in your journal. Dylan does that thing with his lips that makes like a tractor sound to spit out the chunks in his level 3 foods. He only likes smooth foods and lil crunchies. He doesn't spit far though, just enough to get the chunks out if his mouth and on chin. We are trying to get them used to foods with tiny chunks.

Afm, I'm tired alot of the time ;)
They go to bed around 7:30 but Dylan gets us up around 5am, has. 8 oz and back to bed, then Ava up at 6 to have 6-8 oz and then Dylan gets up and we go to daycare at 7/7:15 then I come back home and get ready for work and go.
Wish he would sleep until 6:30 but he just won't... He's cutting 1 top tooth that I can see. Ava has 7 teeth. Most are still growing in.
Naps on weekends are a 30-45 min one and second nap maybe an hour or a little more.
Hope: We're in the province of Quebec (southwest), and my in-laws are near Hamilton. We had a snowstorm last friday, on monday I was walking in t-shirt, and tomorrow they're calling for a high of 25 celsius. here we go through 4 seasons in one week lol. I hate snowstorms!! At this time of year, it should be warm and sunny!!
Hi All.

Good luck for all the girls TTC #2. We are still on the fence on this one. AF is nowhere in sight anyways.

Yay for better weather.

Sorry your DH will be gone during O.

Wow for 2 teeth!

I dont blame you for being tired hon. You are juggling the most on the thread to my knowledge. You can't even begin to get a home on the west side for only $500K... not even a 2BR condo. I looked at a 2 bedroom condo in the same building as my old 1 bedroom and it was listed for $850K! This is a building where the pipes burst regularly. I sold my 1 bedroom for $425K in that building.

DH has been home 85% of the time still =). Thank goodness. His office is 2 blocks away, but he hasn't been working there yet. He was, of course, gone when G was superbly fussy. He is only gone for his own side projects as of now. His new business is doing very well.

Good luck on your driving test and school. Yay for how fast Levi is learning everything.

Hi hon. Look forward to your update.

Are the scheduled wakings working still? Ours are and I am finally sleeping. DH moved us into his old office loft and moved his office into the bedroom with Grey. I feel rested for the first time in 4 bloodly months.

Grey's fussiness has completely stopped. I googled and he was going through a "wonder week". We had our first real solo outing to Santa Monica yesterday. We shopped the farmer's market and Brookstone. Not a tear the whole time!!!

We found a home and are in escrow!!! We were in a bidding war, but won! (Our agent was a dual agent, so we knew what we had to beat) It is three stories with 3 bedrooms plus a den. I love it! It is bright and airy and 2.4 miles from the beach. To be able to buy a real home (not condo) on the West Side (the nice part) of Los Angeles is a dream come true. It is in the most affordable beach city in a part of LA called South Bay, with a fantastic school system across the street from a park. Our mega dream is to one day purchase an ocean front home on the Strand in Manhattan Beach... when we have $10-20 million to spend on a house =).

The only bad news is that I got another plugged duct. =(
I managed to unplug it before it got infected. It sucks!
kat- that's awesome, congrats on the house! what does your hubby do? young and successful, sweet, hardworking and cute? w o w you deserve it ;)

a and d are 10 months today! where has the time gone. i feel like a hamster on a wheel that never stops. there are so many times every day that I think how lucky i am to have actually been able to have kids. for so long i thought it would never happen and that is a horrible place to have you mind stuck in. hoping for all the bnb girls to be able have theirs too.

set a date for baptism, may 19 in my home town, it's syttende mai that weekend, a norwegian celebration so there is a parade that saturday that i want the kids to see (at least for a few minutes as i have no clue how they will react to all of that stuff).

and it snowed 11-12 inches yesterday and last night. it's the longest ski season this one place has ever had. the first snow was oct 25 and we've had snow since so most people here are really sick of snow.
Kat congrats on the house that's awesome! Would you move in soon? We just started talking about when we would like to move. Having a baby we suddely see all the flaws in our current floor plan and small yard! I think if we had a basement room we would be fine but there isn't any real kid friendly space so its especially hard to entertain friends with kids. I don't want people to be worrying all the time about what their kids are touching or getting into. I'd like a totally modified space for Levi and others.
Happy 10 months!!! I understand the hamster wheel comment. I akin it to Groundhog's day, where it is the same old thing daily. Boo for snow. I am not a fan. Post pics of the baptism. That is exciting. Has home life improved? I hope so.

DH is a network engineer and a software engineer and programmer. He basically is a tech nerd that can do it all. It is unusual to be able to perform both sides of the coin. His car racing software business did not do well, but his network consulting business that he just started a month ago is already profitable. He wants to quit his day job soon, but we are going to close escrow first. He will be paying all the bills, but I put down the quarter million down payment (i had from the sale of my old condo).

We close escrow May 16, to my knowledge, then lease back to the family till end of June when their kids are done with school. I cannot wait to move in. The bathroom is my dream bathroom with a huge tub, separate huge shower for 2, dual sinks, separate commode room and everything in gorgeous stone with nice trims. Grey's room is already blue, so no work needs to be done. Turn key ready. It is amazing how having a baby changes how you view your home. We will baby proof the 2nd and 3rd level, and gate off the first. We have a tiny yard, but there is a park across the street. Are you all looking for homes? How is the market there?
holy moly kat, that is SO much money you made on the old house! sounds like people just keep making money on houses in LA area. i watch (record) real housewives of bev hills and OC and those houses are amazing.
we have equity in this house from paying it down (won't make any money on it) but lost about 70K on previous house and you really can't make money on houses here anymore. but who wants to live in MN? that house sounds beautiful

croy- i think the same, really wish i had a finished basement for the kids, they are just stuck in a smaller room and i constantly have to turn dylan around as he crawls all over. the dogs are in over 1/2 the main floor all gated off but it's all laminate and i don't want the kids on it until i can get some of those rubber mats. was thinking about those interlocking ones. the only floor the kids have been on is in our living room. was thinking they need to migrate areas but there just isn't alot of room and ava doesn't crawl yet, she's close but just scoots backwards and rolls.
Hi ladies,

Kat, your new home sounds amazing and so close to the beach aswell how lucky are you! House prices are crazy and how much money can make, some people just land very lucky.
Its funny you mentioned what your hubby does, mines is also a software engineer and programmer, also has done network stuff to our whole house, I never hear the end of it,he mentions how he has done CAT5 cable stuff to watch videos and TV, its great but Im clueless if sometrhing breaks down.

Im so glad that we bought our first house 7 years ago and made a bit of money on it to allow us to buy our house that we're in just now. All of my friends are renting because its so hard for them to get mortgages without a big deposit.

Hopeful, thats lovely that you have the baptism arranged, I'll look forward to seeing pictures aswell. Cant believe the twins are 10 months now, people tell you how quick it goes but it seriously does!
I can also relate to the hamster wheel comment aswell and I only have the one haha. I've been watching a programme here that comes on "16 kids and counting" how people can do that I'll never know, they just obviously dont let things stress them.

Some of you ladies mentioned having snow just now, Im so glad that we seem to eventually have seen the back of that and here we have quite nice Spring weather for a change, today was the best day yet so I got out walking for two hours with the pram.
Oh and I eventually bought a jumperoo for Emelia, I was super excited tp put her in it but she dosent seem that fussed with it yet and hasnt quite got the idea of how to bounce. Im desperate to see her really going for it!
Had a nice day yesterday aswel, it was my 31st birthday and got took out to lunch and then the cinema last night which was good. Got lots of birthday money so my plan is to treat myself to some new clothes seeing as I've lost weight.
Hi all. Sorry I've been MIA. I've been on the hamster wheel too. God, it's hard work with two. Kat, so pleased you have found a new home. It sounds fabulous. You also sound a lot better, which is great.
Hopeful, 10 months, wow. You sound busy but happy. I relate to that.
Just, pleased you had a good birthday. Hope Emelia gets the hang of her jumparoo soon. I would like one for Louis, I put Edie in one of my friends when she was 8 or 9 months and she loved it.
Hi everyone else, I need to have a good read back and catch up. I'm very tired. Louis sleeps ok until about 4am and then doesn't want to go back in his crib so I tend to have to sleep sitting up cuddling him after that. He doesn't nap much during the day either, and when he does nap he likes to take his nap on me, so I don't get anything done. While I feel a little sad that I'm definitely not having more, I don't think I could cope with 3. We have also been really busy moving house, but we are settled in and it's wonderful.
Here are a couple of recent photos of Louis
Hi MrsM, I've actually wondered where you've been. Understandable how busy you are with 2 kids and moving house, its stressful at the best of times moving. Good that you've settled in.
Gorgeous pics of Louis, what a handsome boy he is!

Oh and if you go for a jumperoo, I'd recommend looking on Gumtree. I was patiently waiting for my sister to give me my niece's old one but she couldnt find it in the loft so I was going to go out and buy from Argos etc. at £100, but I thought I'd look on Gumtree and people were listing them by the hour so I got one for £45 like new and I cleaned it up anyway, but it was a bargain and can also sell it again when done with it!
The people we purchased the home from just closed on it in January. They painted, put in carpets, dug up 2 palm trees, etc... and just made $80K profit selling it to us. =( Wish it was us, but I was having a baby when they closed that deal. I made $300K off the sale of my 1 bedroom condo on the border of West Hollywood and Beverly Hills. (it was only 719 sf) We are keeping $50K as emergency money while DH launches on his own.
Why, may I ask, did you move from Sherman Oaks to MN? That is dreadful weather wise... was it for your job? DH? I hate snow, but lots of people love skiing. You may be one of them.
Good idea on the rubber mats. I was wondering what to cover the hardwood with.

Happy BDay Hon!!! Treat yourself to fabulous new clothes. I'm happy you are feeling good about yourself again, I can tell. Let me know how E likes her jumper. We are getting G one soon.

So cute. I can't imagine how exhausted you must be. Tending to my one, with DH's help, is already enough. How has DD adjusted to DS?

Grey is army crawling inch by inch. He gets audibly frustrated that he is going so slow, but if I roll him onto his back, he immediately rolls back onto his tummy to "crawl" again. "walking" is also now the new sitting. He likes me to hold him by the armpits while he "walks" around the house step by step. I am going to have callouses on my bum from scooting on my tush.
Kat- I moved from mn to Sherman oaks for 1 year with a girlfriend, she met a guy there and i moved back to mn. We wanted to live in Cali while we were young and have fun
Sorry for being missing, gorgeous pics kat. I also have been on hopefuls hamster wheel.... Lexi has two bottom teeth the top two are coming, she's just about crawling she sits up an can pull her self up from laying down, Croy she also blows raspberries when she's eaten enough!!! Apparently the vibrating is nice on there gums during teething!!

Heart is d crawling? Hopeful are the twins? Lexi is nearly there but not 100%! X

Afm work was hard to leave lexi but I have a month off now so that's nice, an it was nice to eat warm food an hot tea lol!! X

We're off to Orlando on holiday next week, any tips for long haul or jet lag for baby?? X
Hey girls :wave:

Hopeful- happy 10 months to A & D! Time sure does fly!

Kat- congrats on your new home! It sounds amazing!!! Yay for G already wanting to crawl! I'll bet he walks early. B loves to stand. Every time we hold her she insists on standing like a big girl :)

Just- happy belated BDay and yay for new clothes!

Melfy/Fili- good luck ttc! It will be fun to follow you girls on another pregnancy journey :)

Croy- good luck with your driving test :)

MrsM- cute pics! Love his little owl hat!

Davies- have fun in Orlando!

Hi to everyone I missed too :wave: Heart, Bumpy, Sara :wave:

We've had a very hectic, emotional week. DHs grandfather passed away a few days ago and it's been really sad and hard on the family. He was a really great man. Very kind and warm. We were sad too because B never got to meet him :( He lived in Santa Clara so only 3 hour drive but the one time we were going to bring her down he wasn't up for visitors and felt very weak. We did send him pics of B in her Easter dress and some others of her playing about a week before he passed and my MIL said he was delighted to get those so that's good. My poor MIL. I can't imagine losing a parent. Bay is doing great. She's wanting lots of entertainment these days & has been keeping me very busy! Sleep is going okay, but we had a rough patch of regression (maybe her teeth?) Someone asked about her teeth...Still no teeth that have come all the way through, but I see the white and she's still having all the teething symptoms. We are starting her on baby rice at 5 1/2 months. Her ped saw her sitting with assistance really well at her 4 month appt and said we could start her a couple weeks early. We are shopping for a 2nd car right now. It'll be nice to have 2 vehicles again! A 16 year old boy rear ended me in 2011 and destroyed my Lexus and we've had one car ever since. My tummy seemed to shrink down a bit this week! its giving me hope lol I also got AF #2 after a 39 day cycle! I'm guessing my periods will be irregular while BFing still. I always had short cycles pre preg, about 26 days. Thats all I can think of to update for now. Hope you're all doing well!!!
Tuckie bay is adorable i love her dresss! Sorry to hear your sad news, so heart breaking xxx
My lexis teeth were mving for a long time before they came out.

Any US ladies can you give me any advice on what is the best baby food to buy a i will be having to give lexi jars on holiday as i cant bring foodinto the country, any tips on food etc i will be grateful x
Davies- have a fun trip!! Are u sure u don't want to visit mn? We are having another snowstorm tonight. I just buy gerber baby food, level 2 and 3. Level 3 is a little chunky.

Tuckie- sorry to hear about dh grandfather- glad he got to see pics. That's all my grandma got to see too. And sucks about the guy rear ending u while back. Will be nice to have 2 vehicles again. Bay sound like she is doing awesome. She really is adorable in that dress

Kat- Grey is doing stuff so quickly, such a good guy. His pic is so cute too, he'll be reading soon ;) I almost want to move to Cali to try and make money on houses!

Mrsm- adorable pics, love the hat too. How is Edie with him?

Just- happy birthday if I missed it!!!

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