Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Davies- I can't really recommend baby food because B hasn't eaten solids yet. I did just buy some baby rice to give her in a couple weeks and its Earths Best Organic brand and I think they sell the jars too.

Hopeful- sorry to hear your grandma didn't get to meet the twins :( How are A & D doing? Are things going better with DH? Hope you're doing well.

Bay is in teething hell. She cried for over an hour straight tonight and then I had a meltdown myself. I miss having DH's help. He's been working out of town 6 days/week & doing 55-60 hour weeks too. Poor guy only gets Sundays off lately. After she finally went down I poured myself a small glass of scotch!
Hi ladies I have been reading but never get the chance to post so sorry if I miss things as I may have read them a while ago!

Just - happy belated birthday!
Mrsm - he's a cutie I love the owl hat!
Kat - yay to your new home it really sounds amazing! Very happy for you!
Tuckie - sorry to hear about g.father I hope you are all doing ok.
Melfy - that's funny about your dream - we are not ttc so I'll pass the BFP dream vibes over to you and fili!!!
Davies - sounds like u have adjusted well to going back to work I go back on 3rd July part time 3 days a week. Have a fab holiday!
Hopeful - happy 10 months to your gorgeous twins - wow they will be a year soon its gone so fast!!!
Damn I can't remember anything else - hi to anyone I have missed.

AFM - we are good. I love seeing Alfie's little character developing and he makes melaugh every day! He sleeps so well 7pm ish until about 6.30am most nights and then plays/sings in his cot until I get him up around 7am. He is a happy boy that loves to sit and play or stand up with the help of mummy! He's not crawling yet although he's trying. I wish a tooth would come through though poor thing - he has been teething since 4 months old. I can feel a couple and see white and he always has red cheeks and drool but he's 7 1/2 months now and still nothing!!!
Hi ladies, thanks for the birthday wishes.

Tuckie, sorry to hear of your relative passing, its lovely that he got to see the pics of Bay.
Its so hard to listen to them crying for so long like that, especially whilst doing it alone. If there are the two of you thats whats good about taking turns. Poor bay, the teething reallly must be hell for them.
Thankfully Emelia isnt really showing much signs of being in pain other than fingers in the back of her mouth constantly and drooling. But recently when she gets over tired at night time she gets herself into a hysterical state and its not even crying its screaming and just hysterical. Im not great at coping with that as it upsets me and worries me that something is seriously wrong so my hubby takes over and is good at settling her.

Thats now two nights in a row that Emelia has been sleeping in her own room and she has done great, she still goes down at 8pm and wakes for a midnight feed, then back to sleep until 8am. Its so cute as whilst in her own rooom we can hear her talking to herself when she wakes and she just happily lies there playing with her fingers. It was more us that wanted to keep her in our room, its something that you get so used to I guess, 23 weeks she was with us in our room.

Davies, enjoy your trip to Orlando, that will be fun with having Lexi with you this time.

Im starting to be a bit concerned again that Emelia just is not rolling over yet. I've been reading online that babies should be rolling from front to back by 5 months and she just cant seem to do it. She has done it the odd time with her clothes off.
The baby sensory class that I go to on a Friday I see all of the babies doing it even younger than her. Im trying to spend lots of time encouraging her to do it and also tummy time which she is still bad at aswell. She is so strong and alert in every other way and perfectly heatlthy. Im going to get her weighed tomorrow and mention it to my health visitor.
Just don't stress my friends lil boy is 11 months an wont roll or crawl he stands an sits up etc an stands on his feet for ages he just doesn't like rolling or crawling I think there all different you may find she bum shuffles? X

Bumps works ok Hun honestly, an lexi only got first tooth at 8 months! X

Jodi thanks Hun that's good lexi likes lumps, she mainly likes what we have an I blend it but can't take my blender to a restaurant every night lol! How's the a and d? X

I'm nearly ready for hols packed got a new buggy! I brought a maclaren nice an light will let you no later if its any good x
Just don't worry Hun it really is true that every baby does things at their own pace and it doesn't mean there is anything wrong. Even now Alfie loves rolling back to front but can't remember how to roll back so after a while I have to turn him over!!!! I often worry if Alfie will crawl as he has so much more I interest in standing so I think he may skip it and walk instead!!!

Davies I'm so jealous if your trip!!! We are going to center parcs but its not quite the same!!! We have just bought a stroller too - I got the mamas and papas pulse it's on offer for £85 and I love it!!!
Hi Ladies-

So sorry about DH's grandpa. So sad he never got to meet Bay. =(
Yay for getting a 2nd car.
So sorry Bay's teething is so stressful and you have no help. Big hugs.

Yay for Alfie doing so great and sleeping like a champ!!!

I don't feed Grey food yet. I plan on making him his baby food for the first year from stuff I get at the Farmer's Market. The most help I can offer is that we have a great store called Whole Foods here that I frequent. They sell organic baby food. They would be a good bet and they are all over the country. Are you all going to Disney and Epcott?

I think the days of flipping houses is over in LA. The market is too hot. You are about 1 year too late. The guy that just sold us his place was an accidental flipper. If you buy in December I guess you can get some desperate sellers and snag a good deal.

So jealous of your great sleeper. We are up at 5:30am now!!! ( I used to sleep till at least 9-10am pre-baby). Is E enjoying sitting up? It's easy for us all to tell you not to worry about the rolling, but I know we all worry. Hopefully this is just something she doesn't care for, but asking your health advisor is a good idea.

I am happy to report that Grey slept over a 7hour stretch last night!!! Dr. N was a bit concerned about us waking G up at 3:45am to feed. He told us to let G sleep and see when he would wake. That means DH and I now have a 7 hour stretch to sleep, but our wake up for the day is at 5:30 LOL. Also, I am going to take Benadryl to dry out my oversupply at night, so I can hopefully avoid more plugged ducts. Unfortunately, I am still waking several times a night and have to relearn how to sleep. I am getting enough to not feel crazy and that is good enough for me.

Besides this G is 18 lbs 1 oz. He is 98% for height and weight and only 65% for head. DH and I are only giving him 1 vaccine at a time. He BF during the shot, paused for a second (DH and I thought the screaming was going to start), continued BF and fell asleep in the car. No fever. No complaints. YAY!!!! One shot at a time is the way to go for us. Last time he cried all night after 3.

Dr. N says that we can start feeding some solids, but I am going to wait till 6 months. G has shown zero interest in food and loves his booby milk. Dr N also said that G is ready for a jumper and exersaucer.

Life is very good overall. No complaints. We close on our home May 16th and are overjoyed.
Bumpy- yay for great sleep! I can't believe A has been teething for 3 1/2 months and still no teeth! I wish it wasn't such a long, drawn out process for them.

Just- don't worry too much hun. E will come around to it. Just keep forcing the tummy time on her. B used to hate it too and now she doesn't mind it at all. They always say every baby reaches milestones in their own time and some babies skip steps (like not crawling and just going straight to walking). B still isn't great about going back onto her back. She is better at the one they say is more difficult and uses more muscles (back to tummy) & gets frustrated trying to get back over and thats the 'easy' roll. Weird, right? You can try to entice her to roll too with toys and such & assist her in rolling by giving her a little help.

Kat- yay for 7 hour stretch! :) G is huge!!! You must have some mega milk! So glad to hear your family is doing so well. B is very interested in our food. She stares at us like a begging dog lol she also stops what she's doing when I drink water and stares at me intently. We are purchasing a jumperoo soon too. We want the Fisher Price Rainforest one. I think she's going to love it! G will too no doubt since he loves to bounce so much.

B slept 8-8 last night!!! :happydance: she must have worn herself out after that massive fit last night. Things around here have been pretty somber since DHs grandpa passed away. My MIL is also anxious because her brother doesn't know yet that her dad didnt leave him much. His house is going to my MIL and her sister 50/50 & they're getting trust funds too. She thinks her brother is going to be pissed BUT he has been very spoiled his whole life and borrowed tons of money from her parents over the years and he GAVE him a house and paid all the taxes an insurance on it for last 10 years. The house is in San Jose and was worth a half million when her dad bought it for him & is worth way more now. I think her brother should be grateful and not make a stink but it wouldn't be the first time a family fights over stupid money stuff. I hope it doesn't turn into a bunch of drama for my MIL and her sister.
Thanks ladies for the reassurance on the lack of rolling, I will ask the health visitor tomorrow and see what she says.

Bumpy, apparently all 3 of us (me, brother and sister) all didnt crawl and went straight to walking. I know exactly what your saying about babies really do different things at different stages, just cant help but worry about things, I guess thats what being a parent is all about.
I'm looking forward to getting a lighter stroller down the line aswell, I've been recommended the baby jogger by nearly everyone that I know. It folds down completely when you pull one cord, my MIL said that she bought it for my nephews 1st birthday and that she would do the same for us but i told her that we wouldnt need it as our pram is also a buggy just like most peoples I guess. But now I completely understand why people need to buy a lighter stroller and this carry on with lifting the pram/buggy body off the wheels and then folding the wheels down is not ideal. So I'll be asking my MIL if that offer still stands I think.
I think Center parcs sounds great, I would love to get away somewhere like that but probably wont go anywhere as money will be tight in the summer when Im down to no pay...hope you enjoy!

Kat, I cant believe the weight of Grey, he's obviously going to be tall. Just wait until you see his reaction to the solids when you start him on it, its so funny.

Tuckie, What you've said about Bay watching you eat and drink, thats exactly what Emelia does, she is fascinated.
Families..thats the kind of things that happens isnt it when money is involved.

Emelia had savoury food for the 2nd time tonight, I was a bit worried that she had been getting too used to baby rice and porridge with fruit which she has been loving, and last night I made her carrots with butternut squash and ginger. She completely screwed her face up and spat it out at first last night but then I added a tiny bit of pureed mangoes to it and she loves it, she scoffed it tonight again.
The Fisher Price Rainforest jumper is on sale right now at Target for $85 with free shipping. It is $31 cheaper than Amazon and Amazon does not have free shipping with theirs at the moment. I just bought one for G.
Thank you Kat!! We just looked on babies r us website and it was $109 & they're out of stock!

Just- have fun trying new foods with E! :)
Hi everyone! I'm reading but haven't had time to write. The older Delilah gets, the more I need to do it seems. I have such little time to be on the computer these days.

Tuckie, check Craigslist. We bought our rainforest jumperoo for $40. We're going to get rid of it soon. I wish you lived closer, I'd sell you ours for cheap! Too expensive to ship though. So sorry that you are alone most of the time. It's so hard.

Kat, Grey is officially heavier than Delilah. Crazy! Sounds like things have gotten so much better. Yay for sleep!

Just, Delilah was right around 5 months when she started rolling. I wouldn't worry. Some babies are less active.

Davies, have fun in the states. I make all my baby food, so I can't offer any advice.

Mrs M, Louis is adorable. I feel your exhaustion. 2 must be so difficult.

Jodi, your kids sound like they are thriving. I hope Dylan starts sleeping later for you. I can't imagine how tired you must be!

Oh gosh, I know I read so much more. Sorry girls. My brain is mush tonight. Delilah is sleeping great, but last night was up at 4am for a spell. She's cutting a top tooth and is fussy. This will be her 3rd tooth. We had to lower the mattress on her crib over the weekend as she is now able to move from a lying down position to a sitting upright position. Then she can pull herself up to standing. She's such a sweetie. I can't wait for these painful teeth to all pop through. She's eating lots of finger food now. I've reintroduced dairy into my diet and I think she's ok. She was constipated from solids for a long time, but now I'm giving her flax in her prunes and oats for breakfast, lots of pears and some pear juice. It seems to have helped. She had a massive explosion yesterday. My guts felt good just looking at it! I was so satisfied, I texted a picture of her poop to Tim! LOL!

I will try to be better on this thread. Apologies for being so brief. xo
Hi ladies, hope everyone is well...

Heart, its good to hear how Delilah is doing. I know what you mean about how solids make them constipated. Emelia used to go on a daily basis and now its every 3-4 days and its so hard what she does pass and she has been in tears at times, so sad. I must start prunes. What I have done when its bad is give her water with fresh orange in it, one part water to one part orange, thats what my health visitor advised and it works, but at the same time you dont want to do it all of the time as there is still a lot of sugar even in fresh orange juice.

Well I went to get Emelia weighed and she is now 15lbs 11oz. She was 15lb 2oz a month ago so I didnt think that was a great gain but the health visitor said it was good and that she thinks Emelia is really big and in proportion.
I mentioned about her not rolling and she thinks the lack of tummy time has a lot to do with it, I've said before that we are guilty of not doing enough tummy time as we give up because she screams. So I've been advised to ditch the bouncy chair and walker etc. and stick to play time on the ground with her and encouraging her to roll etc. with lots of toys.
I've been told that there is no concern about not rolling yet and they would only be concerned if she were7 or 8 months and not doing it, so I feel reassured.

Tonight she has just scoffed 4oz of milk and then had cheesy broccoli and cauliflower and she was looking for more so I gave her butternut squash, carrots and ginger. She seems to love her food, I hope she will be a good little eater.
Just, their weight gain slows at this stage, so I wouldn't be concerned. Delilah hated tummy time too, but we kept doing it. Now she loves it. Keep at it, once she learns to roll, there will be no stopping her!

I think I conquered the constipation. All her poos are soft and big now. I honestly think her digestive system is more mature now and is used to solids. I'm giving her all sorts of things now. She had whole wheat pasta for the first time last night. I think we will try some quinoa tonight.

My girl is 10 months old today! :cloud9: I can't believe it!
Heart- happy 10 months to D! I cannot believe its been 10 months since you had her! Lol @ texting poop pics to Tim :haha: I can relate B had such a bad blowout the other day I just had to txt DH to show him what I was facing at that moment! LOL don't apologize for not posting as much these days! I'm always happy when you do check in with us, but totally understand how busy and crazy it gets managing life with a LO! I'm sure the other girls agree! I tried Craiglist for the jumperoos but there were none in our area. The only ones I found were in Sac and always got scooped up faster than I could get them. My MIL offered to buy it last night. We bought it on as Kat suggested. I really appreciate my MIL wanting to buy it for her.

Just- E's weight sounds great to me. I also read that their gains slows down. She will roll eventually if you keep forcing the tummy time :thumbup:

I'm sick :cry: thank goodness Bay doesn't seem to have caught it. I think the breastmilk antibodies are doing their job! It's just a cold but I'm so stuffed up I can hardly breathe. Ugh. Anyways, here's a video of B laughing. You can't see much but you can hear her. I kiss her cheeks and neck over and over really fast and she cracks up :haha: So cute!
Tuckie, that is the best sound on earth! Thanks for sharing!

I hope you feel better soon. It's no fun to be sick. Especially when you don't get to take a sick day! I hope Bay likes the Jumperoo. Delilah loved hers for the most part.

I don't know how you are doing it solo. Tim is at work a lot, so I do the majority by myself, but he comes home to help at night. You are superwoman!
Kat: He's getting so big, but still sooo cute :) Zoe is almost 12 pounds!!! She was close to 9 pounds at her 2 months check-up, so she gained 3 ponds in 1 month!!!!

We're at my in-laws for the week, so not much time to read and write, but we're having a wonderful time!!

And what I thought was AF was not AF. I got it back yesterday, 12 hours after we DTD because I thought I could be ovulating...perfect timing:haha: So I think I just didn't ovlate at all because 2 weeks ago the bleeding was nothing like an ovulation spotting:shrug: So far it's notreally heavier than usual, but barely any cramps :yipee:
Melfy, AF can be weird after having a baby. Or so I've heard. Still nothing for me...

Jodi, I give her steamed diced pears, roasted diced butternut squash, avocado pieces, wheat toast, bananas, whole grain O's cereal, diced mango. I tried broccoli, cauliflower and carrots, but she didn't love them. I'll keep trying. She was having a hard time picking some of the things up, so I crushed O's cereal and coat the slippery pieces with that so she can easily pick them up. She loves eating on her own! I made her quinoa mixed with sweet potato and cinnamon and she loves it. I'm now experimenting with recipes now that I know she doesn't have allergies. The only thing I'm still unsure about is dairy. I've been slowly reintroducing it to my diet, but I'm not ready to give it to her yet. Soon though as I don't think she's having any reactions.

I put her down at 7:30pm last night. She woke at 6:45am. I quickly stopped by my computer to check on Lee and another girl who did IVF and was testing today (BFN), before going to Delilah's room and by the time I got there, she had fallen back asleep. It's now 7:45am and she's still sleeping! I'm at a loss of what to do with myself! Just sitting here, catching up on B&B with engorged boobs.
Lol heart! Way to go on the sleep D! Is my avatar a smiley face giving thumbs up? Something is wrong with my bnb, I didn't change my avatar
Dylan gets upset now when he comes home from daycare and we feed him right away but he screams and cries and doesn't want to eat baby food so I gave him puffs and mandarin oranges and yogurt melts and he stops crying. and he loved the oranges and puffs. yogurt melts were ok. So I need to cook at night for us, heat it up the next day for them I guess and get them on more table foods

he Couldn't pick up the orange pieces. Will try and coat them!

Tuckie - couldn't see the video!

Melfie- that is a good weight! My AF sucks worse now, heavier than used to be
She finally woke up. Bound to happen I guess! Super good mood baby. That's what 12+ hours sleep will get you.

Your avatar looks the same to me. Let me know how coating the food works. I used crushed O's for fruit and I scrape off bread crumbs from toast for avocado. I read that wheat germ is also a good thing to use to coat foods. I need to buy some. Eventually I need to wean her of that habit, but for now, it's a great tool. She eats so much more this way! :thumbup:

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