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Anyone have toy box ideas? I have toys in baskets now on the floor but thinking about an upholstered storage bench. It's such aninflow and outflow of clothes, toys, food, diaper sizes, on and on. Lol. Loving it. Got some used clothes for d now too, did a post on the moms of multiplies classifieds for boys clothes and got 8 replies. There is a sale coming up so they would rather sell before the sale and not tag if possible. Works for me ;)

Heart - way to go on 10 month breastfeeding!! Omg. How long r u going for?
Hi Hopeful, Im also planning on getting Emelia a nice toy box for her room upstairs, I like this one and I have a personalised name to put on it:

But I would also like one for downstairs like you describe more of a storage bench.
Thats good that your getting bargains on some used clothes, baby clothes are always like new anyway for all the time that kids get a wear out of them. I was impressed with the second hand jumperoo that I bought and now like the idea of looking for any second hand bargains, its something that I'd never really done before, but now I love looking on Ebay aswell.

I cant believe that I'd totally missed the fact that Pad has had her baby boy and that Lee is being induced today, I just had a nosey over in PAL and couldnt believe it, such great news for them both.
Hopeful- I don't know why the video link didnt work for you :shrug: I can't offer much advice on toy boxes. Bay has a few toys and some soft books I keep in a wicker basket. My mom uses a big Rubbermaid tub with lid for the grand kids toys at her house. Doesn't look fancy but its functional.

Melfy- glad you're enjoying yourself at the inlaws :) my periods are very screwy since I had B. I had a 39 day cycle after my first pp AF. Curious to see how this next cycle goes. I'm still BFing though so I'm sure that has something to do with it. I noticed less cramps during this last period too :thumbup:

Heart- that's great sleep for D! Thanks for the tips on coating slippery foods. I hadn't thought about that. Doing the solo sahm thing is difficult but I'm getting used to it. It's only really hard when she's not sleeping well or having crying fits. Those are getting less frequent (knock on wood) she's a pretty good girl for the most part :)

Just- that's a really nice looking toy chest :thumbup:

I've had to let B cry a few times this week. I think she's starting to get separation anxiety.
She's been getting really fussy when she goes down for naps. She used to just whine/whimper and then pass out. Lately she screams at nap time. I've had to let her cry to sleep :cry: she only cries for 5 mins and then she's out like a light. I do stay close and I'll say 'shhhhh' or offer her a paci after a couple mins but that often makes it worse and she is able to self soothe herself to sleep. She woke up from a nap screaming yesterday and I went in and comforted her and shhh'd and then I had to just leave and lo and behold, she fell back asleep after about 4 mins of crying. I know it's for her own good because she's much happier if she gets good rest but its hard trying to teach her to self soothe and hard to force myself to stay put and not run in there to soothe her! It honestly takes longer for her to fall asleep now if she knows I'm there. She actually cries longer and screams harder if she sees me/hears me.
Just, where have you been? LOL! Pad and Lee :happydance: Two women so deserving of their rainbows are finally having their dream come true. It's wonderful, isn't it?

Jodi, I really have no idea how long I'll BF. I'd like to go until she's a year if she's up for it. She shows NO signs of wanting to give it up so I don't think that will be an issue. I'd like to keep doing it through August since we'll be on vacation and I think it will be easier. But we'll see. I thought I would just let her lead the weaning process. That being said, I don't want to do it when she's 2 or 3. I'll be back at work then anyway, so wouldn't be able to.

No ideas for toyboxes. I'm using a basket from IKEA, but am running out of room. All of her toys are hand-me-downs or gifts. I hate the clutter!

Tuckie, the joys of having a baby! I went through something similar. I used to be able to put her down and walk out of the room. Now I can't. She doesn't scream when I'm in the room though. If you can help Bay to fall asleep on her own, you are doing her a favor, as awful as it is to hear her cry. Delilah can fall asleep on her own, but it takes forever. I generally take 5-10 min to pat her down and she is out like a light. Sometimes she wakes at night (or in the early morning) and can put herself back to sleep. If she was waking up screaming in the middle of the night, I would need to think about letting her cry. I've definitely let her cry though. Only you know your baby. You know what is best for her and how she works.
Hi ladies just a quick stop was checking for ab update from lee, but no news yet, I predict a girl an can't wait!! X

Hopeful lexi has broccoli carrots apple banana toast nectarine mango biscotti chicken all as finger food. I also try to give her a meal every night followed by a few finge foods on the tray, I hope a d enjoy like my independavt monkey.

Heart congrats on b feeding well done you! An jealous of d 12 hour stint! X

Off on hols to Florida in 3 hours!!! Ah 9 hours on plane wish me luck!!! X
Yay for dairy!!! Just had some Ben n Jerry's chocolate therapy. D is growing up so fast. I wonder when you will get AF. I wonder when I will. Happy 10 months hon!

DH and I heard your video. So cute. Sorry you are sick. I hate having a stuffy nose. Grey LOVES his rainforest jumper. I hope Bay does too. Letting them cry for 5-10 min is not letting them cry it out. We do the same now. It works. This is the age where they need to learn to self-soothe or we will be stuck rocking them forever.

Sounds like Zoe is growing big and strong. Great you are having a wonderful time.

We do not have a toy chest yet. DH will make one when we move into our new home.

Have so much fun hon!!!

Good to hear all is well with E.

Grey is having so much fun in his jumperoo. I swear someone changed out my baby for this super calm, happy one. It is bliss.

I FREAKED out yesterday because Grey became red and splotchy from head to toe. I ripped off his clothes. I was shaking, my heart was pounding, and called his Dr. I thought he was having a bad vaccine reaction. The nurse was walking me through some steps when DH arrived home. In that moment I knew what it was. DH turns red and splotchy sometimes too. This is a white person thing.

On another note, DH and I HASHED it out with his parents. We cleared the air before they arrive next week. They could not believe what was coming out of my mouth, but it was my truth and I stand by it. I have been holding my tongue our entire marriage and that will no longer continue. I basically told them that the way we choose to raise OUR son was none of their business and their view points were to be kept to themselves... That I would not tolerate any dissonance on their part. DH backs me up 100%.
Heart- thanks for sharing your experience with D. Makes me feel better! :)

Davies- have a blast in FL! Take photos!

Kat- I lol'd when you said 'this is a white person thing!' :haha: what did it end up being? Was he hot or had he just been angry or crying? :shrug: thanks for reassuring me on the letting her cry bit. Glad G loves his rainforest jumperoo! B's should be here in a few days. Sorry you had to hash it out with DHs parents but obviously if you felt that had to be said, then it was necessary. They know what to expect when they come next week. My grandma told me last week that B has me 'buffaloed'. She made the comment in response to how much I struggled to get her to settle for her nap when she was sleepy and fighting it. I took offense to that. I told her that every baby is different and that I just try to do what's best for her. I think my grandma thinks babies should have to do what's best for us! Anyways, it IS annoying hearing everyone's opinions! My dad also made a comment about my bedsharing and saying she'll never break the habit and will be sleeping with us for years. That is so not true!
Kat I also laughed at the "white person thing." So funny and so true! I'm a fair skinned white girl with freckles. My skin is very very sensitive. I get all sorts of red splotches from time to time. Delilah does too. Just yesterday I freaked out at Target when I noticed her face and chest getting splotchy. Then I realized it was a white person thing! LOL!

I'll be interested to hear how the visit with the in-laws goes. Glad you cleared the air. It needed to be done.

Tuckie, it's so true. Hearing opinions from others is so annoying. I can be very sensitive to comments. Tim's cousin, who is my age with 2 kids, gives lots of "advice" about sleep, etc. She told me we had to let Delilah CIO if we ever wanted to sleep again. Not true. Delilah now sleeps through the night every night and we never did CIO. She offers other pieces of advice/opinions often. I get annoyed. Just ignore, ignore, ignore. There are a million right ways to raise a child.
Good luck on your trip Davies! It's going to be hot in Florida this time of year. Have fun!
Glad I could make you girls laugh. I did not think I would offend anyone since I am obviously married to a white person:haha:. Too bad Grey got such sensitive skin. It means a lifetime of SPF 50. He is also quite fussy and tired today despite a stellar sleep night. =(

It was heat and anger. He was fussy on my right boob that day. He was frustrated and kicking me. That is when I noticed all the splotches. It is a new thing.

You are doing great with Bay. It's so hard to ignore comments. Let's just remember to not do the same to our kids. Glad I could help ease your guilt over a 5 min cry. That is not CIO. That is letting them learn to self-settle. I let G go 5-10 min. Most of the time that is all he needs. After that, I will still rock him down. We need to maintain our sanity too.

I relate it to this: when G was learning to roll from back to front he would get stuck with his arms. DH kept fixing it for him because G would get frustrated. I told DH to stop it, that G would not learn himself that way. DH listened. 10 seconds later, G rolled on his own. DH never gave him the chance. That is how I view the 5-10 min self-settle. It might be frustrating, but in the same way they move through frustration to learn, this needs to be learned too.

Most people would say, "just ignore them". In most cases, this is probably best. For bulldozer idiots like my in-laws, then a hard line needs to be drawn.

I am glad you remembered before you full on had a panic attack at Target, like I did at home.

For Your Viewing Amusement: An excerpt from my rant to my in-laws (Remember that these are the people that stole $35K dollars from us and almost ruined our credit, which most likely would have prevented us from providing Grey with a proper home)

I was breast feeding and did not hear the entire conversation going on. I did hear tidbits that I want to address. Patti, I believe you were crying because you felt we were judging/dismissing how you raised your boys. This is not the case. You raised YOUR boys and WE are raising OUR boy. The way we choose to raise Grey is of OUR concern ONLY and is NOT open for discussion or opinion. Period. I have a hard line here. I do NOT want any unsolicited advice or opinions regarding Grey's health, well-being and how we choose to raise him. This is a firm boundary. It bothers me that the way we are raising our child becomes about you.

I find it very exasperating that the boundaries that we set surrounding Grey are somehow turned around to be construed as personal attacks against you all. Patrick was insulted that I require a change of clothes after an airline flight, when I already explained to you my reasoning. I will no longer go into my reasoning, since it is obviously ignored. The bottom line is this is what is required by us. WE make the rules when it comes to OUR son. You all were not invited out here earlier because we both could not trust that you would do what was necessary in our eyes to protect Grey. We all, Mason, my parents and myself, all got the recommended vaccines. We did not believe you would do so, and this was confirmed when something as simple as changing out of dirty, airplane clothes becomes an ordeal. I am not interested in your views on immunology. I have spent months researching and speaking to medical professionals. I will not bother conveying the information I have learned, since I believe you both will just ignore it. You can believe as you wish, but Grey is our child and we will not take risks when it comes to his health. This disrespect for our views is what greatly delayed your invitation out here, for which I pushed for. This is the truth. You can get defensive about it or you can learn from it, so that you will be more readily included in the future.

What we decide for Grey has NOTHING to do with you both. I will reiterate that I find exasperating that we have to waste our energy explaining why we are not trying to insult you both. Did you ever think that your questioning of how we are choosing to raise Grey is equally, if not more, insulting? Our choices when it comes to Grey are NOT personal attacks against you both. I am annoyed that they some how get turned around to appear that way in your all's eyes. Stop making it about you all the time. This is solely to do with Grey and us.

MIL reply:
We are not used to be spoken to in such a strong manner. We do take it as greatly disrespectful to us as Masons' parents. I've never been so totally dismissed. I have not always agreed with Jean Faye or Norman but was would never have spoken to them in the way you speak to me. There was one time when Jean Faye really over stepped the boundary dealing with our choice for our boys and it was REALLY a problem for Patrick and I. However, we held our tongues our of respect. We did not take their advice or input. To this day, she does not know how it hurt and never will. It would have served no purpose. We just put it behind us and carried on. I love her and respect her more and more as the years have passed. We haven't always seen eye to eye but really who does? Right?

My response:
I make no apologies on my strong manner of communication. That is your choice to take it disrespectfully, as that was not at all my intention. You get no special standing as Mason's parents. We are all adults. Period. I know about the Faye Faye situation, and that was your choice on how you handled it. Just because you both chose to behave in a certain way does NOT mean I need to. I held my bloody tongue for almost 3 years now. I will no longer do so and again, make no apologies for my decision. To ask me to be phony to meet your idea of respect would ensure estrangement. I don't agree with not sharing hurt or anger. In my opinion, it only leeds to bottling up of feelings. I am open and blunt with my own parents. My mom knows to not give unsolicited advice and that I am an adult. You told me that you need to tell Patrick to communicate with his mother. I don't think you want the same for your son and you, and currently that is what you have. Resentments build in an atmosphere of secrets and hidden feelings. You are entitled to your opinion on this matter and I mine.
Heart- red, splotchy skin...white girl problems lol I guess I've got enough Irish in me to give me the dreaded red, splotchy, white person skin too :haha: I get them bad all over when I cry & they linger for a good half hour. A pretty embarrassing reaction for a grown adult. Sorry about Tim's cousin being so opinionated. I guess every family has got one of 'those'.

Kat- I can understand your being so direct because my family is that way. DH's fam are all passive aggressive and beat around the bush with everything and it drives me mad! I wish they'd all be a little more direct. I think it was good that you said that your not wanting their opinions on childrearing wasn't personal or meant to be insulting. You made totally valid points. I think that her message back suggests you should deal with things in a pretty unhealthy way; that you should stuff what you feel down and not confront people when they've greatly upset you. Funny how she says that with the woman that crossed the line with her (her own MIL?), it was 'REALLY a problem' and says 'how it hurt', but thinks it best that she never told her??? Then she says how much she loves and respects her, but couldn't her relationship could have possibly been a lot better had she voiced her hurt & worked through it with her? All that bottling shit up just sounds like a recipe for resentment and bitterness. I feel annoyed with my own DHs family because its exhausting when everything is 10% verbal and 90% subtext. Just today my uncle and his wife (who have recently separated for the 100th time) are talking about moving back in together and my dad said 'Why? So you can move in, fight, remember how miserable you make each other, and then split up again in another 6 months?' I told my MIL about that and her jaw hung open & she said 'I can't believe your dad would say that to his brother'. To me, it was normal. That's how my family is. A bit abrasive and overbearing, yes. But the other end of the spectrum; the passive aggressive stuff...that's worse to me.
I also liked your analogy for letting them cry and the rolling over example :thumbup:
Once again I've missed a lot not being able to post frequently but I can't get to my laptop as much as I used too & my free time I.e. when Zeynab is sleeping, is filled with cooking, washing, cleaning, ds homework,.....

Hope you're all well!!
Hi ladies,

Kat, your absolutely right to be upfront and honest to people and then you hope that it can all be cleared and forgotten about. Thats how I like to operate aswell, I hate people that clearly hold grudges and you know that something bothering them, its better to just say it and get past it.
I dont think you were out of line at all.

Tuckie, what tyou describe Bay to be like when you let her cry for a bit is exactly what we go through with Emelia. At 8pm thats when she starts to get really over tired and she fights it a lot and ends up in a hysterical state. We out her down to sleep awake when she is clearly showing signs of being tired and she often grumbles and cries for about 2-5 mins and then she is out for the count which is great. But when she does the hysterical crying she can end up unconsolable for about half an hour and we have to try everything to comfort her. Im all for letting them cry for a couple of minutes when they are just fighting the tiredness.

Emelia is doing great in her own room still going down at 8pm then fed at midnight and then back to sleep until 8am. But last night she didnt go down until 10pm so I thought she would sleep right through but nope she woke at midnight still expecting that feed and then at 4am again, I have a cheek to complain when its not often this happens but it sure is hard when your not used to it again haha.

I hope Grey and Bay are enjoying their jumperoos, its the rainforest one that I have aswell, Emelia likes to play with all of the activity toys around it but still hasnt figured how to bounce, its on the lowest setting but her toes are still barely touching the floor on her tiptoes.
Im also doing much more playtime on the playmat to encourage rolling and tummy time which does seem to be getting better.
Tuckie and Just,
I put two folded yoga mats under the jumparoo for Grey. This gives him a softer, but firm enough surface and more leverage.

Thanks for both backing me up in my very blunt emails to my MIL. Miraculously she has been able to reflect on them and has emailed me nicely today wanting to grow and change. I am happy about this and so is DH.

Aaargh, I hate passive aggressive people. I liken them to nailing jello on the wall. I have no patience for that shit. I guess I am just flat out aggressive. Can't wait till Bay gets her jumparoo. There is some assembly involved, but nothing major.

Good news on E doing better with tummy time and rolling.

Hi everyone else.
Hi Girls sorry that I have not been around much. I will go back a bit to catch up after this.

Kat - I am so glad that your MIL has had time to reflect. It is a tricky balance to have input from extended family even when they are emotionally stable so with them not sounding quite so rational it must be hard. I hope you can come to a place of peace where you will feel respected and Grey can build a good relationship with them. Sounds like you are off to a good start by getting everything out into the open.

Just - Sounds like Emila's nights are going great!! I wish Levi would get in a better pattern. We have started not feeding him at his 10/11 pm wake up but we do still help him resettle. Then he is up at 1 or2 and then usually 5 or 6. Its just not consistent. Last week he got up at 5.45am (YAWN) one day and 7.15 another. Not sure how to help him,but I think for him it may involve letting him fuss himself back a few nights. He is tired during the day if he doesn't get a good stretch at night.

I have big Levi news - He took his forst staeps today!!! He has a cold and is gross and drippy so we did go for a walk but otherwise we were home by ourselves. Tryiing to keep the germs to ourselves so I had been trying to get him to step to me all day and he wasn't interested. Hubby walks through the door and I offer my hands across the room when Levi is standing at the couch and he turns and takes 3 or 4 steps totally by himself. Hubs and I were in total shock. It was like a light bulb went on for Levi, his eyes lit up and he did it a few more times before bed. 8.5 months...he beat his Daddy's 9 month mark!! I cannot believe my baby boy is almost walking!!!

Hello to you other ladies - any word on Lee yet?
Hi ladies I'm back from being Mia x don't think I'll have time to try catch up so I'll just join in from here x hope you an all your rainbows are doing great x

Kody is 10 weeks already, she's just perfect hardly ever cries an sleeps all night couldn't ask for better! lol it's only taken till no4 to get a sleeper! X
WOW!!! Big news! How fun!

I am jealous of your little cries and great slept, BUT you deserve it with 4! I don't know how you manage. Welcome back.
My god Croy that's awesome! What a big boy!! Great to have you back MrsK. Sleep, bleurgh...what the hell is that?
Croy Lee had a boy!
Kat, I think your conversation with your MIL was appropriate and justified. I'm sorry I don't have more time to comment on it, but I'm glad you posted it. It sounds like she took it to heart. That's really encouraging. I also put a yoga mat underneath Delilah's jumperoo.

Just, tummy time keeps getting easier the more you do it. Good job! Isn't it strange how they have their specific times to wake up no matter what time they go to sleep?

Croy, I can't believe he's taking steps! What a big boy he is! I know you said you aren't doing 3 naps anymore. Do you do a 3rd nap when he wakes up super early? How long are his awake time stretches?

Hi Mrskg! Welcome back! What a good baby you have!

Hi MrsM!!

Delilah has been a champion sleeper for the past few weeks now. She always sleeps 11-12 hours. I can't believe it. Today, she slept for 11 hours, woke at 6:40am for 10 min and then fell back asleep until 8:15am! I had time to exercise, shower and prep food for dinner all before she got up in the morning. We also cut out her 3rd nap and I think that's helping. I never thought I'd see the day where I would sleep 7-8 hours in a row night after night, but it happened. I know there will be bad nights, but at least I know she likes to sleep! She's still doing the army crawl and likes to rock on her hands and knees. She can easily get up into a sitting position and does so constantly in her crib. Her new favorite thing is the swing at the playground. I put my jumperoo for sale today. I'm ready to get rid of it from my small house!
Hello ladies :flower:

I'm not a MARL yet but in waiting. I have followed some of the earliest graduates' journeys as it kept my hope alive through the dark days, so thank you! I haven't joined the PARL thread mostly because i've been too paranoid that i would jinx myself and the thread!

Anyway, I wanted to say thank you for all the sharing - hope you don't mind, i'm reading this thread from the beginning & noting down all the wonderful tips etc.


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