Hi girls! Sorry Ive been MIA. I still read almost daily but no time to post.
Peacebaby- Welcome! You will be here in no time at all.
Kat- yay for baby grey learning a new skill. I remember being so proud when Penny learned to do this. I hope DH had food poisoning rather than a bug for Greys sake. Poor guy, I hope he is feeling better today. I was super paranoid in the beginning but have drastically calmed down. I think it is normal with such a young baby to over think things.
Grey is beyond cute! I love all his little rolls in his sitting position.
Melfy- you already have a great little sleeper on your hands. Enjoy having friends over. I hope your friend gets her rainbow as well.
Mrs Mig- your kids sound like night and day. I hope Luis figures out the sleep thing soon.
Davies-how are you liking Orlando? I hope Lexi gets rid of her bug soon. We just used saline and a bulb syringe when Penny had a runny/stuffy nose. I hope you can find something at the pharmacy.
Bumpy- another great sleeper on the thread. It makes life so much easier! How is Alfie liking swim lessons? I loved taking Penny since she is such a little water baby. Love the pictures! He is such a big boy standing and practice walking.
Cazi- teething is the worst! Penny still only has 8 teeth so we have a while to go. Happy early 7 months! She looks like a happy and content little baby.
Just- Im curious to see if she is getting her molars too. I hear they are the worst to come through. Too cute about her finding her voice. They sure love to screech but look so pleased with themselves.
Tuckie- that has happened to me so many times! It sucks!
AFM- We finally got matched with a lovely gay couple from NYC!!!

We are meeting them for lunch next Saturday and will spend the rest of the day getting to know them. Im excited, nervous and a wee bit terrified!
Penny has recently learned to break dance. Or at least do her own version of it. I could not believe my eyes the first time! She loves to dance and will shake her booty, do dramatic hand/leg movements (she is trying to copy her daddys techno style), twirl in circles, clap, body roll and a few times she attempted to tumble but ended up in a weird head spin and then she would pose. So adorable

. She will also lift her dollies in the air and spin them like we do to her. Im loving this stage!
Before dinner last night she went and grabbed the picture of my mom that I have in our living room (my mom passed last June). She brought it to me and asked 'who that?' I told her it was grandma Fawn and she kissed my mom over and over. Tim said she has been doing this for the last week. Before bed we were all snuggled in our bed while Tim read us the Lorax. She accidentally bonked Tim on the nose so I asked her to give him a kiss. She gave him a sweet little kiss and then turned to give me one too. She went back and forth a few times alternating kisses between the two of us. I live for these moments and felt like my heart could burst with love and happiness.