Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Hello peacebaby and congrats! I've seen you lurking in the PARL thread before. I hope you join us in the MARL thread when you are ready. Not long now! You are already further than I was when I had Delilah and she's doing just fine. I'm so happy for you!
Hello Peacebaby:flower:
I'm sorry for your losses, but so happy and excited you get to meet your rainbow baby in a few weeks!! :) This is a wonderful thread, even if you were not in PARL, you're very welcome here and will fit in just fine:winkwink:

Spring is finally here!!!! Today's supposed to go up to 26 celsius with sun:happydance: Zoe is wearing shorts and shirt with a very cute little hat!!

Just: Zoe is still not STTN, last night she went to bed at 8:30, woke up at midnight and 5:30. But in only takes 10 minutes or so to feed her so it's not too bad. I wonder if starting cereal will help a little. She guzzles down 5-6 oz of formula every 2-3 hours during the day!!

Mrskg: welcome back!!
Thanks for the welcome ladies.

Heart yours & Delilah's story always inspires :cloud9:

Can't wait to join!
Hi and welcome Peacebaby, this is a great part of the forum, you really don't have long now, I had my baby at 37 weeks.

Hi everyone else, Melfy that really isn't too bad what Zoe is sleeping, quite similar to Emelia as she now goes down at 7pm and wakes at midnight for a feed then back to sleep until 7am. Yeah I reckon when you start solids she will be fuller for longer. Emelia is loving her food both sweet fruits and savoury, I hope she will always be a good little eater.

Heart, the jumperoo certainly does take up a lot of room, my livingroom is full of baby stuff which has taken over. Im quite OCD about tidiness but its strange as the baby stuff is the only thing that dosent really bother me. Sounds like Delilah is a good little sleeper now.

Well I've been persevering with tummy time and took a picture of Emelia today and also another from a daytrip we had as a family to Edinburgh at the weekend which was good. Emelia was great just people watching all day on the train etc.
So happy you are getting GOOD sleep. Are you and Tim going out for another date soon?

Welcome. I'm glad you read the PARL thread on your journey. It made a huge difference in my sanity. Welcome soon.

Yay for E. It looks like her strength is improving. Does she nap while out and about in her stroller? If yes, I am insanely jealous. I can't even near hope for that with G.

Doesn't sound like Zoe is doing poorly with sleep at all.

Grey is sitting "UP" by himself. The up is in parenthesis because he is still leaning forward onto his hands. He will then straighten up for a few moments, put his hands up and then put his hands back on the ground. He is getting it. I place a pillow an inch behind him just in case he over corrects, which he has. He sat for about 20 min at a time yesterday, practicing this new skill.

DH had food poisoning (I hope as it is way better than something that could spread to Grey) and vomited all over the carpet next to our bed last night. Yuck! I feel like a witch, but all that I cared about was that it not be contagious to G. I was actually almost pissed that DH was ill. I feel guilty about this, but it is the case. I could barely sleep last night, googling shit like noravirus.

The whole thing made me feel scared. Scared that G would get something nasty and scared that DH is NOT invincible like he is SUPPOSED to be.
I'm glad I could inspire Peacebaby!

Melfy, that's awesome sleep for 3 months old! Can we see a picture of said cute hat?

Just, I hate the baby clutter. I like everything to have a place in my home and the baby stuff doesn't fit. I'm selling a ton of things right now. Someone just bought my Bumbo from me. Yay! Emelia is gorgeous. She's getting the hang of tummy time!

Kat, way to go Grey! Sitting up. I bet he's going to be like Levi and walking super early. I would be irritated if Tim got sick around Delilah too. I'm super over protective like that. I hate having a sick baby. I go to great lengths to keep her healthy. At the same time, they have to get sick to build up immunity. She's had 2 colds so far and a virus that caused diarrhea. I know there are many more to come. I read that the average toddler gets 10 colds a year! That leaves 2 months out of the year to be cold-free!

Well my girl did it again today. She slept for 11 hours, woke for a few minutes then went back to sleep. I got up, exercised and showered before she was up. She's super tired today though, oddly enough. She fell asleep an hour earlier than she normally does for her 2nd nap. I guess we have a 3rd nap in our future today, otherwise I'll have to put her to bed at 5pm!
That is the best pic Kat! I'm grinning from ear to ear! Can I claim him for Delilah when they are older?
Kat that picture is gorgeous. Gorgeous chunky baby. He won't be far from sitting now. Edie was sitting at 5 months which was quite early, and quickly progressed from the propped up on hands stage. Then she learnt to turbo crawl and didn't walk until 15 months :dohh:
Heart, I can't bear the clutter either. Our new house is fab, I have a whole room to contain it in, and all the princess dolls, craft stuff, dressing up clothes and Hello Kitty crap a 3 and a half year old girl brings. Just wait :haha:
Delilah sounds like she is going to be a good sleeper. The more Edie naps or sleeps, the more she needs. Today she woke up at 10.30am and because I am trying to cut out her afternoon naps she was exhausted by 3.30. I wish she would give her baby brother some sleeping tips. The child will not nap unless my boob is in his mouth.
Melfy it sounds like Zoe is doing great too.
Peacebaby, welcome.
Just, Emelia is gorgeous and getting the hang of the tummy time. Edie would spit and turn red when I put her on her tummy, she hated it.
Afm, my boy is NOT a good sleeper like his sister. He needs to feed little and often, if I try to tank him up he is sick. He also hates his crib and much prefers cuddles. However once I do get him settled in it he sleeps ok.
Kat look at that cutey pie!! Gorgeous chunky monkey, love him! X
Heart pleased d is doing well sleep wise, lexi does 730 to 530 then till 730 again she's adjusted well to Orlando time which is fab!

Us ladies can anyone advise me of anything I can buy for lexi she has had a runny nose since getting here an it's constantly just dripping! Has a little cough bless her an I think she's fed up of me wiping her nose, at night she's bunged up an I swear that's why she won't go all way through! X
As long as you promise to do your best to hold your tongue when they have our grandkids, so we don't drive them away =).

So sorry he isn't a good sleeper. You must be exhausted managing both on little sleep. Lovely that you love your new home. I know that the old one was a big source of stress.

Oh no. That is so sad that Lexi is sick on holiday. Go to CVS and ask the pharmacist.

G has hit 19lbs and wants me to carry him everywhere in my arms! No ergo. No stroller. Yay for me.
Kat, LOL! I promise not to annoy them when they have our grandkids! Wow, he's 19lbs? Delilah just hit 17lbs. Yay for you and your biceps!

Claire, does he have reflux? I can't remember. Poor you. The lack of sleep is awful. I imagine it's worse when you had one good sleeper. You were probably expecting another good sleeper. So jealous of your toy room. I need one.

Davies, I never gave Delilah anything when she had a cold except saline drops in her nose and then sucked the snot out with the Nose Frida. I tried to elevate her head at night but it never worked. I also sat in the bathroom with the shower going to give her steam to clear the congestion. I agree with Kat. Go to CVS or Walgreens and talk to a pharmacist. Poor little love.
Kat he's gorgeous!! Clever boy sitting up!!!!
I hear you girls with the clutter! I hate a mess too! We are lucky and extended our house just before A came along so we have a room just for his toys! He plays with them in the living room throughout the day but they have their own room to return to when he goes to bed!
Hi peace baby - not long to wait!!
Mrsm- I'm sorry he's not a great sleeper he's still ickle though so hopefully will get better for you!
Heart - so glad D is being a good girl sleep wise its fab to get time to shower and workout isn't it!!
Just - she looks like she is doing great with tummy time bless her - what a cutie
Croy - wow you must be so proud!!! He is mega clever!
Sarah - I hope u are enjoying your holiday!
Melfy hope u are good are you still ttc? And you fili?

AFM - Alfie is doing great! I've started taking him swimming regularly and he loves splashing about in the water. We are off to centerparcs in a couple of weeks and I can't wait! He is a champion sleeper 7pm-7am for months now I'm very lucky! Occasionally he gets a bit chirpy at 6am but he either resettles himself or a quick dummy sends him straight back off. He loves standing holding onto things now and is practising a lot in his walker!
Hi all I do read quite a bit but never seem to find the time to post much. Its lovely to see all the babies growing and doing well.
Bumpy - Alfie is just the cutest and so much hair! We went to center parcs last weeken it was fab.
Kat- Grey is a lovely big boy and so clever sitting up
Heart - cannot believe Delilah is 1 next month time has gone so fast

Sorry to all those who don't have great sleeper but I can sympathise! Freya was sleeping 6.30-7 with 1 wake up then her top teeth started coming through and for a week she was up 7-10 times a night it was awful! They are through now and last night she only woke once! Looking forward to the day she sleeps through! Freya is growing fast 7 months on sat and is 16lb 2oz and loving food! She has been diagnosed with a cows milk protien allergy after I gave her formula so that has been quite a challenge keeping her diet milk free.

Looking forward to seeing some BFP's soon! Not sure when we will be ttc again but it won't be for a while!


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Hi ladies,

Im loving all of the pictures, these babies are all so cute!

Kat, I was laughing at that picture of Grey, he is amazing sitting up like that, Emelia just flops forward the minute I let her go. I cant believe his weight, he is definitely thriving. I love the rolls on his arms.

Bumpy, I love the pics of Alfie, he is a proper little boy now no mistaking it, love the one of him holding on and standing up. Looks like he'll maybe be an early walker aswell.

Cazi, its great to see picture of Freya, she is so cute, that's what my living room is like with the toys haha. Emelia also has that lamb from Early Learning Centre.
Poor Freya with the teeth troubles, oh my god im not looking forward to that the possibility of being up 7-10 times a night.

I said it before but I swear Emelia's has molar teeth coming in at bottom left and right. I said this to the nurse last week when I got her weighed and she said that it wouldn't be and it will just be white spots. But she never even looked or checked. Its not just white its definite points coming through the gums. I mentioned before but online I googled it and at first people were saying that its iompossible and then sure enough people were saying that it happened to their babies aswell. Im going to the dentist myself today so going to ask if they know of this. Emelia loves to chew on my finger when I rub the gum.

Hi MrsM, glad to hear your enjoying your new place. That's not so good that Louis isn't a great sleeper, like Heart said I bet you just expected that he would be the same as Edie but just shows they are all different.

My friend just had her baby on Monday and so far he hasn't slept at all at night, he dosent fall asleep until 7am! They think he has problems with wind as just keeps burping. It just proves though that nothing prepares you for that lack of sleep at times! Im so excited about going to visit the baby on Friday, its going to be strange to see a newborn baby against Emelia now.
I remember when I started my baby sensory class the girls there would keep commenting on how small Emelia was at 9 weeks old and that they forget how small their own babies once were, now I can relate to that!

Emelia is becoming such a little carachetr now, she has sure found her voice and just babbles and screams excited all day long, she now does it out and about in her pram aswell.
Kat, she always used to sleep in her pram the minute we were out in fresh air, but now she is too nosey.
Kat: Amazing!! Sitting by himself. Love that little man :)

Bumpy: Yes we are TTC'ing. As a matter of fact I got a +OPK yesterday, so we'll DTD tonight and tomorrow again, but I'm only CD9!! I guess I'll just ovulate early! And Alfie is a very hansome young man:winkwink:

Cazi: Ouch!! Must have been a long night! Hopefully it won't last too long!

Tuckie: Sorry you lost your post...B&B should have a recovery system of some sort!!! It's happened to me before ann I just didn't have the time to write it again.

MrsM: Hopefully you'll be able to get more sleep soon:hugs:

Friends are coming over this weekend, and we're having fondue and raclette!!! Miam miam!!! Can't wait!!! They got married 4 months after us, and decided to try to have kids. Sadly she had a MC at 6 weeks in october and another one around Xmas:cry: I really hope she's pregnant again; we all know how hard it can be to be around babies when you've lost yours :(
Hi girls! Sorry I’ve been MIA. I still read almost daily but no time to post.

Peacebaby- Welcome! You will be here in no time at all.

Kat- yay for baby grey learning a new skill. I remember being so proud when Penny learned to do this. I hope DH had food poisoning rather than a bug for Grey’s sake. Poor guy, I hope he is feeling better today. I was super paranoid in the beginning but have drastically calmed down. I think it is normal with such a young baby to over think things.

Grey is beyond cute! I love all his little rolls in his sitting position.

Melfy- you already have a great little sleeper on your hands. Enjoy having friends over. I hope your friend gets her rainbow as well.

Mrs Mig- your kids sound like night and day. I hope Luis figures out the sleep thing soon.

Davies-how are you liking Orlando? I hope Lexi gets rid of her bug soon. We just used saline and a bulb syringe when Penny had a runny/stuffy nose. I hope you can find something at the pharmacy.

Bumpy- another great sleeper on the thread. It makes life so much easier! How is Alfie liking swim lessons? I loved taking Penny since she is such a little water baby. Love the pictures! He is such a big boy standing and practice walking.

Cazi- teething is the worst! Penny still only has 8 teeth so we have a while to go. Happy early 7 months! She looks like a happy and content little baby.

Just- I’m curious to see if she is getting her molars too. I hear they are the worst to come through. Too cute about her finding her voice. They sure love to screech but look so pleased with themselves.

Tuckie- that has happened to me so many times! It sucks!

AFM- We finally got matched with a lovely gay couple from NYC!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance: We are meeting them for lunch next Saturday and will spend the rest of the day getting to know them. I’m excited, nervous and a wee bit terrified!

Penny has recently learned to break dance. Or at least do her own version of it. I could not believe my eyes the first time! She loves to dance and will shake her booty, do dramatic hand/leg movements (she is trying to copy her daddy’s techno style), twirl in circles, clap, body roll and a few times she attempted to tumble but ended up in a weird head spin and then she would pose. So adorable:cloud9:. She will also lift her dollies in the air and spin them like we do to her. I’m loving this stage!

Before dinner last night she went and grabbed the picture of my mom that I have in our living room (my mom passed last June). She brought it to me and asked 'who that?' I told her it was grandma Fawn and she kissed my mom over and over. Tim said she has been doing this for the last week. Before bed we were all snuggled in our bed while Tim read us the Lorax. She accidentally bonked Tim on the nose so I asked her to give him a kiss. She gave him a sweet little kiss and then turned to give me one too. She went back and forth a few times alternating kisses between the two of us. I live for these moments and felt like my heart could burst with love and happiness.:cloud9:


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Alfie is adorable. It looks like he will be walking very soon. I am jealous of your fantastic sleeper, but mine is FINALLY doing okay.

Thank goodness those teeth popped out, so you both can get some rest. Milk allergy is difficult, but I heard it is common until 1 year.
Cannot believe you are TTC #2 again already.

My friend's first baby was upside down on day and night for 5 months!!!


So sorry for your friend. Hopefully you can serve as inspiration.

Fantastic news!!! Penny is so yummy! Love the visual of her break dancing.

Grey is sitting up for several seconds at a time now. He can pick up his toys, hold them, show them to me and then puts his hands down. He is still army crawling inch by inch.

I STTN yesterday!!! Yes, me. My first time in 5 months. I had been having repeated night wakings from my bout with insomnia. Yesterday was my first sleep through. I feel great. Also, I have been social again now that I am less afraid of G having a break down. I feel a lot less isolated.

In-laws arriving tomorrow. Should be interesting. Looking forward to going on dates with DH.

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