Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Kat that is awesome news, I'm so pleased. It makes all the difference.
Hoping I am so happy for you!! What an amazing gift to be able to offer someone.
Bumpy... Where did that great big boy come from? Seems 5 minutes ago he was tiny. He is GORGEOUS.
Davies I hope Lexi gets better soon.
Sorry to hear about the teething woes. It lasts so bloody long as well! I think Louis may be starting to teeth, he has rosy cheeks and drool and he is fist chewing a lot. Thank you all for the sympathy regarding the sleep. He isn't terrible, just not as consistent as his sister has always been. I am hoping he sleeps better when he starts on solids which I intend to do in about a month. Here is the little monkey
The reason for the crazy headgear is because we were in the park in the sun and I had left his hat in the car.
Hey girls. Wanted to wait and get on my laptop to write because I didnt want to lose another massive post. Hate when that happens!

Peacebaby- welcome and congrats! Look forward to having you join us :)

Croy- Yay on Levi taking his first steps! Wow, he's walking super early, good for him! I saw your video on FB also. Too cute :D

MrsK- Happy to hear that Kody is a great sleeper. Good to hear from you.

Heart- Glad D is sleeping so well and you've been able to get time to yourself in the morning :thumbup:

Just- The baby stuff does tend to take over, doesn't it? The pics of E are pretty small and when I zoomed they got blurry, but I can see that she's on her tummy and doesn't appear to be hating it in the photo, so that's good! :D Let us know what the dentist says about E's molar. I'm sure some babies get their teeth in different orders than the usual.

Melfy- I think Z's sleep is great for her age. Hell, for any age! Sounds like she's a great eater too :thumbup: Have fun with your friends visiting this weekend :)

Kat- Yay for G sitting up! I bet he walks early too, like Levi. B sat up without assistance for the first time last night. Only for about 5 seconds or so, but then today she sat on her own for about 15-20 secs :D So sorry DH had food poisoning :( I've had it a few times and it is rough. I understand your being protective over G though. Bay has never been sick and I think it has to do with being BF'd and being pretty isolated too. I am starting to take her out more now, but usually she's only around family. If anyone in the family has been sick I have no qualms about telling them to stay away! G is SO cute! Love the little chunky monkey pic! I may have to arm wrestle Heart for the arranged marriage rights to him! :haha: Woo hoo for sttn!!! Isn't it great??? Good luck with the inlaws tomorrow!

MrsM- So glad to hear you love your new home :) The sleep will get better, but his getting sick when he eats a lot is the pits. That will probably make it harder for him to get long stretches of sleep without a full belly :( hang in there :hugs:

Davies- Sorry to hear Lexi isn't well :( Do you have a humidifier handy? Probably not since youre on vaycay. I wonder if some eucalyptus rub would help. Kat/Heart's suggestion is good to ask a pharmacist. Also, maybe you could phone her ped? Hope she feels better soon!

Bumpy- Yay for 7-7 and swimming! Im going to take B swimming this summer at my grandparents' pool :) I hope she enjoys it as much as A does. He's become such a big boy! Holding himself up and everything!

Cazi- Freya looks delighted to be surrounded by all those toys. What a cute smile :)Sorry to hear about the dairy allergy :/

Hoping- SO happy for you getting matched! :happydance: I thought it was cute how you said in your journal you had first date jitters :D This must be really exciting for you! I saw the video of Penny's moves on FB. She is adorable! What a sweetie, kissing your mom's pic and rotating kisses betweeen you and DH. <3

Anybody heard from Sara lately? :shrug: Hope she and Eva are doing well.

Bay got her jumperoo yesterday and I assembled it last night and she LOVES it (I had to put DH's huge World Atlas book under her feet so she could touch)! I knew she would because she wants to stand all the time. Whenever I try to sit her down on her butt, she pushes herself up into a standing position and won't let me hold her like a baby LOL! Like baby G, she also sits on her own in that leaning forward on her hands position. She's getting the hang of it. DH hasn't been home in almost 2 weeks :cry: We miss him terribly. He got 62 hours last week and a lot of it was time and a half and double time. He has already been put in charge of 3 guys and he's only been with the company for 3 months. I'm proud of him and grateful to have a hubby that works so hard to support us. His boss took all the guys out for dinner at an indian casino near their job last night so I thought that was nice of him. We're waiting to save from a few more paychecks before we buy the 2nd car now so we can get a better one than we were originally going to get. This was DH's idea and I think he's right. I've been taking B out more. Being a typical girl, she loves to shop! I've been pushing her around at the grocery store and she loves it, so the other day, we went to TJ Maxx and I let her pick out a toy lol I handed her a bunch of different ones and watched to see which she liked best :D She was really good. I just makes sure she's well fed and rested before I take her out and she's been an angel so far. She's also basically been sttn too. She still wants to sleep with my boob in her mouth but I don't mind when we're getting nice, long sleep! When she fusses in the morning, I switch boobs and she nurses and I sleep another hour. My MIL has been staying in the Bay Area & dealing with her dad's estate and stuff so I've been hanging out with my FIL. I told him I was interested in doing some art/craft projects out of wooden pallets so he picked some up for me, which was really nice. He's really good with Bay and seems to enjoy spending time with her. Here's some recent pics of her. I think she's chunking up in her own right :D
So cute. Love the big smiles.

I am so sorry DH has been gone so long =(. I am guessing it is still better than when he was in the military as far as length. It's great that he is such a hard worker and already managing a crew of 3.

I can see Bay's double chin and thigh roll =)... Good job Mamma. Adorable as always. It's great that your FIL is actively involved with Bay and thoughtful of you. I am also happy that she loves her jumparoo as much as G. Also great that you are getting out and about more.
Thanks Kat :)

Hey, I meant to ask you: how are naps going for G? He and B are so close in age & development, so I'm always curious to compare. B was always a champ napper but we had a lot of shitty nights. Now that she's doing better with sttn, naps have become more difficult :dohh: I can't win! She still naps great once she falls asleep, but she's become very fussy at nap time and I'm not sure if its separation anxiety or teething or a combination of things. Have you noticed G doing that? I know you said he wants to be held a lot now...
Grey is doing great at night. I do the dream feed at 10pm and DH still wakes him for a feed at 4:30. I know this is strange, but it we do not do this G wakes up at 5 or 5:30 for a feed and stays up.
Grey is back to sleeping on DH again in the Ergo for naps. He fusses every time, but sleeps for 1-1.5 hours 3 times a day. He actually started napping MORE in the last 2 weeks. I think it is all the mental and physical gains. If he naps in the swing, he is in such a shitty mood. He will only nap for 30 min in the swing. If I am lucky he will then fall asleep on my boob and sleep longer. This is what I do when DH is not home, which has increased. On Saturday, DH was at his men's business group. Grey was in a piss-ass mood ALL morning and refused to sleep on the boob. After a good nap on DH, he was back to being happy again. I know you must need the nap breaks during the day. I know I do. I am more than happy to hand him off to DH for his nap.

G has always liked being held, but I think the Ergo limits his viewing of things. He is so interested in the outside world... but that does not explain the stroller being a problem. He does watch my every move and likes to dance for me in his jumper. I don't know what to say. For me, I don't think it is separation anxiety anymore than usual. I think their minds are just growing so much and they don't want to miss out.
That makes sense Kat. I get a better night if Louis wakes around 4. He was awake at 5.30 this morning and has been since.
Tuckie, Bay is just adorable. Is she on solids yet? I'm pleased she liked her jumparoo.
Just, teething is such a pain for us all!! It is possible but unusual for molars to pop first, I reckon you might find she gets a few teeth all appearing at the same time. This would be a good scenario as it will get it over with!
Kat- you're probably right about them being so curious and not wanting to miss anything. B does about the same as G with naps. She does 2-3 naps each day for 1.5-2 hours. I just wish she wasn't making such a stink at nap time. She watches my every move too lol So fascinated with the world around her. I have been wearing her more but she also doesn't like facing me. She is constantly craning her neck while I'm wearing her. I don't know why G doesn't want the stroller either :shrug:

MrsM- I haven't started solids yet. In about a week we will. I'm excited to see how she reacts :) her ped suggested 5 1/2 months so we're following his advice. She is ready. She is very interested when we eat and even moves her own mouth when she watches us chew :haha:
That's just what Edie was doing at 5 months when I weaned her and I timed it just right. Louis is 4 months today and I am intending to start him when he starts showing the same signs, whenever that might be. I think he is having his 4 month growth spurt. He goes to bed at 6, and used to go until around 1 or 2 for his feed. This has been getting earlier and earlier and now it's around 10pm.
Look at Louis and Bay!! Awwww gorgeousness!! I was wondering about Sara too...

Heart loved your pics on fb just adorable what a beauty both of you lol! Xxx
I don't want lexi to teeth she just smiles all the time at the moment hardly cries... Right lexi needs her bottle now she has been saying 'a.a.a.a' for ages I am a bad mummy!!
Tuckie: B is adorable!!!!:cloud9: she looks so delicate, so pretty, a true little princess :) Zoe is a good sleeper; I just get a little worried and ''judged'' when I tell people she doesn't STTN yet. I know it's totally normal, she only 12 weeks!!! But she drinks a lot...average is 5-7 oz every 2-3 hours, but at lunch she drank 9 oz!!!! I'm gonna call her ped tomorrow and asks what she thinks. Maybe she's ready for a little bit of cereal? She started to move her tongue and mouth when she watches me eating, it's so cute.

Kat: The stroller thing really is a mystery. I have yet to see a baby that doesn't like it. What kind is it? Maybe it's just the way he's sitting/laying he doesn't like?

Fili: She does sound like she's a good baby! Did you have time to DTD before your DH left? Maybe you caught the little egg:winkwink:

AFM...I am now in the TWW:happydance: Noticed some EWCM on tuesday (CD 7), but negative OPK, got a positive OPK on wednesday, so we DTD wednesday and thursday, and I'm 99% sure I ovulated on Friday, on CD10. That's early for me, as I usually O around CD 13-14. I started lose dose aspirin this morning. So I guess in 8-9 days I will start testing:happydance: If it doesn't work, it won't be because of bad timing
Melfy good luck!! I am 8dpo but I never detected ov as didn't test... Not hopeful though as hubs went away for two days mid cycle. Eeek... Hope you are! :dust:
Melfy, I can't imagine who would be expecting a baby to sttn at 12 weeks. My daughter who has always been a phenomenal sleeper still woke for a night feed until she was established onto solids at 6 months. It sounds like Zoe likes her milk though!
Louis has been a little more settled lately, but I still can't get him to nap during the day. But at least we are having better nights. I had him weighed today, his weight gain has slowed down quite a bit but he is still following the 50th centile, he is 14lb 4 at almost 18 weeks.
Hi ladies,

Melfy, Im one of the lucky ones as Emelia has been sleeping through the night since 11 weeks old on the dot. Although the pattern has always been and still is going down at 8pm, wakes for a midnight feed then back to sleep until 8am, its brilliant.
I know that Im lucky though as at the baby sensory class that I go to Emelia is one of the few that have been sttn. The majority are still waking at all hours for feeds. I hope you get lucky soon.

MrsM, I loved the pics of Louis, he seems a happy little guy and your right that the weight gain really does slow right now. Emelia is also in the 50th percentile. Last month she only went from 15lbs 2oz to 15lbs 11 oz in 4 weeks which I didn't think was very much but apparently that's normal. Its hard when they don't nap as much during the day, hard to get things done.

Im at the stage where Emelia watches me leave the room and then starts crying, and when I come back in she gives me the biggest smile ever. She even cries when the dog leaves the room. Other than that she is a great baby and just so smiley and happy most of the times except when hungry or tired. Its quite funny she was given lots of £1 coins last week from random strangers whilst out and about in her pram as she just smiles at everyone.
Aww just that's lovely! I wish lexi would do that! She does smile upon seeing us every time she wakes up though :) I don't understand the 1 pound coins bit though! What do you mean?
Haha Fili, I understand why your asking about the £1 coins, people keep putting money in her pram and saying put that in her piggy bank. You know the way its good luck to give a baby silver apparently, from day one so many people have put money into her car seat or pram, its quite funny she has quite the collection in her piggy bank now.
Really!! That is lovely!!!! I cannot imagine that being done here!!
Hi Ladies! Mind if I join you? Colton Jacob was born May 6th at 8:36am weighing 8lb 14oz and 21.5in long. Birth story is in PARL but I can repost it here if anyone is interested. :)
Aww CONGRATULATIONS Mighty mum!!! Wnderful news, yes I am interested!! Xxx
And pics too :)
Big congrats MightyMom! Great to see you here.
Just, the separation anxiety thing is strange isn't it? Lovely to get the smiles though and how cute that she cries when the dog leaves the room.

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