Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Melfy- don't let the judging types get to you. To those kind of people, you're never doing anythig 'right' anyways and they can't wait to tell you so! Lol Good luck ttc :thumbup:

Fili- good luck to you also! Sorry hubs was gone during your window though :/

Just- B is doing the exact same thing. As long as someone she knows is in the room where she can see them, she's fine. If she's in the room alone, she screams :dohh: Funny about the dog! I like the Scotish tradition of giving babies silver for their piggy banks :D

Mightymom- Congrats and welcome!!! Glad to have you joining us :) Yes, would love to read your birth story and pics of Colton!

We started B on solids a week ahead of schedule. DH had just one day off after 2 1/2 weeks working overtime straight. He is going to miss so many of her 'firsts' so I wanted him to give her her first bowl of solid food & we don't know if he's going to be gone another few weeks or not. I used the same as Heart did for D, avacado and breast milk mixed up in a purée. She had rice cereal today. It's fun giving her real food :) The faces she makes are so funny, like 'Wth is this?!?' Haha! But he already knows how to swallow and opens her mouth for the spoon. Having DH home was great, but too short. We did have amazing sex though :haha: Woo hoo for that! I made him a home cooked dinner of tilapia, rice pilaf, & steamed asparagus and then after dinner I had a glass of scotch with DH after we put B down & we sat on the porch and talked and laughed until the wee hours. I miss him! Here's B eating her first solids!
On Sunday early morning I had terrible contractions. I was timing them and they were one minute long and five minutes apart. They started at 1am but never got closer together. At 5am I decided to get up and get dressed to go to the hospital. Very curiously the contractions, which had me writhing in my bed, stopped. No more signs of labor. I was pretty upset, and a little scared because if that WASN'T labor, how bad would labor be? We went to a parade, and I walked a fair distance and stood the whole time. Still no more signs of imminent labor. Every time I went to the loo I checked for bloody show or losing my plug. Nothing. By some miracle I went to bed early, and managed to fall right to a very good, deep sleep.

At 4:30am, I woke with a very painful tightening in my stomach. I figured I just needed to pee, as that had been a very familiar feeling at just the same time every morning for the last week or so. I went pee, then had a VERY strong contraction. I made note of the time, flushed and walked back to bed. I didn't even make it to the bed and another one came on. I couldn't breathe, couldn't move. Just held the bed and tippy-toed through it. After it passed I went back to the loo to try to pee again, look for show, and generally to figure out what on earth just happened. I think my hind waters broke at that point because I sort of "leaked" into the toilet, it wasn't urine as I had just went. I went back and forth between trying to go back to bed and going back to sit on the toilet to try to have a BM (maybe it was that again?) but finally at 5am I started timing them with my phone app. One minute apart! DH got up at this point to wake my mom and get ready to go to the hospital. I was trying to hold out until 5:30am as that is when the neighbor would be waking and said she could watch DD for us. At 5:20am I sent DH over to the neighbor's house with DD even though it was early because I simply couldn't take it anymore. At 5:30am we rushed to the hospital. The car ride was one long 7 minute contraction. The main entrance was closed so we had to use the emergency entrance, but DH accidentally dropped me off at the Ambulance entrance, so I had to walk to the ER entrance. One very rushed wheelchair ride later, I was in L&D. The nurse started checking me into the computer system, and it was the most aggravating thing in the world to be asked question after question after question, having to answer in between contractions and not being able to focus on mentally controlling the pain. In the end I was laying in the bed screaming through every contraction. I was very self-conscious of the fact I was screaming. I hated it. I was already 7cm dialated, but they still called the anesthesiologist to come give me an epidural. THANK GOD. I was really struggling by then. Even after the epidural I continued to feel the contractions enough to have to yell through them, although they were significantly dulled in between.
Colton was born at 8:36am after only 5 pushes. He had the cord wrapped around his neck twice, but he was just fine. It was 4 hours from the first contraction to the last, and I was basically in transition the entire time without any build up. Despite laboring down as much as possible I still ended up tearing up the same scar line I had torn with DD. But despite it all we are both doing great.


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Mighty: CONGRATS!!!! Colton is one cute little rainbow baby:happydance: Glad your labor went well:thumbup: Take good care of yourself :)

Tuckie: Again today my mom's sisters asked me if she started solids. I'll wait at least another 7-10 days. We have a wedding next week, so maybe when we get back I'll slowly start. Because now she's drinking a good 30 oz a day and is starting to show signs that she's getting ready. She moves her mouth when she watches us eating. She wants to sit, and she can hold her head. I will try oatmeal first. And avocado. I LOVE avocado and it's so healthy. Perfect texture for a baby food too!!
MM- I remember hating answering all the questions too! Wow for 5 pushes! He's beautiful. I love how his mouth is slightly open like you caught him mid-sentence :haha: Hope the tear heals soon! :)

Melfy- I meant to give you this link before and forgot :dohh: Kellymom has a lot of a good info on all kinda of baby-related stuff! :thumbup:
Mightymom, congratulations and Colton is beautiful. I enjoyed reading your birth story, Im always interested to know everyones experiences as its funny how they are all so different. Sounds like you had a relatively quick labour then at 4 hours! Ouch for tearing at the same scar line, all worth it Im sure.

Melfy, my health visitor said not to listen to any of the older generations when it comes to putting your baby onto solids. Over here they are very strict that you shouldn't do it until 24 weeks but at the very earliest 17 weeks as only then the enzymes are present to break down food. I decided to put Emelia onto baby rice etc at 20 weeks and gradually introduced baby porridge and fruits etc. Then at 23 weeks started savourys.
My health visitor gave me a strict lecture that research now shows that health problems in the older populations may be linked to being introduced to solids too early before enzymes are present to break down the food.
I was told that you'll always get older generations telling you that you should start to give solids at an early age as that's what they did but you should listen to the new guidelines or speak to your health visitor for their opinion. Zoe is still very young and you don't want to risk her developing a problem down the line.

Tuckie, how cute Bay looks like she is really enjoying her food, it must be amazing for them to start tasting new things. It sounds lovely for you to have your DH home , its a pity that he is away so much but all worth it for the hard work and money that he will be making.
More on the solids subject: Our ped said we could start her at 5 1/2 months, which we did a week earlier than he said (when we started her 3 days ago) but she was 5 days overdue so I didn't really sweat it. What's a few days? He felt she would be developmentally ready, as did we. We looked at all the criteria for starting solids. We decided she was ready by looking at her development/behavior and also age. She sits unassisted for long periods now. She sits on her own for 1-2 mins at a time, (but I stay very close just in case she starts to wobble). She has been staring at us eat for ages and recently started mimicking our chewing. Also, DH and I had no food allergies as children and I only developed a couple food allergies in my mid20s and my reactions are mild. DH still has no food allergies and none run in our families besides lactose intolerance. She already has learned to open her mouth for the spoon and knows how to swallow the food. Also, as the ped instructed, we are introducing them very slowly. In the case of Zoe, I would ask her ped. I think they may tell you 3.5 months is too early. Most of the recommednations are to wait until 6 months. I believe all decisions regarding stuff like this are ulimately the parents' decision though. Peds can give us guidelines and charts and rules of thumb, but you have to look at your individual baby & do other research too. They're all so different and developing at different rates & I'm sure some babies are ready a few weeks early and some might not be ready til a few weeks later. I try to weigh it all and just make the decision I think is best at the time. I suppose that's what most moms do! Definitely don't let your aunts make you feel pressured into doing anything early.
Tuckie: thanks for the link:thumbup: I see her ped on the 27th, so I'll talk to her about it. They do have very interesting articles, even if I'm not BF'ing. 6 months seems sooo far then she'll probably be drinking 64 oz a day:haha: At least I'll know what to say to the next person who tells me ''oh my, she's STILL not eating cereal?! No wonder she isn't STTN yet" I'm in no rush to give her cereal. One less thing to worry about. And LOVE the picture of Bay eating her food:cloud9: I agree: starting a week earlier is nothing to worry about :winkwink:
I have no allergies, but DH is allergic to penicillin and is slightly lactose intolerant (yogurt is ok, some cheese, as long as it's not the plastic kind and frozen yogurt). The lactose intolerance is recent, but I would be very careful if Zoe needed antibiotics later on.

Just: That's very interesting! But I hope it's not true for mom started cereal when I was 2 months:dohh: We'll see in 30-40 years...

Since DH started work I'm more tired. Zoe wakes up between 1 and 2 am for her 1st night feed, then again between between 4h30 and 5h30 for her 2nd feed (she drinks about 5 oz each time), an DH's alarm goes off at 6h30:dohh: Of course it's insanely loud because otherwise he won't hear it. And just when I FINALLY manage to drift back to sleep, his 2nd alarm goes off, and is also insanely loud... So needless to say I'm wide awake by then:haha: At least he's also super tired at night so I don't feel bad going to bed at 10 lol. He's doing landscaping for the summer, so he's gonna be all dark with lots of muscle:blush:
Melfy- it's good that you & DH don't have any major food allergies. Had either of our families had a history of food allergies, I would have waited longer to start her. I think your decision to wait & speak to her Dr about the solids is smart :thumbup: The alarm going off would drive me nuts! I'm a cranky sleeper though :haha: I'd rather be woken up by a baby than a damn alarm clock though! :D

The slave driving company DH is working for has been working the crew 12-16 hour days with hardly any days off for weeks now and DH said last week guys were dropping like flies. He text me last night that 14 hours into a shift, the superintendent snapped and said I'm done and shut the whole job down. DH is worried that they will lose their contract and all of them will be out of work. He said he wasn't surprised that he quit because the company has been pushing all the employees too hard and they're all very burned out. I think he needs to start putting his résumé out to other companies again. The overtime pay is great and all but DH is never home and they're working him like a slave & the company doesn't seem to care about their employees' mental or physical well being. He even said the superintendent got all choked up when he quit last night.
Oh my goodness, Hi girls. I have been trying to read, but life has just been crazy and I have had no time to post.

Mightymom - congrats!! Thanks for sharing Colton's birth story. Makes me broody!

Fili - how is the 2WW after you have had a baby, any less stressful?!

Tuckie - We started Levi on Avocado and breast milk at about 4.5 months because he was showing all the signs he was ready and he never spat food out or had problems like that, he was ready and very eager to eat even though I wanted to wait until 6 months, he had other ideas.

My little guy is 9 months on Saturday and has been taking steps very and over but can't manage more than about 3 at a time, but he is very enthusiastic! He is also not shy about sharing his opinion when we take something away from him that he is not allowed to have. He has developed a fake cry which is cute and annoying in equal measure!!
He is into everything! I thought I would have a little more time to prepare for such a busy baby but seriously I feel as though I follow behind him all day clearing up messes! Rolling toilet paper back up, putting pans back in the cupboards, shutting the CD player (yes, we do still have a cd player, it has a tape deck too that he also skillfully opens multiple times a day with his chubby little pointer finger!) He has discovered the delights of pulling everything off shelves, toys, books, anything else he can reach, He lays flat on his belly and reaches under cabinets to get cords. By the time 6pm rolls around we are both ready to get him in the bath and put to bed! He is still not doing daytime naps longer than 1.5 hours at a time so he get s most his sleep at night. He had a few nights when he only woke up once before a 6.30 wake up, but teething and this crazy hot weather in Seattle recently has meant some disturbed nights. Poor kid. Poor me! :)

School feels overwhelming and I am desperate to be done when the quarter is over the second week of June (while we are on vacation, so I am trying to work ahead on the assignments I can so that I can be by the pool more than on a laptop!)

Ok, enough - it's making me tired thinking about it all :)

I'm going to watch the end of Grey's anatomy and fall into bed.

Hope you are all well, hope to be back here more fully soon!!!

C x
mighty congrats on the birth of Colton!!! he's so cute!!

croydon you seem quite busy with your little boy!!

Just you seem to know a lot about weaning. When I had my children 4 months was the time to start. With dd1 I started a few days before the 4 months mark as she wasn't drinking any milk at all and with ds when he was 5 months.

Tuckie, Bay is gorgeous!! What a lovely pic! she looks sooooo happy!!

Melfy if she's putting on weight fine there's no reason to start solids before the 6 months mark.

Husbands seem to be working far too much. Mine is the same. He spends so much time working that by the time he comes back home most nights I'm in bed already.

Soooo busy that I never find time to get to my laptop and write a proper update/post. Zeynab seems a bit more settled as the days pass. Since 2 days ago she's been feeding every 2-3 hours instead of not making it to the 2 hours. I finally bought the swing and yesterday we tried it but she was a bit scared. I'll see how it goes but if she doesn't like it I'll send it back. I don't see the point of keeping it to end up selling it on eBay.
Madrid: She's putting on weight just fine:thumbup: She's already doubled her birthweight! (she was only 6 lbs at birth though). I really think switching her formula made the difference, as she suddenly started to drink more, and she's doing a lot better on Parent's Choice (Enfamil) than on Good Start:thumbup: I hope she'll like the swing:thumbup:

Croy: This is so exciting!!! Your little boy walking!!!:happydance:

I agree, husbands work too much! Mine works from 7:30 am to 6:30 pm, but since it's a 40 hour/week job he worked four days but has 3 days off:happydance:


Hi Ladies,
I am going to see what I remember.

Congrats!!! Welcome. Look at all that hair. You must be on :cloud9:.

So cute. I am so glad DH got to be there for this first. My Dr. said 4 months was fine since G is so big. I am still going to wait till 6 months unless he is really wanting to eat. He watches me eat, but so far no major grabs for anything.
It sounds like this job is too stressful. It's great he has been banking all the extra pay, but no one can keep at that rate. I seem to remember they never even provide the guys lunch, so they work that many hours without eating. Might be a good idea for him to start sending resumes elsewhere while he still has this job.

I cannot believe people are pressuring you to start solids. That is so strange. Here I feel pressure to not give solids till at least 6 months. Good that the weather has been much better for you.

It gives me a window into my future. G likes to get into anything he can get his claws on. He is also very physical like Levi is. Get some rest hon.

Yay for silver pounds. How cute. Glad she is so smiley. Grey is too, especially on his bouncer. It's hard to capture in still shots, but I have tons of video of him laughing away.

Thank goodness you extended her feeds. Every two hours is a nightmare for that long.

Hi everyone else!!!

Survived my visit with the in-laws. Surprisingly my MIL did not drive me crazy at all. She told DH she was very scared of saying or doing the wrong thing. :haha:
My FIL was a slovenly pig that drove me up the wall with how gross he is. Example, he picked his feet skin for an hour, while sitting on my massage chair, and proceeded to touch his beard with those nasty hands and kiss Grey with that nasty beard. He walked through my freshly steamed floors 3 times with his shoes on even though he KNOWS we do not wear shoes in my Asian household. (I resteamed right in front of him all 3 times and he did not bother to help. Just said sorry.) I already made him Purell countless times and told him to NOT cough/sneeze into his hands and then touch my son and everything else. He was really stressing DH an me out. He was superbly annoying and I could not wait for him to be gone. All the tension of DH's parents being here caused us to have a tiff and need a day or two to decompress.

Thank goodness Grey did not catch a cold or I swear I would ban my FIL from ever coming over again. (I think it was allergies, but it was nasty). I know I am superbly over-protective, and I do not care. Am I the only one on this thread that makes everyone Purell before touching their baby? DH and I even do so when entering the car and house or touching anything in public. We do not use anti-bacterial soap in the house though since we know good bacteria is beneficial. Grey has NEVER been sick. I know it will happen sometime in the future, but I want to delay it as much as possible. I do not believe we need to get ill to strengthen our immune system. I believe it is always working to keep us healthy and that our babies' aren't developed yet. I have not been sick in many, many years except for food poisoning that one day when pregnant.

Grey has been up since 4:45am:dohh:. We tried to push back the scheduled awakening. It did not work. Back to 4:30am feed and sleep till at least 6-7am.
Oh Kat you do make me laugh. I totally feel your pain - that would have driven me nuts too - but you have such a way with words :haha:
I'm pleased your MIL didn't grate on you though, and the photos are gorgeous. Our boys are growing so big.
Louis seems to be settling a little more now. We are still having at least one wake up per night but he seems more accepting of his crib after me trying every trick under the sun to get him to sleep in it.
Had him weighed this week. At 18 weeks he is 14lb 14 oz, and nicely following the 50th centile.
Oh and Melfy I agree with Madrid, if her weight gain is fine she really shouldn't need solids at this young age. And like Just says, most babies don't STTN until they are several months old. Don't be pressured.
Glad I could give you a good laugh.
It sounds like your little cutie is doing great. One night waking is not bad. Hope you are getting way more rest. How is Edie coping with all the change?
Kat- LOL!!! I can totally relate!!! My ex FIL used to walk around in his underwear and stick his fingers in the peanut butter!!! I lost it one time because I put a zucchini carrot muffin in a paper bag and wrote 'Do not Eat!' & he ate it anyways and cracked a joke about it! My current FIL is much better! B has never been sick either and we do make people wash their hands before they hold her. G has the same super seat as B, but hers is the girly one :) he is sooo darn cute!!! I want to squeeze him!

Croy- Not looking forward to the baby getting into everything. I've seen babies do this and have babysat mobile babies and its exhausting! When I watched my crawling nephew and toddler niece at the same time, I felt like all I did all day was move them away from things and say 'no' 1000 times per hour! Levi is such a handsome little man! Glad you're almost done with this quarter!

Madrid- don't give up on the swing too fast! B never slept in her swing and never seemed to really love it and now in the last couple weeks, she likes her swig and even sleeps in it a few times a week :thumbup:

MrsM- great weight gain :) glad he's getting more accepting of his crib.

I just love my little girl! We are having more & more fun everyday :cloud9:
No time to post so will later but LOL kat!!!!! Dh can relate as my dad isn't that bad but leaves shoes on, sneezes all over, etc. dh is nuts about purell, we had to buy the stronger foam stuff we had in nicu, ecolab stuff! It's almost gone though and we have target purell now.

I'm a stay at home mom today and yesterday and LOVE it. Daycare lady on vaca. Wish I could keep staying at home. Dylan just went up a flight of stairs with me behind him. Ava sits up on her own and rolls all over still. She doesn't like laying down anymore, she scoots back into sitting position then puts her legs into almost the splits when sitting up. Dylan doesn't like sitting, just going all over. All army crawl! And pulls up to stand

Tuckie- adorable pic!!! Hope dh job gets better but have to say, at least he has one. Mine doesn't yet and just took 2 weeks of classes for business analyst. Guess a general 4 yr business degree and 10 yrs experience doesn't cut it anymore. It sucks. He had an interview for a good job and didn't get to the next step as they don't hired people who are unemployed. Crock of shi..t
Gotta go!
I sympathise Hopeful. My DH was out of work for a year until this time last year, now he is on a low wage. It is crap.
Kat, thanks for asking after Edie. She has been a trooper actually and coped really well. She attention seeks from time to time but what 3 and a half year old doesn't. She adores her little brother, and he thinks she is the best thing EVER. She talks to him and he laughs like a drain, it's adorable. She is not gentle with him though. It gives me heart failure, though not as bad as when he was newborn. She squashes him while she cuddles him, when I am nursing him she tries to climb on my knee and usually sits on him. When he was tiny she tried to brush his hair with her tangle teaser. It was horrific. He is going to grow up to be a tough little cookie. But she has coped with the change and also the house move brilliantly. She is growing up so fast. She uses words like "situation", "substantial", and "condensation" :haha: all words she has picked up from us but pretty impressive for a 3 year old. She is also very fond of proudly showing me her poos in the toilet.
This was Louis today laughing at his sister. The photo is a bit blurred because he was making his chair bounce he was so excited.
Hi girls! I'm reading, but like all of you, am a very busy mama and don't have as much time to post.

Congrats and welcome Mighty! What a gorgeous boy! Loved your birth story.

Kat, Grey looks like he is going to outgrow his jumperoo soon! What a sweet chunk. I always thought I'd have a roly poly baby, alas, I have a super thin one. Glad you survived the in laws. I hope it blows over quickly with you and your DH. Family visits can be stressful under the best circumstances.

Tuckie, Bay is so lovely. Yay for the avocado and breast milk! Yummy! I'm sorry your DH's job is so stressful. Wouldn't it be nice if he could get something less intense and would be home more often?

Croy, I can't believe he's walking! I've read that early/late walkers are genetic. Didn't you say your DH was an early walker? Trying to pick up after them is exhausting. Delilah is into all of our DVDs, pots and pans and electrical cords. I can't imagine doing school like you are. Taking the 2 online classes that I did was enough for me. You are super mom.

Jodi, I wish you could be a SAHM more. Glad you enjoyed it. Sorry about your DH not getting the job. It's so dumb that they won't hire someone without a job. Duh! Sounds like your kids are doing really well.

Melfy, I agree with everyone else. No reason to start solids yet. She's still so very young.

Mrs M, love that little guys smile! Is he completely smitten with his big sister? Sounds like she's doing well with all the change. I've read that babies need roughhousing which is why a father's touch is so good for them. I'm sure Louis is just fine with all of Edie's roughness. Mother's tend to be more gentle than a baby needs.

Hi Just, Madrid, Fili, um, um, um, sorry can't remember more!

We're doing well. Delilah is crawling instead of the army crawl now. She's all over the place. Even though it's exhausting, I find it easier. Before she could crawl, she insisted on me carrying her and holding her constantly. Now she loves crawling around and sitting up on her own. She had a weird rash on her torso for a few days and stopped STTN after weeks of STTN. She is also cutting her 3rd tooth. She STTN last night. I'm hoping we're back on track for a while. She's an absolute delight. She wants to walk. I have to hold her and walk with her everywhere. My back hurts.

Doing the 30 day shred. I finished level 3. Just bought Ripped in 30. I'm doing these 5 days/wk and then going to the gym 1 day/wk. I love getting back into shape. I'm back to pre-pregnancy weight, but my body is different in the belly and hips. Not sure it will ever be the same. Doesn't matter, I just enjoy being healthy.

We're going to wine country for Mother's Day. Hopefully she'll nap on the drive there (an hour drive). Then we'll hit a winery, do some wine tasting and have a picnic. If there's time, we'll hit another winery and then drive home for her second nap. It's been amazing weather here and Mother's Day is supposed to be the best day of the week. I can't wait! Like many of you, I've been waiting to enjoy this day for a very long time. First time in years that I won't be drinking to mask my misery. I'll be drinking to celebrate being a mother! :cloud9:

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