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Hi ladies hope everyone is good! Sorry for selfish post!!!! I'm on day 26 of my cycle, prob about 9dpo, an I have just had a massive glob of ewcm.... I am very wet down there sorry tmi!! I dtd over ov as on hols an to b honest I took clomid to get pg etc so not really ever worried to much! Is ewcm a pg sign? Help!!! I wouldn't b gutted but only ever planned one baby I can't imagine going through it all again! Sorry for selfish post but I'm panicking.... Help x

Lexis cough is still there she's a bit jetlagged thanks for all ur advice re being away with poorly bubba x
What a little muffin. Love his big smile.
That is great news about Edie adjusting so well. LOL at how rough she is.

Yuck!!! Walking around in his underwear and sticking his fingers in the PB. Sounds like a toddler. Yikes.

That sucks about DH. I heard even with a MBA that jobs are hard to find. MBAs are not what they used to be =(. It must be so hard being the main bread winner and loving being a SAHM. Hopefully he can get something soon to take the pressure off. It sounds like you two are doing a bit better.

Glad I did not know about the special NICU foam or I would have made us do that. It's hard for us germaphobic control freaks.

DH and I are great. We never fight long. We were both just decompressing. Yay for D being mobile. I bet it is way easier. Suck in your belly to protect your lower back while "walking" her around. Grey follows D's footsteps except that D is a better sleeper. I believe G will be much happier when mobile and sitting for longer periods on his own. He LOVES bouncing for hours a day which makes my job so easy. I am typing while he bounces away.

Yay for being so fit again. I was wondering if my loose belly skin will regain it's tightness. DH swears it will since I have no stretch marks. How is yours?

EWCM is a sign of ovulation, not pregnancy, to my knowledge. Time to get an IUD or go back on birth control if you don't want #2.
I thought so to Kat but day 26? Surely that's to late to ov an def no pain! Who knows! I'm not good with contraception as in mood swings weight gain etc, like I say it took 4 attempts with clomid to get pg, but I no things change after bubba, I wouldn't b upset if I was pg more shock really. Hubs has agreed to a vasectomy so maybe I need to get him to docs!

Hope you an grey are well what does he weigh now? X
Davies, I have heard that you can get ewcm when pregnant. It never happened with me. You should probably test just to be sure. Welcome home. I loved your pics of Lexi on FB!

Kat, I have the same question about my belly skin. I didn't get any stretch marks either and I obviously didn't have as much stretching as I didn't carry to term. But that's one of the areas I'm noticing a difference. I have a tiny little roll on my belly that I never had at this weight pre-pregnancy. My husband says it's fat (in a kind way) that I'll lose with more toning, I'm wondering if it's stretched skin. I've always had a pretty flat tummy when I'm in shape. Time will tell I guess.
Mine is NOT fat. I am 6lbs under pre-pregnancy weight, my jeans are falling off and it is still there... bulging out. It makes my belly look kind of puffy (only the lower half). I can kind of scrunch it together. It is not a roll. It is more like puffy, empty skin that can be smooshed together.

Honestly, I hope yours is fat because that will just go away while you work out. Mine is empty skin. I hope it isn't from losing all my pregnancy weight so quickly. Grey is such a big eater and required so much movement, it just all fell off and I might not have had enough time for my skin to snap back. In the scheme of things, it is no biggie. I already bought 2 hot bikinis for summer, and if I have some smooshy belly skin, so be it.

The Tracy Anderson post-pregnancy dvd is supposed to target this saggy skin. I usually LOVE her, but this one is a snooze festival. It works though as far as working those abs.
I just can't tell with mine Kat. It's weird. It could be skin, it could be a little fat. I hope it's fat too! I want it to go away. It's only on the lower half for me too. I'm really hoping a little more exercise and healthy eating will make it go. But I'm feeling confident enough to wear a bikini this summer even if it stays. I'll have my ectopic surgery scars and a little extra skin from carrying my baby. Badges of honor.

I've never done workout DVDs before the 30 Day Shred. I used to always go to the gym, go hiking and dance. But no time for that anymore. I'll check out Tracy Anderson. Do you have a favorite?
I need advice on losing baby weight, I tried to do gym etch but just don't get a chance especially with a more active crawler! Have a few DVD an I walk as much as I can any tips? I always had a flat stomach, always a fat arse but flat stomach was my thing! An no matter how many sit ups it's there still!! A roll mines fat not just skin, I think my skin was ok I didn't get stretchies either thank god x

I will buy a test to ease my mind I think! I'm at a wedding today so prov not today x
Hi ladies,

Kat, I love the pics of Grey...I couldn't help but laugh at your post, how disgusting your FIL picking at his toes and messing your floor! I love the fact that you started cleaning it in front of him again, nothing like a SUBTLE hint haha.
Im quite a clean freak and wouldn't cope well with people staying for long and messing my house, its a problem I know! I hate it as I have cream porcelain tiles in my hallway and I have to clean them everyday and then someone goes and comes in with wet dirty shoes if its raining outside and its filthy again, they actually drive me crazy and I wish I hadn't got them especially with cream grout!!
I have to say though that we are kind of under the impression that you don't want over an over sterile environment either as you want your babies immune system to develop, I've read lots of articles about how being over clean can develop asthma and allergies, we're kind of thinking that having the dog will be a good thing for Emelia.

Tuckie, that dosent sound like the best work environment for your hubby, that's the kind of job and hours that I think you could only do temporary and keep in mind that its just for saving money short term, no breaks and those long hours that not good, no wonder people are dropping like flies! I hope he finds something better soon.

It cant be easy for people being out of work and I imagine it is very hard to find another job at times.

MrsM, another lovely pic of Louis, I laugh at how Edie is quite rough with him, its cute that she loves him so much and probably thinks she is being a helpful big sister but it just shows that young kids cant be left unsupervised for long with babies. My 4 year old niece is the same she keeps asking to hold Emelia so I make her sit on the couch and within a minute Emelia is almost upside down and face down on the couch!

Davies, I don't have much advice other than I guess what will be will be, better to test and find out for certain. I had a bit of a scare 2 months ago and had to test and like you I would have been mega shocked but its not the worst thing in the world, just far too soon if I had been pregnant. I know what you been about contraception and mood swings etc. it was my hubby that said to me that there was no way I was going on the pill, I tried a couple of different brands and I hated the moods years ago. We just try to stay within safe times etc. which I know isn't the smartest thing but it I accept what could happen.

As for weight loss/sagging stomachs etc, Im also lucky that I have no stretch marks but my weight loss is slowing down again. Ive lost 2 stone and Im struggling to lose this last stone. Im 10 stone and want to be back at 9 which I was. I really think it will be true in my case for 9 months to put it on and 9 months to get it off. I healthy eat, walk with the pram, exercise on my cross trainer at night and walk the dog! Wish I hadn't over eaten whilst pregnant but hey ho whats done is done.

Croy, that's great news that Levi is walking so early aswell but hard at the same time as your right he will be in at everything, this is when proper child proofing the house kicks in.

Can any of you UK ladies advise me what to try for teething, Emelia has been super fussy the past few days and all I have been using is calgel, she has her hands constantly at the back of her mouth where Im sure its molars coming in. Im still sure this is the case as they are sharp points now! Even my dentist last week told me that it wont be molars first but she's happy to check if I take her in which I will do. I swear Im going to prove people wrong as online I've read people say it happened to their babies, just not common!
Ashton and Parsons powders are what I used with Edie Just. There isn't a miracle cure out there sadly but the powders helped a bit.
How irritating. I just got a letter through the post telling me to take Louis for his third set of jabs - on May 7th. Great, I'll just fire up the Delorian and head back to last Tuesday.
Great Back to the Future reference Mrs M! LOL!

Davies and Just, the honest to goodness truth of it is that you need to cut more/burn more calories. I use My Fitness Pal to log the calories I eat and burn through exercise. I used to use it before I got pregnant and it worked like a charm. I started doing it again and am losing those stubborn pounds that I didn't lose from breastfeeding and walking. For me, I do moderate to intense exercise 5-6 times a week and try to eat 1700 - 2000 calories a day. Once I'm done breastfeeding I usually try to eat 1500 - 1700 calories a day. But I also try to make them healthy calories. Lots of fruit, veggies, beans and grains. And I only drink water with the occasional glass or two of wine a week. I feel so much better now, my body looks better and my skin looks really good. I've always been pretty disciplined when it comes to exercise and eating. I know it's not as easy for some people. But this is what works for me.
I am really not a neat freak. I am more of a germaphobe that doesn't want Grey to catch a cold/flu. Besides this, my home is only cleaned weekly, and we do not use strong disinfectants. That is why I use the steam mop because I use no harsh chemicals. I agree that babies should not be in an over sterile environment, that is why we do not use antibacterial cleansers and soaps. I do not believe they need to catch cold/flu to be healthy. I want Grey to be able to play in the dirt and come in contact with natural microbes, just no illness germs for as long as possible. Glad to clarify.

One stone to go is great!!!

You Tube Tracy Anderson and see what you think. I like her mat workout. I am not coordinated enough to master her cardio dance. The post-pregnancy DVD is the one I am currently doing every week or two or three. Like I said, it is boring, not like her other stuff, but it works.

I love DVDs at home. I always have. Beach Body has great ones. DH and I used to do whole programs like P90x and Insanity together. Besides this, I used to get paid to workout while I taught, LOL.

Yay for rocking a bikini along with me.

The belly seems to be tough for all of us. You can't just target the stomach for fat. It sounds like interval training at high intensity might be what you need. Short, fast and blasts fat.

That made me laugh. I've actually seen that car driving around LA.

I know I must sound like a major neat freak. I'm not. Just don't want Grey to catch a cold/flu/worse. Besides this, dirt is fine. Asians consider it very rude/dirty to wear shoes in the house, that is why I was cleaning after FIL. It's just a cultural thing. I am, I admit, a germaphobe.

Unlike Heart, I am not a disciplined eater but try to eat healthy. I feel like I would be starving on such little calories. My guy also consumes a LOT.
I agree you really need to burn more than you eat, I've always been good at losing weight and keeping it off but this is proving tough this time. I think I limit myself too much at times, my husband cracks up at me as I only allow myself around 1200 calories a day and then I try to burn at least 500 on my cross trainer. I've always wanted to actually try a workout DVD at home but never done it, my cross trainer is the thing that really works for me. I used to have a gym membership and discovered how much I loved that machine so I cancelled my membership and bought one.

Im vegetarian so quite a healthy eater but I know myself that carbs are my problem, just love bread, pasta etc. too much.
I've bought ingredients to make home made soups this week, I always find soup really filling and it helps me to lose weight.

Kat, I actually like the idea of a steam mop, even for the likes to steaming Emelia's toys etc.

MrsM, I asked for Ashton and Parsons powder in Boots today and they are sold out just now and not sure if/when they will have them back in, so I bought Boots equivalent powders. Also got Bongela and infant paracetamol free on Minor ailments. Im not going to use the paracetamol until I really need it.
I was lucky enough to be told about the minor ailments service for free medications by my health visitor. But only today the pharmacist told me that I can also get things for free for myself until my baby is 1, cold sore creams etc. I never knew we mothers could get things aswell!
Thank for the info Kat. I'll look into those workouts. Totally agree on the advice for interval training. I love interval training. I've found it so effective. When I'm on the eliptical I do a 5 minute warm up then do a minute at full intensity, a minute of lower intensity and so on for 20 minutes then a 5 minute cool down. It's hard, but so satisfying.

Delilah isn't nursing much anymore so I'm guessing I'm only burning about 200 calories from BFing now. At the beginning I was always starving from all the pumping and BFing. She usually nurses 3-4 times a day now tops.

I've never been a germaphobe, but since having Delilah, I've been much more cautious. I wipe down the shopping cart with antibacterial wipes before I put her in. I wash my hands and hers all the time. But like you I don't use antibacterial soaps. I want her to be as healthy as possible. She has had 2 colds in her life and they suck! I'll basically do anything I can to avoid them.

Just, you aren't getting enough calories. You aren't losing any more weight because your body is hanging on to all of the calories you are giving it. If you are only getting 1200 minus the 500 you are burning, you are only taking in 700 a day. That's too low. You should be getting 1200 - 1500 after working out at least. Try to increase your calories and see what happens. I know it sounds counterproductive, but it should work in your case.

Soups is a great filler! I eat it all the time.
Can you give me a summary of how D switched from BF to solids? I did not know she was now taking in so little breast milk. We will be starting G on solids soon (1 more month or less), and I want to know what to expect. Our Dr. suggested we could do it now since he is still NOT sttn. He woke up famished at 5:30am today despite getting 4 oz from DH at 4:30 am. Aaargh.

I've always been a bit of a germaphobe, but after having G I went a bit crazy. Being stuck in the hospital and told by the drs and nurses to keep up the purell routine, did not help the situation. It's livable. At least I do not go crazy in my own home.

Let me know what you think of Tracy. She is all about using your accessory muscles to bring a tight, lean, and defined look. I really like her standing abs. She also does not believe in using anything more than 3lb weights. I think this is a little silly, but I follow her rules when I do her workouts.

I agree with Heart. Your metabolism is going to slow down too much and your body will hold onto everything if your calories are too low. I had a GF who ate 1200 calories a day everyday. At first she lost a ton of weight and then she slowly started gaining weight back despite exercising and eating the same amount. Her body got used to it. My body is a high octane fuel burner from never limiting calories since I had an eating disorder almost a decade ago.

Get the steam mop. I love it. I do use it to steam clean the couch, toys, exercise equipment, etc.. It will make your job of cleaning those cream tiles easier.
:hi: everyone, sorry I won't comment on everyone's posts but I have read back. Davies welcome home. Loved your pics on fb too!! Lexi is so adorable and you look AMAZING what weight loss exactly??! I lost 3.5 stone since having lexi by eating marks and spencers low cal ready meals and walking everywhere. However I am now back on the steroids ttc no. two and clomid and monitored cycle etc etc and I feel like cr@p. If you are pregnant and I'm not in 3 weeks time I'll swap tests with you. :haha: Lexi is soooo good i am coping but the steroids are really doing a number on me this time. Croy the 2ww is not quite as desperate with no where near the same amount of sadness with bfn but I've only had one 2ww since lexi though! Periods are back to normal.

I am a neat freak full stop! :)

Sorry can't write more, finally feeling tired after the Roids have kept me awake for too many hours now... Xxx
Oh yes, lexi seems to be so curious about everything now, are there any special development kind of toys I should be getting for her at 4 months old? We have the usual like a play mat activity centre etc etc. I think she might be getting bored of my incessant talking to her!
Lamaze toys are great. Louis adores Freddie Firefly. He was Edie's though Captain Calamari and Jacques the Peacock were her favourites.
I am not a neat freak either. We don't use antibacterial soaps. But I do what I can to protect Zoe from catching a cold, for her sake...and mine:haha:

Just: 1200 calories is for your basic metabolism. That's pretty much what I get daily, but I'm also short (5'3'') If you want to lose weight of course you have to watch calories but make sure you're getting at least 1500:winkwink:

Fili: Have you tested?? How many dpo are you?

So I have a poppyseed sized secret to tell my BFP this morning:happydance: Now praying for a sticky bean!!
OMFG Melfy! WOW WOW WOW! Massive congrats. Forgive me if I think you and Fili and anyone else wanting #2 right now a little crazy! (I mean that with love of course). And of course I hope it's another sticky one. Can we see double pink lines?

Fili, I can't believe you are back on the roids. You are so fertile I bet you'll be knocked up in no time. I still struggle with activities for Delilah. At Lexi's age we mainly took lots of walks, did the activity mat, sang songs and I talked to her constantly.

How do you girls have the energy? I have no reserve for another child.

Kat, we started solids when she was almost 7 months old. My doctor recommended that I nurse before feeding her. I basically kept my nursing schedule the same, but then after a session I would feed her. At first it was just a few bites after 1 nursing session. In a week or so I started giving her bites of something 2 times a day after nursing. I didn't do BLW. I did traditional weaning. I pureed everything and fed her with a spoon. She was already used to using a spoon because I had to give her the reflux medicine with a spoon. I started with avocado and breast milk. We did pears, sweet potato, butternut squash and peas (I pureed these and then put them through a fine mesh strainer to keep out the skins). I let her lead the way. If she opened her mouth for more, she got more. If she turned her head or wouldn't open her mouth, we were done. In the beginning she usually ate 1-2 tablespoons of food per feeding. When she hit around 8.5 months I think, I started giving her 3 meals a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner. I still did it after nursing as I didn't want it to affect my supply. Now I don't bother with that. I nurse her first thing in the morning and then give her oatmeal with pears or prunes. Then I nurse a few times during the day, generally when she asks for it or my boobs feel full. I give her 3 meals a day plus some snacks in between. She mainly feeds herself now. Everything is finger foods for her now. Do you know if you'll do baby led weaning or traditional weaning?

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