hi there ladies,
I'm due in Nov (awaiting scan confirmation) and have already got 3 boys and a girl.. They are 10, 8, 4 and 16 months.. Baby wasn't planned, but what is when you've got so many!
- Just wanted to say there are plenty of us about and although not due at the same time, all here if anyone needs anything.
Hope you're all happy n healthy
Hi mumofplenty...did u just find out u are PG?
how are u finding having 4.......?
Having 4 is mental!
But.. the eldest two are very helpful and they all pitch in together so it could be worse
I found out I was pregnant at about 12 weeks.. Was a total shock, and has taken a while to get my head round, we certainly weren't planning on any more - It shall be fun though, it always is.
Looking forward to it, when I'm not drowning under a mound of washing or cleaning.
Will definitely be finding out whether it's a boy bubba or a girl bubba, don't want any surprises, need to be able to plan something.
I had a homebirth with my second - it was fab fab fab :thumbsup: Yes, I had my eldest in the house, he was coming up for 2 at the time, and although he was moved 'for the gory bits' he was very involved and it was a very emotional, sweet, bonding time for all of us. I would definitely recommend it - It takes the stress out of it, definitely, although I have always waited as long as I can before going into hospital anyway, so generally it's a home labour then a hosp birth for me.
I would have had a homebirth with my 3rd but the midwife situation was dire and resulted in a mad dash to the hospital
Number 4 was born last year, but we'd had to relocate and ended up living with MIL so no chance of a homebirth then. Maybe we'll get one this time!
How are we all?