My Baby Sam - 03-01-04


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2006
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Well im not really sure what to say, i would go on about my pregnancy and labour but i could go on forever.

Once i get started i could go on forever about Sam. We found out on New Years Day that Sam had gone to heaven and i gave birth to him 2 days later... He was born sleeping at 6:53pm and was prefect in everyway. His funeral was on the 23rd Janaury and i miss him everyday.

Here are some pictures of his grave and a photo of the tattoo i had done in memory of my little boy.
that is an amazing grave, i think it is the most amazing one i have ever seen. ::huggs:: im so sorry for your loss
Sams resting place looks so peaceful & beautiful

x x x
that is so lovely thank you for sharing your very special pictures with us.
lots of hugs sent yr way.x
Well im not sure if things are starting to happen and move forward in the grieving process baby, but im actually starting to feel slightly emotional when i think of you. Im just sorting some stuff for a signature for another forum and doing your bit and its making my stomach go 'funny' it doesnt usually so maybe things are starting to happen.

Just because i dont cry and get upset Sam it doesnt for 1 minute mean i dont love you, i love you just as much as Christopher and Louise and you are my special baby boy who i will always love and cherish! Thank You for watching over us and thank you for being my precious little boy....

Hope your playing nicely and looking down on us here, as we think about you all the time... x

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