Of course! I wouldn't be a very good stalker if I'd stopped already would I?!
Looking forward to stalking you through the pregnancy forums too x
Have you tested since Monday this week? Sometimes it does take a bit longer to show up, and according to the sonographer who did my 12 week scan ovulation isn't always an accurate date to go by because even though fertilisation has to occur quite quickly, sometimes there's a bit of a pause before development is kick-started. He didn't explain why...don't think he knew, but I think he must have had a few people being scanned who knew when they ovulated and the dates were behind
Going by your line I'd say you weren't as much as 23dpo, but some people secrete smaller amounts of hCG into their urine and don't get a BFP until later on. I'd say you're somewhere between 4 and 5 weeks, but there's no way to know more accurately until you have a scan and get bubs measured x
awww congrats hun so so pleased for you cant tell you how happy i am to see this post!
woopie! just had to add with the cheapy tests my lines didnt get dark til i was about a week late for af. when was your last af?
i have a grin from ear to ear now! x