my first formula feed...

Hi there. Have you thought about a change in teat size? I changed teat size four days ago and i swear i have a brand new baby! And one who has become a puddin overnight!

Sorry in advance if you have covered this already!

i did recently move up form a newborn to a 3month+ teat because he was sucking the newborn teat flat, he seems to like the 3month+ one though so i'll stick with it a while. thankyou though!

barry slept from 8pm till 2am, he drank his 6oz bottle was still hungry, drank another 4oz, winded and went back to sleep at 3am and woke at 8am.

hes acting a bit cranky today though so i might try and get him down for his nap earlier then normal.
OMG I can't believe little man drank 10oz in an hr! At least you got a fairly good nights sleep other than the hr you were up. Carter is doing well. He has also been having some funny night wake ups. but nothing too extreme and we are dealing. We also started weaning a little while back and he is now loving it. Only thing is I know he is not supposed to drop any milk so I am trying to figure out how much to give him. I don't know what is recommended..a jar a day at this age??? I know you want to do blw so I'm not expecting you to answer, just throwing my bit of confusion out there:wacko:. Other than that things are great-can't wait for our first Christmas!
OMG I can't believe little man drank 10oz in an hr! At least you got a fairly good nights sleep other than the hr you were up. Carter is doing well. He has also been having some funny night wake ups. but nothing too extreme and we are dealing. We also started weaning a little while back and he is now loving it. Only thing is I know he is not supposed to drop any milk so I am trying to figure out how much to give him. I don't know what is recommended..a jar a day at this age??? I know you want to do blw so I'm not expecting you to answer, just throwing my bit of confusion out there:wacko:. Other than that things are great-can't wait for our first Christmas!

he certainly took me by surprise! i feel pretty good today, so thats a positive :)

i dont have much of a clue about weaning, (blw or tw) lol but i did find this link helpful

i think what i would do is offer half of his normal milk feed, try him with the puree, let him eat as much as he is willing, then finish off with however much of the rest of the milk he wants.
OMG I can't believe little man drank 10oz in an hr! At least you got a fairly good nights sleep other than the hr you were up. Carter is doing well. He has also been having some funny night wake ups. but nothing too extreme and we are dealing. We also started weaning a little while back and he is now loving it. Only thing is I know he is not supposed to drop any milk so I am trying to figure out how much to give him. I don't know what is recommended..a jar a day at this age??? I know you want to do blw so I'm not expecting you to answer, just throwing my bit of confusion out there:wacko:. Other than that things are great-can't wait for our first Christmas!

Hi hun. At 6+ months once your LO is on 3 solid meals he can start dropping his milk feeds. He needs 18-21 oz with his 3 solids but it's ok if he wants more milk. At 9+ months the max is 20 oz with his solids. If he takes a full stage 1 jar it's ok as it's designed for his age. PM me if you need any more info about TW weaning hun xx
OMG I can't believe little man drank 10oz in an hr! At least you got a fairly good nights sleep other than the hr you were up. Carter is doing well. He has also been having some funny night wake ups. but nothing too extreme and we are dealing. We also started weaning a little while back and he is now loving it. Only thing is I know he is not supposed to drop any milk so I am trying to figure out how much to give him. I don't know what is recommended..a jar a day at this age??? I know you want to do blw so I'm not expecting you to answer, just throwing my bit of confusion out there:wacko:. Other than that things are great-can't wait for our first Christmas!

he certainly took me by surprise! i feel pretty good today, so thats a positive :)

i dont have much of a clue about weaning, (blw or tw) lol but i did find this link helpful

i think what i would do is offer half of his normal milk feed, try him with the puree, let him eat as much as he is willing, then finish off with however much of the rest of the milk he wants.

Thanks for the link it was helpful. This weaning stuff is a lot harder than the bottle. So any other ladies reading- Stick with the bottle as long as you can!!:haha: Anyway, we def need a weight update tomorrow! I can't wait to see if lil Barry has put any on!

p.s. he looks so cute in his garland
Thanks for the link it was helpful. This weaning stuff is a lot harder than the bottle. So any other ladies reading- Stick with the bottle as long as you can!!:haha: Anyway, we def need a weight update tomorrow! I can't wait to see if lil Barry has put any on!

p.s. he looks so cute in his garland

weaning certainly is complicated stuff! but then again i think most baby-related things look easy on the outside and then you find out that really its not that easy at all!

i really need to weigh him lol, i keep meaning to and then today we ended up at MIL's while i did laundry. fun. he does feel heavier when i pick him up though!

today went like this:

12noon nap - 1:40pm awake
4pm nap - 4:45pm awake
8pm bedtime
10:45pm - awake
11:30pm back to sleep (i hope i need to go see in a minute)

he had a 6oz bottle for each nap and then i upped it to 8oz for bedtime after his 10oz bottle yesterday! i just offeed him another 6oz of which he drank 5. so hopefully he'll go back to sleep and then im off to bed!

on a side note he was reaching out for food today so we let him try a bit of banana, he seemed to enjoy it, especially squeezing it in his hands so that it gooed out between his fingers all over the back of his hand.
Yay Barry! So much progress!:happydance: We haven't given Carter any table food yet. With the way he loves his purees I am sure he will love banana too!
awww im glad carter is enjoying his purees, that must make things easier!
Barry wasnt too bad in the end, he woke up at 1am, and i gave him a 6oz bottle he went back to sleep and woke at 8am.

hes been really good this morning, so im going to weigh him give him his next bottle and put him down for a nap (thats the plan)
awww im glad carter is enjoying his purees, that must make things easier!
Barry wasnt too bad in the end, he woke up at 1am, and i gave him a 6oz bottle he went back to sleep and woke at 8am.

hes been really good this morning, so im going to weigh him give him his next bottle and put him down for a nap (thats the plan)

Sounds great hun :thumbup: Let us know how the weighing goes on. Best wishes :hugs:
2months = 11lbs
4months = 12lbs
4 months 1 weeks = 10.8oz
today 4months 2 weeks 5 days = 13lbs!!!
:happydance:Yay :happydance:, this is great! So happy for you hun.
Holy Cow!!! That is wonderful news! Yay Barry!
im so thrilled, its a huge load off my mind. i couldnt help but have one of those feel sorry for myself moments earlier, i sat and had a little cry that i couldnt do the year of breastfeeding that i wanted, im still trying to pump every couple of hours but im getting less and less. i guess i knew that would happen with supplementing with formula. but still.its a bit sad.

he napped perfectly today, 2 hours at noon and 1.5 hours at 4pm, got him down for bed at 8pm after 8oz. he woke up at 9:30pm though, i think he was cold and had a bit of wind. i gave him another 4oz though as he started trying to eat his hand. i put him back down at 9:45pm, its now 10:20pm and i havent heard anything from him yet but i will go see if hes asleep or just smiling at his teddy.

i am slightly worried however about the intake of milk, hes drinking 6-8oz 4 times a day plus another 5-10oz in the middle of the night. that seems a lot to me?
I don't think I would worry about the amount too much. I figure he will throw up or let you know if he was taking too much. I think I have told you my bf story. The guilt/saddness lasted about a month for me and then it started getting better and I am sure it will for you too. A little cry once in a while is ok :hugs:.
I don't think I would worry about the amount too much. I figure he will throw up or let you know if he was taking too much. I think I have told you my bf story. The guilt/saddness lasted about a month for me and then it started getting better and I am sure it will for you too. A little cry once in a while is ok :hugs:.

true i guess, i just hope that if hes drinking that much hes getting enought o eat. i really want to hold off on giving him proper solids till 6 months, but we'll see how it goes with the milk first.

i know i shouldnt feel guilty i mean, hes putting on weight and thats fantstic, and it means im doing the right thing...i guess its because i expected myself to BF longer. Barry

last night i checked on him at 10:20pm to see if he had gone back to sleep, i didnt even have to walk far into the room i opened the door and saw a pair of hands waving his teaddy bear around lol at 10:45pm he was asleep.

my husband came to bed at 5am after fixing this computer after he got home form work at midnight. however his sinuses are playing up and no sooner did he quietly creep into bed then he had a huge coughing fit and of course barry woke up. I gave him another 6oz and he still seemed hungry so i put him down in his bassinet while i pumped 3oz, mixed it with 3oz of formula, warmed it up....and he was fast asleep. so i had to throw it away ugh.

still he woke up at 9:30am so i got a bit more sleep!
So glad about the weight increase! Exactly what happened with my LO when i chose to supplement. Massive weight off my mind but i know how you feel about still feeling a bit guilty for not breast feeding exclusively. It wrenches at my heart whenever i think of it but i have to remind myself of how much weight she has put on.

So glad about the weight increase! Exactly what happened with my LO when i chose to supplement. Massive weight off my mind but i know how you feel about still feeling a bit guilty for not breast feeding exclusively. It wrenches at my heart whenever i think of it but i have to remind myself of how much weight she has put on.


thank you, its good to know theres other mums out their in the same situation. its so nice to have people to relate to. i can try and tell my husband how i feel all i want, but of course its a lot harder for him to understand and as much as he tries to say the right thing, it wasnt him who feels like a failure.

i guess part of it is that i had so much opposition from my MIL and friends that i became stubborn about it. my MIL wanted me to FF so that she could have him overnight and after a lot of other problems i wouldnt ever let her have him overnight regardless! and shed always say "theres nothing wrong with formula" which there isnt, but thats just not what i wanted to do!

and then my friends wanting me back at work desperatly, i love my job and my bosses and the other staff and im looking forward to going back but while i was BF i couldnt and they would suggest formula and id say 'no way". now i feel like its 'i told you so" (epecially from MIL)

she keeps trying to give him solids as well so its all a nightmare in that area right now, she wants to give him ice-cream, mashed potato (which i wouldnt mind if it wasnt full of salt and milk), cookies, peanut butter, chocolate, pizza, and recently....chilli.

i say no hes not ready or i dont want to give him solids and i get "well you didnt want to give him formula either but you are and it hasnt done any harm" or
"i gave Keith (my husband") chilli when he was 2 days old and hes fine"

to which i point out "no hes suffered from severe acid reflux his whole life"


sorry didnt mean to rant. i just hate "i told you so"'s
I know I'm late lol but I gave Kayleigh Enfamil A+ Ready to feed formula and she loved it. I bought the ready to feed because I was only going to give her the odd bottle, but I decided 1-2 bottles a day now after/with meals would be okay, so I had a big can of powder of the Enfamil GentleEase and she hated it. Wouldn't take it for nothing. She was around 10 months so I decided to give cows milk since she was still having booby 4-6 times during the day. Anyways, Kayleigh thought the gentlease was gross too.

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