So glad about the weight increase! Exactly what happened with my LO when i chose to supplement. Massive weight off my mind but i know how you feel about still feeling a bit guilty for not breast feeding exclusively. It wrenches at my heart whenever i think of it but i have to remind myself of how much weight she has put on.
thank you, its good to know theres other mums out their in the same situation. its so nice to have people to relate to. i can try and tell my husband how i feel all i want, but of course its a lot harder for him to understand and as much as he tries to say the right thing, it wasnt him who feels like a failure.
i guess part of it is that i had so much opposition from my MIL and friends that i became stubborn about it. my MIL wanted me to FF so that she could have him overnight and after a lot of other problems i wouldnt ever let her have him overnight regardless! and shed always say "theres nothing wrong with formula" which there isnt, but thats just not what i wanted to do!
and then my friends wanting me back at work desperatly, i love my job and my bosses and the other staff and im looking forward to going back but while i was BF i couldnt and they would suggest formula and id say 'no way". now i feel like its 'i told you so" (epecially from MIL)
she keeps trying to give him solids as well so its all a nightmare in that area right now, she wants to give him ice-cream, mashed potato (which i wouldnt mind if it wasnt full of salt and milk), cookies, peanut butter, chocolate, pizza, and recently....chilli.
i say no hes not ready or i dont want to give him solids and i get "well you didnt want to give him formula either but you are and it hasnt done any harm" or
"i gave Keith (my husband") chilli when he was 2 days old and hes fine"
to which i point out "no hes suffered from severe acid reflux his whole life"
sorry didnt mean to rant. i just hate "i told you so"'s