jtink- the softcups are awesome! They look a little daunting but they're actually super easy to insert, especially after bd lol. They're supposed to hold the spermies up close to your cervix so we'll see! I actually haven't told DH about them..I think he would be way weirded out! Opk's are going good, I'm on cd15 and still negative but I usually don't o until cd20. How's everything going with you?
Forrest- Don't give up hope, that ugly witch hasn't showed up yet!
Hi ladies af is over Yaay but since yesterday I have Been getting
Clear white discharge every time I wipe can't be fertile cm already
Fertile days start thursday
so how's it going forrest?
abigail, what about you? did you O yet?
Oh damn the witch showed up sorry to hear
That forrest
Hope it works out for you Forrest..if I don't get a bfp soon I might be looking for a little chemical assistance myself. Does Clomid just help you ovulate or does it do anything else? Lol I'd love some help with the housework around here but no way would it be a hot maid! Old maid like you have in mind all the way!