My New Year's Resolution: Get pregnant. Anyone else? SIX BFPs so far!!!

Yes my chart confused everyone including myself.... Which makes it even harder to take!! :(

Elphabaa .... Long time no see :hi: I didnt get his prewash this go but last go DH count was 22mil Pre and 4.5 mil post and this time we waited 2 days and still got a low count!! :shrug:

DH just wants me to go for Donor sperm but I'm not sure how I feel about it!! :(
Yes my chart confused everyone including myself.... Which makes it even harder to take!! :(

Elphabaa .... Long time no see :hi: I didnt get his prewash this go but last go DH count was 22mil Pre and 4.5 mil post and this time we waited 2 days and still got a low count!! :shrug:

DH just wants me to go for Donor sperm but I'm not sure how I feel about it!! :(

As awkward as this sounds... I am a bit jealous of your hubby's willingness to let you use donor sperm. My hubby would rather us never have children at all than use donor sperm. He says 'we can always adopt.' Of course, he doesn't realize how much cheaper it would be to use donor sperm with IUI than it would be to adopt. Plus, at least with donor sperm there isn't the risk that the birth mom (or dad) is going to change their mind and take the baby back. Really, he is being selfish because he thinks if the baby can't biologically be his, then it shouldn't biologically be mine either. :nope: I understand how he feels about it, but I wish he would realize that it is pretty selfish. This baby would be his baby. His name will be on the birth certificate. Nobody else will have a right. If he has such a problem with this baby not being his, then why should I trust that he wouldn't have a problem with an adopted baby.

Of course, we had this whole conversation before we knew anything about our infertility problems. So, maybe at this point, he would be more open to considering it. If things don't go well Saturday with his next test, then I may approach the subject again. In a perfect world, everything will be fine and we can have a baby that is 100% biologically ours. However, this journey has been far from perfect.

Hubby had a 17 million sperm count in February, motility and morphology were fine. My OBGYN gave him an antibiotic because his PH levels were elevated and that could have meant the 'pipelines' were inflammed. He did a second test 2 weeks later and everything was at least the bottom part of normal. However, in July, his sperm count was down to 6 million with only 0-14% motility. Morphology was okay. It was a drastic decline. RE says we need to get at least 1 million post wash to do IUI, but he was almost insistent that we really try to do IUI if it is possible. However, I read that for IUI to really have a good chance of working, you need to have at least 10 million post wash. Pregnancy can happen with less, but not very likely. He didn't even have that many before wash, so I am very skeptical about wasting our money on IUI. We'll see what happens Saturday though. There is a chance that his test in July was not a good one. Anything could have influenced the low results, including hot tub usage the prior month.

One thing I have to remember is to make sure they tell me his pre wash numbers and his post wash! I want to know both.
Instead of having you bring it up consider having the doctor bring it up at the next appointment. Have him ask you guys to consider doner sperm.

Docs do this all the time you just have to call them in advance.

That way you have a lead into the conversation and his pride is not hurt
Chances are we won't have another face to face appointment with the RE until after the decision has been made. To save money, my RE will do phone appointments... but I could always tell hubby it was the RE's suggestion if we did not feel we could afford IUI/ICSI. So that is definitely a thought to keep in the back of my head! Thanks Milty!
Found out yesterday DH prewash was 12 Mil and the month B4 it was 22 Mil and his SA in May was 105Mil

His Uroligist did put him on antibiotics cuz he had pain at his Varicocle can't remember if that was B4 or after SA!!!
Anywho... I think DH feels like he's letting me down by not have the swimmers but he had plenty a few months back I think his Job is stressing him too much!! :shrug:

He says to do donor cuz we always talked about Adopting a Lil Asian Girl he figures that will be a less Expensive route but no guarantees on the Girl part!!

I'm just afraid of Unknown traits my DS1 acts like his Biodad and he's never been around him Ever!! Kinda scary when u never know what issues they might have and u would have no idea about them!! I know we would love the baby just like our boys that I don't see a problem with just worried about underlying issues I guess!!

Donor is way cheaper at $600 verses 10K for IVF!!
Hey ladies just got off the phone w my FS Nurse my next Option is Femara Injectables has anyone done these??

The meds give me issues so I'm afraid the Inj. Will even more!!!

Not sure what to do :shrug:

Another round of Femara
Femara Injectables
Or take a Break!!!
I have never heard of Femara injectables. Femara is a pill that works like clomid but isn't FDA approved for fertility, but some docs use it anyhow. My RE would if hubby's sperm wasn't an issue. Are you sure you aren't maybe thinking if follistim? (I could be spelling that wrong) That's injectable. You were already using a trigger shot around ovulation right? If not, then maybe they meant Femara plus a trigger shot.

Sorry to hear your hubby's sperm has declined so much. If he does have pain in his varicole that could be the culprit from what I have read. Any slight infection can inflame it and lower sperm count drastically. The antibiotic should help if that is the big problem.
Idk I swear she said a round of Femara Injectable that it gives u a 15% better chance!!

Yes Elphabaa I've been doing the trigger shot I had 2 great size Follies this past month Even had CM which I never get so I know it was a Good O had a great Chart and still BFN!!

DH might be going to Africa in Nov so we will go one more time this month then take a break!!

I'm just afraid my T levels have shot up w 4 rounds of Femara.... Did they check your T levels after using it for awhile Pbl??
Update ..... Just got back from my Baseline scan and NO Cyst I'm shocked cuz th left Ovary has been throbbing!!!

Dr talked to me he doesnt think the Femara W Injectables(Pbl was right ;) ) will help I have responded very well to the Meds it All on DH!!!

We gotta get that count back up so we will be abstaining for 3 days Pre IUI and he will be taking the Cranberry VitC and Zinc!!

Any other suggestions would be great!!
My only suggestion is to keep him away from hot tubs or even taking a hot bath! It can take the sperm 3-6 months or longer to build back up after even one 'extended' soak in a hot tub. (30 minutes or more) I had no clue what an impact this really does have on sperm, and we suspect it has a lot to do with my hubby's low count. We'll find out for sure this weekend.

Other than that, there isn't really a whole lot you can do that won't take at least 10 weeks to see real results.
Hubby doesn't take Baths or soak but his showers are way to hot I've told him to reduce the temp in there!!! ;)

Thanks FX we get better numbers this month!!
I haven't been very good at keeping up with this thread recently. :blush:

Sis, I missed your question about the Femara. I only took it one month, and didn't really respond, so I don't know the cumulative effects. And I don't think I've seen anyone here talk about that. Did you ask? I know what they are for Clomid, but Femara is supposed to be better in that regard. :shrug: I've been thinking that if this round of IVF doesn't work I might try a few months of Femara again, just as a bit of a break. Glad you didn't have cysts and were good to go!

Milty, how is your "break" going? How much longer before you get to TTC again?

Elphaba, can't WAIT to hear your SA results! [-o<

AFM, it's in my siggie. Should be starting stims in about a week. :coffee:
Oh my break is going...

I've finished my first month and started my second one. I should be able to TTC in December. To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if my shot wears off sonner. I can feel my body already trying to fight the effects.

I've not had any of the hard core symptoms either like hot flashes. I've read where a lot of women still get hot flashes with the mini dose used for IVF. So I guess we will see.
Oh my break is going...

I've finished my first month and started my second one. I should be able to TTC in December. To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if my shot wears off sonner. I can feel my body already trying to fight the effects.

I've not had any of the hard core symptoms either like hot flashes. I've read where a lot of women still get hot flashes with the mini dose used for IVF. So I guess we will see.

December's not too far away! Especially if AF comes earlier than expected. I hope time has not draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagged as badly for you as it has for me recently. :coffee:

No Lupron symptoms for me, either, although BCP always did turn me into a bitch. :haha:
Good! :thumbup: 20 antral follies, so they've decided to start my stims a notch lower than typical. Lining looked good. No cysts.

So the fun starts Friday night! :haha:
GL have Fun w All those Needles FX it gets u that BFP!!!! :)
I'm excited for you PBL :happydance:

I've heard the stims are not to bad
Well I got my scan and I have a 20mm Follie on the left and 2 on the right only 16mm & 14mm!!!

There was a dark spot in my uterus the Dr wants to see himself so I gotta go Again in the Am!!
Kinda freaked out has anybody had this b4??? :(

Hopefully it's nothing!!

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