Ok so finally I can get round to giving you the run down of our wedding
Friday 2nd September
Woke up early with LOADS to do! We were going to be having the people who were staying in the hotel over to our place in the evening and I wanted to make sure that the place was clean and tidy and there was plenty of party food for them to eat! I also got some booze in to help the introductions
So we spent the day getting shopping, cleaning and cooking! I didnt get time to sit and think about the enormity of what we were going to be doing the next day lol so there were no nerves at all

I also went down to the hotel to dress the tables with our little extras

The evening went well, but I did have to chuck Jay's parents and his cousin out because it was gone midnight and I was knackered!
I slept in Elisha and Evie's room with them and my friends Amelia and Marge slept in my bed. Jay was staying at our friend Alex's house.
Saturday 3rd September - WEDDING DAY!!!
Was awake at 7am! Gaaah I hadnt got to sleep till gone 2am because I was in Elisha's bed so I wasnt particularly comfortable lol! I also missed Jay loads
Anyways, Elisha and I got up and soon after, Evie woke up so I got her sorted out with a bottle and then chilled out with a cuppa and a couple of slices of toast.
Elisha asked if I was nervous...I still wasnt nervous! I wondered if that was a good thing or not lol!
Woke Amelia and Marge up about 9am .. did a few girlie screams, arm flapping and excited bouncing (think Rachel in Friends!) and then Elisha got to work in the kitchen cooking bacon butties for us all

Nom nom

Amelia popped the champers and floated a couple of strawberries in them and we supped on those and ate our bacon butties
I started getting ready after the butties and by midday, I was pretty much ready to go! I'd done my hair and my makeup myself and was parading around in my nightie and my bridal shoes, trying to get used to wearing them
I put Evie down for a nap soon after but she didnt sleep long.. around half of what she'd normally sleep so I thought this didnt bode well for later that day... hmmmm...
Anyways, everyone else got themselves ready one by one while I continued to chain smoke (lol!) and sup my champers

I STILL didnt feel nervous, but the excitement was really mounting and I was just itching to get into my dress! In the meantime, my flowers turned up from Tiff, Boofs, Honeybee and Twigs .. thanks again girls, they really are gorgeous!!
Our friend Alex who was going to be our chauffeur wasnt picking me up till 2.30pm so we started getting my dress on at about 1.45pm ... it took 10 minutes to lace it up and Amelia was pleased to report that I had no backfat! I'd lost a few pounds since the last time I had my dress on so I was really chuffed that the dress fitted perfectly
Alex turned up at 2pm so we could get some piccies taken so we started making our way to the car at about 2.15pm ... we had a few piccies outside of the car and then put Evie in her carseat and bundled me in the back ... wow I didnt realise quite how much dress I had

I looked like I was trying to pat a giant marshmallow down lol!
Once in the car we set off for the 5 minute drive to the hotel (this is why I didnt bother with paying for a car to take us on a 5 minute journey!) We drove pretty slowly and had a few beeps from other cars on the way

which was nice

Got to the hotel with about 15 minutes to spare so the registrars came out and had a chat with to just verify all my details and to talk thru where I needed to stand etc.
So .... 3pm comes and I'm ready to walk down the short aisle into the conservatory where our ceremony was taking place ... and to be with my husband to be
Elisha walked me down the aisle to "At Last" by Etta James and unfortunately the flower girls just wouldnt play ball lol! Nikkinoonoo had to carry Evie and hold Jessica's hand while walking behind me! Aah well, we did think that it may happen and that's the chance you take with having little ones in your bridal party! BUT! It really didnt matter to me! What was important was stood at the end of the aisle with a huge grin on his face mouthing that he loved me
Elisha did a reading for us and then the ceremony kicked off ... we both said our own vows in addition to the legal ones we were expected to say. We giggled and chuckled thru them and when Jay started saying his vows, alot of the ladies started to cry! I tried to block it out otherwise I'd have started as well lol! We exchanged rings, and were pronounced man and wife!

WE DID IT!!! It was amazing! You couldnt wipe the smile off our faces! We then signed the register (Signed Sealed Delivered by Stevie Wonder) and were presented with our marraige certificate and walked out of the room to "Greatest Day" by Take That
We were then greeted by the hotel staff carrying trays of drinks.. wine, Pimms and juices and some crisps and nibbles. Little Jess handed me a lucky black cat on a ribbon and a horseshoe on a ribbon, bless her

And then we spent a little time thanking people and being congratulated.
Luckily the sun was out so we were able to go into the gardens and have our photos done outside

So we spent the rest of the drinks reception doing that!
We were then called in for our meal which was amazing! It was a very safe option in that we'd chosen melon for starter, roast chicken dinner, and apple pie with cream for dessert but the amount of food per serving was HUGE! To say that everyone was stuffed was an understatement

The speeches went well... Nikkinoonoo read out a poem that she'd written for us which was lovely (thanks again Nik!) and then Elisha read out my dad's speech.. then it was Jay's turn and then the best man... both Jay and the best man choked up at the end of their speeches and I thought I was in danger of crying but again, I didnt! We then handed out the gifts we'd got for the key members of our party and got told off by them all for getting them presents lol

Everything about the day so far had been so relaxed.... to the point that we were running late lol! We were supposed to finish the meal by 6.30pm so the hotel staff could re dress the room for the reception but we didnt finish till gone 7pm, which is what time people started arriving for the reception! I spoke to the manager about extending the reception for an extra hour and he agreed and so did the DJ
The reception was in full swing and at about 8.30pm Jay and I took to the floor for our first dance as husband and wife... "Halo" by Beyonce was our song of choice and as it started and we snuggled in, I could feel the emotion taking over.. Jay told me how much he loved me and how beautiful I looked and that was it, I was crying lol! I'd managed to keep it all in and in that 3 minutes, the tears flowed

But it was really nice having those few minutes where it was just us.. no one else.. just me and my new husband.
The rest of the evening went really well, people were up dancing, or out in the gardens chatting, or up at the bar chatting and Jay and I spent very little time together as we were trying to mingle as much as we could and I also wanted to get on the dance floor at least a few times
Evie was supposed to be staying in Jay's parents room that night so we could have some time alone but she was having none of it. She'd fallen asleep around 9ish and was in her buggy and slept there for about an hour or so. When Jay's mum tried to take her up to their room, Evie was in hysterics, crying out for Mummy and Daddy so she eventually had to bring her back down to us. Jay then had to go and swap the cot from their room to our honeymoon suite along with all her bits and pieces! Eek! Evie was really clingy after that so I didnt really get to put her down from about 11pm till when the reception finished at midnight. No biggie, I still enjoyed myself
Anyways.. everyone started going home and some of the people who were staying at the hotel had an extra drink or two in the bar while Elisha went back to our place armed with left over buffet food (which was delicious!) and the floral centrepieces from the tables. Luckily she had some help getting it all back as Amelia was staying along with a couple of her mates.
We ended up getting up to our room at just past 1am and spent a good hour trying to get Evie to sleep, and eventually she went off

It was about that time that I noticed the bag I'd packed with all my clothes, makeup etc wasnt there! It had been taken home with the flowers etc
Anyway, at 2am, we ran a hot, deep bubble bath and both sat in it with a glass of champers opening all our wedding cards! We were astounded at the generosity of all our guests... our holiday kitty is alot healthier now, and not only that, we can afford to get a few bits we need and also keep some aside
After our bath, I had no lingerie or clothes so I was sat in Jay's tux shirt.. he didnt mind tho

He said I looked like a bond girl

It was a lovely part of the day for us, where we were able to be alone, and enjoy being alone and reading all the well wishes and congratulations from everyone who came to our special day

I think we eventually got to sleep around 3.30am
So that was basically our day! I thought it would go alot quicker but I was pleased to say that it didnt go as quickly as I thought it would... it didnt go slowly but it went at a really good pace! I was able to enjoy it to the max and not be stressed or fussed about Evie being in our room, or the flower girls not wanting to walk down the aisle etc!
The next morning was amusing.. I went down to breakfast in my new MIL's blouse and trousers and actually looked like one of the hotel staff
But you know what? I wouldnt have changed any of it for the world! It was an amazing day and night. I felt so beautiful and fantastic and I know that I'm extremely lucky to have such wonderful friends and family