Natural Birth at the hospital (in US?)

It's soooo easy to get excited and leave for the hospital too early! My advice is to head to the hospital when you cannot talk or walk during a contraction and they require all of your concentration. For my birthing center, 1st time mom's were told to come in when contractions were 3-4 minutes apart and atleast 45 seconds long. I think it varies depending on the doctor though. Mine were 1 minute long and 3-4 minutes apart but not very intense. I was 6cm and still had 7 hours ahead of me including pushing. Looking back, I could have easily labored at home until things got more intense, but I was too excited, LOL!

So if I am having contractions much like yours, if they aren't very intense would it be safe to just stay home longer?

I was reading that I could take a shower, walk, eat, watch a movie, even sleep and then go in. I really just do not want to go in too early! I want to be there for as little time as possible, LOL. Plus, my doctor doesn't seem as onboard with the idea of a natural hospital birth as I am. I want to try and avoid some of the pressures of being in the hospital for an extended period of time.

I figure if I can labor at home until the last possible moment, it will be a better outcome at the hospital.

I'm having difficulty finding all the answers to my questions!

I think even if your contractions are close together, but not intense, then stay home longer. To me, the worse case scenario was that I delivered at home and to me that wasn't such a bad outcome. But first babies usually don't fly out like that, LOL! Make sure you eat at home because many hospitals don't allow you to eat. My birthing center allowed me to eat, but after I was transferred it was ice chips only. My baby was 10 pounds 1 ounce and I did a completely natural hospital birth, so even with big babies it's possible :thumbup: I wonder if you get to the hospital too early and learn you're only 2cm.. can you turn around and go home?
Of course this doesn't help if it's am "emergency" and you're rushed in, as much can be gotten away with in the moment, but something to think about. Did anyone have to sign the papers when you were admitted with a breach baby? Someone likely had to consent, thanks to our lovely legal system.

They did have me sign some papers while I was contracting in their hallway (could have very easily given birth in that stupid hallway) I should have signed it "Under undue influence" as they wouldnt even see me unless I signed the forms. In addition, there was no recorded tort that I could have used against the hospital.
I'm not possitive, but most hospitals won't admit you unless you're about 4cm dialated. So I'd assume it's possible to leave if you're only 2cm.

Reading everyone's experiences and having my own...I think If you're truly wanting a natural child birth then make sure all of the bases above are coverd (to the point birthing plan, hired duala familiar with that hospital, requested nurse for natural birthing, talking to your Dr. before hand, and really making sure there's no signs of a high risk birth before you arrive like breech, etc.)

A lot of hospitals you can just walk in to the birthing floor and ask for a tour, and they can answer some of your questions before you go into labor. Ask about eating/drinking, walking, birthing balls, showers, etc. Anything you'd like to know.
I had a 100% natural birth at one of the most medical hospitals in the United States. The c section rate is nearing 45% and the epi rate is far over 85%.

I had no IV, picked my laboring and pushing positions, ate and drank the whole time, had the lights dimmed, the door closed, and talking to a minimum. It can be done. I labored at home until the last second, I got to the hospital at 9 CM and my labor stalled for 3 or 4 hours. I just kept with it. It is very important to have a doula to support you, especially in the hospital. Also, labor at home. Don't think you are in labor when it starts. Eat, drink, shower, nap, and walk. Try to forget about it. That is how I got through it.

This time I am planning a home birth, but I feel confident I could go back to the hospital and have a completely 100% natural birth with no interventions.

I don't get many choices because I'm high risk sadly, but when I gave birth preterm to my son they kept pushing drugs on me and I kept telling them no!

I am happy to see your post as we're also hiring a dula. With my preterm, I wasn't given an option other than lying in bed to labor. This time, I plan to do anything BUT because I didn't find it comfortable for me at all.

I'd LOVE to home birth, but nobody will touch me with a ten foot pole ESPECIALLY now that I've had a second trimester loss that was due to negligence from the Dr.'s office and Hospital. :shrug:

Just thought I'd say thank you for your post. It was helpful to me.:thumbup::flower:
I had my son at a hospital that has an epi rate of 87%. At the hospital room, they had a white board that asked what is your plan? M birth plan was simple, least interventions as possible. Then it asked pain management strategies and we noted no meds. They were very respectful of that. I had piction due to having to be induced due to low aminotic fluid but the nurses got me some wireless monitors and I walked with the drip up and down the halls, taking a bath, etc. I was up and moving. You can do it. Just make sure you keep an open mind, advocate for yourself, and have an amazing coach. I just caught one born every moment and the one natural couple seemed to give us natural gals a bad name in my opinion. You can work with the staff, they are not the enemy.
Can i suggest u watch The business of being born
i am in the uk and have not had great experience with uk hospitals and this film made me seriously consider independant midwifes and thats who is delivering our baby
Can i suggest u watch The business of being born
i am in the uk and have not had great experience with uk hospitals and this film made me seriously consider independant midwifes and thats who is delivering our baby

really? i had my daughter at the simpsons and thought the mws there were fabby.
Hi Blah11
i had my 1st two in england and had an awful time with my son my 2nd wasnt so bad because i avoided hosp until i was ready to push it out
i have not had experience of simpsons but i have had experience of that hosp due to a severe road traffic accident and it was an awful experience
i have friends who had their 1st baby in simpsons and wont go back most have had there 2nd in livingston
my exp of it has only been with a mc in aug and that was ok but i know once u r in the system they move u along at there pace and not your own
i dont like the scare mongering that goes along with birth (oh u need x y z meds and if u say no they tell u that u r putting ur baby at risk
with my son they gave me everything and did everything bar a c section
with my daugter i did not go near a doctor or midwife until i was ready to push and i had nothing nothing at all becuse i did not give them a chance to do that she was perfectly fine so was my son but he was as drugged up as i was
i personally would not go near a hospital unless there waS a serious complication with birth
I have had four natural births in hospitals. It can be done. One thing that most women miss is that their labor is on them..Not the doc, not the midwife, them. It's your choice, you need to take the reins and own the birth. You need to know what to do to up your chances..Staying home as long as possible, recognizing the different stages and sign posts of labor. these will help. It does help if the doc or midwife is on the same page, but if you get there too early, they will want to crank the pit if you're not progressing as fast as they want, and you need to either say no, or just avoid it and dont go in until you know you're in transition..

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