Hi Everyone,
Well first of all congratulations Samzi, glad all is well with you and your little bundle of joy.
Well update on me, where do I begin, I suppose with saying that I am now a mummy, my little boy Austin was born in the early hours of 21st February, what a nightmare, as you know I was having some bleeding but had been discharged from hospital a couple of times, well I had to go back in on Friday 19th as I was bleeding again, I was kept in and on Saturday I noticed that my pads were very wet and I was forever changing them, the midwife who was looking after me said that to be on the safe side they would transfer me to the Leicester Royal as the hospital I was in don't take babies under 32 weeks, I was convinced everything would be fine but unfortunately I went into labour before the ambulance came, in the space of half an hour I had gone from 0 centimeters dilated to 8cm dilated, so they rushed me off for an emergency c section as I had to have one because of my illness, anyway Austin Stuart was born at 00.52 Sunday morning weighing 3lb 12oz, he is now in intensive care but doing well, they say that he could be well enough to come home in about 3-4 weeks if he continues to improve. I and my husband as you can imagine are still getting used to the idea that our gorgeous little boy is here and a week old and we are keeping everything crossed that he will be ok. I love every bit of him and cry every night when I leave him behind at the hospital to come home, I spend at least 9 hours a day with him, changing his nappies and syringing my milk into him as he's too small to suckle at the moment. I feel absolutely shattered but I know he's a fighter and a good weight so hopefully he will be home soon where he belongs
I will put some photo's on soon.
Hope everyone else is ok. xxxx