Need a TTC buddy

Oh. My. Goodness.

After 12 hours on the road (half of them inside the :plane: actually) I landed on a boiling, 35 Celsius, humid country.

I am HOT. Hot hot hot hot hot :shock::shock::shock:

But then my parents had dinner ready for us, and we unpacked and we talked about the :wedding:, and it feels sooo nice to be pampered like this :laugh2:

And of course... surprise surprise... my cm decided to change, and become somewhat watery today :hissy: I had to go to the airport boots and get pantyliners and wipes and whatever :growlmad: the stuff on my panties was yellowish (tmi, I know :blush:) and ... this is going to sound really gross... kind of... well... silicony in texture and shape at times... so I have no clue as to what's going on with my body :shrug: Temp still at 36.57, although I had to take it four and a half hours earlier than usual, and no time or place for an OPK today either... I'll temp again tomorrow, but with the change of climate and the journey I highly doubt it'll be an accurate reading :nope:

Anyway, I'm going to consult my gyno. I hardly think of any :bfp:s for this month, but at least I'd like some answers from an expert as to how my body works, to give me peace of mind :winkwink:

Sending you regards from Greece :hi:

Mrs-C... bring us some good news soon, will ya? :kiss:

I've heard yellowy CM is good! Enjoy the heat and build up to the wedding day. I'm looking forward to hearing all about it!

I'm feeling quite sick now, I'm hoping it's a good thing and not AF on her way.

Thanks melove.

I'm crossing my fingers really, really tight for you!

Someone needs to go there first so the rest of us can follow!

Mrc-C...fingers crossed SOOOO tight for you!!!!!

LoRockera, mine always goes from white (lotiony) to watery, like you describe, to EW. So maybe O is still coming!

As for me, I have A LOT of white, lotiony CM (tmi, I know), which I SWEAR I don't remember from months past...trying not to get my hopes up :)
Mrc-C...fingers crossed SOOOO tight for you!!!!!

LoRockera, mine always goes from white (lotiony) to watery, like you describe, to EW. So maybe O is still coming!

As for me, I have A LOT of white, lotiony CM (tmi, I know), which I SWEAR I don't remember from months past...trying not to get my hopes up :)

Yeah, this is what I'm thinking. I'll see how my temp goes as well. I'm thinking, since I do have cm, it's a good sign. I'm just hoping to confirm with temps :shrug:
So ladies.. question time.

Would you like a boy or a girl? How many do you intend to have? Do you have any names picked out?

I would be happy with either but would like a boy so the next one would have a big brother. BUT we have three nieces so I would also be happy for a girl to join the group!

We'd like two, ideally one of each.

We've picked Spencerfor a boy and Caitlin for a girl.

Forgot to answer this...seriously don't care :) Haven't let myself come up with names yet either.
So ladies.. question time.

Would you like a boy or a girl? How many do you intend to have? Do you have any names picked out?

I would be happy with either but would like a boy so the next one would have a big brother. BUT we have three nieces so I would also be happy for a girl to join the group!

We'd like two, ideally one of each.

We've picked Spencerfor a boy and Caitlin for a girl.

We'd like one of each but sort of figure we'll have boys--we want 2 regardless. But I always say let's see how 1 goes first :) My SO teases me about twins, yikes! Most of my SOs family is boys--everyone has 2 boys, except there's a girl cousin. So I just figure we'll have boys :)

I mean if we could pick--we'd probably like a girl first and then a boy.

We have names picked out we think??
hey guys i have a question - I tested yesterday & got a BFN, tested again this morning & wasnt sure if i saw a hint of 'something' but blew it off, anyway today ive had to keep runningto the loo cos I thought AF was here, Ive had cramping off & on & the odd few sharp twinges in bbs, Now as stupid as it is - I checked the test from this morning when I got home from work & it was a faint positive! I dunno what to do, DP wont let me go buy any cos I have some coming in the mail - hopefully tomorrow but Im so freakin anxious!!
Am I getting myself worked up over an evap line? Ive never had one before.
I know the anwser really - 'wait & then test again' - ahh this is driving me nuts! The post doesnt come til after ive gone to work & I wont be home till 4 tomorrow - it gonna be a long wait. God i hope AF doesnt arrive before then

Sorry for babbling - I want to pee on another stick now!!

Oh Dragonfly - sorry about AF, hopfully this time round for you
Mrs-C Good luck for testing on Sat - I hope you get that BFP!!
So ladies.. question time.

Would you like a boy or a girl? How many do you intend to have? Do you have any names picked out?

I would be happy with either but would like a boy so the next one would have a big brother. BUT we have three nieces so I would also be happy for a girl to join the group!

We'd like two, ideally one of each.

We've picked Spencerfor a boy and Caitlin for a girl.

I cant decide - I really want a girl cos you can get pretty girly things & although I dont have a first name I want her middle name to be Rose after my grandmother. But then maybe a boy first because then the whole big brother thing - I was the oldest & always thought it would be cool to have one to look after me & stuff - dunno on names for boys yet except maybe Alexander for middle name after DP cousin who died - they were really close , like brothers.
Oh but I want at least 3 kids - unless I change my mind after having some :)
Hello ladies,

I am looking for TTC buddies and would love to join you. This is the 3rd month of NTNP but the "official" 1st month for us. Yesterday I just started taking Vitex and am also drinking grapefruit juice and taking prenatal. I havent started tracking my Ov but plan to so I am prepared for next cycle if I dont get my :bfp: this cycle. Baby :dust: to you all.
OMG BabyDreamer...that is SOOOOOOOOOOOO exciting! I know we shouldn't get your hopes up, but hey, I'm going to anyway! So I've never experienced an evaporation line either--but it sounds like you thought you saw a line in the "right" timeframe as well, so I have a really good feeling for you!!! I've also heard it is very normal to have cramps just like AF before you get your BFP. Please keep us posted!!!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance:

I also feel a surge of optimism this morning. I am a charter and I got a HUGE dip in my chart this morning. I just about jumped out of bed I was so excited..and it was after my usual 8 good hours of sleep, at the exact same time, at 8 DPO. I am REALLY trying to not get my hopes us that this was an implantation dip, but of course I am a bit. I've never had any dip in ANY chart! I know it could be a fluke, or just a random low temp, but gosh, how cool would it be if it was implantation?!!!!!!!!:dance:

Now I have to try to work, and just feel too excited!

Mrc-C, hoping the :witch: DOES NOT show for you today!!!!!!!!!!
Hello happilytrying! Welcome to our ttc family :flower:

A bit of an update for me girls.

I've just been to my gyno. He gave me a lot of insight, and calmed me down a great deal.

And he suggested that I tool it easy over the summer. Which means, no BBting, no OPKs, no cm observing, nada, nothing, rien.

And I'm planning to follow his advice. This doesn't mean I'll disappear obviously, if for anything else, I love our little group and care a great deal about my girls :hugs:

Also, if anybody wants my fb details, please pm me :winkwink:

I'm not going to get myself a nice pair of sandals (not wedding-related LOL!) and a shirt and pair of shoes for the future groom :winkwink:

Sending loads of love your way

I think that is probably really good advice! My DR game me the same advice in Feb at my annual, but I didn't take it. Oops! I guess I am just too much of a control freak :(

Keep us posted on your wedding festivities!!!!!!!!:happydance:
I think that is probably really good advice! My DR game me the same advice in Feb at my annual, but I didn't take it. Oops! I guess I am just too much of a control freak :(

Keep us posted on your wedding festivities!!!!!!!!:happydance:

Yes! I will! :happydance:

I'm waiting to hearing your news throughout the week, too :flower:
Mrc-C...fingers crossed SOOOO tight for you!!!!!

LoRockera, mine always goes from white (lotiony) to watery, like you describe, to EW. So maybe O is still coming!

As for me, I have A LOT of white, lotiony CM (tmi, I know), which I SWEAR I don't remember from months past...trying not to get my hopes up :)

Thanks! I have had more white lotiony cm this month than before. AF was due either yesterday or today. It's 7pm here and so far, no AF! Twice today I have been sure I've felt her start but nope, nothing but cm!

Fingers crossed this is a sign for us both!
Mrc-C...fingers crossed SOOOO tight for you!!!!!

LoRockera, mine always goes from white (lotiony) to watery, like you describe, to EW. So maybe O is still coming!

As for me, I have A LOT of white, lotiony CM (tmi, I know), which I SWEAR I don't remember from months past...trying not to get my hopes up :)

Thanks! I have had more white lotiony cm this month than before. AF was due either yesterday or today. It's 7pm here and so far, no AF! Twice today I have been sure I've felt her start but nope, nothing but cm!

Fingers crossed this is a sign for us both!

Yay, Mrc-C...I have a really good feeling!!!!!! Fx'd!!!!! Where do you live again? I thought the US, but must not if its 7 pm where you live!

Keep us updated!!!!!!!!! :dust:
Mrc-C...fingers crossed SOOOO tight for you!!!!!

LoRockera, mine always goes from white (lotiony) to watery, like you describe, to EW. So maybe O is still coming!

As for me, I have A LOT of white, lotiony CM (tmi, I know), which I SWEAR I don't remember from months past...trying not to get my hopes up :)

Thanks! I have had more white lotiony cm this month than before. AF was due either yesterday or today. It's 7pm here and so far, no AF! Twice today I have been sure I've felt her start but nope, nothing but cm!

Fingers crossed this is a sign for us both!

Yay, Mrc-C...I have a really good feeling!!!!!! Fx'd!!!!! Where do you live again? I thought the US, but must not if its 7 pm where you live!

Keep us updated!!!!!!!!! :dust:

I'm in the UK, getting ready for England to play their next world cup match in half an hour! I wish I lived in the US. I love it!

I'm going to test for sure in the morning with FMU if she doesn't show. I have also had some cramping. I hope this is it. If not, my body is just plain cruel! She normally arrives mid morning or at least by the afternoon. Not normally in the evening.

I'm still tired, had a headache all day and a desire for sweet things!
Mrc-C...fingers crossed SOOOO tight for you!!!!!

LoRockera, mine always goes from white (lotiony) to watery, like you describe, to EW. So maybe O is still coming!

As for me, I have A LOT of white, lotiony CM (tmi, I know), which I SWEAR I don't remember from months past...trying not to get my hopes up :)

Thanks! I have had more white lotiony cm this month than before. AF was due either yesterday or today. It's 7pm here and so far, no AF! Twice today I have been sure I've felt her start but nope, nothing but cm!

Fingers crossed this is a sign for us both!

Yay, Mrc-C...I have a really good feeling!!!!!! Fx'd!!!!! Where do you live again? I thought the US, but must not if its 7 pm where you live!

Keep us updated!!!!!!!!! :dust:

I'm in the UK, getting ready for England to play their next world cup match in half an hour! I wish I lived in the US. I love it!

I'm going to test for sure in the morning with FMU if she doesn't show. I have also had some cramping. I hope this is it. If not, my body is just plain cruel! She normally arrives mid morning or at least by the afternoon. Not normally in the evening.

I'm still tired, had a headache all day and a desire for sweet things!

We have been watching the world cup as well, it has been great! Wow, this really might just be your month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:
Mrc-C...fingers crossed SOOOO tight for you!!!!!

LoRockera, mine always goes from white (lotiony) to watery, like you describe, to EW. So maybe O is still coming!

As for me, I have A LOT of white, lotiony CM (tmi, I know), which I SWEAR I don't remember from months past...trying not to get my hopes up :)

Thanks! I have had more white lotiony cm this month than before. AF was due either yesterday or today. It's 7pm here and so far, no AF! Twice today I have been sure I've felt her start but nope, nothing but cm!

Fingers crossed this is a sign for us both!

Yay, Mrc-C...I have a really good feeling!!!!!! Fx'd!!!!! Where do you live again? I thought the US, but must not if its 7 pm where you live!

Keep us updated!!!!!!!!! :dust:

I'm in the UK, getting ready for England to play their next world cup match in half an hour! I wish I lived in the US. I love it!

I'm going to test for sure in the morning with FMU if she doesn't show. I have also had some cramping. I hope this is it. If not, my body is just plain cruel! She normally arrives mid morning or at least by the afternoon. Not normally in the evening.

I'm still tired, had a headache all day and a desire for sweet things!

We have been watching the world cup as well, it has been great! Wow, this really might just be your month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:

I hope so!! I want us all to go through together and be bump buddies!
How fun would that be?! Well, if you get your BFP, you can cheer the rest of us on and hold spots for us in 1st tri:)
How fun would that be?! Well, if you get your BFP, you can cheer the rest of us on and hold spots for us in 1st tri:)

I'd love to! I was feeling positive earlier but that's kind of gone now, I just don't feel like this is it.
Hi all...I have decided to take a bit of a break from the forum. Anxiety and nerves about starting TTC have hit and the forum is working against me. I'm still going to check in and still plan to journal, but I have to watch my anxiety and I think I'm doing too much thinking about TTC and that is going to work against me even more in the end I'm afraid. So--I wish to you all the best of luck and I will check in with the group weekly to see all of your BFPs and to share as my experiences occur. I just can't do daily right now. Lots of luck to you all! :)

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