Need a TTC buddy

Thanks, hon.

Well, I did try to use it as a preg test on my last cycle, during my 2WW, and then there was no line at all... I'll keep testing for five more days just in case I ovulate later than I thought... Or perhaps I just missed the surge? :nope:

I'm curious to see how my temp comes out anyhow.
Dragonfly, when are you going to test again?! You have a lot of willpower! QUOTE]

Believe me, I am going absolutely insaaaannnneeee!!! Truely, I'm just afraid of that bfn. me and the dh are going camping this weekend, so if nothing by then i will test on sunday, when we get home. Only problem then is it won't be FMU. Maybe I'll bring the test with, only problem with that is his parents are coming with us, so that may be awkward as I don't think i want to share that moment with them whether it me + or -. Maybe I'll test on Friaday before we leave as we both have off work. See what I mean, I am going nuts. not sure when to test, not sure how long to wait. Just know that I am going insane.
By the way that is hilarious about the handstand, sound like something I would do:haha:

LaRockera, I don't really know anything about opk's but it does sure does sound confusing, as MinneGirl said, try not to stress to much and enjoy the time leading up to your wedding. How absolutely exciting, only two 1/2 weeks until you get married, it will go by fast, as I'm sure you have alot to do. Have a great trip tomorrow, and keep us posted.:winkwink:

Thanks, hon :flower:
Dragonfly, when are you going to test again?! You have a lot of willpower! QUOTE]

Believe me, I am going absolutely insaaaannnneeee!!! Truely, I'm just afraid of that bfn. me and the dh are going camping this weekend, so if nothing by then i will test on sunday, when we get home. Only problem then is it won't be FMU. Maybe I'll bring the test with, only problem with that is his parents are coming with us, so that may be awkward as I don't think i want to share that moment with them whether it me + or -. Maybe I'll test on Friaday before we leave as we both have off work. See what I mean, I am going nuts. not sure when to test, not sure how long to wait. Just know that I am going insane.
By the way that is hilarious about the handstand, sound like something I would do:haha:

LaRockera, I don't really know anything about opk's but it does sure does sound confusing, as MinneGirl said, try not to stress to much and enjoy the time leading up to your wedding. How absolutely exciting, only two 1/2 weeks until you get married, it will go by fast, as I'm sure you have alot to do. Have a great trip tomorrow, and keep us posted.:winkwink:

Haha, I bet you are going insane!!!! Testing is tough, as I said last week, I don't test anymore, but then again, my body is like clockwork and so predictable, so there is really no need..AF is always right on time. The first couple of months though, I would POAS like 6 times in one day! :dohh: But if you think it will ruin your camping trip if its negative, I would suggest waiting until you get home. Just my opinion, as it were me, I would feel a little depressed on my weekend trip--which should be VERY fun for you!:happydance:
Thanks, hon.

Well, I did try to use it as a preg test on my last cycle, during my 2WW, and then there was no line at all... I'll keep testing for five more days just in case I ovulate later than I thought... Or perhaps I just missed the surge? :nope:

I'm curious to see how my temp comes out anyhow.

IF you don't get your :bfp: this cycle, here is what I recommend: Get the OPK's that are digitial...that way, they know what is considered a surge, rather than you interpreting. Second, try using them twice a day next month. I usually test at 10am and again around 4 or 5 pm. Sometimes the surge only last for 12 hours!

Good luck getting to Greece and keep us posted on wedding festivities! How exciting!!!!!!!!!

Thanks, hon.

Well, I did try to use it as a preg test on my last cycle, during my 2WW, and then there was no line at all... I'll keep testing for five more days just in case I ovulate later than I thought... Or perhaps I just missed the surge? :nope:

I'm curious to see how my temp comes out anyhow.

IF you don't get your :bfp: this cycle, here is what I recommend: Get the OPK's that are digitial...that way, they know what is considered a surge, rather than you interpreting. Second, try using them twice a day next month. I usually test at 10am and again around 4 or 5 pm. Sometimes the surge only last for 12 hours!

Good luck getting to Greece and keep us posted on wedding festivities! How exciting!!!!!!!!!


Thank you mibabe, this is exactly what I'm going to do! :flower:

Thank you also for your lovely wishes, it's funny, isn't it guys, we've only known each other for a while but I kind of feel you like some special kind of best friends! :hugs:

To those of you waiting results any day now, I wish you get your :bfp:
Well ladies I'm out for this month:cry: the :witch: has shown. I'm upset, but just really happy that i'm no longer in limbo and can start again. I think that's the worst part about all this, is the damn tww. It just proves how crazy you can make yourself:haha: Well, I'm just glad it came, and I'm not sitting here wondering anymore. I sure do hope someone comes through with a :bfp: from out group soon. FX everyone gets their :bfp: this cycle.
Well, dragonfly, I'm taking bets I'll be joining you at the end of the month :friends: No sign of ewcm this month, temp's all over the place and upcoming circumstances won't help me accurately chart either :nope: Plus, we only BD'ed twice, clueless as to when I'd ov. So chances are against me.

Please don't be sad :hugs: If it's not this cycle, it'll be the next, or the one after.

Love ya lots xxx
Well, dragonfly, I'm taking bets I'll be joining you at the end of the month :friends: No sign of ewcm this month, temp's all over the place and upcoming circumstances won't help me accurately chart either :nope: Plus, we only BD'ed twice, clueless as to when I'd ov. So chances are against me.

Please don't be sad :hugs: If it's not this cycle, it'll be the next, or the one after.

Love ya lots xxx

Thanks, it means alot. I don't think you should count yourself out just yet, you may have bd'ed at just the right time:flower:
Awww, sorry Dragonfly!!! We'll get you all set-up for this cycle so you can catch that egg. I know the feeling, so if you need to chat, feel free to PM me. I always have a glass of red wine (my favorite) the day the witch gets me, and my DH and I get some sushi. So find something to cheer yourself up with, whatever that is:)
Awww, sorry Dragonfly!!! We'll get you all set-up for this cycle so you can catch that egg. I know the feeling, so if you need to chat, feel free to PM me. I always have a glass of red wine (my favorite) the day the witch gets me, and my DH and I get some sushi. So find something to cheer yourself up with, whatever that is:)

Thanks, I really appreciate it. I think I will take your advise and treat myself to something out of the ordinary, I haven't figured out what, but I will think of something :flower:
Well ladies I'm out for this month:cry: the :witch: has shown. I'm upset, but just really happy that i'm no longer in limbo and can start again. I think that's the worst part about all this, is the damn tww. It just proves how crazy you can make yourself:haha: Well, I'm just glad it came, and I'm not sitting here wondering anymore. I sure do hope someone comes through with a :bfp: from out group soon. FX everyone gets their :bfp: this cycle.

:hugs: Fingers crossed for next month!

LaRockera - not long till the wedding! You excited?
Well ladies I'm out for this month:cry: the :witch: has shown. I'm upset, but just really happy that i'm no longer in limbo and can start again. I think that's the worst part about all this, is the damn tww. It just proves how crazy you can make yourself:haha: Well, I'm just glad it came, and I'm not sitting here wondering anymore. I sure do hope someone comes through with a :bfp: from out group soon. FX everyone gets their :bfp: this cycle.

:hugs: Fingers crossed for next month!

LaRockera - not long till the wedding! You excited?

Yes! :happydance::happydance::happydance: Yes yes yes!

Thank you :flower:

Will spend all day in airports tomorrow but will be back soon, I can't survive without an internet connection anyway :comp:

I hope next time I check there'll be some good news in the team.

fx :hugs:
:hugs::hugs::hugs: sorry to hear AF got you dragonfly--chin up and onward to next month! Fx'd for you this next cycle! I hope you found something fun to treat yourself to today. Best wishes.
Hi Girls!
LaRockera, you must be on your way to Greece. Wooo-hooo!:happydance:

Dragonfly, hope you found something special to treat yourself to:)

BabyDreamer, how are you? Haven't heard from you in a few days.

Membas, with this being your first cycle TTC, are you trying OPK's or charting or anything? I would highly recommend!

I'm not feeling any different than usual, so not feeling very confident for this month. Although I was reading an article yesterday that said it is impossible to feel any pregnancy symptoms prior to implanatation, as your body doesn't even know you are pregnant. Therefore prior to DPO 7,8,9 or 10, whenever implantation takes place, everything is in your head:) SO...I guess I wouldn't feel any different at this point! So I will for sure start symptom spotting now! I check my knickers every time I go to the ladies room..hoping to see a drop of blood (the infamous implantation spotting). FX'd:)
Well, I've been charting for the last 6+ months--2 of those months I still had my BC (mirena) in, and the last 4 months since we removed the BC. I've got a very regular cycle, so i pretty well know ovulation comes around day 15/16. But I will continue to temp and chart. Last month for grins I decided to do my first OPK. I got my smiley face on day 14 and O'd on day 15. I did not test on Day 13 (forgot) but got OPK negs on Day 12. So--have some OPKs leftover, I may test this month...

I haven't decided--I feel like I'm getting too worked up over this month and I need to chill. Talked to SO last night and part of me is just wanting to relax about it and not be so caught up in the planning. I think it's stressing me out, and I may try to limit my tme on here to once a day as well...since that doesn't help keep my mind off things :) I love this board, but I need to work on some other things and keep my mind in another direction. We'll see how that works out :)

For now, planning on continuing to temp, otherwise just plan to dtd when we want to, but I always want lots of it around my O, so that won't be a problem...we'll just go with my natural cues too...
Well ladies I'm out for this month:cry: the :witch: has shown. I'm upset, but just really happy that i'm no longer in limbo and can start again. I think that's the worst part about all this, is the damn tww. It just proves how crazy you can make yourself:haha: Well, I'm just glad it came, and I'm not sitting here wondering anymore. I sure do hope someone comes through with a :bfp: from out group soon. FX everyone gets their :bfp: this cycle.

:hugs: Fingers crossed for next month!

LaRockera - not long till the wedding! You excited?

Yes! :happydance::happydance::happydance: Yes yes yes!

Thank you :flower:

Will spend all day in airports tomorrow but will be back soon, I can't survive without an internet connection anyway :comp:

I hope next time I check there'll be some good news in the team.

fx :hugs:

Hope you have/are having/had a good flight! Hoping to have good news for you!

Hi Girls!
LaRockera, you must be on your way to Greece. Wooo-hooo!:happydance:

Dragonfly, hope you found something special to treat yourself to:)

BabyDreamer, how are you? Haven't heard from you in a few days.

Membas, with this being your first cycle TTC, are you trying OPK's or charting or anything? I would highly recommend!

I'm not feeling any different than usual, so not feeling very confident for this month. Although I was reading an article yesterday that said it is impossible to feel any pregnancy symptoms prior to implanatation, as your body doesn't even know you are pregnant. Therefore prior to DPO 7,8,9 or 10, whenever implantation takes place, everything is in your head:) SO...I guess I wouldn't feel any different at this point! So I will for sure start symptom spotting now! I check my knickers every time I go to the ladies room..hoping to see a drop of blood (the infamous implantation spotting). FX'd:)

That's good to know! Not worth obsessing until then!

OH, and Mrc-C, are you testing tomorrow still???!!! :)

I'm going to wait until Sat am with FMU if she doesn't show before then. My cyles were 28 days long but the last two have been 29. Not sure if they were late or just my new cycle length. Today is day 28 and so far, nothing. Still got cm, which I suppose is slightly more yellow than white (sorry, TMI). If she shows tomorrow I will assume that my cycles are now 29 days and move on.

Sunday is fathers day so will be a nice present for DH if we have a :bfp: Not going to get my hopes up though.
So ladies.. question time.

Would you like a boy or a girl? How many do you intend to have? Do you have any names picked out?

I would be happy with either but would like a boy so the next one would have a big brother. BUT we have three nieces so I would also be happy for a girl to join the group!

We'd like two, ideally one of each.

We've picked Spencerfor a boy and Caitlin for a girl.
Oh. My. Goodness.

After 12 hours on the road (half of them inside the :plane: actually) I landed on a boiling, 35 Celsius, humid country.

I am HOT. Hot hot hot hot hot :shock::shock::shock:

But then my parents had dinner ready for us, and we unpacked and we talked about the :wedding:, and it feels sooo nice to be pampered like this :laugh2:

And of course... surprise surprise... my cm decided to change, and become somewhat watery today :hissy: I had to go to the airport boots and get pantyliners and wipes and whatever :growlmad: the stuff on my panties was yellowish (tmi, I know :blush:) and ... this is going to sound really gross... kind of... well... silicony in texture and shape at times... so I have no clue as to what's going on with my body :shrug: Temp still at 36.57, although I had to take it four and a half hours earlier than usual, and no time or place for an OPK today either... I'll temp again tomorrow, but with the change of climate and the journey I highly doubt it'll be an accurate reading :nope:

Anyway, I'm going to consult my gyno. I hardly think of any :bfp:s for this month, but at least I'd like some answers from an expert as to how my body works, to give me peace of mind :winkwink:

Sending you regards from Greece :hi:

Mrs-C... bring us some good news soon, will ya? :kiss:
Oh. My. Goodness.

After 12 hours on the road (half of them inside the :plane: actually) I landed on a boiling, 35 Celsius, humid country.

I am HOT. Hot hot hot hot hot :shock::shock::shock:

But then my parents had dinner ready for us, and we unpacked and we talked about the :wedding:, and it feels sooo nice to be pampered like this :laugh2:

And of course... surprise surprise... my cm decided to change, and become somewhat watery today :hissy: I had to go to the airport boots and get pantyliners and wipes and whatever :growlmad: the stuff on my panties was yellowish (tmi, I know :blush:) and ... this is going to sound really gross... kind of... well... silicony in texture and shape at times... so I have no clue as to what's going on with my body :shrug: Temp still at 36.57, although I had to take it four and a half hours earlier than usual, and no time or place for an OPK today either... I'll temp again tomorrow, but with the change of climate and the journey I highly doubt it'll be an accurate reading :nope:

Anyway, I'm going to consult my gyno. I hardly think of any :bfp:s for this month, but at least I'd like some answers from an expert as to how my body works, to give me peace of mind :winkwink:

Sending you regards from Greece :hi:

Mrs-C... bring us some good news soon, will ya? :kiss:

I've heard yellowy CM is good! Enjoy the heat and build up to the wedding day. I'm looking forward to hearing all about it!

I'm feeling quite sick now, I'm hoping it's a good thing and not AF on her way.

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