Hahah I joined that before I saw Cedars posts and fell about laughing
BD and Sequeena - Yes but I WAS just trying to be helpful at first.... I posted a link I had previously posted in the waiting to try section. Then went back a while later and saw I had been shouted at - so tried to defend myself but it just got worse. Btw it was not a big girl thread when I posted at first this girl had just posted a question Re ttc and being overweight.
Meh - so now I am an evil troll. It does bother me people are twisting what I said and even saying things I did not say to gain momentum - grrr - it is like Jerry Springer.
Thats how I did meet Palestrina btw on that thread - so something good did come of it.
Ah girls I did not test. But feel V- wet - either I am preg or AF is on its way. Sorry am just a chicken - don't want to know so I can still hope