Need advice asap! Freaking out.....


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2012
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Hi ladies, im looking for some advice/reassurance please.

My lo is 6 1/2 weeks old and for the first month i exclusively bf her and expressed for bottles at night time.

I read a leaflet given to me from the hv about contraception and it said if you bf it is a reliable contraception method. even if you dont bf then you should start using contraception 3 weeks after birth.

Me and my husband dtd about 3weeks after birth twice, when i was still breastfeeding. we dtd a few days ago using protection when i am no longer bf.

i went to get my depo injection today for the first time and iv never had it before so i had my urine checked. it came up with a positive.. a faint line but still very easily seen!

is this even possible??? could it be hormones playing havoc with the test as my lo is so young?? the lady wouldnt give me the depo incase i am pregnant but i just dont see how its possible.....i was still bleeding a little when we dtd at 3 weeks.... the leaflet lied to me!!! :wacko:
Ummm yes ... Bfing is not a reliable form of contraception... I can't believe they lead u to believe this ....

It may be residual hormone left over but I wouldn't think it would take three weeks tho....

You will just have to wait and see.

There is an NHS leaflet that says bf is effective contraception???

It's total rubbish I have two friends that got pregnant while ebf.

I thought this myth was dispelled years ago?

I'd say congratulations are in order!
About an hour after giving birth, when I was breast feeding for the first time, the midwife came up to me and said "remember that unless you want to see me again in 9 months time you must use a contraceptive as soon as you feel up to sex again". The leaflet I was given actually said we are extremely fertile following birth and never to use BFing as a contraceptive as it doesn't work.

It may be left over hormone hon but you should go see your GP. Take that leaflet with you and tell them what the HV said - they both need correcting straight away before they misinform other women - heck even the NHS website says BFing is not an effective method of contraception!
Im no expert on this but I had my midwife tell me at 10days pp I could get pregnant anytime from 2/3 weeks postpartum. This might be cos I combi feed though:shrug:
The NHS need to get their acts right and stop giving conflicting information.
wow I can't believe they told you that :wacko: I mean I know it used to be common to say like maybe 20-30 years ago. But that didn't mean it was true. I know a lot of people who got preg bfing.
You are extremely fertile post birth. You are less likely to concieve if breastfeeding compared to formula feeding but it's not an 100% effective form of contraception by any means.

It sounds to me like you could well be pregnant. I would book an appointment with a doctor and have blood taken to find out for sure.
You are less likely fall pregnant BF...although I was still BF Willow when i got pregnant with Fox.

For it to be most reliable you need to be EBF with no formula/food and even expressing. Apparently the feed between 1-3am is the best protection so if you missed that then it could partly explain why you got pregnant so quickly.
I was talking to a midwife who knows of people getting pregnant straight after giving birth and having 9 months between children. Yes they dtd in hospital.
i need to find that sodding leaflet!!! thing is hubby was reading it to me a few days after birth and i said to him stop making crap up as i thought bf also was not a reliable contraception but he showed it to me and it said as long as your are bf and even if not then sex before 21 days post birth without contraception is fine. honestly im not a stupid person, im a nurse ffs i cant believe a leaflet would say was nhs written as well!!! the nurse said to come back in two weeks for the injection but she has also given me a pregnancy test but im scared to test.....i cant have three under three! i wasnt planning number three until a few years down the line and i honestly trusted tht leaflet. feeling really really stupid now! :(
I was talking to a midwife who knows of people getting pregnant straight after giving birth and having 9 months between children. Yes they dtd in hospital.

jeez!! we wernt that tht is keen x
Sounds like your pregnant!! ... I was always told you are highly fertile after giving birth? x
i need to find that sodding leaflet!!! thing is hubby was reading it to me a few days after birth and i said to him stop making crap up as i thought bf also was not a reliable contraception but he showed it to me and it said as long as your are bf and even if not then sex before 21 days post birth without contraception is fine. honestly im not a stupid person, im a nurse ffs i cant believe a leaflet would say was nhs written as well!!! the nurse said to come back in two weeks for the injection but she has also given me a pregnancy test but im scared to test.....i cant have three under three! i wasnt planning number three until a few years down the line and i honestly trusted tht leaflet. feeling really really stupid now! :(

The 21 days rings a bell. I can't remember what though. I'll see if I can find my leaflets. They might be in the bin now though...

this says the same thing, so hw can i have a positive test? we dtd before 21 days had passed x
It doesn't say that you WON'T get pregnant while breastfeeding, it's saying it's LESS likely. Meaning there's still a chance. Especially so soon after giving birth. Sounds like you may be! It's scary I'm sure but, congratulations :hugs:

Also, I read it again and it said you NEED contraception before 21 days has passed
That's crazy that they've told you that.
The nhs choices says "you can get pregnant as soon as three weeks after delivery"
so have i just totally misunderstood it then?? i cant even remember the exact date we dtd but it was def before three weeks had passed. i guess i will just need to test again. she tested today and there was a faint line. when should i test again??

my husband said if i am then we will just have to deal with it. infact he said it would be a miracle baby as we both were under the impression u couldnt with the bfeeding...thts not quite my thoughts on it lol x
I don't know I could have been reading it wrong as well now that I'm reading it again :dohh:

"You will need contraception from 21 days after your baby is born"

Why is this phrase confusing me so much? I can see why it can be misleading lol

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