That was quite the drop this morning.. I found this biology website that talks about why the temp drops when you ovulate.. and just as mens balls will fluctuate to keep the sperm at the right temperature, womens body temperature drops to facilitate keeping the sperm alive as well.. Kind of neat actually !
I really think today might end up being your O day. Last month your temp dropped to 96.8 on your O day, and today it dropped to 96.9, so it is very similar. Good luck!!!
yes, very similar.. and day 22, wow, maybe I will become a late O'er and need to change my timing with my SO!!
I figured since I got 2 ++ opk's on day 13-14 that was just it.. then nothing ever happened..
Seems like my body constantly wants to change things up.. haha!! guess I will have to try to be smarter than it!
Oh and more than anything, thanks for the apology.. means a lot to me.. I hope you get to feeling betters.. HUGS!!
you do? I plugged in 3 more higher temps and it still wouldn't commit to a coverline.. What do you think the possibility is that I O'd earlier like day 14, but had progesterone failure, and my temps couldn't stay up.. I have had low progesterone in the past.. BUT
Its probably more likely that my pee just makes things have lines, and I ovulated yesterday like you said.. WHO knows!! hahaha!!
here is a pic of the answer from the other day which I wondered if it had a line, and todays wondfo.. Anyone want to tweak please twsp??
think its just the antibody strip.. and it might be I ovulated today as babers said.. who knows..
I wonder if having a vag infection can cause Ovul to be late?? I had one for the first time in my life this cycle. added my tweaks, but would really like to see yours!! thanks
Hey there! I did a little tweaky tweaky for ya. I'm not familiar with Wondfo tests, the pink line that is prominent seems a little close to the edge on that test, is that where it usually is or where it collects after developing?
yes but the line/shadow I was talking about is more to the right of there, like thicker..
Dmom, I didn't know either, seems a bit hmm at this point.. We shall see what the next few days bring!!
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