New and looking for encouragement

Ok yeah I'm not sure why it's turned lol. Maybe I should take a pic of it turned and see if it does right haha. He's a German Shepard. He's lole 4 months old. Also have a chihuahua who is a little over a year old. She's my lovey girl <3

That's awesome that the shot is almost out of your system! I read it usually takes 5-10 days I believe. That's why it's good to test your shot out :-) I am gearing up to be disappointed with these tests honestly. I was so sure in the beginning but no I'm guessing it.

Today I've had some cramps tonight but I've had at a minimum light ones since cd8 anyways so I'm starting to think that's nothing new. Almost on the bottom of my cervix gets a tight twinge at night kind of but I'm starting to think that AF might just be gearing up too. I realllllly don't want to be disappointed so I'll just prepare for the worst so I won't be shocked. How are you feeling about this cycle? I just think that I would be feeling something by now even though I know most of the time that's not the case.
What a cute combo- German Shepard and chihuahua!

Last night we found out that yet another friend of ours is expecting- it's getting hard for me to stay positive and hopeful. I'm happy for them of course, but it feels like everyone we know is either getting pregnant by accident or getting pregnant on the first try.

I had a cramping yesterday too, but it made me worried since I normally have cramping at this time.

I try to make a plan of things to do when my period arrives that I couldn't do if I was pregnant. In my case, I'll have a whole month this time since we are taking a month off. So I have appointments booked already for massage, pedicure.. I'll be taking lots of epsom salt baths, taking saunas, eating sushi, drinking wine haha etc.

This has all been getting to me lately. I felt strong and positive for so long but now it's getting tougher :-/

What do you do to stay sane through all this??&#10084;&#65039;
Luckily for me everyone I'm
Close to is either done having kids, is in the same boat as me or is single lol. I honestly don't havg out with a lot of people because I have trust issues with people :/

I stay sane I guess because this is my first month ever having a good chance because my body just doesn't work right if not. So I'm still very hopeful I guess (which I'm praying doesn't come back and bite me in the rear). If it's not this month then I will just be excited to start another month I guess. I still drink wine though because last month I changed so much stuff and it didn't help me at all. So this month I decided I'm just going to do what I normally do and it has seemed to help. I really do think about it all the time though. I was temped to test this morning because I had a dream it was a BFP but it's only a 15% chance right now so I didnt.

I'm sorry you're having trouble right now. I kind of feel bad that I asked you to test so early now. I don't want you to be sad if you test too early and it doesn't show up. I've read that people find that hard. I know I have to test on wed though because the wait is killing me lol! I am preparing myself for a BFN more and more everyday. I can't be sad that I only tried it one month though. I think it makes it worse that you read of all these people having symptoms at 3dpo and I feel nothing. I read a lot about that last night and it turns out that is waaaaaay uncommon. I am always here if you need to talk. I could talk about thos all day. It makes me feel better and help the time pass :-)
Thank you, Brandy :)
Your picture is right side up now!

I feel better- I went to yoga and it was perfect. I think I'm extra emotional from the hcg shot too. Our time will come (maybe this month still?????!!!)

Good, I'm glad you are feeling so strong and positive! And you're right, the fact that you ovulated this month and things are getting regulated is a perfect sign that your body is getting ready!! <3 Hey, I think the BFP dream is a really good sign too. Every month I've been having dreams before my period comes that I get my period. And last month was the first time I had dreams about it being positive. Even though it wasn't positive last month, I took it as a sign that my body is feeling ready for it happening sometime in the future :)

Nah, I think I should test before we go just to check to see if I should avoid a few drinks or not. I'll need a reality check ;-) The people we are going to hang out with on the trip are the people we just found our are expecting lol. Happy for them, but I'll need to be mentally prepared to get my mind off everything while we're gone.

Happy superbowl day!
I'm glad you're feeling a little better! I have always wanted to try yoga.

I am just so anxious I can barely stand it lol!! I have read mixed reviews now on 10dpo but for the average person it seems like it's 10dpo or around 13dpo. If we get negatives tomorrow I have to test Saturday because if it's BFN I'm drinking haha. After all this we deserve some drinks for sure!

How are you feeling about what you're going to be? I keep thinking that it's going to be BFP (depending on what time of the day you ask me lol) but then I keep imagining when I take it that it's going to be BFN. I really don't know anymore what I think it's going to be. Like you said though no signs is usually a better sign than not. The next few days are going to drag I know that. I was fine until I had that dream and then woke up wanting to test :-/

Today I have a bad headache :-/ and since I left work I keep getting quick stabbing pains in my uterus that come and go. Of course I HOPE this is a good sign!!!! But, I have had it before during other 2wws. It feels too good to be true to hope too much this cycle. I'm trying to stay calm and balanced and not get too stressed about it. It sure is hard though.

How are you feeling??<3
Yeah I would take that as a good sign because at least something's going on.

I honestly still don't feel a thing. Starting to prepare myself for a BFN and just be pleasantly surprised if it's a BFP. The hardest part to wrap my head around would be how could we not be lol. I mean our follicles were good, we knew exactly when O was and we bd at the right time! How could we not be? Lol that's what's going to be hard to get through my head.
I know :| That's what Ive been thinking for 11 months lol. I guess there is only a 20% chance or so for pregnancy each cycle even with everything perfect. I think it's a lot of luck as to how long it takes. :)

Well, I tested this morning to see the state of the HCG. It was a super light positive, much lighter than when I tested the other day. So, it must be just about out of my system. I'm thinking I'm out for the month (just feels like it for some reason) and I'm already mentally on 'break' mode since next cycle is our month off.

I really hope yours is a positive!! If not, we are just getting stronger and healthier for the next try. <3

How are you feeling?
Hey! To be honest I tested today because I could take it anymore and BFN. I was soooo sad I started crying to a county song on my way to get my hair done. I am NOT a cryer. Just sad earlier but my hairdresser gave me a hand and face massage because I think she felt bad lol.

Buuuut I got home and tonight DH messed with my boobs and now nipples were going crazy! They are sooo sensitive and hard (sorry TMI) for the rest of the night. My boobs are a little sore but like the inside part (by the cleavage). I always thought they would hurt on the outside? Had a few baby cramps today but my stomach is tore up so that might be why. Also the nipple and boob thing might just be from Af coming? The hard part is idk because I've had AF but not from an ovulating cycle so I'm not sure if that makes a difference or not. But it makes me feel better for tonight lol.

I did hear it's like 20%-30% for each egg. Which makes me think that we would have a 40%-60% because we both had two eggs ;-) but I'm sure that's just wishful thinking lol. The weird part is that I keep getting twinges on my right side. It's soooo weird because I only released both eggs from my left? Soooo weird.

I did hear that the shot should be out of your system by 12 days. I can't believe we are on 10dpo tomorrow! I was also thinking that I might implant late even if I do get BFPS this month because it seems like my body is always behind everyone else's. Like my cycles were 35 days, I didn't O until cd 18/19. Stuff like that. I don't know if that would make a difference though.

Sorry this is so long! Been waiting for you to write me back because I've had all this going on in my head today haha. You all ready for your awesome trip? I'm going to be bored not talking to you everyday lol. But I hope you have a great relaxing time! You def deserve it girl! You guys have anything fun planned?
Hey Brandy- I'm sorry about the test and tears :-( It's not easy.

9 dpo is still super early so you are definitely still in the game. All the feelings you have could very well be early pregnancy symptoms or they could be signs that af is on the way- that's what is so unnerving about all this, is that the signs can be exactly the same!

That's awesome you got special treatment though with the massages! Soak that up! ;-)

I never thought about the multiple egg scenario but you're probably right- that's the whole point of hyperovulation I guess! :D

You could implant late, that's true. I think average is 6-12dpo. Then you'd have to wait 2 days after that to get a positive test.

Yes, I am so excited to get out of town!! Especially for a break from work :) We won't have internet or phone service very much so I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and look forward to an update next week when we get back! <3

I feel very sure that this cycle will not be a positive for me, I had af type cramps all day today which I've been getting around this time each month lately. But, I randomly threw up an hour ago- it was super sudden and weird. I can't let that fool me though because there were other months around this time that I was randomly super nauseated although I didn't actually throw up. I feel good though and positive about it. I feel like the time will come when it's right (hopefully I can keep that optimism going!)

Your birthday is tomorrow, right? I hope you have an awesome birthday!!!!! <3<3<3<3
Thank you! Yes I'm now 30 years old haha! I can't wait to get out of town just for the night haha! You guys doing anything fun? We're just going to the casino and saying the night with some friends.

Yeah I have no idea with the symptoms. Either way Im in a better mood after getting some sort of feeling haha. That's crazy you threw up!! I have had heartburn the last two days and it sucks! Even green tea gives me heartburn lol.

I really hope that at least one of us gets a BFP. I have an app with my FS Thursday to discuss injectables if femara doesn't work after next cycle. We will see how all that goes haha.

I kept thinking I was out but for some reason I have some sort of hope now. I have no idea why. I have cramping in almost my right overy. I don't know if that's a sign. This is my first cycle ever having anything like this so I'm just so confused. I would rather just know if it's a BFN and move on to my next cycle lol. The suspense really does kill me more than anything else :-/ Do you have anything out of the ordinary going on? Any twinges, sore bbs or anything that you normally don't have. Maybe you will implant a little late. I read that it can take up to 12 days and were only at 10 so it might not have even made it there yet?

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