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NEW August Testers

I am due for af on August 30th so I will be testing on August 31!
Congrats, girls!!

hope&faith-- I'm 3 days away from af, too...and, unfortunately, I think she's headed this way. Funny, earlier, I was having pains in my left bb, and thought, "wow, I've never felt this before," then realized it was the underwire on my bra digging in because I've been pigging out lately and have evidently put on some weight!! :dohh: Nice. Just what I need, impending AF with a side of extra fat to lift my spirits!! :wacko:

xx Chris
Congrats, girls!!

hope&faith-- I'm 3 days away from af, too...and, unfortunately, I think she's headed this way. Funny, earlier, I was having pains in my left bb, and thought, "wow, I've never felt this before," then realized it was the underwire on my bra digging in because I've been pigging out lately and have evidently put on some weight!! :dohh: Nice. Just what I need, impending AF with a side of extra fat to lift my spirits!! :wacko:

xx Chris

Hahahaha! I too have done some pigging out lately...the extra side of fat is especially funny! :haha:
I need to be moved from the 18th to the 20th for testing, O'd later this month. Thanks!
Hi! Can you please add me to August 30th? Thanks! xx
can you put me down for the 11th or 12th of august please... it was due yesterday but still only spotting which isn't normal for me so i plan on testing when i can get to the store and pick one up on Monday..
Congrats, girls!!

hope&faith-- I'm 3 days away from af, too...and, unfortunately, I think she's headed this way. Funny, earlier, I was having pains in my left bb, and thought, "wow, I've never felt this before," then realized it was the underwire on my bra digging in because I've been pigging out lately and have evidently put on some weight!! :dohh: Nice. Just what I need, impending AF with a side of extra fat to lift my spirits!! :wacko:

xx Chris

Hahahaha! I too have done some pigging out lately...the extra side of fat is especially funny! :haha:

Haha! Thanks, Mama. I ate a whole bag (plus 20oz MORE FREE!!) of Jalapeno Cheetos in about 36 hours!! Pretty much by myself!! :blush: It's like I can't get full to save my life this past few days. At this point, I just really wish af would get here so I can tap the breaks on the Greek orgy (pretty sure this is the gluttonous food one...not the random sex thing!)!! Uggh!!!

xx Chris
I just polished off the rest of a tub of Penut Butter and Chocolate Ice Cream from Baskin Robbins that I made a point to drive an hour and a half to buy! We dont have a Baskin Robbins in my town anymore and its the saddest thing! haha! I cant sleep to save my life...maybe its cause I am about to explode from dairy, this must be how Bessie the cow feels! haha!!:haha:
@katstar glad the bean's still hanging in there after all that panic, FXd for it all to go smoothly!

Oh, and contrary to my siggie - Jasmine can you change my test date to the 17th please? We're going away so I'll be testing 'early' (well, CD31, just earlier than FF would like).
Hey guys im 1 dpo today so my af is due 23/8 could you change to test on this day pls ta muchly :)

I got my :bfp: this morning. I'm over the moon :happydance:
Congrats ladies on all the BFP's! :happydance:

:witch: got me today.......I hate her.
congrats on all the BFP's!! I am so not holding out till thursday like, its too far away. I'm going to super naughty and test tomorrow, i need to POAS sooooo badly!! Had cramps for 2 days now and sides of my boobs are sore. I'm actually quite confident i am preggers :) (hope i didn't jinx it by saying that lol) xx
Stupid witch got me 7 days early not sure what is going on as she is never early but sometimes late. Which sucks because i guess my LP this month was only 6 days. So bummed.
Could you take me off August 31st? I am going to push my testing back a few days later which will bump me into September!
Can you change me to 25th for testing? OPK that I did today says I'm ovulating now so need to push testing back.

Good luck everyone..........:dust::dust:

Thanks :thumbup:

Goodness what a busy couple of days on here!!

All updated now

Huge CONGRATULATIONS to all those :bfp:s - wishing you all a H&H 9 months!

:hugs: to all those the :witch: caught

and lots of :dust: to those still to test - still plenty room for lots more :bfp:s!!

Blimey....all gone crazy in here hasn't it??

I am still waiting for positive OPK here......it's almost as dark today sooooo maybe full blown positive tomorrow?? DTD friday afternoon and this morning...worn poor lad out!! Hopefully monday night if I'm lucky tooo.:blush:

So cannot wait to test!!!

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