new baby/problems latching


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2013
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My baby is 6 days old. BF has been a struggle as far as latching on. Sometimes he does great, other times he won't open big enough for a good latch and will only suck on my nipple. Its getting painful at times to feed him. He does his best if we are lying down in bed naked. If I have a shirt on, he has clothes on, is swaddled, or if I am sitting- its like he forgets how to latch on and won't feed. I keep trying to feed other ways but eventually I give in because I know he is hungry and I know I can get him to eat in bed, naked. I know they love the skin to skin contact, and so do I, but he has to learn to eat with clothes on with me sitting up. He also isn't a good burper. Suggestions?
I am new to breastfeeding as well, but I found that I had to really pinch up, sandwich my nipple in my hand before trying to get him to latch on. I then stroked his face from the nose down until he opened wide and I could bring him to my nipple. This helped him get a deeper latch. As for the eating naked I am not sure. Maybe ad one piece of clothing every time you feed him until you are both dressed?

I hope you find some advice from ladies with a little more experience. Good luck!
My DS and I took a couple weeks to really get the hang of it. Their mouths are so small at first and your arms don't yet have the "muscle memory". Over time, as their mouth gets bigger and you find your own groove, it gets easier. Just keep trying, do what works for you, and in time you and your baby will both learn new tricks.

I agree with the nipple sandwich. I also would move my fingers back and still kind of hold the area flat so it didn't re-expand in his mouth too much. Do you have a nursing pillow? I loved mine when he was smaller.
Oh and don't worry about the burping thing...DS rarely burps when I try but later gets it up on his own. "Burping" a baby is not common in most cultures that BF.
Don't worry about winding... Many bf babies font get wind.

Are you doing nose to nipple? Really encourages them to open mouth wide.

Here are some good tips re positioning.

Don't worry about naked feeding - enjoy the excuse to lie down! Baby will soon be so keen on milk that he will find a way into your top to feed while you're standing up, trying to make. Drink and have a chat with a friend!

As PPs said pinching works well until their mouths get a bit bigger and things get easier :thumbup:

Mine both needed to burp as they would get very uncomfy, if you think he does then just try loads of different positions until it comes up (up on shoulder, bouncing on knee, patting back with hand under chin etc...). It can be hard going at first but soon he will burp on his own :)
Thanks ladies. Sometimes I think we are making progress, other times not so much. I guess its a learning curve for both of us.
Give yourself and your baby a break - you don't need to do anything that doesn't work for you right now as you are both learning. There is lots of time yet to learn other positions.

I was the same as you and had a successful lying down latch but I was so obsessed with getting that "sitting up" feed position that I really damaged our breastfeeding relationship, my nipples and my milk supply!

Babies get less sleepy between 2 and 3 weeks old so it should be easier to try a clothes on position then. Also the better the feeds are now, the quicker he'll grow, and the quicker he grows, the quicker his mouth will get bigger and he'll have an easier time latching.
My son didn't start burping until he was about 5 weeks old, so don't worry about that. He never burped, now he burps all the time.

For the first few weeks I pinched around my areola to make the "nipple sandwich" to get it in his mouth. Now I do nipple to nose sometimes. When my areola touches his bottom lip he opens wide. Is there a lactation consultant you can see?

Honestly, once you figure out what works for you just go with it. As long as your baby is gaining well and you are comfortable don't worry about positions or ways to get the baby latched on. My DS does best when I let him self latch while laying down. The nurses and lactation consultant don't agree with that (or with each other) but it's what works best for us.
My DS does best when I let him self latch while laying down. The nurses and lactation consultant don't agree with that (or with each other) but it's what works best for us.

What! Why the hell not? It's stress free and working for you, why would they want you to intervene in something that is going fine as it is?
When I was engorged with DS2 the nipple shields really helped us. I'm also a massive convert to a breastfeeding pillow. It's made a huge difference to getting him latched on as he's at the right height and gives me spare hands. Wish I had one with ds1.
He's finally got the hang of it! :) yay!!! how do I know if I am making enough milk? When I wake up in the morning my boobs are full and I am leaking. But they never feel full like that for the rest of the day. Is he getting enough? Sometimes I can't tell if he is sucking to eat or just sucking to comfort himself. During the day it never feels like my boobs are full of milk but he sucks away on them anyway. How do you know if they are getting enough or if I am making enough?
Just trust your body, they've been doing this for many thousands of years! It knows what to do, it knows what your baby needs.

As long as your baby is producing wet and dirty diapers regularly, you're fine. Insufficient supply is EXTREMELY rare and usually associated with illness or medication.
Don't stress, it's normal to feel fullest in the morning, especially if you have had a few hours sleep! As PP said if baby is having plenty of wet and dirty nappies then you are making enough milk :)

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