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Holy Crap!!

I think I just got a faint BFP!!

I've been sick for the last week so I was pretty sure we were out this round, but I just POAS and there's definitely a pink line there, although it's not very dark yet.

I'll be testing a few more times over the next couple of days before I bother making a Dr's appoint just to make sure the little one sticks around. I'm so excited to go and get a digital test to try out over the weekend.

Please keep your fingers crossed for me ladies that this is really it!!

I tried taking B6 this cycle to push OV sooner since LP phase was so short, and I think it might have done the trick! :happydance:
People rarely get false positive so CONGRATS :)

Thanks Scorpio!!! I tried an internet cheapie yesterday and today, and they were both faint positives as well. Planning to use another First Response test tomorrow, and that one should be nice and dark! :cloud9:
Hey Readytomum and all ladies.

Just wanted to update you on my BFP news :D
I was on holiday in HK & felt a lil strange.
I just put it down to different food & I just got over the flu/cold.
Had nausea this week. Other than that Im feeling great.
Slept alot this past week. Lucky I had a week off from work after my holiday.

How are you feeling??
When I got my BFP I was sick with a stomach bug, so I had totally written that month off! Isn't it funny how our bodies finally click when we're least expecting them to!?

I'm feeling pretty good now for the most part. In the first tri I was incredibly tired (I could fall alseep anywhere if you'd let me!) and I had pretty persistant nausea, but thankfully no morning sickness. As long as I ate something every few hours I was fine.

Now I'm still tired, although no where near as bad as I was before and the nausea is gone. I've gotten light-headed a few times though, so trying to stay hydrated and being careful not get up too fast when sitting down.

The worst part is that "baby brain" has kicked in something fierce! I feel so stupid sometimes because it's like my brain refuses to work! We have our next scan on Dec 3rd, and we're hoping to find then if LO is a girl or a boy.
Things are pretty good here! I have my second attempt at an anatomy scan tomorrow. The last time they couldn't get clear enough pics of everything to check properly, so we go back tomorrow. Hopefully we'll find out for sure what gender we are too!

How are you feeling? Hopefully not too sick. I never really had MS, but I did feel kind of naseous all the time. Glad that's over!
Hey hun,

Ohhhh how exciting. Do you have a gender prediction as yet?

I'm feeling ok. I have vomitted a little once or twice. I do get MS. As soon as I wake up I feel nauseous and dry heave badly when I brush my teeth. I then feel hungry all the way up to lunch. I just graze a bit all morning. After lunch I then feel ok (just sleepy) and I wont be too hungry until home time. I generally try to eat and drink as much as possible in the morning. And then at night I'm not too bad.
I'm very anxious about sharing my news with family. I can't contain my bump any longer.
I will be seeing my family this Sat for Xmas and so I will announce it when we see everyone. On Xmas day I will be with DH family and will announce it to them also.
Although I'm not 12 weeks as yet.

I'm feeling really good about this pregnancy but affraid to get too excited due to previous miscarriage.
Hopefully the feelings of MS will pass for you quickly! I've gotten sick a couple of times, but it's been really randomly and then as soon as I threw up I felt completely fine! I've been having a lot of sinus congestion, so all the gunk in my throat has caused me to gag and be sick a few times. Such strange things pregnancy does to the body!

Try to take as much time as you can to rest and relax. The first three months are definitely the worst! I felt like a zombie 95% of the time. I was so tired I could fall asleep anywhere. And it's so hard because that's the time when you don't want to tell anyone, but it's when you feel the worst and could really use the extra help!

At our last scan two weeks ago we were told "likely boy" on the print out results we got. But we didn't get to talk to anybody about them so I'm not sure how definite that prediction is. Our last U/S was a bit of a nightmare all round actually... so we're hoping tomorrow will be better, and we'll be insisting that someone talk to us after!

We told our parents around 9 weeks as well... siblings and extended family waited till 12 weeks. We made our FB and friend announcement at 14 weeks. We were a little hesitant to share the news too, but it feels really good to finally be able to tell SOMEONE at least! I'm sure your parents will be thrilled!!
I feel you on the sinus. That's one of the first symptoms I had when I questioned if I could be pregnant.

You are SPOT on about the first 3 months. It's the worst time and you need help but can't say anything. I recently sold my house and need to be out by Jan 18. I could really use some sympathy with the packing and unpacking just around the corner. DH and I are very close to all our family members so it's been extremely hard to keep this secret.

Sorry to hear about your scan. Seems like you will have a boy then. As they say all babies are girls until you know it's a boy LOL.

I won't be announcing anything on FB. I will let friends know when I get to catch up with them next.

How about with work? Did you announce straight away? I'm not sure what to do there. I have a feeling my manager wants to delegate some work to me in the new year (as he's wanting to start working part time). I really don't want the extra responsibility.
Hey Scorpio,

How are you feeling? Hopefully not to badly! What did you decide to do with work? Since I only work part time on campus it wasn't really an issue for me of when to tell my boss because I don't get "mat" leave from work, but I will get parental leave from school. So I waited till I was 12 weeks to tell them.

Our doctor talked to us about our ultrasound results and confirmed that we're very likely team blue... so we're pretty excited about that, since I always wanted a boy first. We've decided on Peter Malachai for the name.

Today I finally hit double digits!! Only 99 more days to go. :cloud9: It's definitely feeling more and more real.

I hope everything is going well for you!! :flower:

Well I had to tell my manager in advanced as I needed to take three days off work. Hard to keep secret. I had some bleeding and went to ER. Long story short, everything is ok.
Yesterday I didnt make it to work. Got sick half way during my train ride. I had a bad nose bleed and decided to go home.
He's been really understanding and has already asked about my thoughts on maternity. I told him I was considering coming back to work after 6 months, part time and then gradually will get back to working full time.
I just moved out of my house last weekend and am still in the process of cleaning my place up. Settlement is Friday. I'm @ my parents for now while I look for a new place. My Mum is happy to look after her future grandchild full time (but I don't want to put this on her unless I'm desparate. She wants me to continue working and earn money as my next mortgage is going to be double what I'm paying now. And I will need to buy a second car. DH doesn't want to buy an expensive house as he's worried we can't live off of his salary alone. But I'm keen on getting a more expensive place. I don't plan on moving again and we need a house we can move straight into without renovating.

I thought my manager would delegate some work onto me but he has given it to one of my supervisors. This lady doesn't seem to like me as she thinks I need more work load.
Haven't told anyone at work as yet but will do after my next OB appt which is Feb 4th. I'm finding it very hard to contain the bump.

Yay team blue!! My inlaws have two grandaughters and want a boy. My parents have two grandsons and want a girl. It would be nice to have a boy first. Did you have any classic symptoms that met the old wives tales which leaned towards a boy??

Well I had to tell my manager in advanced as I needed to take three days off work. Hard to keep secret. I had some bleeding and went to ER. Long story short, everything is ok.
Yesterday I didnt make it to work. Got sick half way during my train ride. I had a bad nose bleed and decided to go home.
He's been really understanding and has already asked about my thoughts on maternity. I told him I was considering coming back to work after 6 months, part time and then gradually will get back to working full time.
I just moved out of my house last weekend and am still in the process of cleaning my place up. Settlement is Friday. I'm @ my parents for now while I look for a new place. My Mum is happy to look after her future grandchild full time (but I don't want to put this on her unless I'm desparate. She wants me to continue working and earn money as my next mortgage is going to be double what I'm paying now. And I will need to buy a second car. DH doesn't want to buy an expensive house as he's worried we can't live off of his salary alone. But I'm keen on getting a more expensive place. I don't plan on moving again and we need a house we can move straight into without renovating.

I thought my manager would delegate some work onto me but he has given it to one of my supervisors. This lady doesn't seem to like me as she thinks I need more work load.
Haven't told anyone at work as yet but will do after my next OB appt which is Feb 4th. I'm finding it very hard to contain the bump.

Yay team blue!! My inlaws have two grandaughters and want a boy. My parents have two grandsons and want a girl. It would be nice to have a boy first. Did you have any classic symptoms that met the old wives tales which leaned towards a boy??

I'm glad the bleeding turned out to be nothing to worry about!

Getting sick on transit it horrible! Once when I was on the subway train heading to work in the morning I had to get off at a random stop to sit down, because I had almost passed out on the train. I was getting really hot and dizzy, and even though my eyes were fully open they were starting to black out. I just kept breathing really deeply and telling myself to hold on and I'd get off at the next stop. Once I sat down for a bit and had some juice I was ok, but man was I freaked out! Apparently low blood pressure is pretty common, but it had never happened to me before that. Ever since then I try to carry some sugary snacks with me for just that reason!

Good luck on the house hunt! I wish DH and I were in a position to look for a house, but I'm still in school and he's just started working after being a student himself, so we have no savings and not much extra income. Our apartment is quite nice though, and until LO #2 is on the way, it's big enough for three of us.

My in-laws have a grandson, and my parents will be first time grandparents. I think both sides are hoping for girl. :haha: Too bad for them! lol I always had a little bit of a hunch it was a boy because of our BD timing...but nothing other than that. Chinese gender and wedding ring test both said boy, but I don't really believe those. Everyone says that my bump is too high and too rounded to be a boy... so they're all going to be rather surprised too! :winkwink:
Whats the BD timing prediction?? I will try the wedding ring test. Its all for fun until the scan :) im keeping the gender a surprise until delivery day.

DH & I didnt do any study after school. Went straight into the work force. Its good to have the qualifications behind you. I should have done that.
Whats the BD timing prediction?? I will try the wedding ring test. Its all for fun until the scan :) im keeping the gender a surprise until delivery day.

DH & I didnt do any study after school. Went straight into the work force. Its good to have the qualifications behind you. I should have done that.

I think it's called the Shettles Method? We didn't try for anything on purpose, but the way our BD schedule worked out we BD'd two days before O, on O day, and two days after. And apparently the closer you BD to O day the more likely you are to have a male, since the male sperm swim faster but don't live as long as the female sperm. I don't know how much that really holds true... but in our case it worked out I guess. :shrug:

We're not telling anyone whether it's a boy or a girl either. Only you ladies on BnB know, and obviously DH knows. lol It's driving our parents crazy that they don't get to know. :haha: We refer to our bump as Fraggle (from the old kids TV show Fraggle Rock), and so at least this way everyone has something they can call the bump since they can't use he or she. The nickname has really grown on everyone, and I have a feeling LO will still get called Fraggle once he's born too. lol
I like that nickname Fraggle. And it's a good story :D

I was REALLY sick with the flu, the week before O. I think it was because I was planning to go to Hong Kong for holiday. I was under pressure at work and constantly cleaning at home (for open house inspections). Anyhow I started to feel much better the a few days before flying out to Hong Kong (flight was 2 Nov). My friends came to stay at my place (they were coming on holidays too) the night before and so we went out for dinner, had a few drinks and then jumped into my spa at home. After spa time I noticed EWCM (thing is I have long cycles and did not expect this). We had BD'd that morning and so I told DH that we should BD again. By this time I had stopped temping/charting etc. I wonder if this timing meets the conceiving of a boy. Just tried the string test and it's a boy but I'll have to try again at home when I can lie down.

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