Peace-Congratulations hun!! I'm so happy to hear we got another
on our thread!
Moochacha-Hope the scan goes well, and the baby is doing fine. Let us know how it all goes, we're so all hoping the very best for you!
Shannon-Don't give up hope, keep charting and bding. Your cycles really could still be wonky from the pill and the chemical. You had a late o last cycle, and it may just happen again. It doesn't matter when in your cycle you o as long as you bd at the right time to catch the egg when it pops out. Hope the accu does help hurry it along though!
MaybeBaby-Trust your chart NOT the OPKs. Like pichi said, you could miss the surge but the temp rise will be undeniable. Keep BDing until you're sure, a couple more high temps should confirm o for CD29. Good luck!
Pichi-Beautiful rise! CD19 is looking great, and now for the 2ww. FX'd for you!
Piesy-I know exactly how you feel. 2 of my sisters, my best friend and 2 close co-workers all announced pregnancies in the autumn. Boy was I ever bitter and miserable. I think we all feel like that for some reason, but I'm sure your BFP is on its way, 13DPO and temps are nowhere near the coverline!
Pixxie-CD16 is a possibility since your fertility signs are great. But your temps didn't shift (unless they maybe off). CD18 also looks pretty good and there is a slight rise after. We'll need a few more temps to be sure, but keep bding in the meantime, you may still have a chance to catch the egg!
Fairy-Don't lose hope, today's temp may be unreliable and we could still see a rise tomorrow. Don't stop bding yet, though! I think pichi is right, you gals are going through this one together. Hopefully you'll be bump buddies too in a couple of weeks!
Tierney-Yep, looks like you still have time to swarm and attack that egg. Get to it, if your cycle is like your last one o should happen any day now!
Smokey-Looking good, that bounce is very encouraging and BD schedule looks awesome. Do you know how long your LP is usually? Will you be testing soon?
Ginger-Temps are so high, they are looking really good! The Clomid may just have done the trick! You are sooooo in triphasic territory!
Foxy-Beautiful!!! I love the rise, and it's so out of the ordinary. Now, give us a couple more and go triphasic! I so want this for you, everything is crossed (even my little one's webbed fingers
) come on BFP!!
Oh, and thanks for asking about me foxy, I'm still pretty symptom-less. Only slight nausea here and there, but it really doesn't affect what I eat. It sucks because I was hoping to lose a few pounds before I start ballooning, but no such luck. I have my first midwife appointment in about 2 weeks and my 12 week scan on Mar. 12, I'll keep you posted about how that all goes.