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Hi! Hope everyone had a very nice Easter weekend :flower:

Angel, yeah for the early ovulation! Plan to test on Tax Day I see :)

Jamie, haha, love the 2 "monkeys"!!! All they need are little cymbals in their front paws!

Moochacha, sorry to hear you're under the weather. Really hope you're on the mend soon. Sometimes those oopsie moments are all it takes :)

Fifi, I see your appt is getting very near, really hope they give you a thorough work-up and come up with a plan that will get you that sticky BFP you so very much deserve.

Mummytga, your post ov temps look totally normal to me. Now that you've got a few more temps on there things are looking good. You're definitely not out of the running at all! I've been having cramps and back pain since ovulation time. Enough that I really think even if I wasn't symptom spotting that I'd still feel them. Just kind of dull throbs in various places.

Sahrene, glad you had a good time in Vegas. Here's to new beginnings!!

Calliebaby, not sure I ever congratulated you on your BFP. A very happy, healthy and sticky 9 mos to you!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :dance: :dance:

Nicole, your new profile pic is stunning!!! Grandma my arse!

Tinks, I've been using pre-seed for a while now, got my 2nd BFP the very first month using it. This cycle was my first on Clomid which can cause your cm to dry up, so we used a full plunger full every day around ov time just in case. I had absolutely no ewcm (usually I have some) and only a little bit of water, so I def needed all the extra help I could get!

Xshell, sorry to hear about your OH, really hope he's doing better. :hugs:

Shannon, woa hoo for ovulation :happydance: !!!! Come on temps, rise rise rise (and stay that way for oh, 9 mos or so)!!

Foxy, so glad your appt is fast approaching. Good call on the thyroid, def something worth checking out for sure. It's a simple blood test so make sure they request it as soon as possible. Sounds like you're all stocked up for this cycle!!

Fairygirl, glad to hear from you, hope all is well and that low iron is the culprit.

Sweetmama, very promising signs, can't wait until it's time for you to test!!!

Skymommy, welcome. Very sorry for your loss but really hope that charting helps you to get a sticky BFP very very soon.

Pichi, hi honey, hope everything is going great for you. Glad the scan went well!!

Silverbell, welcome! Your chart is looking good, but I agree doesn't look like you've o'd yet this cycle. Keep monitoring your cervical mucus and taking those temps and fertility friend will help you to pinpoint ovulation.

According to FF (although with dotted lines) I ovulated on cd 17. My waking times haven't been very consistent, we started sleeping with the windows open, so basically I'm not sure how accurate some of my temps are. I do think based on other signs (cm, cervical position, ovulation pains, fertility monitor) that cd 17 or cd 18 was probably when I o'd which is great news compared to my usual cd 21!! Very pleased with that. What I'm not pleased with is the total lack of ewcm and also very little watery cm. I'm guessing the Clomid is to blame on that front. Today's temp dropped below the coverline, and usually I'm not the type to worry about one temp, but for some reason I just have this feeling in the back of my head that I didn't ovulate properly this cycle. Guess only time will tell now. I also had these short shooting pains around each ovary starting around cd 17 and lasting until cd 20. Probably another side effect of the Clomid.

Hope everyone is well and enjoying some nice Spring weather!!

thank you so much!! I wish the pic was more clear on here tho lol
Hi! Hope everyone had a very nice Easter weekend :flower:

Angel, yeah for the early ovulation! Plan to test on Tax Day I see :)

Jamie, haha, love the 2 "monkeys"!!! All they need are little cymbals in their front paws!

Moochacha, sorry to hear you're under the weather. Really hope you're on the mend soon. Sometimes those oopsie moments are all it takes :)

Fifi, I see your appt is getting very near, really hope they give you a thorough work-up and come up with a plan that will get you that sticky BFP you so very much deserve.

Mummytga, your post ov temps look totally normal to me. Now that you've got a few more temps on there things are looking good. You're definitely not out of the running at all! I've been having cramps and back pain since ovulation time. Enough that I really think even if I wasn't symptom spotting that I'd still feel them. Just kind of dull throbs in various places.

Sahrene, glad you had a good time in Vegas. Here's to new beginnings!!

Calliebaby, not sure I ever congratulated you on your BFP. A very happy, healthy and sticky 9 mos to you!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :dance: :dance:

Nicole, your new profile pic is stunning!!! Grandma my arse!

Tinks, I've been using pre-seed for a while now, got my 2nd BFP the very first month using it. This cycle was my first on Clomid which can cause your cm to dry up, so we used a full plunger full every day around ov time just in case. I had absolutely no ewcm (usually I have some) and only a little bit of water, so I def needed all the extra help I could get!

Xshell, sorry to hear about your OH, really hope he's doing better. :hugs:

Shannon, woa hoo for ovulation :happydance: !!!! Come on temps, rise rise rise (and stay that way for oh, 9 mos or so)!!

Foxy, so glad your appt is fast approaching. Good call on the thyroid, def something worth checking out for sure. It's a simple blood test so make sure they request it as soon as possible. Sounds like you're all stocked up for this cycle!!

Fairygirl, glad to hear from you, hope all is well and that low iron is the culprit.

Sweetmama, very promising signs, can't wait until it's time for you to test!!!

Skymommy, welcome. Very sorry for your loss but really hope that charting helps you to get a sticky BFP very very soon.

Pichi, hi honey, hope everything is going great for you. Glad the scan went well!!

Silverbell, welcome! Your chart is looking good, but I agree doesn't look like you've o'd yet this cycle. Keep monitoring your cervical mucus and taking those temps and fertility friend will help you to pinpoint ovulation.

According to FF (although with dotted lines) I ovulated on cd 17. My waking times haven't been very consistent, we started sleeping with the windows open, so basically I'm not sure how accurate some of my temps are. I do think based on other signs (cm, cervical position, ovulation pains, fertility monitor) that cd 17 or cd 18 was probably when I o'd which is great news compared to my usual cd 21!! Very pleased with that. What I'm not pleased with is the total lack of ewcm and also very little watery cm. I'm guessing the Clomid is to blame on that front. Today's temp dropped below the coverline, and usually I'm not the type to worry about one temp, but for some reason I just have this feeling in the back of my head that I didn't ovulate properly this cycle. Guess only time will tell now. I also had these short shooting pains around each ovary starting around cd 17 and lasting until cd 20. Probably another side effect of the Clomid.

Hope everyone is well and enjoying some nice Spring weather!!

I agree with ffs cd 16 for you..that drop means nothing honey..or it could mean implant.. :hugs:
Hi girls

I am wanting to lose a few pounds as well, i lost just over a stone last year for my wedding but put it all back on and then some :wacko:

I am a little woried about dieting encase it effects TTC. Is this silly??? I do find it hard to lose weight and normally have to be very strict if i am to shed the pounds.

Plus all the chocolate thats around at the mo is a nightmare :haha:

Does anyone have any advice???

This is just my 2 cents but I really dont think dieting affects ttc I was dieting with I got pg with my 5 year old and was still dieting when I got pg with my 3 1/2, 2 & 9 month old (and dieting when I got pg with my two losses)..of course because they are so close in age I was dieting to lose pg weight form the pg before that lol but dieting none the less
Right I'm finally feeling more my normal self (well as normal as that can be!) just in time for the bonkathon of this week. If anything being ill has stopped me stressing aout everything so much this month. My chart is shot to pieces at the moment as my temperature was so erratic while I was ill I just didn't bother recording it. I'm hoping that now it has regulated a bit I can claw it back so it will still pinpoint o later this week.

I have ordered some more internet cheapie ov tests and also a pack of Clearblue digis to definitely confirm the cheapies are right when I get a line and have also ordered 10 ultra early hpts. Got a vey faint second line on an opk today so am wondering if O may be a little early this month as not due till Thursday - have given OH tonight off and told him to conserve his energy

I'm determined to catch that eggy this month!
There is so much candy around me right now.. yesterday and the day before was awful lol we had both Easter and we celebrated Grace's 5th (she'll be 5 tomorrow) b-day..but as of today I'm back on track (all tho I've been getting my exercise in daily) i'm back to watching what I eat also. I dont want to lose any weight heck according to both my ob and family doc i'm under weight at 5foot 6 and 125 pounds (my body frame is medium so they think I should weigh more..what ever lol) but I feel good here and here I shall stay..anyway my only advise for anyone would be to watch what you eat first and foremost and exercise daily or at least 5 days a week. dieting really isn't hard if you set your mind to it. and if knowing you may well become pg faster if you are at the right weight helps think of that everytime you dont want to exercise or you want to eat the wrong foods. And take a free day once a week that helps you not to get board with it..I take Saturday as my free day and eat dinner out with dh (Saturday is date day :) )
I got my 20 digi opks today woot woot now I have them and like 25 cheap ones to work with..
There is so much candy around me right now.. yesterday and the day before was awful lol we had both Easter and we celebrated Grace's 5th (she'll be 5 tomorrow) b-day..but as of today I'm back on track (all tho I've been getting my exercise in daily) i'm back to watching what I eat also. I dont want to lose any weight heck according to both my ob and family doc i'm under weight at 5foot 6 and 125 pounds (my body frame is medium so they think I should weigh more..what ever lol) but I feel good here and here I shall stay..anyway my only advise for anyone would be to watch what you eat first and foremost and exercise daily or at least 5 days a week. dieting really isn't hard if you set your mind to it. and if knowing you may well become pg faster if you are at the right weight helps think of that everytime you dont want to exercise or you want to eat the wrong foods. And take a free day once a week that helps you not to get board with it..I take Saturday as my free day and eat dinner out with dh (Saturday is date day :) )

I'm missing the gym :cry: I can't wait to get over the flu so I can hit it hard :wohoo: I'm a really competitive person so I naturally have to be better than DH when it comes to our gym time together. :haha:

Fitness, dieting, eating good food has been the main bond DH and I share I don't think we will ever change that. We are training for a few 10km - 20 km fun runs for charity in the summer also I really want to do a 10 day trek along the bay of fires during our first wedding anniversary and 30ths so that's the main reason we are WTT. It's going to blow my mind!
Af came early today, totally unexpected but its all good so the time I get back to the gym and recover from the flu I'll be AF free.

No wonder why I was such a bitch to DH last night :haha::blush:
Ooooh DH and I have decided to work at home doing logos, wedding photography while both doing a Bachelors in Education (Primary). YAY I've finally convinced him that we should both be teachers. It's a 4 year commitment but we are both excited and hopefully this can take us overseas or even in outback Australia teaching on a aboriginal community or something.

Plus we will both get school holidays off.
Thanks Nicole.

I'm clutching at straws to find a reason why I've not seen 2 lines yet! :haha:

Sometimes jokingly I say to OH that I'll have an u/s to see what's going on and they will find just an empty space, :rofl: no womb, ovaries etc lol

I think sometimes we read to much and scare ourselves. As for those two line they will pop honey. I know how much it hurts when you see bfn all the time tho after 3 1/2 years of them before I got pg with my 9 year old I do know..I also know my weight played a big roll in me not getting pg. Once I got that under control I go pg so fast..

I think my weight is probably playing a part. I am deffo overweight :( i put on a lot in my previous relationship. Partly from having to take steroids for u/c, but also from being really depressed and in a controlling relationship. Before I knew it, he was doing all the cooking - crappy food at that and I very rarely went anywhere, other than to work, so didn't exercise.

I lost 2 stone last year (have put back 1.5 of that :() so will get back on the healthy eating plan this year to lose more. I'm a UK16, but need to lose about 3 stone! Not sure what that is in kg's, but a lot!

I'll get there.

Hey Foxy,

I was overweight for the last 12 months because I had to take steroids as well. I remember some of the first posts I put on this thread was about being overweight. I rejoined the gym which I had to stop because of all the operations I was having because of my kidney problems I had 5 ops in total.

I've lost almost 30 Kgs, size 18 to 10 in the last few months because of the gym, I would totally recommend biting the bullet and going to the gym. Exercising alone is boring and didn't really work for me, DH bought me a super flash treadmill I didn't lose any weight on it because my body needed to do more than walk/run I needed a full fitness routine.

Alas weight loss is made from 30% exercise and 70% food but I eat 5/6 meals a day and do cardo work out 3 days a week and weight training 3 days a week. Sundays I do nothing but lay around all day stuffing my face with any food I want because I use a trick call calorie loading so one day a week I eat a high cal diet followed by a low cal diet the next day which stops your body from stalling to lose weight.

So yeah the good old gym and low GI diet has given me a new body in only 3 cycles!! lost 3-4 dress sizes and 30 kgs lighter and all in the whole time I've know you laides hehe.
Ooooh DH and I have decided to work at home doing logos, wedding photography while both doing a Bachelors in Education (Primary). YAY I've finally convinced him that we should both be teachers. It's a 4 year commitment but we are both excited and hopefully this can take us overseas or even in outback Australia teaching on a aboriginal community or something.

Plus we will both get school holidays off.

Awesome. I do photography and I do graphic design too.. love it.. !!
Hi Ladies,

Not been around for a while, my PMA ran away and it's taken me until now to find it again.
Well had a terrible AF, had it for almost 20 days but on a plus note i OV'd on a more sensible day (so no 60 day cycle for me this time).
I'm in the 2ww now ... POAS tonight and not at all sure about the results. I guess i shall have to see what the next few days bring.

Hope you're all holding up ok? xxxx :hugs:
Thanks Nicole.

I'm clutching at straws to find a reason why I've not seen 2 lines yet! :haha:

Sometimes jokingly I say to OH that I'll have an u/s to see what's going on and they will find just an empty space, :rofl: no womb, ovaries etc lol

I think sometimes we read to much and scare ourselves. As for those two line they will pop honey. I know how much it hurts when you see bfn all the time tho after 3 1/2 years of them before I got pg with my 9 year old I do know..I also know my weight played a big roll in me not getting pg. Once I got that under control I go pg so fast..

I think my weight is probably playing a part. I am deffo overweight :( i put on a lot in my previous relationship. Partly from having to take steroids for u/c, but also from being really depressed and in a controlling relationship. Before I knew it, he was doing all the cooking - crappy food at that and I very rarely went anywhere, other than to work, so didn't exercise.

I lost 2 stone last year (have put back 1.5 of that :() so will get back on the healthy eating plan this year to lose more. I'm a UK16, but need to lose about 3 stone! Not sure what that is in kg's, but a lot!

I'll get there.

Hey Foxy,

I was overweight for the last 12 months because I had to take steroids as well. I remember some of the first posts I put on this thread was about being overweight. I rejoined the gym which I had to stop because of all the operations I was having because of my kidney problems I had 5 ops in total.

I've lost almost 30 Kgs, size 18 to 10 in the last few months because of the gym, I would totally recommend biting the bullet and going to the gym. Exercising alone is boring and didn't really work for me, DH bought me a super flash treadmill I didn't lose any weight on it because my body needed to do more than walk/run I needed a full fitness routine.

Alas weight loss is made from 30% exercise and 70% food but I eat 5/6 meals a day and do cardo work out 3 days a week and weight training 3 days a week. Sundays I do nothing but lay around all day stuffing my face with any food I want because I use a trick call calorie loading so one day a week I eat a high cal diet followed by a low cal diet the next day which stops your body from stalling to lose weight.

So yeah the good old gym and low GI diet has given me a new body in only 3 cycles!! lost 3-4 dress sizes and 30 kgs lighter and all in the whole time I've know you laides hehe.
Thats awesome!
Ooooh DH and I have decided to work at home doing logos, wedding photography while both doing a Bachelors in Education (Primary). YAY I've finally convinced him that we should both be teachers. It's a 4 year commitment but we are both excited and hopefully this can take us overseas or even in outback Australia teaching on a aboriginal community or something.

Plus we will both get school holidays off.

Awesome. I do photography and I do graphic design too.. love it.. !!

Yeah DH and I were both Graphic Designers he currently works as Studio Art Director for a marketing company that does Disney packaging and I hated the competitive side of Graphic Design and studied to become a nurse years ago. DH hates the design industry because of the deadlines, undercutting etc but he has very good portfolio and we have a side business of doing logo design, corporate imaging, packaging design etc. It's small because we only started it so we can invoice friends for work we do for them we have a client base of like 15 lol but it actually gives us a bit of cash and we could easily live off it while we study to become teachers. DH is going to primary with me at first then he might go off to secondary school teaching Graphic Design. :dance:

I'm horrible at taking pictures :p But I'm really good at retouching and overlays so DH takes pictures and we both share the retouching load.
Moochacha - sounds like that would be a fun time teaching in the outback. I also love photography!
so is charting taking your temp? how do people follow each others on BNB? someone was rude to me in another forum because i didnt know it was for 'chart stalking" only. so i guess what i want to know is how one does this? i guess you wld have to be pretty well versed to even begin! thx for any info!
Welcome WantAnthr

Sorry to hear someone was rude to you. Your are more than welcome here. :D

The basics are:

BBT thermometer - 2 decimal place one
You need to take your temp every morning when you wake - at the same time if possible - or as close to it as you can
Don't talk or drinl etc before temping and try to only make minimal movement.
Fertility friend has a course you can do

The chart probably won't make much sense to start with, but overall, you are looking for a sustained temp rise to confirm ovulation.

Sorry it's only a short post, on my mobile getting ready for work. :D
Hi! Hope everyone had a very nice Easter weekend :flower:

Angel, yeah for the early ovulation! Plan to test on Tax Day I see :)

Jamie, haha, love the 2 "monkeys"!!! All they need are little cymbals in their front paws!

Moochacha, sorry to hear you're under the weather. Really hope you're on the mend soon. Sometimes those oopsie moments are all it takes :)

Fifi, I see your appt is getting very near, really hope they give you a thorough work-up and come up with a plan that will get you that sticky BFP you so very much deserve.

Mummytga, your post ov temps look totally normal to me. Now that you've got a few more temps on there things are looking good. You're definitely not out of the running at all! I've been having cramps and back pain since ovulation time. Enough that I really think even if I wasn't symptom spotting that I'd still feel them. Just kind of dull throbs in various places.

Sahrene, glad you had a good time in Vegas. Here's to new beginnings!!

Calliebaby, not sure I ever congratulated you on your BFP. A very happy, healthy and sticky 9 mos to you!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :dance: :dance:

Nicole, your new profile pic is stunning!!! Grandma my arse!

Tinks, I've been using pre-seed for a while now, got my 2nd BFP the very first month using it. This cycle was my first on Clomid which can cause your cm to dry up, so we used a full plunger full every day around ov time just in case. I had absolutely no ewcm (usually I have some) and only a little bit of water, so I def needed all the extra help I could get!

Xshell, sorry to hear about your OH, really hope he's doing better. :hugs:

Shannon, woa hoo for ovulation :happydance: !!!! Come on temps, rise rise rise (and stay that way for oh, 9 mos or so)!!

Foxy, so glad your appt is fast approaching. Good call on the thyroid, def something worth checking out for sure. It's a simple blood test so make sure they request it as soon as possible. Sounds like you're all stocked up for this cycle!!

Fairygirl, glad to hear from you, hope all is well and that low iron is the culprit.

Sweetmama, very promising signs, can't wait until it's time for you to test!!!

Skymommy, welcome. Very sorry for your loss but really hope that charting helps you to get a sticky BFP very very soon.

Pichi, hi honey, hope everything is going great for you. Glad the scan went well!!

Silverbell, welcome! Your chart is looking good, but I agree doesn't look like you've o'd yet this cycle. Keep monitoring your cervical mucus and taking those temps and fertility friend will help you to pinpoint ovulation.

According to FF (although with dotted lines) I ovulated on cd 17. My waking times haven't been very consistent, we started sleeping with the windows open, so basically I'm not sure how accurate some of my temps are. I do think based on other signs (cm, cervical position, ovulation pains, fertility monitor) that cd 17 or cd 18 was probably when I o'd which is great news compared to my usual cd 21!! Very pleased with that. What I'm not pleased with is the total lack of ewcm and also very little watery cm. I'm guessing the Clomid is to blame on that front. Today's temp dropped below the coverline, and usually I'm not the type to worry about one temp, but for some reason I just have this feeling in the back of my head that I didn't ovulate properly this cycle. Guess only time will tell now. I also had these short shooting pains around each ovary starting around cd 17 and lasting until cd 20. Probably another side effect of the Clomid.

Hope everyone is well and enjoying some nice Spring weather!!

Thank you! Its so reassuring to have others help with your chart when you havent a clue :flower:
I had some quite sharp pains last night that worried me a little they werent severe but enough that i had to stop what i was doing, ive not had them since so hopefully they arent anything to worry about. Af not due until sunday but really dreading it this month, not sure why (i am sure we all dread her turning up!!) but just seem more nervous this month.
:dust: to you all xxxx
I'm "old" to charting :haha: but thought I'd pop in here and let you know I'm always around if you need any help with them.


Hi Magic! I have never charted before, and it seems very confusing! The only thing I ever record is the dates of my AF. Can you help me please? Today I am on CD 1 and AF came Grrrr! Been ttc for so long that charting may be a good way to help us finally get our little bean!
Hello all,

I'm on my 3rd day charting, just got to write the last 2 days up on FF...

Sounds odd but I'm quite enjoying it, it feels like I have a little bit more control over my body, wish I'd done it 9 cycles ago and I might have a bump by now! Or I'd just be a neurotic ball in the corner, either way :D

Good luck ladies... xx

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