New Weaners

Naya lies in but recently she has woke every 1-2 hours lol :rofl:

Sounds like we are all making some progress! Naya had some broccoli off my plate today :)

I have a question about breakfast - I quite often have porridge so I want Naya to be able to join in. I'm guessing I should use baby porridge but what sorts do they do? And do I use breast milk, formula, water or what? It's all so confusing! I just thought it'd be nice to put a preloaded spoon on her highchair tray for her to have whilst I'm eating mine :)

I have Cow and Gate Tropical Cereal for Erin and actually tastes quite nice :haha: It says to add your LOs usual milk but there is no way I could express that much (about 3-4oz) a day, so I use formula. Other brands you can use water. Definitely give it a go - can only try :flower:
CMC - You will see if any banana went in when it comes back out again :haha: It looks like little black threads.

When I give Erin a spoon, she tries to put it in her mouth, but sometimes goes in her eye or up her nose first!! That will get better with practice though!

i will look forward to that- yuk!!! i just had to hose down one of her nappies out the back there now- it was the most disgusting poo i have ever seen and smelt in my life:dohh:

i guess Ava is maybe trying to tell me she prefers BLw than the puree stuff she is refusing! im so afraid of her choking though- she sucked a steamed piece of carrot the other day- i had it cut in an oblong shape and she sucked it so much i though she was going to choke on it! is that normal or am i flapping too much?:wacko:
Completely normal cmc! I have to stop myself from panicking every time she puts something in her mouth!
Definitely normal! I have to restrain myself when she starts gagging!! What I have done is to look in her mouth and if I can see what she is gagging on, I just reassure her until she sorts it out herself. I've never (touch wood) not seen whats causing the problem yet though.

I've got the Gill Rapley BLW book which is really good and goes into detail about the gag reflex and choking. Her rules are quite strict, but I just took what I wanted from it and don't worry about her rules too much!
Hi ladies, can I join in too please?

Until today I had been doing my own style of weaning - all her BFs plus some fruit and veg / rice porridge / yogurts. Today I got her weighed and she was 17lb 4.5 and the HV said I need to stop BFing her so much (5 or 6 times a day) so she will eat more food!


Sounds like you're all doing really well, I will try broccoli as sounds like all your LOs love it! xx
I don't think Max was feeling it today! He had broccoli, swede and banana for tea. He likes the broccoli and banana and did well with those but got bored and angry quickly. He hasn't napped well the last few days so it's prob that.
Hi Faffalina :wave: I would be very wary of that advice TBH. WHO recommend that milk feeds (BF or FF) are the main source of nutrients and intake until LO is 12m. Cutting back BF won't necessarily make LO eat more as she won't know it helps to fill her up, so why would she? 5/6 times a day doesn't even seem that much! Just keep going as you are! Seem to be on the right track!!
I don't think Max was feeling it today! He had broccoli, swede and banana for tea. He likes the broccoli and banana and did well with those but got bored and angry quickly. He hasn't napped well the last few days so it's prob that.

Sounds like he is having an off day? TBH, I get like this sometimes too :haha: although, I tend to eat more, never less!!

I gave Erin her pitta bread with spreadable cheese and she took to it quite well, until, about half way through, she was sick! Quite a lot this time, all over her tray!! I am hoping it was gagging related sick, but I dunno. She is a lot more sick lately, since we started weaning, so hope its nothing allery related :wacko:
Hi Faffalina :wave: I would be very wary of that advice TBH. WHO recommend that milk feeds (BF or FF) are the main source of nutrients and intake until LO is 12m. Cutting back BF won't necessarily make LO eat more as she won't know it helps to fill her up, so why would she? 5/6 times a day doesn't even seem that much! Just keep going as you are! Seem to be on the right track!!

Thanks :flower: I thought it was pretty weird. And there's no way Lilia will put up with less boob :haha:

These HVs seem to always have advice different to online.

Lil's on the 75th centile so she's not even small. xx
In so many ways I can't wait for ella to turn 6 months so I can give her more variety and try her with bread (OH is a bread baker), luckily I know OH's dad doesn't put as much salt in the bread as most bakers so the salt content will be lower than the average bread slice
Hi ladies, can I join in too please?

Until today I had been doing my own style of weaning - all her BFs plus some fruit and veg / rice porridge / yogurts. Today I got her weighed and she was 17lb 4.5 and the HV said I need to stop BFing her so much (5 or 6 times a day) so she will eat more food!


Sounds like you're all doing really well, I will try broccoli as sounds like all your LOs love it! xx

Hi there- Im all new to this weaning too, its great having people who are in the saem boat_ your LO is one day older than Ava... though my LO almost made it on christmas eve- she decided she wanted me to suffer a little longer:haha:
Silly question but if you give toast do you butter it??

i saw someone on another thread who had pureed some fruit and used that as a sugar free type jam on toast instead of butter. im sure unsalted butter is ok???? but im totally clueless at this weaning business:baby:
I have given my LO dry toast, on my mum's advice (she is a midwife so I figued I could trust her lol). No butter or anything just toasted bread cut into fingers. It has been brilliant for while she has been teething as it is easy for her to hold (not like squishy fruit) doesn't stain clothes, is easy to make and she loved chewing it. The toast quickly went soft in her mouth and she ate a lot considering. She did want a feed soon after as it was dry and I guess it made her thirsty.

I've since been spreading a slice of banana over it, almost like a jam, which she also loves! We now have family breakfast together where we all have toast, which she loves because it makes her feel like she's the same as me and Daddy.

I'm not sure the current recommendations over bread because I know it contains gluten etc but my LO was brilliant with it.

CMC I can't believe Ava came Christmas day, that's lovely!! My LO was only due in Feb but came over a month early, surprise LOL and we were so not ready at the time!
violetsky- that sounds like a good idea- my LO loves banana- dry toast might be better as she is teething too. OMG- a month early- i would be in a disorganised panic!!

this morning we had much better luck- she didnt waken to 9am- so weird for her but i am not complaining. by 9.30am i was all prepared with porridge banana and formula and she was starving. she kept gurning and she usually doesnt cry for a feed. i gave her the porridge first and i cant believe she ate it- though she had to hold the spoon and got really frustrated when i held it. it was very very messy but we got most of it in her mouth as i help her hold the spoon. next she held a banana and munched away on it -she loved it. then she had 6oz- not sure where she put it all- i feel so much better that she has actually opened her mouth for food!! lets hope we have turned a corner.

i am def going to try the toast it sounds like a great idea.
Wow cmc that sounds brill! Well done both of you :happydance:

Hello :hi: Faffalina :D

We are going to have some banana for breakfast/brunch once Naya is fully awake and bf :) fx for more success!

Think we will be having broccoli for tea :)
Max has had a better day today, I mixed some plain fromage frais with some puree that I had made and preloaded it on to the spoon for him - well that was demolished!! It made such a mess but he loved it! He also had some mango, breadstick and cheese. He liked the cheese but wasn't sure on the mango and breadstick. Went food shopping today and got lots of goodies to give him :D

Quick Q, do you all buy organic veg? I have been and it's costing a bomb!
Hello all :) I'm planning on starting weaning soon so will be watching this thread :) xx
Max has had a better day today, I mixed some plain fromage frais with some puree that I had made and preloaded it on to the spoon for him - well that was demolished!! It made such a mess but he loved it! He also had some mango, breadstick and cheese. He liked the cheese but wasn't sure on the mango and breadstick. Went food shopping today and got lots of goodies to give him :D

Quick Q, do you all buy organic veg? I have been and it's costing a bomb!

not always. I am in the midst of sorting out my own veg patch at home but i always try to buy value for money as best as i can so some things are organic and others are not- i always try to make sure it is local produce or from ireland/britain if possible- im from a farming background and i like to support my local farmers.

i wouldnt buy everthing organic as it is so expensive but i do always buy organic free range eggs

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