Friday night, I don't know what's hit me. I ended up eating plate after plate of rice and dumplings. And I had a beer. And some cookies. It was more carbs in that one sitting than in the past two weeks altogether. Sigh.
Actually, I do know what hit me. PMS. Back with a vengeance. Fortunately I have gotten ahold of myself and have stuck to healthy eating yesterday and today. I got on the treadmill for 72 minutes today. 28 of them running!
I weighed myself this morning and was up to 151.4. Nice. Over four pounds in one indulgent meal. Thank you very much, stupid body. I know it is not a "real" weight gain, but still discouraging. I am just going to keep on with the exercise and water and healthy eating. I won't weigh in again until Thursday. Hopefully it will all be gone by then.
I am starting to notic changes in my body. My boobs are smaller

and my face looks thinner. I have reclaimed two more pairs of pants. My arms used to be too fat for a particular shirt. I can now get it on. It is still too tight to wear, but the progress is noted. And...this one is hard to explain, and not a pretty image. It used to be that when I bent over, my stomach would hang down in this big, round, kind-of sac. Now when I bend over. My stomach is less round, almost triangle shaped. Still puffed out in the middle but flatter on the sides. I still have lots of weight to lose, but it is nice to see some results.