Aidensmommy, I hope you get that EWCM soon!! I wonder if the holiday chaos isn't what pushed my ovulation back a couple more days, too... there's just SO MUCH GOING ON, especially with Christmas break from school and everything... That would explain it! I'm going to say that's the reason, because I'll pull my hair out if I think that my body just hates ovulating.

And y'know, the last time I ovulated later than CD22 was in May, and May was a terrible, terrible month for me, in regards to stress levels. So... yeah. Maybe that's what happened!
Sweetmama, I don't know much about OPKs, but that looks positive to me! Get to humping
AFM ... one last

this afternoon. I'm nearly certain I ovulated this morning. EWCM was already drying up by the time I showered after lunch, combined with the drop in temps this morning... just fits. Fingers crossed for the spike tomorrow, then ONTO THE 2WW! I feel like I've covered my bases this month.
May there be 'Holiday Magic' in all the daddies' (and daddies-to-be's) semen, allowing it to create a miracle with our eggs this week!!!