Newbie, looking for buddies, me-ntnp#1!

No idea i'm afraid hun! I'm plagued with oily skin just before AF :wacko: but i guess anything different has gotta be a good sign ;), you're killing yourself here though symptom spotting :rofl: (please remind me of that in a few wks :haha:)
I know!!! But I can't stop!!! :haha: Sooo ridiculous but it's addictive! TBH, as this is our first month trying I'm almost sure I'm kidding myself on but hey - what else can a girl do but dream, eh?! ;) :shrug: All my "symptoms" could just be period-related but I'm trying to convince myself they're not! ;)

Yup, I will remind you when you start once it's your time again, lol, that's what we're there for!
:lol: I had myself convinced last month, my friend said to me it'll be the month your not expecting it and tbh that was true with Alex! but saying that lots of ladies are lucky enough to hit jackpot their first month!

ah i've had the whole afternoon off (time owed from work) and i've left alex at nursery, done the ironing and checked bnb. Not sure what to do next :haha:...not sure how i used to fill my time before Alex :dohh:. Maybe I'll go get him so we can play before bed :D
Well, I guess it would be very lucky (if not unheard of) if I fell pregnant first month trying. I pretty much have managed to convince myself it might happen but I think I'll be fine even if it doesn't - afterall it IS our fist cycle of trying.

Hope you had a nice afternoon with your boy, sounds like you've been a busy mummy! :) I've just re-discovered my love for bread making, so goooood to finally have a bigger kitchen again... Best check on that dough!
Loads of conversation since last night!! I had a laugh reading through them, I had the exact same thought before I read your comment Ylanda about the advance of scientific language!!

I really have never brought a pregnancy test, maybe I'm too laid back, always trusted the contraception! I took the pill for 10 years and only ever missed one pill, so never thought I might be pregnant!! I'll hopefully have this buying experience soon!!

I like the odds on the babies from your previous forum Caro103 even match on the boys and girls. Can I ask did you have a preference for boy/girl with your first and would you want/like a girl this time as you've already got a boy?

Can't remember who asked about the sex of babies being determined by the dad. But that is the case, don't want to be too scienfic.... Womens eggs carry the (X) sex chromosome. Sperm can carrry (X) or (Y) as their sex chromosome. If you get (X) sperm meet the egg (XX) you get a girl. If (Y) sperm meets the egg (XY) you get a boy!! (I remember this from school!)

I've got some links to look into from what you ladies have posted, softcups and sperm races lol!! :winkwink:
Yip, this really has turned into a nice chatty thread! :) Loving the banter - shortens the wait considerably!

Mixem, I had never bought a test until this week either. I took the pill about 12 years, missed very few and the only guy I ever had sex with is the man I am now married to. So I never really needed to test if I was pregnant I always relied on my period coming as a four weekly check up. ;) But now that we're actually trying for a baby I felt like getting a test to see what's going on, hopefully before my period comes.

I can't really answer the gender question, tbh. Obviously, a healthy baby is most important. But I think I would LOVE a little girl first (I'm the eldest of two and love being a big sis) BUT I always wished for an older brother so a little boy would be fab as well, of course. However, we do have the girl's name sorted but are not so sure on the boy's side.

Aaaaaah, this makes total sense re the gender of the embryo now! I'm sure I learnt that at school, too, but it's been too long! Plus I HATED my biology teachers and consequently the subject!

Waiting for my husband to come home, he's been working in Glasgow the past three days. Hate being without him and still miss him terribly when he's not around after seven years of going out... Sigh...
The fact that you miss him is a good sign! As they say abscence makes the heart grow fonder. Me and the OH have been together for 11 years, and I do miss him when we're apart so I know where your coming from!

As a first timer like you I wouldn't mind what sex my baby was, I think I'd just be hoping for a healthy baby. I feel I'd be more confident with a girl though, my family is full of them!!
Loads of conversation since last night!! I had a laugh reading through them, I had the exact same thought before I read your comment Ylanda about the advance of scientific language!!

I really have never brought a pregnancy test, maybe I'm too laid back, always trusted the contraception! I took the pill for 10 years and only ever missed one pill, so never thought I might be pregnant!! I'll hopefully have this buying experience soon!!

I like the odds on the babies from your previous forum Caro103 even match on the boys and girls. Can I ask did you have a preference for boy/girl with your first and would you want/like a girl this time as you've already got a boy?

Can't remember who asked about the sex of babies being determined by the dad. But that is the case, don't want to be too scienfic.... Womens eggs carry the (X) sex chromosome. Sperm can carrry (X) or (Y) as their sex chromosome. If you get (X) sperm meet the egg (XX) you get a girl. If (Y) sperm meets the egg (XY) you get a boy!! (I remember this from school!)

I've got some links to look into from what you ladies have posted, softcups and sperm races lol!! :winkwink:

if i'm totally honest i kinda wanted a girl last time too (think its prob a woman thing), although i didn't really mind and wouldn't change my little man for the world now! Next time again i'd quite like a girl too, however i like the idea of alex having a brother and boys are awesome!! (not biased much ;)).

Do you guys think you'll find out the sex? I'm determined to stay team yellow next time, DH wanted to find out with alex and i wasn't convinced but in the end got really excited and found out, then after i felt like i had opened my xmas pressies to early :haha:. Some of me was a bit disapointed he wasn't a girl, but i think i'd have felt the same way it it'd been the other way round and i'd found out i wasn't having a boy! So next time i'm sticking to my decision of not finding out! once that baby is in my arms i won't care what sex it is, yet i might a little bit at 20wks. :D
Ohhh I love reading this thread :) Only thing is I get all excited about what I want to say back and then read through another pages of posts and get distracted by other things I want to say :)

Ylanda thats sounding so exciting!!!! I have no idea what symptoms are what when pregnant, but I'm guessing if it's different for you then it's a good sign!!! :) Ohhh I hope it is! You MUST keep us informed :) :)

Well I finally have a change on my ovulation stick thingys...a very definate dark line...have text husband to let him know he is guaranteed a bonk tomorrow :)

Caro I think I saw that once but couldnt remember what it was called!! I am def watching that tonight!!!! :)

If we get lucky I am determined not to find out the sex, I am sooo impatient though, hubs reckons I wont wait!!! To be honest, I don't think I will be able to, but will give it a shot :)

Loving the language we use on this one..I actually understand it :)
That's one thing I've always thought about, if i were ever pregnant i'd like the surprise at the end. I like peoples predictions and the old wives tales but think I would not find out as it would be my first so not an issue, boy or girl would be great!! Team Yellow :thumbup:
Ohhh I love reading this thread :) Only thing is I get all excited about what I want to say back and then read through another pages of posts and get distracted by other things I want to say :)

Ylanda thats sounding so exciting!!!! I have no idea what symptoms are what when pregnant, but I'm guessing if it's different for you then it's a good sign!!! :) Ohhh I hope it is! You MUST keep us informed :) :)

Well I finally have a change on my ovulation stick thingys...a very definate dark line...have text husband to let him know he is guaranteed a bonk tomorrow :)

Caro I think I saw that once but couldnt remember what it was called!! I am def watching that tonight!!!! :)

If we get lucky I am determined not to find out the sex, I am sooo impatient though, hubs reckons I wont wait!!! To be honest, I don't think I will be able to, but will give it a shot :)

Loving the language we use on this one..I actually understand it :)

ooh I have exactly that problem! read stuff and think i'll talk about that then i've forgotten by the next thread :dohh:, multiquote work well sometimes for that!

ooh get to bed ;), enjoy yourselves :lol:

I think i was a bit like that for number 1, far too impatient to wait, hence why i was convinced by DH :haha:. And with No.1 it really makes no difference what you get! although the girls clothes def have more choice :growlmad::haha:, but the boys toys are a bit more fun imo! although i'm buying my son a kitchen for xmas!
I played the game and died 3 times :('s a good job I'm the vagina in real life.....

Sorry Girls, found this whilst hunting for the programme and found it entertaing :)
I like it, no reason boys shouldn't play in the kitchen. Good training for the future!!

Before I discovered this site I didn't know ovulation sticks even exsisted much less what they were for!! I'm sure he's looking forward to tommorrow arriving, enjoy!! :happydance:
I LOVE this site :blush:, its been so great to chat to people about everything going on since ttc my son as apart from one friend and my DH no one knows we're trying again and no-one knew last time either! and now i've ventured back into the ttc forums but they seem to have gone way more hi-tec since then so ntnp is much better :)

lol elberry, i lost big time at that game too!
Hehe caro, I would but he's at work and is refusing to come home tonight, too much to do apparently-pah! :) I'll get him tomorrow :winkwink:

I know its quite bad but as much as as long as we have a healthy baby we probably dont mind, but I really would prefer a girl!! :( It's strange, I just can't see myself with a boy for some reason!!
We have a boys name decided though, have done since we were first together, girls names are a struggle!!! So it would be lovely to be able to use it, I think as long as I have a girly at some point :) But then I really want a boy too......... oh dear :)

Absolutely get those boys in the kitchen, my husband is a far better cook than me, though I bake more!
I will want to know the sex! I hate uncertainty more than anything (the reason I'm struggling with this waiting game) so I'd want to know, just to, well, know, I guess. Plus I'll want a little bit of colour coding going on (yes yes, an old traditionalist), and I want time to finalise the name etc. So yes, I'll ask to find out. :)

Playing right into my symptom-spotting hands, my husband just came in and literally the first thing he said was "Jeez, babes, your boobs look huge!". Damn him! I had a good look at my boobs in the bath I took earlier to ease the soreness (only worked while I was in there, the second I got up the hurt again...) and the area around my nipples looks noticeably darker. Is that anything to do with pregnancy?! Goodness me, someone roll on Sunday, I'm desperate to take this test!! ;)
omg ylanda you really are describing pregnancy symptoms! its def a sign nipples being darker, mine got more veiney too...anything like that going on!?

I prob won't have the boob signs this time cos i'm still breastfeeding my son :dohh:

and i reckon if you really wanna find out then its the best thing to do! its those like me who were sitting on the fence about whether to or not its not always the best plan. Although i did enjoy shopping for cute sets of dungarees etc:D
Oh my god ylanda!!!!!!! :) :) :)

You're so patient not to be doing a test already :)

I noticed your 16month breast feeding badge caro, thats great!! I really hope I'm able to without too much trouble :)

God I talk like I'm pregnant (or type rather) Must reel it in!!!!:wacko:
Nope, no veiny-ness but definitely darker. Aaaaaah, this is so bloomin nerve wracking! Roll on Sunday!

How are you managing to breast feed if you're working/he's at nursery? Sorry if this is a daft question...

When is it you usually find out the gender???
Haha, Elberry, I'm only patient because the test hasn't been delivered yet and I'm too tight to go out and buy another one. I deliberately got one off amazon to stop me from testing early. Even Sunday might be a tad early too test considering I don't know for sure how long my cycle will/would be...

Right, everyone, must calm down! One step at a time (says she who was looking at cloth nappy options today...)

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