Still no AF. Im officially late and no sign of it. DH took DS to do some running around this morning and I ended up passing out for 2 hours!!! I have been extremely thirsty, boobs still hurt, emotional, heartburn, I swear I see more veins on my boobs, and Im not cramping but I get more linke random twinges- if thats even a word. If I had to guess I would say I am, but I really dont know for sure. Another thing I have noticed, and this might be TMI, but I have IBS. I have for years. I frequently have loose bms- thats my normal. The past 2 days I have had only 1 solid bm each day. I know with my son I started like that and eventually got constipated- so that may be a sign for me. At this point I would be surprised if I got AF. This seems like a lot of stuff to just be in my head. I took an ANSWERS test this morning and those test are awful. They have a line on them straight from the package so I have no idea if I am seeing the line thats already on the test or if its slightly more pink. I took another wondfo test last night and it was slightly darker than the night before but still very light. I am going to test tomorrow with a dollar store test, the ones I got my BFP with my son on, and see what that says. I am not counting myself out until AF shows up.